The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 756 True and False

Chapter 756 True and False

"Jarvis is now, and it is the future." Stark summed up his expectations for the new generation of artificial intelligence in one sentence.

The towering giant tree that Hela planted with Ego's avatar seeds, the roots and branches flowing with endless energy inside constitute a huge neural network. Based on this, Stark edited the neural network of artificial intelligence, which is far more complicated than Hyper-Jarvis thinking neural network.

Although Greer couldn't understand it, he always felt that it was very powerful. Jarvis was already the world's number one artificial intelligence. He could hack the S.H.I.E.L.D. The plan to develop weapons for the Rubik's Cube in the universe is a mess, but now, Stark says that the new generation of artificial intelligence will remotely Jarvis, which is definitely a qualitative leap.

Thinking about it, Yi Ge's avatar seed, once germinated, can devour a planet, and Hela has remodeled it so that it can absorb the energy of the two worlds and gather it on itself.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to compare that towering tree to a large server, otherwise it would not be able to handle such complicated tasks at all.

It's just that I didn't expect that Stark could detect and analyze the magical tree that he had never seen before in such a fierce battle and critical moment, and collect enough data for him to complete the neural network of artificial intelligence. It can be said that it is Stark.

Now, the plans for the Iron Legion are in place, the artificial intelligence of the remote-controlled Iron Legion is also being designed and edited, and the first experimental satellite is about to be launched into the sky. It seems that everything is ready, but the most important problem remains. to be solved.

"Have you obtained permission?"

Stark asked without raising his head, "Do you think they will?"

The answer is rather questionable, but there is no idiot who can be on the stage, all of them are smarter than ghosts, can act better than movie stars, and they can go directly to the entertainment industry to become actors after they retire from the political circle. How could Stark be allowed to do such a grandiose thing? plan of.

These are not one or two Iron Man battle suits, but hundreds of armed satellite platforms, turning around above their heads. In addition to the steel suits, they are also equipped with detection equipment such as remote sensing cameras and optical imaging devices. , and weapons such as laser cannons.

The birth of the Mark 3 shocked the world. It immediately set off a frenzy of manufacturing steel suits. Various concepts about individual mechas were aroused. A mere Hanmer Industry who picked up other people's garbage, because of After the release of the Hammer drone, the stock skyrocketed, which shows how hot it is.

Once the Veronica system is exposed, I am afraid it will cause even bigger waves and set off a new round of space arms race, which is not an exaggeration at all.

No one is afraid of this sword of Damocles, how can it be allowed to turn around on the top of the head? The military has always been coveting the Iron Man suit, and they can't wait to drive the tank over to snatch the information of the Iron Man suit. , Wufeng still wants to set off a three-foot wave. Once people know that Stark is going to deploy space-based weapons, I am afraid that there will be another hearing.

Even if the group of old guys in Congress agree, there are other countries, won't they be worried that this space-based weapon system will be used against them?
Stark tapped his hands on the holographic console unhurriedly, and said: "Jarvis has been looking for Karma Taj for several months, but he has found nothing. Unless the house is built underground, don't try to hide from it." Satellite detection, and what you said about the temple last time."

"Idlers stay away," Greer said to Stark's 'science': "The location where the temple was built is the core of the leylines, and they are all in desolate places, but the city is developing very fast. The suburbs of those days are now all Downtown. If you can’t figure it out, you can probably receive ten waves of agents a day, asking if you’re considering selling the house, as for Karma Taj.”

Greer pondered for a moment before opening his mouth and said: "Kama Taj has been blessed by the mages of the past, and the space magic has almost made it an independent space. Do you want to use it on Veronica?"

"Is it possible?" Stark had this idea. According to Greer's previous description, Karma Taj has a vast area and a lot of buildings. It is not much smaller than a small town, but it can't be found everywhere. Towns are hidden, and Veronica Moon is no bigger than a truck.

"Well, I can try it on the second test machine." Greer is not sure if it will work. The biggest reason why artificial satellites are easy to detect is the solar wing, which has a high reflective area and reflectivity. It can be observed with the naked eye, so what Stark wants Greer to solve is the reflective problem of the solar wing.

"There's no need to wait for the second test." Stark said, picked up the decade camera and threw it to Greer, shouting, "Jarvis, immediately plan the route to the Avengers base."

"Okay, sir."

"What are you going to do at the Avengers base?" Greer didn't know why, so this was too action-packed, and he did what he said, without ambiguity at all.

"Make Veronica more perfect." Stark had already opened the door of the laboratory, without even changing his clothes, he went to the hangar downstairs, and was about to take the transport plane to set off.

When Stark walked down the stairs in a few steps, the Quin-type transport plane had slid out of the hangar and came to the take-off track, the hatch had also been opened, ready to be dispatched.

Greer followed behind and asked, "Are you going to stop launching Veronica?"

Stark sat in the driver's seat and said without turning his head: "The one floating on the equator is just a deep space exploration satellite, and it doesn't carry any powerful weapons."

"." Greer was stunned for a moment, and then gave Stark a thumbs up. He was cunning enough to launch a satellite with great fanfare, attracting people's attention, and then secretly sent Veronica up to avoid being caught by others. Track and observe and even destroy Veronica.

The hatch of the Quinjet transport plane was closed, and then slid outward on the take-off track. Greer sat on a chair and fastened his seat belt. Suddenly, as if feeling something, he turned his head and looked to the left. Only the receding alloy wall is less than [-] centimeters away from the Quin-type transport plane, and it may hit it if it shakes slightly.

At this time, the engine of the Quin-type transport plane started and sprayed downwards. The thrust produced caused the Quin-type transport plane to rise slowly. Greer once again felt as if something was passing by, this time to the right, but when he looked back, Still nothing, and Jarvis didn't respond.

"Illusion?" Greer rubbed his temple with his thumb. After coming back from the universe, he was extremely exhausted and woke up after not sleeping for a long time. Then he ran to Hong Kong to develop photos. It seems that he needs to rest well, otherwise I don't have the energy to think about what to do next.

(End of this chapter)

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