The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 73 Abomination VS Agito

Chapter 73 Abomination VS Agito
"But after being in the cage for a long time, it will become a docile cat and no longer a terrifying beast," Nick Fury said with no expression on his face, and said in a tone of no sadness or joy: "SHIELD Enough to deal with the internal affairs of the earth, the existence of the Avengers is a deterrent, letting other civilizations in the universe know that there are vicious lions on the earth."

Agent Hill on the side nodded in agreement. Like nuclear weapons, they are not used at all, but they will still cost a lot of money to maintain and manufacture. What they want is their deterrent effect. The throne of the five rogues is built with nuclear bombs into.

"Before the Avengers were established, they wanted to control them. After seeing how powerful the Avengers are united, I'm afraid they won't let go," Nick Fury stood up straight, looking at the distant sun, and said: "It doesn't matter if the Security Council disagrees with the right to freedom of action. Anyway, the Avengers plan is still on paper. The only candidate is our wishful thinking. Whether the other party is willing or not is another matter."

"Words of Stark"

"He has not been evaluated yet, and he is not included in the list for the time being. So far, only one person has passed the evaluation."

"You mean Rusov, dealing with the second Hulk and protecting citizens is indeed a good guy as Agent Wu said, but he..." Agent Hill hesitated to speak, so Stark needless to say, as a billionaire Millionaire has stakeholders in the military and the government, and even the S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot force it to join.As for this unknown Greer Rusoff, as far as the current performance is concerned, SHIELD can be said to be at a respectful distance. Therefore, there is not even a shadow of the so-called Avengers, and it is still unclear whether it can be established.

"So, the conditions for establishing the Avengers are not met now, neither the external environment nor the internal environment allow it, but it doesn't matter, I have waited for more than 20 years, and I don't care if I continue to wait." After finishing speaking, Nick Fury stood up straight body, walked towards the command platform, and began to command the return flight.

At this time, in Manhattan, thousands of miles away, the hate who was thrown into the wall on the second floor stretched out his arms, the brick wall that stuck his body was pulled away like rice paper, and the red brick was crushed like tofu into powder.

After breaking free from the confinement, Hate jumped down, his heavy body smashed two shallow footprints on the ground, and looked at this strange guy in strange clothes standing on the empty street with extremely fierce eyes. It's not as thick as his arms, saying 'weak chicken' is an insult to the word.

"Look at me smashing you!" Hate opened his mouth and ran forward with big strides. Every step made a deep footprint on the asphalt road. The car in front of him was easily smashed like a cardboard box. Mentioning it aside, nothing could stop him from moving forward.

Facing the rushing loathing, Greer didn't intend to dodge. He just stood there and stretched his legs. The dark golden agito head symbol immediately appeared on the ground under his feet.The energy of the earth gathered, making the pattern under the feet more and more shiny, the two dark gold metal rings on the ankles also lit up, and the horns on the top of the head went 'shua! ' With a soft sound, it opened to six.

Hate's incomparably huge body has been raised to the highest speed, like a heavy truck driving forward rapidly, nothing can stop him from moving forward, this momentum makes people feel that even a mountain in front of him can be knocked away by him.With his right hand, he grabbed a car that was bigger than him, and with the sound of metal twisting, he swung his arm and smashed the car towards Greer, who was standing on the street seven or eight meters ahead.

Greer's feet stepped on the ground suddenly, and the glowing patterns under his feet were all integrated into Greer's legs. His body leaped into the air, and in an instant, he surpassed the rolling and smashing car.

When the car rolled over and reached Greer's feet, the slightly curved left foot stepped down hard, stepped on the car, and stepped on the car that should have continued forward, straight down, 'bang! ' With a sound, it hit the front of another car, and immediately sank the front of the car, while Greer jumped up again with his strength, and jumped straight into the air at a height of more than 40 meters.

At this height, you can see the whole of Manhattan at a glance, and all the nearby buildings within a few hundred meters are trampled under your feet. In front of you are rows of buildings of different heights and neatly ordered streets, which have fallen to the horizon. The remaining red outline of the sunset is reflected in the Hudson River, which has the artistic conception of a long river with a sunset.


Greer's right leg, which had risen to the highest point, suddenly straightened, and all the gathered earth energy concentrated on Greer's right foot, causing Greer to fall downward at a super fast speed, stirring The surrounding airflow brings up a strong hurricane.

After Greer jumped up, the abomination raised his head, and Greer began to descend rapidly in the next second.Let the hatred roar like a roar: "Do you want to fight against God? You are too self-sufficient." Saying that, the hatred clenched the palm of the washbasin, bent his arms, and smashed against Greer's right leg .

The voice of hatred still reverberated in the air without dissipating, and they collided with each other with punches and kicks, 'Boom! ' There was a loud bang like an earth-shattering, and the sound wave spread, shaking all the nearby things. The buildings on both sides of the street were shaken to crack gaps of different sizes, and they ran for a hundred meters. People far away were shaken until their ears were ringing and their bodies were numb.

The blown air wave wiped out the blazing flames in an instant, countless broken glass, dust, and even the four cars that hated the surroundings were blown up, no weaker than a strong wind of force eight or nine.

The huge collision force made the right arm of the abomination swayed numb, and the feet could not help sliding backwards. The heels of the heels were like bulldozers, causing the asphalt and stones to roll out, forcing two ditches on the asphalt road. .

All the earth's energy gathered by Greer was transmitted to the fist of the abomination, causing the flesh on the fist to shatter as the abomination retreated.The energy continued to attack downwards, and the flesh and blood on his wrist and forearm also shattered and disintegrated one after another, as if an invisible meat grinder was scraping the flesh and blood on his arm.Gray-green blood sprayed around like a fountain, and several fine gaps were cracked on the half of the arm bone that had been stripped of flesh and blood.

But before the gray-green blood dripped onto the ground, the gaps in the bones healed, and then muscles, blood vessels, ligaments, etc. spread along the bones.When the first drop of blood fell on the ground, the entire arm returned to its original shape, and no wound could be seen.

After Greer succeeded in the knight's kick, he flipped back and landed on the ground with the force of the recoil. The horns on the top of his head remained open. The moment he touched the ground, the symbol of agito appeared on the asphalt road.

When the energy of the earth was gathering, Greer strode forward with his legs wide open, facing the falling hateful blood, all the energy of the earth was transmitted to his fists, his body leaned forward, his arms bent forward When it popped up, a pair of dragons went out to sea, and both fists hammered heavily on the chest of the abomination.

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 I wish all book lovers a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and a happy family reunion!

(End of this chapter)

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