The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 711 Star of Ego

Chapter 711 Star of Ego
In the vast and boundless universe, there are countless brilliant galaxies. Stars shining like diamonds dotted the dark night. Suddenly, there were slight ripples in one of the voids, and then there suddenly appeared a ship with a severely damaged shell. Spaceships that burst out sparks from time to time.

Rocket Raccoon holds the joystick in his left hand, and quickly taps the display screen with his right hand. He can also distract himself and look at a large piece of debris floating in the distance through the 'windshield' with several cracks.

"Oh, no!" Drax grabbed the handrail with one hand, looked at the continuous sea of ​​spaceship debris, and said, "We can't change the ship."

They ran back in hot pursuit. First, they didn't want to run into the fleet of remote-controlled spaceships on the Monarch Star. Second, they went to the Marauder's mothership to change ships. Third, they wanted to find the missing Star-Lord.

But what caught their eyes was countless steel fragments, which represented the complete destruction of the Predator mothership, and the spacecraft parked inside probably also fell into pieces. After all, there are no eggs under the overturned nest, and there is a galaxy cancer That's the end of the nicknamed Predator.

But this can't make Rocket Raccoon and the others feel happy or happy. Instead, there is a slight sadness. What is the fate of Yondu who stayed to help them block Ebony Maw? , He can still use the ejection device of the space suit to return, but if it is destroyed like this, the Star Lord, who should not be far away, will also be affected.

"Go, go inside and look for it." Gamora said blankly, and Rocket Raccoon sighed, pushed the joystick, accelerated and flew towards this sea of ​​debris, and then slowed down after approaching, so as not to hit the dazzling steel debris.

This ship has been severely damaged in the asteroid belt, and even the 'windshield' has cracks. If it hits a few more times, it may become a member of the debris sea. At that time, it will not be possible to save people. Take it in yourself.

The spaceship shuttled cautiously through the sea of ​​large and small steel fragments. Everyone stared wide-eyed and scanned the surroundings, for fear of missing any possible distress messages. Rocket Raccoon stared at the holographic screen, searching for Star-Lord communication signal.

"Huh?" Rocket Raccoon frowned, and turned his head to look to the left. He seemed to see a flash of light. Looking carefully, there was indeed a red light among the floating steel fragments. He immediately shouted: "I saw a red light. Light."

"I'll go!" Gamora said and walked towards the back cabin, grabbed a palm-sized round metal piece stuck on the wall, and slapped it on the back. The small and exquisite metal immediately shot out several rays of light towards the surroundings, weaving into a transparent space suit, covering Gamora's whole body.

After the air was pumped out, the hatch opened. Gamora kicked her legs vigorously and floated towards the place where the red light was shining. Pieces of steel fragments of different sizes floated by her side, as if she was in the Ganges full of rubbish. like swimming.

As the distance got closer, Gamora also saw the source of the red light clearly. It came from an L-shaped fragment of a predator spaceship with a length, width, and height of about 20 meters to 30 meters, which was rotating at a speed of five seconds. This is why the red light appears and disappears from time to time, and the red light is emitted from the chest of a half-lying blue-skinned man.

"Yondu?!" Gamora screamed, but she was also relieved, fortunately it wasn't Star-Lord.

Yondu was nailed to the wall by his sentry arrow, which is why he was not thrown from the fragment of the spinning ship. Enemy control kills.

Although they have never met each other before, Gamora still admires Yondu a little bit. He knows that he is not an opponent, but he is still willing to stay behind and buy time for them to escape in a spaceship. Just because of this, you can see that Yondu is not a bad guy ,instead.
Gamora stepped on the fragments of the spaceship, and was about to take Yondu back to prevent him from exposing his corpse to the universe, as a repayment for his kindness. Just as he bent down, he saw a few letters next to Yondu's right hand: EGO, and beside it A series of numbers.

"Ego?!" Gamora repeated the name, with surprise in his eyes, and said to himself, "What do you mean by writing this name?"

Yondu, who didn't know whether it was the coldness or the whistle arrow on his chest, couldn't answer her question at all. Gamora could only sigh in the end, carefully held the whistle arrow, pulled it out, and then grabbed Yondu's hand with his left hand, The right hand activated the hand-held portable spray device and flew towards the direction it came from.

Stepping back into the spaceship, just as the hatch was closed, Rocket Raccoon yelled: "Guys, look what I found, Mirano, yeah, I found her."

"You should look at me." Gamora said as he took off the portable spacesuit, walked over holding the sentry arrow, and said, "He is dead, leaving only the name 'Ego' and a string of numbers."

"Oh, damn it!" Rocket Raccoon cursed secretly, and just about to say something, his eyes suddenly lit up, and said: "He's back, it seems that the ugly guy has been dealt with."

Others heard the words and stepped forward, followed Rocket Raccoon's line of sight, and saw a figure in a white spacesuit flying towards here with a rocket in one hand, the joy of defeating Ebonmaw was slightly diluted dignified atmosphere.

Rocket Raccoon controlled the spaceship and approached the Mirano. It was in a relatively complete fragment of the spaceship. The only part of the spaceship that was seen was [-] meters away. It was obviously a corner of the hangar, so that the Mirano was not affected. At least the shell is still intact. When the time comes, switch the energy of this ship to the Milano, and it will be able to fly again.

Professional matters should be handed over to professional personnel.

So Rocket Raccoon jumped up and down and ran back and forth, first dismantling the shells of the two spaceships that were approaching, and then connecting the pipelines one by one. At any rate, Mora could help control the spaceship so as not to get too close.

As for Greer, he sat on a chair to rest, but looked at Yondu lying quietly on the cold floor. The warm spaceship thawed the ice on his body, but it couldn't wake him up again.

Unexpectedly, he was still dead, and he was still dead in the universe, but the time and place were different, as if everything was predestined, and it was unavoidable no matter what.

Gamora, who was sitting in the driver's seat and held the control lever with one hand, turned her head and said after hearing what Greer said about the relationship between Ego and Star-Lord: "That means Ego is the name of Quill's father, Why would you know?"

"It was because of me that I had a fight with Egg in Helm's Underworld, and it was quite difficult." Greer tapped his sore arms and legs, and said, "It was because I broke into the door that Egg drew, It fell into the mouth of that big octopus inexplicably."

Gamora took a deep look at Greer. This guy should have a lot of things to say, such as why he knew that Ego was Quill's father and could never fight. Showed a photo?

Why are there two other people fighting?Since Greer, who was able to fight, lost consciousness and was swallowed by the octopus monster, it is obvious that Ego is very strong, so why did the two strong men fight?
Before contacting Yondu, he once said that he was entrusted by someone to go to Earth to pick up Quill, and he shut up immediately when he said this. Obviously there are many stories in it, so the string of numbers he left behind made Kaka Mo La came to a speculative conclusion: "So this string of numbers is Egg's home address?"

"Maybe, but you may need to be prepared." Before Greer finished speaking, Rocket Raccoon's voice came from the communication channel: "What preparations? Repairing the spaceship counts?"

As soon as the sound fell, the tail engine of the Milano spewed out flames, flew out of the fragments of the predator spaceship, stopped behind the spaceship, and then opened the hatch, waiting for the moment for others to board the ship.

One minute later, the hatch of the Mirano was closed, and the spaceship that sheltered them from the wind and rain was discarded. Several people boarded the 'new' spaceship, rushed out of the sea of ​​steel fragments, and flew towards the distance , If we stay any longer, maybe the fleet of the Monarch Star or the fleet of Thanos will catch up.

In the fast-moving Milano, Greer was explaining to several people what he knew about Igo: "Quiel's father, Igo, is a planet, um, to be precise, a huge brain."

"What?" Rocket Raccoon felt that he heard the joke of the century, turned his head and asked, "How big is it? How did the brain get Quill's mother pregnant? Spraying the brain? Hahahaha!"

As he said that, Rocket Raccoon leaned forward and backward laughing, almost out of breath, but he kept saying, "Can you imagine? A brain spraying brains on a woman, ahahaha"


Amid Rocket Raccoon's wanton ridicule, Greer turned his head and said to Gamora: "Now I know why the two of them always quarrel."

"Shut up!" Gamora yelled at Rocket Raccoon, then took a deep breath, trying not to stab the nasty raccoon to death with his sword, and said, "What he said is true. Star Ge, a planet drifting in the universe, has no fixed orbit and no fixed speed."

Rocket Raccoon, whose beautiful fantasy was interrupted, asked rather annoyed: "Why do you know this?"

"Thanos has created a file, which contains a lot of strong people." As soon as Gamora said this, Drax couldn't wait to say: "Is there me?"


"I'm Groot!"



"Only strong men who can threaten Thanos will be included," Gamora emphasized again, glanced at Greer next to him, as if afraid of him asking again, and added: "I remember the people from Earth It's called Gu Yi."

"This is an incomplete list." Rocket Raccoon, who was not on the list, came to his conclusion.

Gamora glared at Rocket Raccoon, who wanted to interrupt all the time, and continued: "There are many legends about Star Egg in the universe, but most people who have witnessed it with their own eyes don't know that it is Star Egg, a living star. planet."

"It seems that Thanos doesn't have much trust in you. What you saw shouldn't be the most secret," said Greer on the side, "Ego can also transform into different creatures and take his eggshell spaceship, Running around in space."

"." Gamora couldn't help being stunned for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face, and then fell into deep thought, as if thinking seriously, and only remembered something after more than ten seconds, stood up abruptly, and said anxiously: "Isn't Nebula... No!"

"What's wrong?" Rocket Raccoon didn't laugh anymore when he saw this.

"I want to go back."

"What?" Greer felt that he had heard it wrong, and confirmed, "You mean back to Thanos?"

"Yeah!" Gamora nodded.

"Are you sure?" Drax also felt that there was something wrong with Gamora's brain. Thanos even sent someone to arrest her. If he didn't want to hide away, why would he throw himself into the trap?
"My sister Nebula is still with Thanos." Gamora's face was quite ugly. If Thanos never trusted her, then her and Nebula's little actions have always been under Thanos' surveillance , in this case, wouldn't Nebula be very dangerous.

"Can you kill Thanos when you go back?" Greer couldn't understand such a behavior of giving away his head.

"Guys, are we still looking for Quill?" Rocket Raccoon tapped the holographic screen with his right hand, entered the series of digital coordinates brought back by Gamora, and flew towards the nearest space jump point, ready to go there .

Only then did Gamora and Greer 'recall' the business, and Greer continued: "Ego's avatar planted his seeds on different planets, and once they germinated, they would devour that planet, but he couldn't do it alone. Such a great cause. Well, it’s like a battery can’t carry it, you need to add a few more.”

This metaphor made everyone understand the concept of "Quell is a battery" immediately, and also thought that the use of batteries will consume power, so what will happen if the power is exhausted?This question seems to give points.

"In that case, let's go." Rocket Raccoon said and shut down the propulsion engine, allowing the Mirano to move forward under the inertia.

"Go? Where to go?"

"Star Egg." Rocket Raccoon pushed the control lever violently, and the spaceship rushed forward suddenly, plunged into the void, the surrounding darkness turned into brilliant colorful, and then turned into darkness, and a barren landscape appeared below. Land, two strange-looking creatures, are entangled and fighting each other.

Before he could see it clearly, the environment turned into void again, and then changed again. He started to jump forward crazily in different spaces.

Greer hurriedly grabbed the seat belt and shouted at Rocket Raccoon: "What are you going to use to blow up Egg Star?"

There is something wrong with this guy, he said it was a planet, did he rush over to give away the head rashly?Or does this wrecking ship have weapons capable of blowing up a planet?

PS: At present, faiz has been upgraded to burst, agito has been upgraded to burn, wizard has been upgraded to full magic dragon, Kiva has been upgraded to magic emperor, Kaiwu has been upgraded to general, fourze has been upgraded to universe, and dragon knight has been upgraded to survival.

Supplement: Sometimes you will see "Outline" at the end of the chapter, it is for anti-theft. Although it is abandoned, it can still be used as anti-theft, and it will be changed back later.

(End of this chapter)

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