The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 71 The One Who Stands Out

Chapter 71 The One Who Stands Out

Uncle Jimmy turned his head to look at Hyde at the side, and said, "As I said, he is a good boy, well, the task of delaying time is over, let's leave quickly." Uncle Jimmy got on the motorcycle , Hyde and Daisy also sat on the back seat of the motorcycle, and drove towards the east side, away from the commotion behind.

At this time, the surroundings had become very noisy. The successive explosions and flames made people think that there were gunshots and car bomb attacks, and people ran towards the east side in a panic.

The traffic jam caused many people to leave their cars and run away on foot, but more people were still at home and didn't know what happened outside. Only people within 300-[-] meters near the explosion area heard the news. Loudly opened the window and looked outside, but the crowded buildings made their vision very limited, not to mention what happened in other streets, even this street could not see both ends.

However, among the crowd scrambling to escape, the person who passed by Banner before and glued a miniature bug to Banner did not show any panic. Climbing the stairs, pressing the miniature headset in his ear with his right hand, he said, "Sir, I am Level [-] Agent Grande Ward, a powerful humanoid monster has appeared here, and it is wreaking havoc in Chinatown, causing serious casualties." serious."

In a room with dozens of screens and computers, Agent Hill received a message from the scene, looked at the situation in Chinatown displayed on several screens, and said calmly: "I saw it, you immediately Go to the Samuel Stern laboratory, go to the third floor and take the blood sample, and someone will pick you up at the east intersection."

"Yes, sir!" Agent Ward in a gray windbreaker hung up the communication, quickly ran to the top of the building, threw a step forward, jumped up with the help of the spring, and jumped to the top of the building next to him. Then he pulled the rope back to pull the pedal back, and so on, jumped three buildings in succession, and reached the roof of Samuel Stern's secret base.

Pushing open the door on the third floor, what came into view were freezers containing a large amount of blood. Grant Ward took out a small and exquisite instrument, put it on the keyhole of the mechanical lock, and opened the lock with a twist , Take out two bags of blood samples of different concentrations in the cabinet, then close the cabinet door again, and continue to run to the next cabinet.

After blowing through the air-conditioned room like wind and clouds, I chose to take 3 bags of blood samples and put them in a box, and the work was completed in only [-] minutes.Turn around and quickly run back to the roof of the building, use the high-strength rope that he carried with him to descend to the back of the building, retract the rope and run to the predetermined location.

Follow the alley, climb over the wire mesh gate, come to the intersection, and jump into a black commercial vehicle with reflective film on the glass.Just when the car door was closed, the driver sitting in the driver's seat started the car. Before Grant Ward had time to catch his breath, he hurriedly transferred the blood samples in the box he was holding to two medical refrigerators.

A bag of blood samples of different concentrations was placed in each refrigerator, and one of the refrigerators was placed on the co-pilot, while I sat in the back seat with another refrigerator containing fifteen bags of blood samples, and from the beginning to the end and the None of the drivers had any communication.

At this time, the hatred is wreaking havoc on everything in front of him. The cars in front of him are like mud. They can be smashed to pieces with one slap and flattened with one foot. Steel is like this, let alone people. Yes, once you step down, there will be only a pool of meat sauce left.Wherever they passed, there was a mess, there were car wrecks burning with flames, human limbs and arms everywhere, and the originally black asphalt road was almost dyed red.

The nearby people desperately wanted to stay away from this terrifying monster, but their speed couldn't beat the abomination even on the empty street, not to mention that the street was blocked by vehicles and crowds, and they couldn't walk fast.

Desperate cries and screams for help mixed with explosions and hateful roars made this section of the street feel like hell.And these sounds made the abomination even more irritated. The Hulk serum not only enhanced the strength, but also enhanced all five senses. The sounds that are usually very subtle in human ears are very loud in the ears of the abomination.

Only crazy destruction can vent this irritability and make him feel better. Regardless of cars, street lights, pedestrians or trees, he would throw out whatever he picked up, but the pedestrians on the street and the buildings on both sides suffered.

The things thrown out are endowed with super fast speed. If it is a car, they can smash a hole in the wall, reminding the people in the house in a special way that something happened outside.

And on the roof of a five-story building a hundred meters away from where Hyde lived, Greer, who was wearing decadent armor, stood on the edge, looking at the abomination on the street more than ten meters away, he didn't know why Why did the abomination that was supposed to fight in Harlem appear here, but now I don't want to explore the reason at all, I just want to kill the abomination.

In just a few seconds of rushing here, Greer saw more than a dozen people died unexpectedly, and not even a single body could be found. How many people were killed by hatred before is completely uncountable, after all, flat Who can tell how many people are in the flat car?

Since crossing, Greer has killed no less than a hundred people, but none of them are kind, all of them are vicious gangsters and thugs.But what I hate now is the wanton killing, just like those school bullies who always like to bully the honest students in the class because of their tall stature. The thrill of fear.

"It's impossible to act recklessly. When being bullied, I always want someone to stand up and stop it, so let me be the one who stands up." Greer whispered and raised his left arm , the knight card box at the waist automatically opened, and an agito KR card popped out and flew into Greer's hand, Greer stuffed it into the driver of the belt, then jumped up and completed the transformation in mid-air .

At this time, Abomination was stepping on the front of a car, leaving a big hole in the front of the car, leaning forward, grabbing the roof with both hands, and tearing the roof apart with a random pull.This unacceptable scene and Hate's ugly appearance scared a middle-aged black woman and a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy in the car to scream in horror, but their voices made Hate's face show anger, Immediately, he raised his basin-sized palm and patted it down, preparing to eliminate the source of the noise.

The huge palm is like a cattail fan, blowing 'hoo!call! The sound of the wind was only halfway down, and a leg with a golden metal ring on the ankle was reflected in the eyes of the two people who were terrified, and kicked on the palm of the hatred, kicking it off the original track.

(End of this chapter)

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