The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 709 Home Field Advantage

Chapter 709 Home Field Advantage
In the spaceship with a hole in the east and a hole in the west, Gamora has urgently repaired the damaged left-wing propulsion system with the assistance of coolie Drax and Groot, allowing Rocket Raccoon to maximize the speed of the spaceship. It is the largest and shuttles flexibly among the stationary asteroids.

A large group of small spaceships followed behind this very tattered and unattractive spaceship, chasing and beating each other, causing this special fleet to leave behind countless metal fragments, some of which were originally stopped. The bouncing stone moved slowly again.

"Ahahaha!" Rocket Raccoon regained his arrogance at the helm. While controlling the spaceship and flying out a dazzling trajectory, he taunted the chasing troops behind him. In Rocket Raccoon's mouth, the guys behind him Flying technical garbage is not even qualified to be thrown into the trash can.

But he does have the capital to brag, one bear and one ship, and one or two thousand small spaceships can't catch up. Yu Du couldn't set up an encirclement circle, but it was enough to prove that Rocket Raccoon's driving skills were indeed worthwhile.

Running, Rocket Raccoon caught a glimpse of a spaceship flying alone in the universe by the detector, and approached there intentionally or unintentionally, and saw the magic spaceship rushing forward at Ebony Maw at high speed.

The special glass in the cockpit locks that area, and then zooms in through the optical telescope, allowing Rocket Raccoon to see a person in a light blue space suit, holding a white stick, and smashing the magic spaceship crazily. Even sharp turns and rolls couldn't get rid of him.

"I like this." Drax looked brightly, admiring this attack method of violently smashing the enemy, and at the same time, he was already pondering in his heart, whether to use a big iron rod, and fighting with a stick seems to be more powerful than The two small daggers are refreshing.

"He's changed again!" Rocket Raccoon is no longer surprised. He hasn't been with Greer for a long time, but he has seen him change several sets of armor.

Gamora, who has received years of elite education, saw more things, and said with some surprise: "His strength has increased a lot, and he can still do it."

After that, Gamora swallowed back, just wondering in his heart whether Greer had obtained the space gem, and then wondered if he was also collecting the Infinity Stone, and the Cosmic Orb was taken out of Greer's hand, almost It means that the power gem is in his hands, and the current 'teleportation' attack method really makes people doubt whether there is a space gem.

And their shock was based on the pain and anger of Ebony Maw. Ebony Maw had already driven the speed of the magic spaceship to the maximum, but it still couldn't get rid of this guy like a tarsal maggot. The stick hit it, causing the magic spaceship to deflect further, but if it didn't speed up, it would be hit by him more times.

Ebony Maw didn't want to admit painfully that he could only choose one of 'remote' and 'more'. He had exhausted his methods. He had tried single-target magic and group attacks more than ten times, but he couldn't touch it. A corner of Greer shattered a lot of rocks, but there were only rocks inside, and nothing strange popped out.

'Boom! 'The sound came to Ebony Throat's ears, and at the same time, there was a violent vibration from the soles of the feet, and then the body suddenly tilted to one side, and the spaceship shifted more than ten meters abruptly, but Ebony Throat was a little numb, and even Silently count '21 times' in my heart.

No matter how he increases the casting speed, Greer can easily dodge with 'teleportation', and even use the mind-guided magic skill to 'return the carbine' to no avail. Spiritual attacks can't penetrate the opponent's strange armor , For the first time, Ebony Throat had the feeling of 'poor donkey skills'.

When a mage is approached by a fighter, he is still an assassin-type fighter, so when he is holding on to the magic shield, he can recall the horrible years of the past and wait for the moment to play GG.

And Ebony Maw was still struggling, and had to admit that he really couldn't beat this space warrior, so he asked the fleet under his command to give up chasing Gamora, and all to support him, in order to escape and ascend to heaven, and then plan other things.

After the order was issued, more than a dozen transport-type donut spaceships began to accelerate immediately, and the fly-type spaceships that were chasing Gamora and attacking the Monarch fleet also immediately abandoned their opponents, turned around, and flew towards Ebony Maw.

The sudden withdrawal of a large number of fleets not only stunned Rocket Raccoon and the others, but also stunned Monarch Star. Isn't it rumored that Thanos's men are not afraid of death?Why did they all run away all of a sudden?

The commander had no choice but to ask the High Priest Ayesha whether to let the fleet pursue it. Before doing so, the High Priest Ayesha would not hesitate at all. The changes in the asteroid belt made the high priest Ayesha shrink back, and finally gave up the pursuit, so as not to unite with the powerful Thanos army for a deep hatred, so he only let the fleet continue to chase Rocket Raccoon.

As a result, the two fleets that were fighting each other just now seem to have reached a consensus at this meeting, and they stopped flying to their respective targets, which made Rocket Raccoon very upset. Is it over?
Gamora was worried about Greer, and said: "It seems that Ebony Maw can't hold it anymore, this is the first time I've seen him so embarrassed."

"Then let's join in the fun." Rocket Raccoon said, and was about to turn to fly to Greer's side, so as to attract the Monarch Star Fleet following behind him, so that the two fleets would fight again, reducing the pressure. Riel's pressure.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to resist the overwhelming fleet. Didn't look at him—the best spaceship pilot in the universe, but also use technology to shake off the flies behind him, instead of turning back and being tough?

But as soon as his spaceship started to turn, several people heard Greer's voice: "No, just watch from there, this is the universe."

At the same time as Greer's voice sounded, he also disappeared suddenly. Ebony Maw was so frightened that he hurriedly strengthened the magic barrier, but he didn't receive the expected attack. He looked around beside a donut spaceship that was approaching, and saw Greer.

I saw the No. 1 astronomical switch and No. 3 astronomical switch on the black armor on Greer's chest light up, a rocket appeared on his right hand, and a drill bit made of high-strength titanium appeared on his left foot. The rocket jet pushed Greer to rush towards Tiantian Circle the spaceship, under the blessing of speed, the high-speed rotating drill bit penetrated the shell instantly, and then rushed all the way in.

The moment he got into the donut spaceship, the No. 10 astronomical switch—the electric power (Elek) was turned on, causing Greer to glow with intense electric light, and rushed in all directions, frantically destroying all the instruments and equipment along the way. personnel.

The donut spaceship in flight started from the drilling point, and burst into flames. After the explosion, the hull of the ship was split apart. After Greer rushed out of the donut from the other end, the whole ship was getting stronger and stronger. It fell apart in a violent explosion.

The spaceship here is still collapsing, Greer disappeared and appeared next to another donut spaceship, the No. 20 astronomical switch on the chest - the fire (fire) lights up, and the Holy Sword of Barry in his hand is wrapped in raging flames , stabbing into the shell of the donut spaceship.

Compared with a spaceship with a diameter of 300 meters, the holy sword of Bali is not much bigger than an embroidery needle, but it is this tiny embroidery needle, which bursts out flames, but ignites the entire spaceship in an instant. After Jianfei flew to the next spaceship, the donut spaceship filled with flames exploded, turning into countless fragments and flying towards the surroundings.

Ebony Throat in the distance stared blankly at one of his spaceships being destroyed with ease. He didn't even organize a few effective attacks. He was tortured and killed just like that. He still used different attack methods. Obviously he was still testing He attacks with his fleet.

The construction of more than a dozen donut spaceships took decades, costing countless materials and money, but in just a hundred seconds, they turned into countless cosmic garbage and drifted in all directions. Standing proudly in the void of the universe, the holy sword set its sights on the fleet of fly-shaped small spaceships that were firing wildly at him.

Greer flicked the Barry Holy Sword in his hand, and the rocket-shaped sword body opened from the middle, and the white arrow body turned downward until it merged with the hilt, doubling the length of the hilt , revealing the long sword with light blue blade and golden blade inside.

After switching the Holy Sword of Bali into the slashing mode, Greer immediately held it horizontally in front of him, as if a huge attraction emanated from the sword, and all the light beams emitted by the fly-shaped spaceship changed their trajectories, heading towards Barry's holy sword flew over, bumped into the sword body, and blended into it, adding luster to the light emitted by the sword body.

The fly-shaped spaceship attacked crazily as it approached, wave after wave of light beams, densely attacking, but was completely sucked up by Barry's holy sword, but the light emitted by the sword body became more dazzling. Even the intestines can think that this is absorbing the energy of the attack.

But Ebony Throat did not see this scene. After seeing Greer easily solve one-third of the donut spaceship, he immediately let the magic spaceship rush to the space jump point at the fastest speed. I clearly realized that there is no way to fight this guy in the universe.

This has nothing to do with the difference in strength, it is really a big influence at home, just like how strong Captain America is, but in the water, any fish will swim longer than him. If you unplug your network cable, no matter how strong you are, can you still fight with your mind?

Now Ebony Maw is facing such a situation. He has magical skills, which cannot be used in the universe at all, because there is no medium for him to borrow, and if he leaves the space suit and spaceship, he will die without fighting.

But on the other hand, the opponent is like a fish in water, moving in the universe as fast as lightning, and the unknown armor on his body is stronger than any space suit that Ebony Throat knows, and it has become the opponent's home field. , very aggrieved, the aggrieved ebony throat wanted to vomit blood.

When Ebony Maw was escaping, Greer's Holy Sword of Bally had also accumulated massive amounts of energy. The light emitted by the sword was brighter than the sun. Anyone who was not blind would be aware of the bad situation, causing the Fly Fleet to stop. attack, so as not to continue to send 'warmth' to the other party.

The Chitauri stopped, but Greer moved. He waved the dazzling Barry Holy Sword vigorously in his hand. The absorbed light beam attack instantly transformed into a series of highly condensed light blades, roaring towards the distance. The Chitauri fleet is less than a hundred kilometers away.

'boom!boom!boom! '

Small spaceships were hit by palm-sized light blades, and exploded instantly. Although the vacuum was silent, the spectacular scene of hundreds of spaceships exploding together far surpassed any fireworks show on Earth. The people of the Monarch Star e-sports club stared round, they couldn't believe that someone could destroy two or three hundred small spaceships in one go.

The commander immediately wanted to ask the high priest Ayesha, but saw that the high priest Ayesha was also standing dumbfounded. These are two or three hundred spaceships, occupying an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, and they all turned into cosmic garbage just like that. , Can personal force be so strong?

The High Priest Ayesha stood stupidly, but her eyes became brighter and brighter. If Monarch Star had such a strong man, no monsters would need to hire those damn thieves.

If everyone on Monarch Star can be so strong, then the whole universe will tremble in front of Monarch Star, and by then
The High Priest Ayesha was so excited by her fantasy, she wished she could try out her strengthening plan right away.

Greer, who wiped out hundreds of spaceships with a single sword, turned his eyes to the Monarch Star Fleet who was chasing Rocket Raccoon crazily. The Barry Holy Sword in his hand closed and switched back to jet mode. His figure disappeared in a blink of an eye. When he reappeared , has returned to the spaceship driven by Rocket Raccoon.

He raised his hand and lightly tapped the No. 1 astronomical switch and No. 32 switch on his chest, and a missile launcher appeared on his right foot, and then ice-blue missiles spewed out like Gatling machine gun bullets. The speed was astonishing. Only the Kryptonian who controlled the remote-controlled spacecraft saw a missile approaching, and the missile exploded with a loud bang.

But what bloomed inside was not flames, but strong cold air. A thick layer of ice formed on the golden spaceship in an instant, and it instantly turned into a hockey puck.

"Oh!" Rocket Raccoon turned his head and watched the ice balls pass by the spaceship one after another. Some hit the asteroid and were smashed to pieces, while others passed through the gap between the asteroids and flew into the vast space.

Maybe at some point, a civilization that has just stepped out of its home planet will capture such a hockey puck and discover the alien spaceship inside, so that this nascent civilization no longer has to search, imagine, or discuss the existence of alien civilizations. .

PS: I recommend a copy of "Hokage Earned by Blood at the Beginning". If you like Naruto, you can read it. The author is an old author, and the quality is still guaranteed.

Introduction: A poor family
a passing soul
a monster system
And, start with an old grandma?
(End of this chapter)

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