Chapter 704
Groups of colorful light bullets pierced through the void of the universe one after another, and small and expensive spaceships instantly turned into solid metal balls, and were also magnetized by the strong magnetic force of the magnetic pole cannon, becoming true magnets.

As for the pilot inside, the moment he was hit by the magnetic pole cannon, he was already killed by excessive radiation, and then became part of the collapsed metal ball, maintaining the speed when he was hit, and continued to fly forward.

However, as more and more small spaceships are hit by the magnetic pole cannon and become strong magnets, the magnetic field becomes stronger and stronger, causing great interference to the surrounding small spaceships. If it got too close, the instrument would fail.

However, these spaceships are not just for being beaten and not fighting back. After realizing that Greer can kill in one hit, the Chitauri pilot controls the spaceship to evade flight up, down, left, and right, trying to prevent the enemy from locking on to the attack. The attack device on the bow , and fired orange light bullets at Greer in the distance.

The quality is not enough, and the quantity is enough. A single small spaceship is vulnerable in front of Kamen Rider Fourze, but hundreds of spaceships attack together, firing waves of light bombs, densely lit up Gray Greer's vision made it impossible for Greer to stay in place to attack as he did at the beginning, and the jet device on his back started to work, pushing Greer to fly upwards.

The U-shaped magnetic pole cannon runs under the control of the magnetic poles attached to the arms, and follows Greer to soar in the universe. When it absorbs enough energy, it will lock on to a spaceship and launch an attack, turning it into a magnetic ball.

When Greer controls the magnetic pole cannon to run and attack, he will change the flight trajectory from time to time, so that he always hovers outside the attack angle of most small spaceships. In this way, only a small number of spaceships can lock onto the grid Riel launched an attack, while the other spaceships were still in the process of adjusting their flight angles and locking on.

Kite flying tactics are widely used, not only can be used to sneak bosses, but also can be used to lure mobs, and now these fly-headed spaceships have become mobs kited by Greer, unable to catch up or hit them. Instead, Greer, who was quite nimble, used the magnetic pole cannon to call them one by one, turning them into metal balls, maintaining the original trajectory and speed, and flying in different directions.

It seems that Greer's 'rolling' one by one is very powerful, and it is also very easy to turn individual spaceships driven by Chitauri bio-soldiers into metal balls. It can't be caught in a short while, not to mention that these are spaceships, which have fast speed and strong attack, and their defense is almost weak.

Greer calculated in his mind that destroying a single spaceship requires three steps of gathering energy, locking, and attacking, plus the time-consuming to avoid these spaceships, it takes about five seconds, that is to say, hundreds of spaceships The spaceship needs to consume him for an hour or two, and this does not take into account the physical and mental consumption.

"Damn it!" Greer cursed secretly in his heart. He always felt that he had a lot of attack methods, but now he found that there were still shortcomings, especially the group attack skills beyond visual range, which were almost nonexistent.

This is just a very small fleet of Thanos' army, so Greer has to use kite-flying tactics to deal with it. If Thanos's entire army attacks, I'm afraid they won't even have to fight. Thinking about it this way , it was really a fluke to defeat Ronan last time.

If it hadn't been for a central flower that entered the interior of the Dark Star, if they really fought in battle, even with the Power Gem, they probably wouldn't be able to eliminate Ronan so easily.

"By the way, the center is blooming." Greer's eyes lit up, and he thought of a good idea. He immediately touched the knight card box at his waist with his left hand, took out a knight card from it, and inserted it into the Neo decade drive:

"Attack Ride Rider Choudenji Bomber!"

The U-shaped magnetic pole cannon stopped with Greer, and endless energy poured into the magnetic pole cannon, causing the red and blue barrels to shine brightly, emitting intense electric light towards the middle, and converging together into electromagnetic energy bombs.

As more and more energy is injected, the electromagnetic energy bombs become bigger and brighter, and the individual spaceships of the Chitauri are getting closer, and they launch a ball of fire towards Greer. Energy light bomb.

But Greer didn't intend to dodge. Instead, he raised his arms and began to draw a circle in front of him, quickly building a space gate, so that all the light bullets that were going to hit him fell into the space gate, and none of them could touch the space gate. Met Greer.

"Come on, let me show you a big baby." Following Greer's whisper, electromagnetic energy almost half the size of Greer was ejected and flew into the space gate. All the energy light bullets that enter it are attracted.

When Greer closed the space door in front of him, he immediately started to build a new space door. The coordinates were in front of the Chitauri spacecraft. The moment the dense spaceships passed by, small space doors suddenly opened in the dark cosmic void. , Fist-sized electromagnetic energy bombs flew out of it.

In the different space, using the principle of calculus, the large electromagnetic energy bombs are divided into a large number of small shells, and then the energy light bombs launched by the Chitauri spacecraft are attracted by a strong magnetic field, and the two are integrated into one, and then from the space The door flew out, attracted by the magnetic force, and flew towards the passing spaceship.

In the void of the universe without a conductive medium, the explosion is silent. A Chitauri individual spaceship hits the sudden electromagnetic energy bomb, explodes, and becomes countless fragments, like an asteroid belt. Even if a passing spaceship collides with a spaceship the size of a little finger, it will cause great damage.

Greer, who was watching from a distance, saw a quite spectacular scene, densely packed spaceships were flying, suddenly a large number of balls of light appeared between the ranks, and then the spaceships turned into fireballs, and then more spaceships collided with steel fragments, some It even exploded directly.

To break it down, Greer's electromagnetic energy bombs did not destroy as many spaceships as scattered steel fragments.

The spacecraft that survived the disaster and did not crash into the 'asteroid belt' formed by steel fragments hurriedly turned around, but this deceleration did not have time to take care of Greer, so Greer took the opportunity to let the magnetic pole energy cannon fly at the fastest speed. The rate of fire is named one by one, and this time a missile launcher and a six-barreled Gatling gun are added to shoot together.

After the Chitauri reorganized the fleet, they quickly activated the spray device on the back, started to move and shoot, prepared for a while to recover their energy and mental strength, and then continued to repeat the calculus space gate experiment just now.But at this moment, Greer saw a lot of bright lights behind the Chitauri small fleet, hitting individual spaceships one after another, and countless fragments were flying in the flames.

The sudden attack from the rear caused the Chitauri fleet to become chaotic again. Some wanted to carry out Ebony Maw's order to continue attacking Greer, while others wanted to turn back to defend. In the midst of the chaos, another dense wave of light beams flew from behind , blowing up dozens of Chitauri spaceships again.

Looking carefully through the firelight, a streamlined spaceship is rapidly heading in this direction. Rocket Raccoon is sitting in the cockpit, with one hand driving the latest spaceship he found in the Predator Mothership, and the other hand Controlling the weapon to attack the Chitauri in front, he was still roaring wildly, venting his inner anger.

In the back seat, Gamora quickly clicked on the holographic projection, and used the radar on the spacecraft to find and contact the missing Star-Lord, but no matter how he called, he couldn't find the signal of Star-Lord, so Gamora There was a rare look of anxiety on his face.

Drax, who was bleeding from several wounds on his red skin, did not treat the wounds, but stuck to the window of the ship, staring at the smaller and smaller predator spaceship behind him, hoping that another spaceship would come from inside. Flying out, all you can see is more and more vigorous flames and more and more intensive explosions.

Suddenly, a spaceship exuding four-color light rushed out of the predator spaceship, cutting the predator spaceship from the middle like a sharp sword, and then several donut spaceships also penetrated the predator spaceship, heading towards this The dilapidated spaceship that rushed over immediately fell apart.

"He's catching up." Drax yelled, and he knew who it was without mentioning the name.

"Damn it." Rocket Raccoon cursed secretly, accelerated quickly, and flew in the direction of Greer, and asked Gamora to check the nearest space jump point, ready to catch Greer and escape here as soon as possible.

"Maybe we can go back to Monarch," Gamora said in a low voice, "The Thanos Legion is notorious in the universe, and no planet wants them to approach."

"Good idea, I hope we can stick to it." Rocket Raccoon said as he pulled the joystick, causing the spaceship to roll 360 degrees to the left, narrowly dodging a brilliant light beam from behind.

He has been paying attention to the distance between the two sides. The pursuit battle started for a few seconds, and the distance of Ebony Maw was shortened by one-tenth. The performance difference of the spaceship is not ordinary.

Drax, who was acting as a human observation post, stared at the rear, and saw that the magic spaceship with the ebony throat started to flicker again, and hurriedly shouted: "He's coming again."

Rocket Raccoon hastily pulled the joystick to make the spaceship start to roll, but the magic spaceship didn't fire the light beam immediately as before, but waited for half a second before launching the predictive light beam, which was at the point where the spaceship landed.

At this moment, a space door suddenly appeared at the tail of the spaceship, and then a red and blue beam of light flew out of it, colliding with the light beam emitted by the magic spaceship of Ebony Throat.

The aftermath of the collision of the two energies caused the colliding Rocket Raccoon and their spaceship to shake, which was more uncomfortable than encountering strong air currents. Rocket Raccoon gritted his teeth and refused to attack the Chitauri individual spaceship. Holding the joystick, try to stabilize the spacecraft.

'Boom! '

There was a crashing sound from the top of the boat, as if something had landed on it, and then Greer's voice sounded in Rocket Raccoon's headset: "Go, I'll block them."

Hearing this again made Rocket Raccoon's paws tighten. Yondu, who said this before, has yet to fly out of the broken Marauder spaceship.

The moment the sound sounded, a red and blue light beam was emitted from the top of the ship, flying towards the magic spaceship of Ebony Maw, and then five missiles and a large number of bullets flew towards the individual Chitauri spaceship coming from all around.

Rocket Raccoon held the joystick with both hands, and used his skillful skills to control the spaceship to dodge left and right, flip up and down in the encirclement, and rush to the space jump point not far away at the fastest speed.

The full-speed shooting of the magnetic pole cannon consumes energy like water, and the cosmic electromagnetic waves absorbed by the S pole and N pole of the arms are not enough to supply and consume, so that the energy of the knight card is rapidly consumed, even with the missile launcher and six Regardless of the Gatling gun, it is not enough to intercept all incoming attacks.

In just seven or eight seconds, this brand new spaceship was hit several times, the left wing was damaged, the hull was injured in many places, and even the speed was affected, so it couldn't last long.

But finally rushed to the space jump point, before entering it, Greer let out a long sigh of relief, raised his hands, clenched his four fingers, and made a general universal gesture to Ebony Maw, who was already catching up. gesture.

Rocket raccoon overloaded the propulsion engine, controlled the spaceship and slammed into the space jump point, and roared like venting: "Brother is the best pilot in the universe. If you want to catch up with me, go back and learn."

Before the words were finished, the spaceship had passed through the space jumping point and came to the other end, and saw densely packed golden spherical airships and the relay communication center under construction.

"Oh, ¥%¥...%¥!" Rocket Raccoon's remaining words turned into cursing, and he had a new understanding of the stinginess and grudges of the people on the Monarch Planet. Funding to build a relay center for cross-space communication, so that their remote-controlled spacecraft can continue to chase Star-Lord and the others through the space jump point.

This is simply like flying an aircraft carrier to fish, driving a Rolls-Royce to carry passengers, and growing vegetables with Philico water so extravagantly that Rocket Raccoon can't understand this kind of behavior at all.

The fleet of the Monarch Star was still gathering, and suddenly a spaceship flew out, making the High Priest far away at the control center of the Monarch Star frowned, and was about to tell the spaceship to go away quickly, but found that the man driving the spaceship seemed to be Offend her rat.

The high priest was overjoyed and shouted angrily, "It's him, it's him, it's him."

In the control center like a game city, the golden men were chatting in twos and threes, waiting for the order to be issued, and then started playing the game, but heard the roar of the high priest, and the photo of Rocket Raccoon projected on everyone's screen.

Then, all the golden men hurriedly jumped onto their 'game positions', started the spaceship with the fastest speed, and killed the enemies of the high priest to get the first victory.

The group of remote-controlled spaceships began to move in disorder, and spaceships rushed out one after another at the space jump point, first the donuts, then the little fly spaceship, and finally the ebony-throated magic spaceship.

(End of this chapter)

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