The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 65 Boss, to grab or not to grab

Chapter 65 Boss, to grab or not to grab
In the early morning, Greer walked out of the room yawning, washed up and went downstairs, wearing earphones, listening to music and starting the morning jog along the street.Even though he can transform into a Kamen Rider, Greer has never stopped training himself to make himself stronger.

After all, his armor is not like Stark's steel suit that can be controlled by the artificial intelligence butler Jarvis.

Everything is controlled by himself, and how much strength he can display depends on Greer's level.It's like just coming to this world, one punch and one kick just hit two little bastards on the ground, replaced by the current him, one kick would be absolutely dead.

I ran for 10 minutes at a speed comparable to a 4-meter sprint, and ran around the surrounding neighborhood for about four or five kilometers.But Greer's breathing was just a little thicker, and in the fat house body of the previous life, he was already too tired to crawl.And he didn't wear a decade belt yet, and he ran the whole course with his own physical fitness, otherwise, three to four minutes would be enough to complete a lap.

When he was about to run to Uncle Jimmy's restaurant, Greer slowed down, walked back slowly, let the muscles that had been running for a long time rest for a while, and let himself catch his breath by the way.Walking here slowly, reaching out for the phone, browsing Youtube, and scrolling through Facebook. In the past, it took a lot of effort to find an agent to get over the wall, but now it’s so easy.

When he walked to the door of Uncle Jimmy and was about to put away his mobile phone, Greer caught a glimpse of a piece of news at the bottom of the screen: A bomb attack occurred at Corvoy College, killing and injuring dozens of soldiers who were going to deal with the dangerous situation. Waugh College is still under blockade, looking for whether there are still bombs. The picture shows the school gate being pulled by the blockade and the police officers standing guard.

Greer unknowingly stopped, looked down at the phone, clicked on the title to open the news, and quickly browsed through the news at a glance.This familiar name made Greer dig out the memory hidden deep in his mind: "Corwall Academy? The movie that the army participated in is "Invincible Hulk"."

Before the Kiritas invaded the Twist, the only Marvel movie I watched in my previous life involved military casualties was the plot of General Ross chasing the Hulk.The story of the Abominable and the Hulk splitting the contract obviously happened after "Iron Man 2". Now that the Stark Industries Expo has not yet opened, why did the Hulk pop out?

"Maybe it's really just a bomb attack. After all, there is money here, not to mention bombs, even rockets are not a problem." Although I thought so in my heart, with the example of Thor's early arrival, the original plot can only be used as a reference. , and can't believe it all, even if the Hulk and the abomination break up the contract in advance, it's nothing to be surprised about.

Taking off the earphones and putting them in his pocket together with the phone, when Greer walked into Uncle Jimmy's shop, he was still thinking about how many points he would get if he killed the abomination. Twenty days ago, he kicked the Iron Tyrant into scum, but gave him 20 points, which is worth four or five Frost Giants.

No matter how you say it, Hate is much stronger than Iron Overlord, and the points he gives are not doubled by three or four times. These days, the points accumulated by killing gangsters and the previous ones are already close to [-] points. If there are another [-] points, He dared to exchange Faye's card.

"Do you want to grab this boss? Wait a minute, can I beat him? Well, let's see the situation first, give full play to the spirit of guerrilla warfare, grab it if you can't beat it, and run if you can't beat him." Greer thought in his heart. Little abacus, unconsciously, he has changed from trying to avoid at the beginning to wanting to participate, which is more of a change in mentality brought about by the increase in strength.

Greer, who was in the late stage of OCD, hadn't figured out what to do until breakfast.Go for it, because you are afraid of being noticed, so you can't play in a low-key way; if you don't go, you are not reconciled, after all, such a big boss is hard to come by, and defeating this boss is worth as many miscellaneous soldiers.

"Here we come, steaming steamed buns and tofu nao." Uncle Jimmy's voice came from the kitchen before he arrived, followed by the smell of steamed buns, which made Greer immediately throw away his entanglements. Afterwards, start to enjoy the delicious three fresh steamed stuffed bun and salty bean curd.

While Greer was feasting, Uncle Jimmy was not in a hurry to eat, but said earnestly: "The SSAT exam is at the end of the month, how are you preparing?"

"?" A question mark appeared in Greer's head, and then he remembered that Uncle Jimmy had said it a long time ago.But for the past half month, he has been busy fighting against Frank's criminal gang, so he has long forgotten about it, and he can't even remember it unless Uncle Jimmy mentions it.

Can he say that many, many people have been killed, but he hasn't read a single word of the book?No, I haven't bought any of the books on Uncle Jimmy's list, and I don't know where the bookstore is.

Seeing Greer's bewildered expression, Uncle Jimmy sighed deeply, and then began to babble about 'learning to change your destiny' and 'you can't learn from those punks on the street who don't want to make progress'.

I heard that Greer is one head and two big, but there is no way to refute it. If there is no decade drive, what Uncle Jimmy said is absolutely correct. This country full of discrimination is even more difficult than in China, and only those white people have better education and ability to get a good job.

Uncle Jimmy is also kind-hearted, not a relative, but he has always cared about him so much, taught him how to survive in this place, only charged a little living expenses, but gave him super good food.This nagging is also to make Greer have a good future. You don't have to go to the government department to do something like him. When people see that you are not white, they will be extremely impatient and don't even want to say anything.

It wasn't until the end of breakfast that Uncle Jimmy ended his nagging, and just when Greer was about to go upstairs, he heard Uncle Jimmy's voice from the kitchen: "Come with me later, you delivered the meal yesterday Place, my friend’s daughter took the SSAT test in April, so she knows which books to buy and where to review. Even if the SSAT test in November is not ideal, there is still December, and spring enrollment starts in January, so there is still time. "

Greer hesitated for a while, and finally agreed. Anyway, he couldn't rush to the financial company in the midtown circle to kill people in broad daylight, so it's up to Uncle Jimmy to do it tonight. Killed Frank to avenge the Big Daddy.

But what to do next, he hasn't thought about it yet. According to the already unreliable original plot, Thanos will probably snap his fingers in seven or eight years.During this period of time, they couldn't fight and kill every day. I'm afraid that before Thanos came, Greer himself would become a murderous maniac.

It’s like a fun game. I played the game at the beginning, but after a long time, I developed a habit. I have to go online every week to play a group. No matter what, I have to give in to the game. One account after another Another number, not playing a game at all, but being played by a game.

(End of this chapter)

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