Chapter 592 Upgrade
The powerful Hulk smashed the bone dragon's head for a long time before he punched out a crater that barely accommodated half of his fist, but it could be replaced by the light beam emitted by Greer's four-element magic circle, which instantly penetrated The bone dragon's head completely exposed the vast sea of ​​soul fire in the bone dragon's head.

"There are so many soul fires, you paid a lot of money, and they will belong to me immediately, don't they show up?" Greer spent nearly [-]% of his magic power, and after a blow penetrated the skull of the bone dragon, he turned his attention He put all his strength around, wanting to see if the person behind the scenes would show up.

It was still pitch black and extremely silent. There were three planes in the distance, lowering their altitude and preparing to land at the brightly lit airport. There was nothing else. Greer guessed that the people behind the scenes didn’t think much of it. Show up means.

"Aren't you going to show up? Then I won't be polite." Greer, who was in the sky, muttered to himself. , the gestures of both hands changed, and a spell was chanted in his mouth.

The bone dragon whose head was pierced turned around crazily like a washing machine, but it still couldn't get rid of Greer standing on him, and followed him like a shadow, like a dog's skin plaster.

In the third second after breaking through the skull of the bone dragon, Greer finally completed the magic with incantations and gestures. The free runes and various patterns in the four-element magic circle behind him were arranged and combined to form a new trajectory, making the whole magic circle There is a big difference, the most notable is that the four-element magic circle begins to reverse.

For the bone dragon's crazy swing, Greer sneered, quite contemptuous: "It looks like I haven't studied physics. The air in a closed space is still, and a fly can fly from tail to head in a high-speed train."

Greer used the wind magic circle to fix the surrounding air and make it become one with the bone dragon, so that no matter how the bone dragon flies, Greer can move with the bone dragon, and with a little strength, he can ignore the bone dragon. The flipping and maneuvering of the dragon.

The light emitted by the upside-down four-element magic array is uncertain, but it is still sending magic power to Greer. Through the composite magic array in front of both palms, it is converted into a magic net, and penetrates into the sea of ​​souls in the head of the bone dragon, wrapping it Arise, lest the fire of the soul be vented.

As the connection between the soul fire and the bone dragon was cut off bit by bit, the roar of the bone dragon became weaker and weaker, the burning soul fire in both eyes was gradually extinguished, and the speed and movement of the turning were also weakened. It looks like the power supply is insufficient.

"Aren't you coming out yet? Then I won't be polite." Greer's attention was still on the void around him, and he was always ready to close his hands to deal with the enemy behind the scenes who didn't know if he would appear. Turn, the four-element magic circle behind him immediately began to rotate.

The soul fire in the bone dragon's head seemed to be attracted, gushing out from the hole in the skull, rushing into the compound magic circle propped up by Greer's palm, and initially converting it into four elements and storing it in the four element magic circle. The transformation of depth has completely turned into four elements that can be used by Greer.

In this way, the potentially dangerous soul fire will become the harmless four elements, and the filtered unknown particles and energy will remain in the compound magic circle in Greer's palm. At that time, Through Karma Taj's magic circle, open a small space channel, and throw it back to Heim's underworld.

In the bone dragon's huge head, the sea-like soul fire is slowly decreasing, and the bone dragon that is pinned down can no longer turn over any waves, let alone flip its body crazily, and even the flight is almost maintained Unable to stop, the huge body began to fall down.

Stark, wearing Mark42, saw the bone dragon start to fall down, left Hulk who was still mad, and immediately rushed towards the bone dragon. The spray device on the whole body was activated, so that the speed of Mark42 soared to several Mach in an instant. After a few breaths of effort, he caught up.

It's just that when you take a look, Stark's eyes are attracted by the four-color magic circle behind Greer. It's so gorgeous. It's not at 01:30 when he used magic last time, no Speaking of other things, it is shining and shining. With this brightness, it can be used as a searchlight when hung on the street. It has been upgraded from a five-point special effect to a one-piece.

"What happened?" When Stark spoke, he habitually activated the detection function of Mark42, began to scan, and then was stunned. The detection results showed that the energy in the head of the bone dragon was pouring out, and the direction of flow was from Greer's palm, into the four sparkling magic circles behind him.

Stark didn't understand what Greer wanted to do, but judging from the results, the bone dragon seemed to have become very weak, unable to support the flight, and kept falling. According to this trend, in another ten seconds, it would be plunges headlong into the mouth of the Hudson River.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Stark didn't bother Greer, who was supposed to be casting spells, and ordered Jarvis to call in two steel suits, one on the left and the other on the right to accompany Greer. If something is wrong, Greer can be taken away from the bone dragon immediately, so as not to plunge into the river with the bone dragon.

However, Stark's preparations were destined to be useless. When the height of the bone dragon dropped to more than 30 meters from the river surface, Greer, who followed the bone dragon's rapid descent, stopped suddenly, while the bone dragon continued Falling, headlong into the Hudson River.

'Boom! ' With a loud noise, the Hudson River splashed a column of water soaring into the sky, and the surface of the water set off turbulent waves, and then black mud appeared. Apparently, the bone dragon that fell from a height of several hundred meters hit the bottom of the river, and the silt was unknown. The black mud of time was turned over.

The Mark37, whose exterior was painted like seaweed, rushed into the turbulent Hudson River. The detector was turned on, and quickly caught the trace of the bone dragon. It didn't care about the loss at all, and it didn't stop until it was only 30 meters away from the bone dragon. .

The water at the bottom of the river was also stained black by the turbulent silt. The Mark37's searchlight could not illuminate ten meters away, but the detector clearly transmitted back the state of the bone dragon. Most of its head was buried in the silt, but it could not be seen. Huge body, a lot of huge bones were found on the river bed.

"Disintegrated?" Stark was quite surprised, the bone dragon was dealt with just like that?His head was stuck in the mud, and his body was scattered into bones. No matter how he looked at it, he was no longer a bone dragon, but turned back into bones.

Mark37 flew closer, and looked at the huge bone head at a close distance. It was empty and there was nothing inside. Mark37 stretched out its steel arm, and with little effort, it would pull down a bone, and the strong super iron just now, high-power cluster There is no comparison between bombardment and Baiyin, they are simply two things.

"This..." Stark couldn't believe the result, so he asked Mark37 to change the position, and did it again, and it was still easy to break off a bone, as brittle as a plaster cast.

Stark pursed his lips, and racked his brains to think about the reasons. The bone dragon was already challenging human biology, and now it is challenging material science. Since the Nine Realms Overlapping Event, there have been too many things beyond human knowledge. Understandable existence.

The reversed magic circle behind Greer, which is suspended in the air, slows down bit by bit, the brightness is also gradually reduced, and the area is also shrinking. From the magic circle to the illusory light card, and from the huge light The card turned back into a palm-sized physical card and flew back to Greer's hand automatically.

Only then did Greer open his eyes, his body was covered in sweat, his chest heaved and heaved, he was panting heavily, and he raised his hands tiredly to wipe the sweat from his forehead.The decade armor on his body was dull and dull, and the energy in his body was almost exhausted, so that the decade armor flickered twice and finally disappeared.

Even the decade armor could not be maintained, and the wind magic array on the wrist was so weak that it was almost invisible. It can be seen how much strength and energy Greer had spent on this energy conversion, and it felt like his body was being hollowed out. .

But in the end it succeeded. All the bone dragon's soul fire was sucked into the four-element magic circle, and none of it leaked into the air. It would never have any impact on this world.

It was the first time he tried to use such a complex magic circle, involving more than ten items such as barriers, absorption, conversion, etc., and it was probably only a space gate, which was even more difficult than this.It's just that the space gate has the help of the suspension ring, and you only need to input the magic power step by step, but you have to master it yourself.If the suspension ring is an automated production line, then the conversion magic circle is a purely manual workshop, and it is quite difficult to do.

Greer raised his left hand and stared at the four cards in his hand. The cards were originally brightly colored, but now they look extraordinarily dim, as if a black and white filter has been added, and there are also knight patterns on the cards, and magic on both wrists and ankles. The ring was dyed black, and the magic gemstones that were originally gathered on the chest were scattered all over the body, turning the magic robe into the color of magic gemstones.

What frightened Greer was the word below the knight pattern, which changed from Style to Dragon (dragon). The hands holding the four cards trembled a little, his mind went blank, and he stared blankly at the sublimated four knights. form card.

Why did it change from Style to Dragon?How could it change from Style to Dragon?

Since he came to this world inexplicably, he has been using the decade driver for almost four years, and such a situation has never occurred, and the knight card will never change automatically.But now, the knight card has automatically advanced, like a figure on a shelf, and I changed a comfortable position.

'call!call! '

Greer took a few deep breaths, tried to calm himself down, gathered the four cards, and held them tightly in his palms. The touch was the same, but Greer's heart was turned upside down.Just now, I used these four cards to store the bone dragon's soul fire, and after changing back to the card, it automatically advanced. There must be some connection between them.

In the original work, the Kamen Rider wizard combined the power of the magic dragon to complete the advancement, and I just used a card to absorb the soul fire of the bone dragon. Can I advance with a dragon?Or did it absorb enough energy (experience?) and then level up?

A series of specious thoughts popped up in Greer's mind, but none of them could convince him, and he couldn't calm down. The change of the knight card had a great impact on Greer's mind, and something that belonged to him appeared. Change beyond one's own control is unsettling.

"Will the knight card change after it absorbs the energy from the outside? Well then," Greer said to himself, suddenly froze, with a look of surprise on his face, he suddenly thought of a question, he The knight card is exchanged with points, and the points are obtained from killing life forms, so will it be?
The Neo decade driver generates knight cards by absorbing the energy of lifeforms killed by Greer.

"No way." Greer swallowed, frightened by his own guess, how could it be possible? The Neo decade driver does not have such a function at all. It absorbs the energy of lifeforms and thus brings powerful power, just like the cursed warrior of the dark elves.

'call out! There was a sound of breaking through the air, and Greer subconsciously turned his head to see that Mark42 was flying towards him, hovering in the airspace two meters away, the mask was opened, revealing Stark's face, and asked with concern: "Why? Is it? Are you not happy to defeat the bone dragon?"

"No, I'm very happy." Greer couldn't help sighing while holding the four knight cards. It's really troublesome, the enemy hasn't been solved yet, and there seems to be something wrong with his knight system.

"Well, you do look quite happy."

Greer held the four knight cards tightly, squeezed out a smile, and said, "Where's Dr. Banner? There's a Mandarin to deal with?"

"Hulk?" Stark closed his mask, looked at the picture on the holographic projection screen, and said, "He hasn't let go of his anger yet."

"That's just right, wrestling with the Mandarin, and now he is still running on the wasteland chasing his lost youth."

The two swooped down from a high altitude and flew towards the brightly lit Manhattan not far away. After a while, they disappeared above the estuary of the Hudson River, disappeared among the tall buildings, and disappeared.

The turbulent Hudson River slowly regained its calm. Only when the majestic wind blows, will there be slight ripples, but the bustling Hudson River has no boats passing by for a long time. Looking around, you can vaguely see The police lights at the river port, and the police boats patrolling back and forth on the east sea, have blocked the area where the bone dragon fell.

After Greer and Stark flew into Manhattan, a human-shaped bump suddenly appeared on the river, and a hoarse female voice drifted in the wind: "It's useless to waste so much of my divine power. It seems that the huge body , but became a burden.

That guy's strength has increased a lot, a mere Midgardian, why does his strength improve so fast?But it doesn't matter, this is just a small experiment, and soon, you will all be my slaves.

My dear brothers, we will be reunited soon, and I will restore the glory of Asgard with me, and let that old Odin, watch from among the stars, how you help me conquer this universe, He must be very happy, huh, huh. "

(End of this chapter)

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