The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 590 Beheading in Action

Chapter 590 Beheading in Action

"Sir, the building is temporarily stabilized, but it won't last long. It is expected to collapse in 5 minutes." Jarvis made a comprehensive calculation based on the message sent back by Mark38, and came to the final conclusion.

It’s not that the Mark38 is weak, it’s that the building has been destroyed too badly. If there is a problem with a single load-bearing column, the Mark38’s support frame and the locking device on the feet will definitely be able to stand upright. But now the load-bearing column on this floor, Almost all of them were bombed and there were some problems, which could not be solved by a Mark38 with a maximum load capacity of [-] tons.

The result of the analysis made Stark's face quite ugly. The 38-ton load-bearing capacity of Mark[-] is already the top among steel suits, but it is nothing compared to the skyscrapers whose weight is often [-] tons. .

"Jarvis, for the record, maybe I need to build a backup supply system." Stark said thoughtfully, if there are back parts, then the backup load-bearing frame of Mark38 can be used now to give each The damaged load-bearing columns and beams put on their coats without having to risk the mark38 being crushed to support the building.

A roar sounded from below, Stark looked down, and the Hulk who had just been thrown off jumped up again, punching the head of the bone dragon that lost its command and continued to fly upwards, 'Bang! ' With a loud bang, the bone dragon's head was smashed crooked again.

With a tilt of his head, he hit the corner of a building next to him, knocking the building into a huge gap, and countless fragments went 'crash! 'Falling down, the flat street was smashed into one depression after another, and even the green plants and street lights were also damaged, and many cars were directly destroyed.

Stark's brows were almost wrinkled. Looking at the burning building, he looked at the Skeleton Dragon and Hulk who were beaten into a ball, embracing the Iron Legion, but they couldn't do anything. These experimental models and old-style Iron suit , Although they have undergone some transformation, they are still embarrassing to use.

It is more than enough to deal with general situations, but it is a bit far away when facing strong men like Thor, Hulk, and Mandarin. This makes Stark manufacture the mark45, which is still under design, as soon as possible. The thoughts that come out are stronger.

Combining the advantages of the previous steel suit, it can work for a long time in extreme environments such as low temperature and high temperature. It has a radiation protection layer, waterproof layer and suborbital flight capabilities, and can operate normally in severe nuclear pollution, underwater and near-Earth orbit. .

In addition, it imitates faiz's Apollinian clothes, superconducting energy transmission, vibrating gold coating, nano-based micro-storage technology can carry twice as many weapons, and an anti-gravity engine based on alien technology. Once completed, it will be the most Strong defense, fastest speed, most flexible, and the most powerful steel suit is not an exaggeration.

It is precisely because there are too many new technologies in hand, Stark wants to install them all on the steel suit, so all kinds of experimental new technology models have been manufactured, even the latest Mark42 and the soon-to-be-finished Mark43 , are also experimental models to verify new technologies.This is also the reason why Mark44 has not been completed yet and Mark45 is still in the design stage.

"Jarvis, find a way to lure the bone dragon out of the city. I'll meet the adults." Stark made his decision in just two seconds. He stretched out his arms, and a Ganaku numbered 42 opened behind him. , Gold or red parts flew out of it one by one, and flew to Stark's body, and the dress was completed in just three seconds.

The cabin door on the left opens slowly, revealing the thick night behind and a burning building obliquely below. Beside it, a bone dragon is bumping back and forth between tall buildings. Every collision will leave a mark on the building. Next a gap of varying sizes.

The moment the main body armor was assembled and the mask was closed, Stark took two quick steps forward and jumped off the Quinjet transport plane. The power engine was turned on, driving Mark43 towards the burning building at an extremely fast speed.

More than half of the old steel battle suits guarding the transport plane moved accordingly, rushing towards the bone dragon in unison, launching successive attacks towards the bone dragon, trying to attract the bone dragon's attention and lure the bone dragon to leave Manhattan, who was just a bone dragon, was completely unmoved, and continued to play the match-up game with Hulk.

Having learned the lesson from the first time, this time the Hulk is not so easy to get rid of. One hand is holding the bone dragon's gap tightly, and the other hand is desperately hammering the bone dragon. The bone dragon shaking its head and tail, the bone It has been hammered, and there is a trace of light in the gap.

In the midst of the flames, the Mandarin who broke free from the wall moved his arm that had been hit twice by the jackhammer. As an undead, he couldn't feel any pain, and could only rely on his 'eyes' to see if he was injured, which was enough The air hammer used to drill rocks only smashed away a few wisps of withered muscles, and did not cause any damage to the bones.

"Damn, tough guy." The mandarin said bitterly, but he didn't go out to trouble Iron Man, but looked down for the knight card box that was lost by Mark41's sneak attack. This is probably his new power. , is much more important than going out to get back the place.

The flames almost burned this floor to a white ground, and even the dust was blown away by the shock wave. If you ignore the flames and the broken bricks and stones all over the floor, it is indeed clean and unnecessary. Go to the knight card box behind the hole in the wall on the left.

The Mandarin walked over quickly, stepped over the shattered wall, bent down to pick up the knight card box, but suddenly found something was wrong, the bottom of the knight card box was not a marble floor, but gravel and thorns clump.

The Mandarin was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed drastically, he turned his head hastily, and saw a ring emitting bright light, on the other side of the ring was a burning building, and the Kamen Rider who was waving at him: "Goodbye!"

Then the halo disappeared, along with Flame and Kamen Rider, leaving only the deserted Gobi Desert and a silver moon in the sky.

Everything is very clear, this is a well-designed trap, the knight card box is the bait, the aura of the space door is blocked by the wall, and the Mandarin is transported to this wilderness with a single step. Know how far away.

"Damn it!" the man yelled, his anger value exploded, but apart from the gravel all over the ground, he couldn't find anything to vent his anger. A big pit.

He can't sense the bone dragon anymore, obviously beyond the connection range, so he can only give up the bone dragon first. Anyway, he has a long life in a sense after turning into an undead. He doesn't need a dragon bone. He needs time to get familiar with the unfamiliar Himself, and the source of Kamen Rider's power.

Wait for him to study the power of the Kamen Rider thoroughly, and then come to seek revenge. By then, the bone dragon will still be his. With this in mind, the Mandarin chooses to retreat temporarily, picks up the knight card box awkwardly, finds a direction and quickly move up.

All he had to say was, "I'll be back."

At this time in Manhattan, amidst the flames, Greer waved his hand to disperse the space door. In fact, he had arrived long ago, but he did not show his face. He quietly put the knight card box behind the wall, and then slowly opened the space. Door.

Sure enough, the Mandarin, who was quite obsessed with power, was lured by the bait, jumped into the space door, and was teleported away by Greer without any effort. Greer felt that he was too witty, so he just sent him away Mandarin, separate him from the bone dragon, it will be much easier to solve.

But before solving the bone dragon, you must first get rid of this building that is about to collapse. Raise the knight card in your left hand, insert it into the Neo decade driver at your waist, and still say: "What building is this, I They're almost tinkerers."

"Form Ride wizard Land Style!"

Accompanied by a clanging and powerful sound, a golden magic circle emerged from under Greer's feet, and it quickly rose upwards. Wherever it passed, Greer was wrapped in the Kamen Rider Wizard earth armor inlaid with a large golden magic stone. middle.

When the last ray of light from the magic circle disappeared, Greer also completed the transformation. With a flick of his right hand, the magic power surged, and a golden six-pointed star magic circle appeared under his feet again, with countless symbols and patterns swimming in it. Under the support of the magic circle, the magic circle rapidly expanded. Wherever it passed, the flames were quickly extinguished, and the bricks and stones floated up automatically, repairing the severely damaged load-bearing columns and beams.

Stark just flew in front of this building and was about to rush in, but found that the flames disappeared after two or three breaths, and then a golden magic circle gushed out from the depths of the building and stopped at the edge of the building. Within the range, all the broken bricks floated up and merged with the load-bearing columns.

There is no need to guess at all, only Greer can do this, which made Stark slightly relieved, and said to himself: "Have you finally arrived?"

As soon as the words fell, Greer's voice came from the dark building: "I arrived early, and I just made a trick to send the man away. Now I will do my best to deal with this bone dragon, and then go after the man."

"Did he let you obediently pretend to be positioned?" Stark said as he controlled mark42 to turn around and rushed towards the bone dragon that was flying away.

"He insists on holding it himself, and I can't help it." Greer threw the three cards in his left hand into the Neo decade driver, and a turquoise magic circle immediately appeared above his head, falling down rapidly, transforming the wizard's earth armor Armor for the Hurricane.

Walking against the wind, the speed was not much lower than that of Mark42. The two quickly caught up with the staggering bone dragon. After losing the command of the Mandarin, the bone dragon was still rolling and flying, as stiff as a puppet.

Hulk, who was attached to the bone dragon, had hammered the bone dragon's head out of a sinkhole the size of a washbasin, but Hulk was not satisfied. He was grabbing the edge of the bone and tearing it hard, trying to make it bigger than him. things, torn to shreds.

It's just that the bone dragon is too strong, and after pulling it for a long time, only two gaps were torn out, and the distance from the bone dragon was torn off, and the difference was not 01:30.Beside the bone dragon, there were still ten or twenty steel suits attacking continuously, but the effect was not satisfactory.

"Do you have any ideas?" Stark said and began to prepare laser weapons, wanting to try the latest laser launcher, whether it can break the defense of this skeleton.

"Well, it's an immature idea, but it depends on whether the other party is compatible." Greer said, looking at the hanging rings on the index finger and middle finger, not because he didn't have confidence in his magic, but because he really didn't want to be with Such a big bone fights.

God knows how much effort and magic power it will take to get it done, but there is still a Mandarin waiting for them to solve it, and we can't put too much effort on this guy, so he wants to try the most convenient and quick method, to give the bone dragon After a beheading, he didn't believe it, the head was gone, and the bone dragon could continue to fly.

Hearing Greer's plan, Stark's brows did not stretch too much. It would take a long time to open the space door that could accommodate the bone dragon to pass through, but the bone dragon would not stay there, and the flying angle was slightly off. If you move a little, you will miss the space door.

But the bone dragon doesn't care about the harassment of the steel suit at all, and is quite "stubborn" playing a game of hitting buildings with Hulk, and Hulk is also quite disobedient, wanting to use the space door to behead, the difficulty is not ordinary, it needs to be well planned just work.

The Iron Legion stopped attacking the bone dragon, but spread out, and a steel suit moved forward, aiming at the Hulk with a low-power palm cannon, 'bang! 'The light beam hit Hulk's body and burst out a ball of flames as big as a millstone. It was not painful to Hulk, but it successfully attracted Hulk's attention.

Instead of swinging his clenched fist, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the attack, staring fiercely at the attacking steel suit, like a irascible boy who was interrupted while playing a game, and opened his mouth to let out a deafening roar.

"Oh, he looks very unhappy." Listening to Hulk's roar, Stark let Jarvis control the steel suit and ran with a low-power palm, which was not painful but annoying. It successfully aroused the anger of the rather vengeful Hulk. With a roar, he jumped high and crashed into the steel suit in the air.

The steel suit that had achieved its goal hurriedly dodged, but only flew three or four meters before being overtaken by Hulk, who was jumping at a fairly fast speed. With a wave of his hand, the steel suit was immediately smashed into the air and hit a nearby building, throwing the A big hole was smashed into the outer wall, and electric sparks were emitted all over the body, especially the place where Hulk's arm was wheeled, and a depression was clearly printed on it, and the parts inside were all crushed flat.

The bone dragon, which was shaking its head and tail, suddenly didn't know what to do without Hulk hammering its head. The last command it received was to get rid of Hulk, so what happened after getting rid of it?No more, no command, Bone Dragon slowly stopped turning its body, and carried out the last command: fly up.

Greer, who was suspended in the air, was overjoyed when he saw the bone dragon start to change its flight trajectory, leaning upwards: "It really is. The non-intelligent undead have no backbone at all, and only know how to execute the orders of high-level undead."

This is a speculative conclusion drawn by Greer after living in Heim's Underworld for several months. Those skeleton soldiers are like this, so try to see if the huge bone dragon is also like this. After all, the bone dragon is quite clumsy. , is comparable to the intelligence of skeleton soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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