The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 59 The Enemy - Frank Amick

Chapter 59 The Enemy - Frank Amick

A Mexican youth in his 20s was sweating profusely running in an alley made of containers, with a sky full of stars above his head, endless darkness in front of him, and crisp gunshots ringing in his ears every few seconds.

Every gunshot is like a death talisman, making this young man tremble like chaff, and his clothes are almost soaked in cold sweat. He has participated in many gang fights, but he has never been pressed to the ground and rubbed on the ground like this, and beaten several times. With each magazine, they didn't even know who the attackers were, how many there were, and where they were. Instead, their own people were blown to pieces by grenades one by one.

After the defense line collapsed and the surviving people began to flee in all directions, along the way, he saw four or five people running, but they were hit by bullets flying from nowhere, and they fell to the ground and died. Rows of containers The field of view is narrowed, and the attacker cannot be seen at all.

What he used to like most was torturing people. He watched those weak people cry in horror and beg for mercy in front of him with joy, letting them die slowly in fear and pain, full of the pleasure of conquering.

But now he has personally experienced this kind of fear, as if blindfolded, you can feel the heat of the soldering iron, but you don’t know when the soldering iron will imprint on your chest, this kind of extreme fear, in this dark night The narrow container alleys are infinitely magnified.

There was a very penetrating siren sound in the distance, which would be annoying and frightening to hear, but at this moment it was so kind and tear-filled, making this person rush to The direction from which the sirens sounded.

Hearing three more gunshots, he finally ran out of the container. He saw several police cars with sirens driving in a row. The young gangster rushed towards the police car without hesitation, He ran and shouted, as if he saw his relatives.

The police car stopped at a distance of 20 meters, the door opened, and seven or eight policemen came down with guns raised, and shouted at him: "Lie on the ground, put your hands where you can see them."

Just when the last syllable was uttered, 'Bang! ' A gunshot sounded, and the young man who had just raised his hands rushed forward in response, his head hit the ground heavily, and a red and white thing flowed out from a hole in the back of his head.

All the policemen squatted down in unison, shrinking their bodies behind the bulletproof door, leaving only the hand with the gun outside.The container in front was shrouded in darkness, shadowy, and there might be a thug who just shot in every shadow.

They just heard the gunshots, but didn't see the muzzle flash. They didn't know where to let the bullets fly. They could only aim and fire indiscriminately as a deterrent, but they didn't dare to leave the car door half a step away, fired their guns, and called for support. .

Not long after, the helicopter and the special police ESU arrived. Holding the explosion-proof shield and wearing body armor, they drove into the container area fully armed. The helicopter patrolled and guarded in the air. The ESU carefully searched the container group. For several hours, I searched the place over and over again, but couldn't find a living person.

There are only 33 complete corpses and some incomplete corpses, a large number of firearms, shell casings, traces of various grenade explosions, and more than 700 kilograms of white powder. After the search is completed, the scene can only be sealed off and wait for the expert team to investigate and find more. many clues.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, not to mention the blockade of the busy pier. Everyone can think that there must be a big crime there. The reporters seem to smell sweet honey, and rush to there.Even if you can't enter the scene due to the blockade, the body bags, weapons, white powder and other things that can be transported out are very in line with the characteristics of gangsters fighting for profit, killing countless films of reporters in seconds.

The police remained silent on the matter, only saying that the case was still under investigation and would not disclose any details.So everything can only be imagined by the reporters based on these things. Therefore, after the news is broadcast on TV, it becomes gangsters fighting for their own interests. By the way, they condemn the incompetence of the contract-breaking police station and take taxpayers' money. Buying so much equipment, it is impossible to maintain the law and order of the contract, and let the gangsters with a large number of weapons make eye-catching remarks such as contract disputes.

In a luxuriously decorated office, a middle-aged man who was bald on the top of his head with only a little hair on the sides was watching this familiar pier on TV. His face was as black as the bottom of the pot. He finally knew why There was no news of the person who went out to pick up the goods, and the person who co-authored him was slaughtered again.

Following an angry curse, the remote control flew out and hit the TV screen, smashing the LCD screen, and the image that made him extremely angry disappeared immediately.But smashing the TV was obviously not enough to alleviate his anger. The middle-aged man stood up and threw all the things that could be smashed on the desk. In just over ten seconds, the clean and tidy office became a mess.

If Greer or Mindy were here, they would definitely recognize this bald, greasy middle-aged man as Big Daddy's enemy, Frank Amick, the biggest drug lord in the world.The news on TV made Frank Amick smash things angrily and cursed loudly: "This is it again, this is it again, who the hell is betraying me, I will definitely chop you up and feed the dog if I find you" and then A series of greetings to each other's family and ancestors.

Before he finished cursing, the door of the exquisite and expensive office opened, and a burly bald man in a black suit walked in with lowered eyebrows, as if he couldn't see the fragments of gold, jade and porcelain all over the floor, very respectful Said: "Boss, Parker Robbins is here, and he wants to see you."

Frank Amick turned his head, gasping for breath, and said with lingering anger: "Hmph, he still dares to come to me, I think he has something to do with these losses, call Chris over , let Robbins wait in the drawing room."

"Yes, Boss!" The bald fat man hurriedly backed out, fearing that he would be angered by the boss if he left late.

Frank Amick sat on the leather sofa with a gloomy face, looking out from both sides. From the height of 40 floors, he could overlook half of Manhattan, which gave people the illusion that everything was under their feet.

Looking at the low buildings in the distance, he was in a trance, and the sound of howling wind suddenly sounded in his ears. This sound made Frank Amick's gloomy face smile. When he turned his chair, he saw a red whirlwind whistling. It scraped across the corridor and entered the room, causing all the papers in the room to fly up, making it even more messy.

But Frank Amick was not angry at all. Instead, he looked at all this cheerfully. This small red whirlwind with a height of two meters and a diameter of more than one meter stopped in front of his desk, showing a man in a A boy in a blood-red tights, wearing a red eyepatch, and combing his hair like a broom.

(End of this chapter)

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