The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 587 Dark Domain

Chapter 587 Dark Domain
In less than ten seconds, Greer and the Mandarin completed two rounds of confrontation.Greer caught the Mandarin by surprise with his decade knight's BUG-like lock, and almost kicked him out of his life.

Especially the chest where the body was attached to the feet, through the carrion full of holes, several broken ribs could be clearly seen. If it were a human being, this injury alone would be enough to seriously injure him, showing the power of Greer's foot.It's just that the current Mandarin is not human at all, even his body is rotten, so why not be afraid of breaking a few bones.

The second time was a real confrontation between the two. Both sides used the strongest force, punching and kicking, causing a terrifying destructive force like changing the terrain. After the garden was swept by the shock wave, there was nothing left, let alone flowers. A few, even the soil blown away the amount of several trucks.

The mandarin stretched his legs like dead branches, jumped out from the waist-deep soil, and brought up a large amount of soil. At this moment, Greer, who had just landed, suddenly raised his right hand, and his left hand didn't know what to do. When there is an extra card, inserted into the drive on the waist.

The light in the palm of the right hand flickered, condensed into a diend gun, pulled the trigger, and a beam of light was fired from the barrel, instantly hitting the Mandarin who had just jumped out of the mud pit, and bright sparks exploded on his body, the impact force caused , All of a sudden, the Mandarin was sent flying, his body swept back quickly, and he slammed into the outer wall of the building 30 meters away, smashing a dent in the red brick wall.

Just as the Mandarin hit the wall, when he looked up, he saw Greer striding forward like a gust of wind. The Diend gun in his right hand pointed directly at the Mandarin embedded in the wall. He kept pulling the trigger, and within a second of running, Three laser beams were fired, and the left hand glowed with light again, condensing into a slender black long sword, and slashed at the Mandarin who was already close at hand.

Greer's running speed was really too fast. In just one second, Greer had already arrived in front of him. Before the Mandarin had time to pull himself out of the wall, he quickly activated the Ten Rings. The sky blue ring on the little finger of his left hand lit up. Suddenly, the air was frozen, and an ice block with a thickness of one or two meters was formed in an instant, blocking between him and Greer.

The ice had just formed, and the long sword in Greer's left hand was already slashing over, 'Chila! With a soft sound, the thick block of ice was as fragile as paper in front of Ride Booker, and most of it was shattered with a single swing of the sword, and even the brick wall behind was scratched and opened a three-to-four-meter-long hole.

"Missing it?!" Greer was startled, and hastily withdrew his move. When he chopped down, the Mandarin was still there, but when he cut through the ice, he was nowhere to be seen.

Cracked ice 'crash! '' fell, revealing the hole formed by the Mandarin through the wall. The Mandarin stood in the hole and backed away from Greer's sword. The ring on the little finger of his right hand was extremely black, absorbing it like a black hole. With all the light, in an instant, the surroundings darkened, as if the eyes were blind, and they could not see anything.

The sudden darkness startled Greer, and then his keen hearing caught the sound of breaking through the air from the right, and his body reacted subconsciously, instead of jumping up, he rolled on the spot, and at the same time, the sword and gun in his hand fell apart. Attacked in the direction of the sound.

He obviously pulled the trigger, but the barrel of Diend didn't emit any light, and he couldn't even see the trajectory of Ride Booker's sword slash. He could only rely on his touch and hearing to confirm that the attacks of the sword and gun were in vain, and that they didn't hit the target. anyone.

Turning over, standing with the sword in hand, even if you can’t see it, you still want to turn your head to look around. There is darkness in front of you, and you can only listen with your ears, but it’s so quiet that you can only hear the siren from a distance. The Mandarin could not be heard, as if he had melted into the darkness.

The thick darkness in front of his eyes made Greer very uneasy. He has never encountered a situation of being "invisible" in all the battles, and he has never thought about what to do after being "blind". His breathing is unconsciously short Many, if not forcibly suppressing the anxiety in his heart, I am afraid that Greer could not help but shoot indiscriminately.

Time passed by second by second, and every second felt as long as a year in Greer. His feet moved slowly, but his brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to break the deadlock in front of him. Obviously this is The moves launched by the Mandarin created a dark field.

Greer absolutely doesn't believe that the Mandarin can cover the entire earth in darkness. I'm afraid it's only this area, so you just need to leave this area, but the most fearful thing is that the dark area can move with the Mandarin. In this way, the Mandarin only needs to move with Greer, and Greer can be trapped in the darkness forever.

This is a bit similar to Haim's Underworld, which is like this, permanently shrouded in darkness, but can be illuminated by light, by the way, light!

Greer quickly put down the sword in his left hand, ready to catch the card of Kamen Rider Wizard flying out of the knight card box, at the moment he made a move, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and the huge impact made him involuntarily It flew backwards, and then hit a wall with its back, directly knocking the wall down, rolling several times on the marble floor in the building, and didn't stop until it hit the second wall.

There was a sudden light in front of Greer's eyes, and Greer looked up subconsciously. There was a small incandescent lamp above his head. He was "woke up" by the sound of Greer hitting the wall and the ground, and it emitted a very weak light. Light, but the tension in Greer's heart disappeared all of a sudden.

Mandarin's darkness can be broken, and that's enough.

Standing up with a sword in hand, looking forward, the Mandarin has floated in through the big hole in the wall, holding the Kamen Rider Wizard card that just flew out of the knight card box, facing Greer Grinning, showing his black teeth, he said hoarsely, "So this is the source of your strength, now it belongs to me."

In the previous few fights, the Mandarin noticed that this guy quickly pulled out something from the white box at his waist many times, and then inserted it into the metal at his waist to change the armor on his body into other styles. There are also powerful moves.

After completing the creation of the Dark Domain, after the first fist attack failed, he immediately switched to other rings and launched an attack, which directly blew Greer away, and then saw a card falling from the sky, his curiosity prevented him from Chasing, but catching the cards, he immediately understood that the source of power for this powerful opponent in front of him was cards.

The Mandarin looked greedily at the iron box on the left side of Greer's waist. This guy took out the card from there. As long as he takes that away, this guy can no longer fight against him, and he can get rid of it. New power beyond the Ten Commandments.

(End of this chapter)

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