The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 584 Breaking the Ground

Chapter 584 Breaking the Ground
Turning hands into clouds and turning hands into rain are perfectly appropriate to describe the situation at this moment.

A huge magic circle hangs in the sky, exuding bright light, and an endless stream of water pours down to extinguish the raging fire.

Greer controlled the water magic circle like a stroll in the courtyard, and watched the surrounding night scenes leisurely. By the way, he complained about the Osborne Group in his heart. Aren't there not enough people who are afraid of accidents?

The fire brigade below has already 'closed work', no longer using water guns, but preparing emergency equipment, ready to help the chemical defense force enter the laboratory that was blown beyond recognition and nearly collapsed to perform rescue tasks after the fire is extinguished. Then there's dealing with leaked artificial sun installations.

Just before they rolled up the water pipe, the Mark28 equipped with a radiation protection layer rushed into the laboratory that had just been turned off. It was necessary to check the damage of the artificial solar device on the spot and take relevant measures to prevent more serious accidents. .

Harry, who was watching from afar, turned pale with fright, rushed forward regardless of the bodyguard's obstruction, and shouted while running: "No, don't let him in, this is the secret of the Osborne Group." But he was so far away, No matter how loud the shout was, it could not reach the ears of the fire brigade who was packing the fire hose, let alone the Mark28 that swooped down.

In the Avengers Building, Banner and Stark did not go back to catch up on sleep, but stayed in the laboratory, watching the video data sent back by Mark28 on the big screen. The luxurious and beautifully decorated laboratory during the day is now dilapidated. Bad, worse than slums.

Amidst the masonry, rubble, steel beams and broken iron, the huge tokamak device is very obvious. It is just exquisite and expensive equipment. There are gaps that have been blasted everywhere. , only the wreckage remains, without any possibility of repair, and only the value of selling scrap iron remains.

"How is it possible?" Dr. Banner asked the third surprise tonight. Obviously, the flame was caused by the explosion of the tokamak device, but why the radiation and energy are so low, even less than a fraction of what Banner calculated. unscientific.

Stark didn't speak, but just stared at the live image sent back from the mark28 controlled by Jarvis on the screen, suddenly showing a mocking look, and said: "Doctor, I think I have found the reason."

"What?" Dr. Banner hastily turned his eyes back to the screen, and saw that Mark28 had already walked into the dilapidated tokamak device, and was using the scanning imager of both eyes to check and scan the entire device in all directions.

"This thing, are you familiar with it?" Stark stretched out his hand, 'taken out' a glowing cube from the screen, and played with the cube formed by the holographic projection in his hand. Dr. Banner adjusted his glasses and just glanced at it He was stunned, his mouth widened, and he looked at the energy storage device in Stark's hand in disbelief.

Stark threw this thing into the screen casually, and said: "Although they are young, they are quite deceptive. People all over the world have been fooled by them."

"Damn it." Dr. Banner was a little sullen. A pot of mouse droppings will ruin a pot of soup. The damage to science caused by deceit is immeasurable. It will turn experts and professors into bricks and beasts.

Even if someone comes up with a real artificial sun next time, someone will immediately mention this scam. The predecessors dug a hole and killed the future generations.

In the anger of the two, Mark28 has gone deep into the center of the tokamak device, and saw the real nuclear fusion laboratory, but the conditions of this laboratory, the fusion experiment that can be carried out is too rudimentary, and it is impossible to output such a strong energy. .

It’s just that even if it’s a rudimentary experiment, it will release a lot of radiation and heat energy, but Mark28 has scanned the inside and outside of the tokamak device, and is flying in the air in the dirty, messy and dilapidated laboratory, continuing to search and detect , found more fragments of energy storage devices, but never found traces of dissipated energy.

This made Banner and Stark very puzzled. If all the energy in so many energy storage devices exploded, the laboratory could be blown up into the sky. The debris, estimated to be eight energy storage devices, means at least 28% of the energy has disappeared out of thin air.

"How is it possible?" Now it's Stark's turn to ask questions. Energy can't appear out of thin air, nor can it disappear out of thin air, but now at least [-]% of the energy has disappeared, and it hasn't turned into an explosive shock wave, nor has it dissipated. In the air, it's gone.

Now that Stark has put the deceit behind him, and is focused on finding out where the lost energy and radiation went, Mark28 scanned the surroundings and the top, and turned his gaze to the bottom.
Outside the laboratory, Greer, who had completed the fire extinguishing operation, quickly dispersed the huge magic circle. It is still very laborious to maintain such a large magic circle, and it consumes a lot of magic power every second. I can bear it.

The wind magic array brought light wind, blowing Greer to a building next to the laboratory, and landed steadily on the highest point, overlooking the busy people on the street from a condescending height. The firefighters began to enter Collapsed building, doctors are busy receiving the wounded, police are maintaining order
Everything is so orderly, even without the Avengers, the fire will be extinguished sooner or later, but it will take a long time, the arrival of the Avengers just omits the process of 'extinguishing the fire' and directly enters the rescue stage.

"Avengers, it's good." Greer said, he caught a glimpse of a building next to him from the corner of his eye, and it looked familiar. He tilted his head and thought for a while before digging out dusty memories from his mind. It must be the building where the financial company the Hand uses to launder money.

Thinking about it this way, the more he looked at it, the more he looked, but he still remembered that there was a complete keel buried deep in the ground, as well as the five fingers of the Hand Association, and the real boss of the Ten Rings Gang—Master Mandarin, who practiced kung fu all over, Jin Zhong The iron cloth shirt is scum in front of him.

Even in the face of the Hulk, he is not afraid. He is definitely the most powerful enemy Greer encountered before he went to the universe. It is a pity that if you are so powerful, you will have to drink hatred in the face of hundreds of millions of tons of soil pouring down On the spot, buried alive, with no room for struggle, he was definitely the most aggrieved villain to die.

"Keel." Greer leaned on the railing, looking at the financial building with only a few rooms lit up, but recalled in his heart the winding dragon that was glimpsed in a glimpse, even if there were only bones left, it was incomparably huge. Greer's Castle Deland dragon is just a younger brother in front of him. Greer estimates that it is about the same size as the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt a slight shaking from the soles of my feet. The firefighters below who were about to enter the collapsed laboratory also stopped and looked around in surprise, while the on-site command shouted, "Earthquake! ', let everyone take refuge in an open place immediately.

The Mark28 in the laboratory has landed on the ground, with its head down, scanning the ground full of various sundries and debris with its eyes, and sending the collected data back to the Avengers Building in the distance. The analysis, the final result was presented to the two of them, but it was so surprising.

"Energy... seeped into the ground?" Dr. Banner couldn't believe his eyes. Energy is not water, so how could it seep into the ground?And the speed is too fast. Mark28's radar detects the soil within the range, and all the remaining energy is found. This shows that the energy that disappeared has all disappeared deep underground, as if there is something with a strong gravitational force. , in attracting these energies in general.

"Jarvis, tell me where did all this energy go?" Stark's face was quite serious, staring at the underground image sent back by Mark28.

The main engine of the Avengers Building was running at full power, calculating endless data and formulas, and quickly simulated the whole process of energy seeping into the ground, as well as the route, and finally the energy transmission lines converged at one point, which was the Osborne Group On the ground floor of a nearby building.

"Here." Stark couldn't help frowning, as if he was remembering something, his eyes widened suddenly, his serious face became extremely astonished, as if he had discovered something frightening, his voice couldn't help but raise Octave, shouted: "Jarvis, prepare for the Iron Legion immediately."

Before he finished speaking, he felt a shaking from the floor under his feet, which intensified, causing Dr. Banner to take two steps back at a loss, trying to stay away from Stark, for fear that he would become Hulk.

Jarvis has quickly marked the vibration center on the holographic projection screen, making Stark's complexion even worse. The vibration center and the energy convergence center are actually the same, and the vibration center is moving upwards, and Move faster and faster.

This made Stark, who was holding on to the table, a little louder, and shouted: "Jarvis, dispatch the Iron Legion now, assemble Veronica immediately, and send it over as soon as it is completed."

"Sir, Mark44 still has a lot of failed tests." Jarvis dissuaded him on a daily basis, while Stark replaced the tests with practicality every day, so that Jarvis ignored these and sent them over after they were assembled, no matter how many things hadn't been tested.

"Stark?" Banner on the side was stunned. What happened to make Stark so imminent that he wanted to transport the Mark44, which is still in the test part, and the Mark44 has not yet been tested? After assembling and testing, no one knows if there will be any problems.

Stark turned his head and said to the question mark-filled Banner with an ugly face, "Greel buried the Mandarin in the ground there."

"What?" Banner was a little surprised. The video of the terrorist attack was broadcast live several times around the world, making the name of the Mandarin known all over the world. His strength made the world wonder, but after that, this guy disappeared again, becoming another puzzle.

Never expected that the number one terrorist the whole world has been looking for, the Mandarin, is actually buried underground in Manhattan, and seeing Stark like this, it is hard to believe that the Mandarin has not died after staying underground for so many years. Silently cultivating the Supreme Divine Art, now that the Divine Art is complete, is it going to break through the ground?
Dr. Banner reached out and took off his glasses, rubbed his face vigorously, and said, "I'm going to change my pants." Although I don't know the specific situation yet, but Stark wants to ship the unfinished Mark44, then Banner is probably going to play too, which is really unpleasant.

The Avengers Building, which is so far away, felt such a strong shock. The financial building directly above it was like vegetation in the wind at the moment, swaying as if drunk, and the crowd nearby screamed. The orderly order disappeared at this moment. Everyone desperately ran towards the parks and open spaces away from high-rise buildings. Mark28 also flew out from the laboratory where the bricks kept falling, and flew towards the direction of the hospital. .

Harry among the crowd on the street, escorted by a group of bodyguards, ran towards the nearest shock-absorbing space. At this moment, he didn't know whether to make the earthquake bigger or smaller. If the magnitude of the earthquake was large enough, the earthquake collapsed , Shaking several buildings, he can find a way to blame the explosion of the artificial solar laboratory on the earthquake head, but he is still within the range of the earthquake, so he must want to be smaller, otherwise, if the collapsed building hits him What to do, my tangled heart is about to break.

The others didn't think as much as he did, and they ran to the open space with all their attention. Only Greer, who was suspended again, looked at the building that was swaying like a drug addict. He felt that there was something under the building. A strong breath, like a volcanic eruption, was gushing out.

This made Greer's heart very heavy, and he always had a bad feeling, thinking uneasy: It has been more than a year, even if the Mandarin survived by luck, he should die of thirst and starvation, right? As for the unlucky one, there happened to be a food storage room underneath, and there happened to be an underground river or something, so that he survived?
As soon as I thought of this, the nearly [-]-meter-high financial building finally couldn't bear the sway from the ground, and the pile foundation broke, causing the whole to fall apart and collapse. Yu fell to one side and collided with a nearby building.

In the earth-shattering impact sound, countless glass crackles! 'The shattering continued, the walls at the close part of the two buildings were broken and shattered into ashes, and the shock waves caused by the impact were raised and spread towards the surroundings like a dust storm.

But the movement like the earth crashing, could not conceal a loud dragon roar, and then the crumbling building exploded directly, as if something rushed out of the inside, breaking the shell into pieces, countless bricks, rubble, Concrete and iron flakes fell one after another, and the dense dust covered the sky, and one after another huge white pillars could be vaguely seen moving rapidly in the dust.

(End of this chapter)

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