Chapter 576 Restart

For a while, Coulson suspected that he hadn't woken up, or had an auditory hallucination. He opened his mouth and stammered, "Sir, I don't understand what you mean?"

Nick Fury pulled out two folding chairs, threw one to Coulson, sat on it, looked at a piece of iron with a picture of an eagle with wings on the simple wall, and said, "You know that the S.H.I.E.L.D. history?"

"Of course, every S.H.I.E.L.D. High-tech weapons and super soldiers needed for war.

After the war, the Strategic Science Corps was changed to the Strategic Dangerous Intervention and Espionage Logistics Division, which was mainly used to deal with unknown extraterrestrial personnel and strange events. After you were promoted to the director, it was changed to the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, referred to as the S.H.I.E.L.D. "

"Yes, you remember very clearly, but have you ever thought about why the Strategic Science Corps did not disband after the war, but instead grew stronger and stronger, becoming an international organization, even having its own armed forces, and surpassing the world's level of technology." Nick Fury stared at Coulson with scorching eyes, and asked this question.

"Maybe the world needs us." Coulson said rather unashamedly. He used to admire the former agents for their hard work. It must be very difficult to develop S.H.I.E.L.D. There are so many twists and turns, few people really think about it, and it's hard to figure it out.

"The world can continue to operate without anyone. Every country has its own intelligence department, which is secret and public. There are a lot of CIA, FBI, MI[-], etc., but they spend an astronomical amount of money every year to support them. A so-called intelligence organization that is not very controlled and has a large number of armed forces is too stupid to know how to use it to form an obedient and commanded intelligence department in its own country." Nick Fury said with sarcasm.

Coulson sounds awkward, but the world's largest intelligence chief is here to complain and mock the intelligence department he leads. What is this?However, the power possessed by S.H.I.E.L.D. is too powerful. Not to mention the world's first space carrier, there are also the world's most advanced Kun series fighter jets, transport aircraft, and independent intelligence systems. They are only responsible to the Security Council, and those with great power It's a little too much.

"Then let me tell you a little different history," Nick Fury looked up, looking at a plaque with a picture of an eagle with wings on the mottled wall of the hall, and said: "After the war, the Federation made And implemented the Paperclip Project, which absorbed a large number of West German scientists. After being reorganized by Peggy Carter and Howard Stark into the Strategic Dangerous Intervention and Intelligence Logistics Service, the Strategic Science Corps secretly absorbed a large number of Hydra scientists."

Coulson was a little surprised. He never expected that the Federation would take such an action, accepting war criminals and weaving new identities for them, which is also quite democratic.But I didn't expect that the Strategic Science Corps would also get involved and accept Hydra scientists. This must not be told to the captain.

But it’s nothing. Serving the Federation with those people’s ingenuity and wisdom can be regarded as benefiting the people. It’s been almost 70 years. Even if it’s decrypted now, it won’t cause too much trouble. At most, it will be discussed in a few days. To pay attention to celebrity gossip.

"Do you know the slogan of Hydra?" Nick Fury suddenly asked a bonus question. Hydra is a compulsory part of the S.H.I.E.L.D. The Hydra led by Skull made great contributions to the victory of the Allies in World War II. Naturally, it is necessary to mention the past achievements from time to time.

"Chop off one head and grow two." Coulson didn't understand why Nick Fury was suddenly talking about this.

"This is not just a slogan, but a fact," Nick Fury said with a complicated expression, looking quite melancholy, "The Strategic Science Corps thought they had wiped out Hydra, but they just chopped off a head."

"Sir, I... I don't quite understand what you mean?" Coulson's expression also became serious. According to Nick Fury, does it mean that Hydra has not been completely wiped out?

"Hydra has grown a head inside S.H.I.E.L.D." Nick Fury said the earth-shattering news in a flat tone, as if discussing what to eat for lunch, and it was passed into Coulson's ears, and he chopped It was tender on the outside and coke on the inside, 'Teng! ' stood up suddenly, knocked down the chairs, eyes staring like brass bells, full of disbelief.

"Mr. Howard and Agent Carter thought that Hydra was completely wiped out, so they recruited a large number of Hydra scientists to study the Rubik's Cube, and these Hydra scientists, with the help of other heads, became S.H.I.E.L.D. The parasites absorb the nutrition of S.H.I.E.L.D. and continue to grow."

Nick Fury's voice was not loud, but to Coulson's ears, it sounded like thunderbolts, which made him almost suffocate. Come up with a word.

"This head gradually grows, until" Nick Fury's words suddenly stopped, and the whole person sat on the chair, sluggish, without any energy. Coulson was extremely shocked at the beginning, and gradually He calmed down and sat down slowly, but he didn't notice that the chair was knocked down by him, and he sat down on the ground, making him extremely embarrassed.

At this moment, Coulson doesn't look like an elite agent at all, he is worse than ordinary people, not to mention being vigilant, maybe he doesn't even know how to fight with others.

But the news that shocked him was more than that. Nick Fury, who was silent for a while, read out an all-too-familiar name: "Until Alexander Pierce, an agent of Hydra, became the head of the Strategic Dangerous Intervention and Espionage Logistics Division. The last director, Hydra began to develop rapidly. In the name of S.H.I.E.L.D., it created chaos all over the world and gained benefits from the war. In just over ten years, it became the most powerful branch of Hydra. "

"Sir?!" Coulson felt that the world view had completely collapsed. Alexander Pierce, who knows SHIELD, who knows, the former director of SHIELD, even after he was promoted to the World Security Council, has always supported SHIELD. His work has helped S.H.I.E.L.D. solve many constraints and blocked many problems.

Let’s talk about the Insight Plan, spending hundreds of billions of dollars to build the most powerful space carrier, equipped with the most advanced Quin-jet fighter jets, the treatment that the five big gangsters don’t have, but SHIELD wants to take the lead, this is simply not good possible plans.

But with the assistance of Alexander Pierce, S.H.I.E.L.D. was approved, received a sum of funds on time, and successfully built the first experimental space carrier as an air mobile base. After the test was completed, construction began again. The other three more advanced Chinese aircraft carriers.

Even Nick Fury has called 'Alexander Pierce' countless times in public or privately as the best and most supportive partner of S.H.I.E.L.D., one in S.H.I.E.L.D. Cooperate to let S.H.I.E.L.D. thrive.

But now. Now it is said that Alexander Pierce is the man of the hydra that has been extinct for nearly 70 years. If Coulson hadn't been with Nick Fury for 30 years, he would never believe such a 'ridiculous' In fact, I even wondered if Nick Fury wanted to mess with Alexander Pierce, so he came up with a "pointing a deer as a horse" to make people stand in line.

Coulson lowered his head and shook his head vigorously, trying to wake himself up. His world view has been shattered into scum. The organization he has worked for for more than 20 years is actually led by Hydra, unless he wants to join Hydra, otherwise it is simply unacceptable, just like you have been in college for four years, only to find out that the school name on the diploma has the word "Blue Bird" behind it.

"When I first heard the news, it was even more exaggerated than you said. We thought we were working hard to protect world peace, but we were actually helping Hydra to create chaos in the world. It's really ridiculous." Nick Fury He laughed as he spoke, but the laughter was so sad.

Coulson, who was in shock, heard an important point and asked, "Sir, who told you the news?"

Alexander Pierce was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. at the time, and S.H.I.E.L.D. was already a very large organization. Who could investigate his true identity and tell Nick Fury?

Then Coulson thought of a guy who likes to 'make up stories'. If the story is true, then he who showed up 30 or [-] years ago might have seen Aris Pierce from the train as Hydra's information.

Nick Fury did not answer this question, but said to himself: "Aris Pierce became the director, allowing Hydra to infiltrate and grow in S.H.I.E.L.D. without any scruples. After I become the director, I want to To clean up these parasites, he did not hesitate to bury many suspected Hydra agents together.

I told myself that this is for the future of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the world, no matter how much sacrifice is worth, but I have worked hard for so long, but the effect is negligible. How many Hydra people.

S.H.I.E.L.D. was able to discover the scale it is today because other heads want to use the name of S.H.I.E.L.D. to do things in the name of S.H.I.E.L.D., and to make the Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D. grow stronger, and the Hydra hidden in various places, Has been helping S.H.I.E.L.D. to resolve such constraints.

Therefore, SHIELD can develop to the point where it is today, in fact, we have to thank Hydra for its effortless help. Does it sound ironic?
S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, like the front and back of a coin, have been integrated into one. If you want to destroy Hydra, you have to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. The other heads are still well hidden. "

Coulson's Adam's apple twitched. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. His brain was still in a mess. In just a few minutes, he received too much information, and it was too shocking. , so that he couldn't digest it at all for a while.

Breathing heavily, my chest heaving violently, my heart's bang!boom! ' was jumping non-stop, almost rushing out of his chest, licked his dry lips, finally opened his mouth, and said: "Sir, then you asked me to form the S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Everything starts again." Nick Fury seemed to have adjusted his mood, and his tone returned to the usual one, saying: "SHIELD has been infiltrated into a sieve, and when I'm talking to you, there may be SHIELD Agents become Hydra, or a Hydra person is added."

"Don't we have a lie detection system? Every year we conduct a test irregularly." Coulson suddenly thought of the lie detection station he had just been on a few days ago.

"Hehe," Nick Fury suddenly laughed, shaking his head and said, "The polygraph program is what I used to find Hydra agents. If it wasn't for that thing, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have been owned by Hydra long ago." There are no agents of S.H.I.E.L.D..”

"Then why?" Coulson was even more confused. Since it was effective, why couldn't the Hydra people be cleaned up.

"Because I can't find someone I trust enough to be responsible for the polygraph, so can't I just say that you are a Hydra person?

Since the defeat of World War II, Hydra has been hiding and using a single-line connection. They may not know each other is Hydra.

Every year, a large number of agents enter S.H.I.E.L.D., how many Hydra people are mixed in here?No one knows, maybe even Alexander Pierce doesn't know how many people are in the Hydra he leads.

Also, Hydra is not only developing within S.H.I.E.L.D., its tentacles have extended to all aspects. There are hundreds of Hydra congressmen I have confirmed, and more than 20 of them are still on Capitol Hill.

There are also many big companies that are also Hydra's white gloves, and many of the richest people are Hydra people."

Nick Fury babbled about what he knew about Hydra, and Coulson opened his mouth wider and wider.

Listening to this, Hydra is not only rooted in S.H.I.E.L.D., but also extends to every corner of human society. Now he understands why Nick Fury failed. Hydra is simply bigger than S.H.I.E.L.D.

After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is only involved in military and intelligence, but Hydra has all kinds of fields, and its roots are intertwined. The relationship is stronger than that of alumni associations and fellow villagers' alliances. They support each other, how can they not grow stronger.

This is not something that can be resolved by force. For example, a company invested by Hydra in a state accounts for more than half of the state's income. Even if they know that it is an illegal company, the governor and state legislators will do their best to protect it for votes. .

Expanding to the United States, there is no shortage of politicians who are willing to sell their souls to the devil for votes, not to mention the congressmen trained by Hydra itself. This is already a political force that cannot be ignored, stronger than the three space carriers .

(End of this chapter)

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