The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 557 The Nine-Headed Snake Meeting

Chapter 557 The Hydra Conference

Alexander Pierce intentionally or unintentionally pointed out the embarrassing position of the space carrier. Like many high-level officials, he witnessed the whole process of the battle between the space carrier and the Quinjet fighter, which represents the highest technology of mankind, against the alien fleet. The result was unsatisfactory. Just a hundred small spaceships wiped out the three largest and strongest helicarrier fleets of mankind, and ignited forests covering tens of thousands of square kilometers.

Explosions, falling from a thousand-meter altitude and forest fires, even if people from the S.H.I.E.L.D. It would be great if the rescue team could collect the corpse, but it is very likely that they would not even be able to bring back the ashes.

"But the three Helicarriers did block the alien fleet, didn't they?" Nick Fury said softly, but managed to make Alexander Pierce behind him change his face slightly again, wanting to slap him on the ground. On this hateful bald head, let him know why the flowers are so red.

Seven hours ago, in the office, after witnessing the last fighter plane fall from the sky, the one on Alexander Pierce's desk, his favorite Yuan Qinghua, was turned into pieces in a second, if he was not old and weak, I'm afraid his office is about to start redecorating now.

The loss of his personnel was so serious, but the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. did not die much, especially Nick Fury’s air command, which is even more neglected, and it is still flying safely in the air. If you want to follow up To train the crew of the new space carrier, it is necessary to go there for an internship.

However, Alexander Pierce immediately adjusted his mentality, and with a pitiful look, he sighed: "Victory in exchange for annihilation? It's not as good as the Avengers. If the Security Council chooses, they will definitely be more willing to pay a few people." huge wages, instead of supporting hundreds of thousands of people.”

Nick Fury, who had always been expressionless, finally showed a smile, turned his head, looked at the gray-haired Alexander Pierce, and said sincerely: "The construction of the new space carrier must be started as soon as possible. A lot of money, anyway, this time S.H.I.E.L.D. defeated an alien fleet."

"This is the only bargaining chip we can take." Alexander Pierce sighed, raised his hand and patted Nick Fury on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, I will work hard on the Security Council to get them to agree. Build a new space carrier."

"It is necessary. The earth has been invaded by a large number of aliens only half a year after Asgard was destroyed. I am afraid that there will be no less wars like this in the future." Nick Fury's face was full of worry: "The people who appeared in London The alien fleet has not been found so far, I don’t know if it left or hid.”

Although the Nine Realms Convergence is over, all countries are very busy, trying their best to get the fragments of the alien fleet and the fragments of creatures from other worlds back to their own countries, and looking for the trace of the huge fleet that appeared and disappeared above London .

"Alas!" Alexander Pierce sighed along with him, full of concern for the country and the people, his eyes flickered a few times, and he said intentionally or unintentionally: "Has he still not summoned the train flying in the sky?"

"No," Nick Fury shook his head, and said, "But the flying dragon was summoned, showing a very powerful attack."

Alexander Pierce frowned immediately when he heard the words, and said, "But it's incomparable to that train. Are you sure it's him? Could it be someone else."

"Maybe, there is no way to prove it, so what if it is true or not, at least for now he is on the side of human beings."

The two busy people didn't stay for long. After seeing the empty underground factory for a while, they took the elevator and left. Nick Fury returned to his office and continued to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. affairs, while Alexander Pierce went down on the first floor The elevator walked to the parking lot, ready to go home and rest.

Four black SUVs with exactly the same style and reflective film attached to the rear seat glass slowly drove out of the SHIELD parking lot, crossed the long bridge across the river, and drove towards the villas in the bustling city .

In the Trident building, Nick Fury stood in front of the huge French windows, looking at the four cars that were as small as matchboxes driving on the bridge across the river, with a faint smile on his lips, until these cars merged into the night , turned around and sat back at his desk.

His dark right hand flicked across the smooth desktop, and the opposite wall instantly turned into a display screen, showing rows and rows of folders, which could be described as vast as the sea, with countless numbers.With a skillful wave of Nick Fury's hand, the densely packed folders quickly slid aside, and tens of thousands of folders passed by in the blink of an eye.

Nick Fury, one by one, a folder was opened, and one by one design drawings appeared immediately. There were tens of thousands of them. The combined 3D model was somewhat similar to the Quinjet aircraft, but the volume was five times larger. Not only that, looking at the wings and engines, it's a bit dark elf style.

Looking at the design drawing of the latest aircraft, Nick Fury raised a smile, and said to himself: "Pierce, you must get the money as soon as possible, I need the money urgently. "

Yes, Nick Fury didn't want to build a bunch of space carriers at all. It was just a cover and bait. Now that the fish had been caught, there was no need to build another space carrier that was useless except for bluffing.With such a large body, its movement speed is not as fast as that of a fighter jet. It can be said to be an iron coffin. This can be seen from the fact that Hawkeye almost crashed it with an arrow.

Especially after this war, Nick Fury felt that the space carrier was useless. If it was a war between humans, the space carrier, aircraft carrier, etc. would naturally be of great use, but it could be used against superhumans and technology Aliens far beyond the earth are not enough to watch.

Not to mention the two people from 30 or [-] years ago, even Thor and Stark have many ways to shoot down the space carrier, so Nick Fury has stopped thinking about rebuilding the space carrier, and is going to build a Quin-style system Battleships based on warplanes and dark elf ships, thus moving possible future wars to outer space instead of on Earth.

Therefore, he deliberately let the underground factory continue to operate, and put on a posture of rebuilding three space carriers, so that Alexander Pierce could do his best to ask for funds, so that Nick Fury had money to invest in outer space combat spaceships Plan to come up.

Facts have proved that Nick Fury's plan was very successful. Alexander Pierce was embarrassed on the surface, but he was quite happy in his heart. This means that the "Insight Plan" can still be implemented, but it will be postponed for a few years.

After touching the bottom of Nick Fury, Alexander Pierce left the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, returned to his mansion, and then left through the underground passage to an underground secret base.The total area is not large, only more than [-] square meters, and it is divided into several floors, but it is full of various high-tech instruments and equipment. maintenance.

More than 30 heavily armed soldiers fortified layer by layer, guarding this underground base tightly, so that no fly can fly in. The uniforms worn by these people are generally the same as the special forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. The only difference is the armband, which is not an eagle with wings spread, but a skeleton octopus.

Alexander Pierce sat in one of the deepest rooms, arranging his clothes a little. The lights in the room dimmed, but new lights were turned on, projecting one after another holographic figures, which were Hydra's Heads of each division.

"hail hydra!"

After the daily shouting and clocking in, the regular meeting officially started, and the heads of various branches of Hydra also began to discuss important matters that need to be resolved urgently.

Baron Sterak, who was wearing a monocle, spoke first. Although he had thick dark circles under his eyes and had a bad rest at first glance, his spirit was extremely excited. Flipping through the paper documents in his hand, he said: "The warrant of the mind is not It’s as simple as controlling people, and it contains infinite possibilities.”

Seeing that Baron Strack began to read his research report on the spiritual scepter at length, Daniel Whitehall, who seemed very young, interrupted him displeasedly, saying: "These reports of Baron Strack can be Organize it into a document and send it to us afterwards, if you have no more important things to report, then "

"Of course." Baron Sterak quickly flipped through the thick documents in his hand, making people feel helpless. I don't know whether to say that these old antiques are nostalgic, or that they are so old-fashioned that they still like to print reports instead of the more convenient and quick electronic report. Version.

It took about ten seconds for Baron Sterak to find what he wanted to read: "According to the report of Dr. Eric who was controlled by Loki, after the warrant came to him, he saw the vast universe and instantly understood how to build it. Space door."

"You want to say that the scepter is a learning machine, where can't you point it?" Gideon Malikming, who had a bit of a relationship with Baron Sterak, sarcastically.

"I don't know, but the scepter is not as simple as controlling people. I doubt it can stimulate people's potential. I need more people to conduct experiments."

As soon as Baron Sterak finished speaking, Dr. Lister couldn't wait to take over, saying: "You still have doubts, but I found a potion that can double people's physical fitness." Dr. Lister lowered his head and operated One time, a report was sent to a temporarily opened public server for people to browse. It contained the specific functions of the potion, that is, allowing a normal person to gain several times the power, as well as the video and performance of the experiment.

Only some of the videos have the logo of the Osborn Group. Obviously, the source of this potion is the body strengthening potion of the Osborne Group.

None of the people present at the meeting were natives from the valley, so it was obvious at a glance. Alexander Pierce frowned and said, "The experimental accident of the Osborne Group is still being watched by S.H.I.E.L.D." It's not self-inflicted to come out with human body enhancement drugs.

The last rhino incident caused a lot of casualties, and the destroyed streets have not been built as before. S.H.I.E.L.D., FBI, and CIA are still chasing the missing experimenters, but they have no clues and have to stop for a while, but once they find any clues, It will catch up immediately like a dog.

"This is not an immature human body augmentation potion," Dr. Liszt said braggingly, "but it did learn from the basic engineering formula of the human body augmentation potion, and I improved it by adding super soldier serum and Hulk serum, A new type of serum has been extracted, which can enhance the physical fitness of human beings to an extent no less than that of Asgardians."

Dr. Liszt's words successfully aroused the interest of the participants. Human beings have always wanted to make themselves stronger, so they invented various machines to replace the weak human body, but this does not mean that human beings do not want to Strengthening oneself, on the contrary, is even more thoughtful, so all countries have launched various plans to enhance the human body.

However, very few have succeeded. Super soldier serum and human exoskeleton are currently the most successful plans, but it is a pity that they cannot be popularized. One is that the formula is lost and the success rate is impressive. Leaking is tantamount to saying that human beings are still standing still.

As for Osborne's human body enhancement drug, why is there no market, isn't it immature?The fatality rate is high, the success rate is low, and the cost is higher. Every time an experimental product is successful, a whole room of money will be burned. A single injection may cause the subject to die.

Therefore, there is no market for human body augmentation drugs, so that the U.S. military can't stand the bottomless investment, and withdraws its capital and leaves.Unexpectedly, Liszt picked it up, added a series of superhuman serums, and made a mixed serum. Is it because there is too much money to spend, or is he stupid?

Facing doubts, Dr. Liszt didn’t say much, but just played a video showing a strong shirtless man smashing a container into iron with one punch, and kicking a car into the air with one kick, but it was eye-catching What is most important is not his mighty strength, but the blood-colored metallic objects attached to the body's limbs and back, with spikes protruding from both ends, penetrating into the human skin. Obviously, these centipede-shaped metal objects, It is the source of this person's strength.

Dr. Liszt said proudly: "The reaction of medicine entering the human body is difficult to control. In this case, it is carried out outside the body so that the reaction can be controlled. This is the osmotic device I invented. Depending on the situation, different doses of medicine are released to keep the person in a strong state. When not needed, the release of the medicine is turned off to restore the person to normal and reduce the burden on the human body. In this way, the side effects can be minimized. Lifespan can also be greatly increased."

(End of this chapter)

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