The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 543 Double Infinity Gems

Chapter 543 Double Infinity Gems

The technology possessed by the dark elves is far superior to that of human beings. They hijacked the human network and TV signals in an instant, and let this video spread all over the world. The streets and alleys know it. The first thought of many people is: "Is this true? "

Even though the war of breaking the contract two years ago was famous all over the world, for 99.99% of the people on earth, it was just a chat after dinner, and it was too far away from their own lives, so far that aliens invaded and broke the contract and destroyed Manhattan. Not as important as the PPT to be used in the afternoon.

But for Londoners, this is really fatal. People in other places can still doubt the authenticity of this video, but they can see the alien fleet covering the sky, densely packed all over the sky when they look up. .It used to be chaos in the area where monsters from different worlds haunted, but now it has spread to the whole of London. Everyone is desperately running out of the city, for fear that after one step, they will become victims of alien invasion.

What can you do in half an hour?
It may be a game or an episode of TV series, but for the people of Wudu, it is life and death. As a city full of narrow roads, it is difficult to drive by mistake when driving in the opposite direction. Usually, traffic jams are just a waste of time, gentlemen. He will sit in the car elegantly drinking coffee and reading newspapers. It’s nothing to be late for work. Being able to go to work and not go on strike is already giving face.

But now the traffic jam means that you are one step closer to death, everyone is running out of the city, the road is jammed like a sausage, no one can move a step, and the alien fleet above your head is like the sword of Damocles , may fall at any time.

Under the threat of death, what comes first, first served, and gentlemanly demeanor are all thrown into the sky. Everyone throws down the car and runs along the road in a panic. From time to time, some people fall down and may stand up, but more Is never able to stand up again.

Cries, exclamations, and sirens filled the streets, alleys, pavilions, and pavilions. The word chaos can no longer describe this city of jewels crowned by the queen. Today's fog is extraordinarily noisy. A place of tranquility.

Sitting on the highest seat in the central control room, Malekith was particularly pleased with the chaos of the city below. He liked chaos and darkness. The so-called order was just a shackle imposed on people, especially in Asgard. Various restrictions were imposed to prevent the other eight realms from threatening its rule, but all of these were finally shattered.

Soon, he will completely destroy Asgard, and then plow-bomb the planet with starship guns to find ether particles, and then he can dye the Nine Realms into darkness
Malekith was thinking about it, and on the augmented reality screen in front of him, a blade-shaped combat airship on the periphery suddenly lost its signal, and the intelligent program immediately converted the picture of the nearby spaceship, and saw that the position of the combat airship changed to A sea of ​​fire.

Countless large and small steel fragments dragged their long tails and fell downwards, but they fell into a pale golden halo and disappeared after falling only a hundred meters away. Strong attraction force, the fragments from the explosion of the battle airship were all sucked in without exception.

And above London, under a space gate leading to Muspelheim, a light golden ring appeared, from which a large number of metal fragments gushed out, were sucked into this space gate, and fell into the magma of Muspelheim In the lake, a large amount of hot magma was splashed. A large number of lava men stood by the lake, looking up at the "gap" in the sky, but they could not fly. They could only watch the fire monsters with the ability to fly. Go through the space door and enter another world.

The flames of the explosion of the combat airship were quickly extinguished, but immediately a spaceship next to it exploded again. This time, the high-speed camera captured the silhouette of the attacker and projected it in front of Malekith, and Thor was lingering all over him. Holding the lightning, holding up the storm ax dyed silver by the lightning, it spanned a distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, and smashed the battle airship with one axe.

The lingering lightning on the storm ax invaded the inside and outside of the battle airship at the speed of light, and instantly blew up the battle airship into a ball of fire. Countless fragments hit Thor, hitting his face and body. When he arrived at Thor, he was vaporized by the lightning on his body.

Completely ignoring Thor who exploded close at hand, he quickly turned around and pounced on the battle airship next to him again. But at this time, the dark elf troops had already moved, and the battle airship selected by Thor as the target immediately dodged, while the surrounding The combat airship came to support and launched an offensive against Thor.

Light bombs and beams of light cannons hit the sky and cover the sky. Even though Thor reacted quickly, he was hit several times. He lost his balance and rolled towards the ground.After falling for a hundred and eighty meters in a row, he stabilized. When he raised his head, he saw more than a dozen combat airships breaking out of formation and rushing towards Thor.

The battle airship dived and opened fire, and a series of light bullets hit like a cannonball. Thor subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but when he looked down, there were densely packed human cities below him. He could see clearly To the crowds in the streets and alleys, once he dodges, the dark elves' attack will fall on the city below, causing many casualties.

The opportunity is fleeting, Thor hesitated so much, the attack of the dark elf battle airship was approaching, Thor swung the storm axe, the whole body surged with lightning, like a whip sweeping across the sky, one after another light bullets were blown up in the air, The three combat airships that couldn't dodge in time were also struck by the electric whip, the engines ceased firing instantly, and sparks representing malfunctions burst out everywhere on the shell, and they fell towards the ground like kites with broken strings.

It's just that these three combat airships had no chance to land at all, so they started to fall. Three glowing pale golden rings appeared in the void below, causing the three downtime combat airships to fall into them and landed on the barren Gobi Desert. .

With a wave of Greer's purple radiant right hand, the combat airship immediately disintegrated, torn into countless pieces, and penetrated deep into the Gobi Desert. The fragments of the battle airship that Thor exploded were also transferred here by Greer.

Malekith watched the scene of Thor and Greer fighting the battle airship intently, and said coldly, "Hmph! With a sound, he raised his pale right hand, tapped twice on the augmented reality screen, and used the powerful computing power of the mothership's central computer to invade the global network again, and said expressionlessly: " I appreciate the courage of resistance, and Thor of Asgard destroyed five of my ships, so I decided to fire five cannons at the human city, and the attack began."

The screen instantly changed to Thor's heroic act of destroying five dark elf spaceships one after another, but no one cheered and praised. The people in Wudu, who were still desperately fleeing below, heard about this and even cursed, greeting Thor's family and the eighteenth generation of their ancestors , hated why Thor wanted to attack the alien spaceship, so that they didn't even have time to escape.

Five spaceships several times larger than combat airships flew out of the formation in the sky. The armor of the bow was opened, and a gun barrel with a diameter of seven or eight meters protruded out. The spaceships also began to adjust their angles. Aim the cannons at the city below.

At this moment, the Eye of Agamotto on Greer's neck, which was more than ten kilometers away, shone with bright emerald light, and then appeared beside a spaceship in an instant. With a wave of his left hand, the space door opened, With a wave of his right hand, purple light flickered, and the spaceship was instantly torn into countless pieces and fell into the space gate.

After the last piece of debris fell into the space gate, the space gate closed immediately, and the Eye of Agamotto opened again. Greer appeared next to the second spaceship that was still adjusting the angle, and repeated the previous actions. Open the space door, the spaceship suddenly fell apart, the parts fell into the space door, and the person disappeared in just 1 minute, the six huge spaceships just disappeared, and on the Gobi Desert, there were six more piles of explosive fragments .

"What?" Malekith's eyes widened in surprise, and he couldn't believe what he saw. The six spaceships were several kilometers apart from each other, and they were guarded by a large number of combat airships. How could they be wiped out so easily? ?

There is also this guy in a strange suit who destroyed six spaceships in just one minute. Thor only destroyed eight combat airships that were much smaller than spaceships. The destruction efficiency was even higher than Thor's, but why? No information on him?
With a gloomy face, Malekith rummaged through the information collected by the scouts sent earlier, Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor... all the powerful guys who caused waves on the earth are all on the list, but none of them He was wearing a lavender tuxedo, covered most of his face with a decorative scarf, and was wearing high boots. Obviously, this powerful guy was a newcomer.

"How did he do it?" Malekith immediately asked his subordinates to analyze why this guy was able to avoid numerous frigates and open something like a space door. This was the first time he had seen such an ability.

Analysis is analysis, but the solution still needs to be solved, otherwise, if these two guys continue to destroy, his fleet will suffer a lot. Malekith does not think that two people can destroy his entire star fleet, even if it takes ten seconds One, it will take three or four hours to do it, not to mention, he is not without resistance.

The order was issued, and the dark elves' fleet moved, splitting part of the main force and rushing towards Greer. The light clusters and light beams all over the sky opened up like raindrops, but just when they were about to touch Greer, The space in front of Greer was broken, and Greer was directly pushed into the mirror space, avoiding the attacks all over the sky.

The Eye of Agamotto was activated, and the mirror space quickly folded, white clouds and mud overlapped, buildings intersected with the sky, and when it reappeared, Greer had already arrived in the sky nearly [-] kilometers away, facing the left without even looking With a wave of his hand, several space doors opened, and the fragments of several dark elf combat airships that had just been blown up by Thor accurately fell into the space doors, and none of them fell into the city below.

Thor, who was surrounded by endless lightning, turned his head to look at Greer in magic clothes, especially the emerald pendant on his chest and his right hand shrouded in purple light, which made Thor feel faintly uneasy, as if he was going back to the past to fight At the moment of life and death, he was slashed on the face with a sword. If Odin hadn't raised his hand, Thor would have died on the spot.

"You have become very strong." Thor said meaningfully.

"Because I have nothing to fear." Greer finished this sentence in a flat tone, and suddenly disappeared from Thor's vision. When he appeared in the next breath, he was already several thousand meters away from Thor. With a wave of his hands, the space door opened 15. The entire process of the spacecraft being shredded took less than [-] seconds, and a spacecraft not much smaller than an aircraft carrier just disappeared.

This series of movements is smooth and flowing, and Thor is stunned. It is not fancy at all. It is completely different from his opening and closing, but it is extremely practical, and the killing efficiency is amazing. After such a short effort, the dark elf spaceship that was wiped out , have caught up with him.

Greer just drained the blood slowly one by one. Now that he has the time gem and the power gem, it is not impossible to destroy the spaceship of the dark elves at once, but he will pay a price.But Greer didn't want to do this. Things that are too easy to do will never be cherished by others. Besides, what if he shows too much power and scares away the frost giants? of.

With this thought in mind, Greer, carrying the Time Gem, "slowly" confronted the dark elf spaceships all over the sky. One after another, the dark elf spaceships were "disappearing", and the scrap iron on the deserted Gobi desert was piled up. Increasing, exploding one after another, almost as dense as setting off firecrackers during the New Year.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, they are just two insignificant people. When the mayfly shakes the big tree and the mantis turns into a car, the chaos in the city below remains. It was three minutes faster, and no one had time to look at the sky. Naturally, no one noticed that the attack hadn't landed at all, because their hearts were already filled with panic, and they only wanted to run for their lives.

Among the crowded crowd fleeing all over the street, there were two people wearing hats with lowered brims and trench coats with stand-up collars that covered most of their faces. Standing on the side of the street, they looked at the dark elf fleet in the sky. Frowning tightly, he said to the blond fat man beside him, "Thor, this is different from before. I don't remember that there were so many alien troops in London."

"Please, Tony, as I said, this is another universe, different from ours. When I went back to Asgard, I met a friend I didn't know. Can you understand? Didn't you say that you are smart? Is it?" The fat man said, he picked up a hamburger from an empty roadside stall and stuffed it into his mouth.

"My intelligence is rather questionable, but it's not another universe, but I have to look again. The parallel universe hypothesis still lacks a solid theoretical basis."

(End of this chapter)

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