Chapter 537
'call!call! '

Sparks were blowing out of Surtur's red nostrils, and flames were sprayed out from time to time, just like two fireworks sticks stuffed into his nose. It can be seen how bad Surtur was in a bad mood. This relaxing journey never expected that on a mere low-level planet, they would meet several difficult guys.

Not to mention the flaming skull, it is directly immune to the biggest advantages of the flame giant - high temperature, flames, amazing strength, and immortality, even Surtur faintly felt that the other party had a kind of He felt the power of palpitations.

This feeling made Surtur very upset, and he really wanted to defeat the ghost knight to prove that he was still strong and invincible, but after fighting for a long time, he had to let his hands go down to entangle the ghost knight, and he took the ghost knight with him. The large army rushed out.

He came here to regain the Eternal Flame and become a real flame giant, instead of fighting to the death with a guy who also played with fire, but he didn't expect that Thor was stronger than the legend, and the pressure given to him by the ghost rider Bigger, and another guy who has never heard of wearing full-body armor is so strong.

This shocked Surtur. He really couldn't understand why there were so many strong men here, and he hated Odin even more in his heart. If Eternal Flame was in his hands, how could he be so confused by these stinky fish and rotten shrimps? Embarrassed.

At the same time, he hated the Dark Elf and the Frost Giant even more. He agreed to set off together. Why was he alone here? The Dark Elf sent a small team over, but the Frost Giant didn’t even see the ice. Surtur couldn’t help but Think about it, whether his 'allies' used him as cannon fodder and took this opportunity to find Odin's treasure house.

I can't help Surtur thinking this way. It's really that the so-called alliance is as fragile as noodles. It's normal to betray and take advantage of it. Even Surtur wanted the dark elves and frost giants to gnaw hard bones before he set off. , he went straight to fetch Odin's treasury.

Never expected that he would become the one who gnaws the bones, and he is a little bit about to break his teeth. None of these three stubbles are easy to match, and he is not at his home court. There is no BUFF bonus, and his strength is basically halved. , This made Surtur hate Odin even more. If the Eternal Flame is in his hand, even if it is ice and snow, he will have nothing to fear.

When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous, there was no nonsense, and they started fighting directly. Thor carried the storm axe, wrapped in thunder and rushed towards the formation of the flame giants, and smashed straight on the street from a height of tens of meters. The asphalt road was instantly torn apart, and endless thunder scattered in all directions.

Dense lightning flashed across, and in an instant, 50 meters around Thor turned into a white field, and everything was torn apart or even smashed to pieces. No matter whether it was a flame giant, a lava man, or a tall or short house, in front of the thunder, all beings were equal.

Greer's move is not so open and close, but it is also extremely brave, with a sword and a spear, no one can block it, leaving only rubble on the ground, not a complete flame giant and lava It's not that people can't perform group attacks, it's just to save energy.

So far, only the flame giants have attacked with their entire army, the dark elves may have half their troops, and the frost giants have not been seen so far, so it is necessary to save energy and energy as much as possible.

It's just that compared to the thousands of flame giants, Thor, Kamen Rider and Ghost Rider are so small that they are almost submerged by the sea of ​​people. Even if they rush left and right, it won't help. Overwhelmed by quality.

With the experience of the war of breaking the contract, this time countries did not consider nuclear peace first, but urgently mobilized their troops to fight in other countries. Bloom in the sky.

Then came the armed helicopters, and the fighter jets wanted to join the battle, but this is a city with 10 survivors, and it is not yet possible to carry out ground-cleaning bombing, so we can only send armed helicopters and army armored troops in.

It’s just that the distance can’t quench the near thirst. Even if a large-scale armored force is transported by air, it will take two hours. At present, only one airborne force is landing, and there are [-] or [-] armed helicopters arriving in time. Precision-guided fighter jets need They conduct ground guidance to prevent missiles from going off course.

After all, it is a city, if the angle is a bit off, the consequences will be immeasurable, and not all countries are as rich as the five gangsters, and even the five gangsters can't replace all the fighter jets in the country with the latest models, and they can build a hundred or so. It's already a big deal, let alone a small country, and domestic weapons will always be several generations behind.

The S.H.I.E.L.D., which uses the advanced space carrier, fought extremely fiercely against the dark elves. With such outdated weapons, the support for Greer and the others is really limited. At most, they are to attract attention and cover the citizens. Others There is nothing left to do.

The imaginary enemy of human beings making weapons is human beings themselves. They never thought that one day they would use them to deal with aliens. They are still very physically fit and can take a few machine guns. Fragments, otherwise even if it is incomplete, you can continue to fight.

Faced with such a monster, ninety-nine out of ten soldiers were heartbroken. Not to mention a calm battle, it was already considered good to be able to point their guns in the direction of the flame giant. As for hitting the target with a gun, that would be too much It's hard for a peaceful army that hasn't fought a war for decades.

The long-term Taiping army is so unbearable, at least it has caused some obstacles to the flame giant army, preventing them from moving forward smoothly. Every second of blocking, Greer and the others can eliminate a few more flame giants.

The flame giant is not like the total population of billions of human beings at every turn. Just these few thousand troops are already all the soldiers that can fight in Muspelheim.

The environment in Muspelheim is harsh, and the population that can support it is not large. In addition, Asgard deliberately suppressed it, and the reproduction rate of the powerful race itself was low. When it fought Asgard, the population lost thousands of years None recovered.

Every time one dies, Surtur feels distressed. These are his fortunes to dominate the Nine Realms in the future. If the flame giants are all dead, without the flame giants to help him occupy and rule the Nine Realms, what use is he even if he is invincible? , but a vain title of overlord of the Nine Realms.

If he was the only one who attacked Midgard by himself, Surtur would definitely choose to fight to the death with Greer and the others, and then go to the Eternal Flame, but with the dark elves and frost giants watching, Surtur had to Go to the Eternal Flame first to avoid being preempted by them. For this reason, you must discard some of the flame giants and stop Greer and the others.

The large troops whizzed past and galloped rapidly through the streets and alleys of the city. The high temperature emitted by them caused the whole city to take a sauna, and even the streets were set ablaze, setting the city into a sea of ​​flames.

Surtur's tactic of abandoning pawns to save the car was quite obvious, but Greer and the others could only turn a blind eye to it, focusing on the squad left behind by Surtur, and destroying these flame giants first, Go after the big team again.

After all, the flame giant is not a strong enemy to them, but to the civilians, it is a terrifying monster. If they are allowed to run around in the city, they will be killed without knowing how many people they kill, so even if they know that Surtur is in a hurry Leaving is a big deal, but I have to ignore it for the time being. '

The three of them pierced through hundreds of thousands of flame giants like arrows, while the Asgardian army in battle armor surrounded and suppressed them on the flanks. With their concerted efforts, this small team was quickly divided and annihilated. After the last flame giant was shot in the head by Greer, the continuous pile of ruins finally returned to 'calm'.

There are ruins everywhere, and there are raging fires everywhere. There is not even a complete wall left. The city built by human beings has disappeared in such a short period of time.The surviving humans were still struggling to survive in the sea of ​​fire, while the Asgardians, who were more than half of their casualties, searched the ruins, supported the living tribesmen, and carried the sacrificed warriors. No one was glamorous, and all of them were scarred.

Thor didn't have any joy of victory, but only full of sadness and anger, but he suppressed this emotion very well, and said to Greer expressionlessly: "It's time for us to chase Surtur!" .”

What they defeated was only a part of the flame giants. The army led by Surtur was still outside, and they had to be completely wiped out. There was no time to commemorate and rescue the dead and injured soldiers.

Greer turned his head and looked at the flaming skull more than 20 meters away. He had already spotted the Ghost Rider. It was just that during the fierce battle, there was no time to say hello and greetings, but before Greer went up to say hello, a A burning motorcycle sped over and stopped beside the Ghost Rider.

Ghost Rider flicked the iron chain in his hand, wrapped it around his body, stepped on the motorcycle, twisted the accelerator, and blasted out. The flaming wheels left a burning trail of flames on the ground, and rushed towards Surte The direction in which the Er army left.

"I like him." Thor looked at the back of the Ghost Rider and said something, then swung the storm ax and flew into the sky, rushing towards the direction where Surtur disappeared.

"Ghost Rider, you are very powerful." Greer said in a low voice, summoned the decade motorcycle, and chased after him on the motorcycle. He never looked back at the burning city. There are many people who are on the verge of death, but he can't help them, and he doesn't know how many enemies there are, so every ounce of energy must be saved.

At this moment, Greer somewhat understood why the ancient mage knew the consequences and wanted to absorb the power of the dark dimension. He drank poison to quench his thirst, but he would die immediately if he didn't drink it. Power gem, come and destroy the fire giant.

But until now, Greer has not taken it out. The power gem is a double-edged sword. Before hurting others, he hurts himself first. He must not get himself down before dealing with Thanos. When Fulheim used the power gem, he felt like he was the only one in the world, and then released that power without any scruples, and the damage caused was simply unbearable.

This feeling is very good, but it is also very scary. Greer is very afraid that he is used to destruction and is reckless in destruction. If the city is completely destroyed in order to destroy the enemy, and nothing can be protected, what is the point of fighting? ?Just live for yourself?

Niflham's dream shocked Greer a lot. He was really afraid of facing such a result. He worked hard to the end but failed to keep anything. All his friends and relatives died, and he really only had to live The rest is alive, maybe this is why Thor in another universe is obese like that, because he has nothing in his life, so he doesn't care about anything.

Even though he was physically exhausted, Greer was full of thoughts in his heart. He had been involved in the fierce battle since he returned from Niflheim, and he had no time to think about it. The gap between the battles made him have a deeper feeling. In this world, Greer no longer cares about it. He only cares about whether he can live in this world well, and nothing else matters.

Just thinking of this, Greer saw the Ghost Rider's motorcycle in front of him suddenly stop, Thor, who was flying in the air, also began to land, and landed steadily next to the Ghost Rider, the two stood there watching In front of him, he seemed to be looking at something extraordinary.

It wasn't until Greer turned the corner that he realized why they were like this. On the ground in front of him, there were broken lava everywhere, densely piled up into mountains, and he couldn't see the edge at a glance, and the hot magma flowed wantonly on the ground. , ignited a large number of bushes and trees.

"This" Greer was also stunned, not understanding what happened, why there were so many lava debris, but he had an answer in his heart: These are Surtur's army of flame giants, but why are they all died?Who killed it?

Thor was also full of question marks in his mind. He stepped forward, picked up a hot stone, squeezed it hard, and a stream of hot magma flowed from the gap in his palm, dripping on the ground. Thor sprinkled it aside and turned around. He came forward, nodded to Greer, and said, "It's the flame giant, they're all wiped out."

Ghost Rider silently picked up the chain on his body, and under the watchful eyes of Greer and Thor, he swung it forward vigorously, but the three-meter-long chain stretched to 40 meters in an instant, penetrating into a In the pile of rubble that was bursting with flames, he quickly retracted, pulled out a sword from the rubble, and was held by the ghost knight in his hand. He looked at it carefully with his hollow skull eyes, and even turned it upside down, as if Trying to see if it's handy.

"Sylter's Twilight Sword," Thor said, looking at the red sword in Ghost Rider's hands in amazement, "He never leaves this sword. Failed to wrest the Twilight Sword from Surtur."

"Who did it?" Greer clenched the sword and gun in his hand, and scanned the surroundings, trying to find this person. , destroy so many flame giants.

(End of this chapter)

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