The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 535 The Only Reinforcement

Chapter 535 The Only Reinforcement

"Huh?!" Surtur couldn't help being stunned, and then the iron chain burning with flames tightened suddenly, and a huge force came, pulling the Twilight Sword in Surtur's hand to the side , the whole person was almost not pulled astray.

As a result, the beam of flames ejected from the Twilight Sword was deflected, causing Thor's pressure to drop suddenly. Although he didn't know what happened, he seized this opportunity and pushed the Storm Axe violently, and the lightning moved forward. Explodes, breaking up the incoming flames.

The flames surrounding his body were extinguished at this moment, Thor hurriedly flew up, trying to escape from the range of the flames, and then launched an offensive.After Thor jumped up, his vision expanded, and he looked at Surtur immediately, only to find that Surtur was wrestling with a burning iron chain.

In other words, this flaming iron chain was playing tug of war with Surtur, and the prize was the Twilight Sword bound by the iron chain. What shocked Thor even more was that the other end of the iron chain passing through the wall, unexpectedly Is it held in a flaming 'man'?Or it should be said that it is in the hands of the skeleton.

He was wearing a black jacket, black pants and leather shoes, and even his hands were wearing black leather gloves, but his head was a white skeleton, blazing out, looking extraordinarily weird, a skeleton soldier from Biheim's underworld And horror.

In such a moment of stupefaction, a bright light beam appeared in the void, and instantly hit Thor's chest in distraction, bang! With a bang, bright sparks burst out from the armor of God of War on Thor's chest, and the impact of the explosion sent Thor flying backwards and hitting a high tower.

The quaint tower made of reinforced concrete was broken by the middle, and the upper part fell down and hit the small building next to it, which collapsed more than half, completely smashing down the small building, and Thor was also buried In the ruins.

The sneak attackers in the sky also showed their figures. A huge dark elf spaceship took off its invisibility coat and parked quietly at a height of [-] meters. The alloy plates on both sides were slowly opened, and blade-shaped ships The battle airship flew out of it and spread towards the surroundings.

Thor, who struggled to stand up from the ruins, looked at the huge spaceship in the sky, and said through gritted teeth: "Dark elves!"

In just seven or eight seconds, the sky was filled with battle airships of the dark elves. Thor raised his storm ax without hesitation, and the dense dark clouds burst out with flashes of lightning, and then pointed at the spaceships of the dark elves. Chop it down.

Lightning strikes on the battle airships of the dark elves, bursting out sparks a hundred times brighter than fireworks, and the battle airships were blown into fireballs in the air, countless large and small metal fragments dragged long tails of black smoke, It fell from the sky like a torrential rain, hitting many unlucky ghosts who were watching the fun outside.

But the first wave of lightning had just landed, and the second wave was still brewing. The largest dark elf spaceship exposed its main gun and fired at Thor's position. The battle airship is not enough for him to destroy alone.

Thor jumped up in a hurry to avoid the attack of the spaceship. A laser cannon bigger than Thor bombarded the ground, instantly annihilating everything within a radius of more than ten meters, and the dazzling ruins disappeared. Leave a fiery crater in the ground.

Just as the dark elf's spaceship was searching for and aiming at the moving Thor, an object that was less than one-tenth of the size of the universe slammed into the dark elf's spaceship, making a deafening collision sound. A large piece of armor was dented, and the overall shift was more than ten meters, and the dark elves inside were even shaken.

Such a strong collision emptied the ready-to-go second cannonball, and fired into the river outside the city, evaporating a huge amount of seawater, forming a waterless area in the river in an instant, and I don’t know how long it was silted up. The mud was scorched by the high temperature into dry land, cracking the gaps like spider webs.

Thor didn't even have time to take a look at what hit him. He seized this opportunity and rushed towards the spaceship as fast as he could. With the storm ax in his hand raised high, the lightning all over his body rushed towards the storm axe. , causing the storm ax to flash a strong electric light.

"Ugh!" With Thor's cry, the storm ax wrapped in endless lightning slammed on the shell of the spaceship. The metal shell, which was so strong that it could withstand high-energy laser beams, melted the moment it touched the lightning. , The subsequent lightning flooded into the hull, overloading and exploding all the energy pipelines, and directly paralyzed the spaceship.

The dark elves inside were desperately trying to restart the spaceship, but they were attacked by such a strong lightning, and the internal circuits were damaged badly, and it couldn't be repaired in a short time.The system was severely damaged, so that all instruments failed, so that they could not see what was happening, and the ten towering arrow towers in the castle on the back of the dragon that hit the spaceship were facing the falling spaceship. The spaceship unleashed firepower.

A series of laser beams bombarded the spaceship one after another, bursting into clusters of flames. The impact of the explosion pushed the crashed spaceship to fall towards the outside of the city not far away. Part of the spaceship was blown to pieces.

Greer stood on top of the dragon of Castle Delan, regardless of the siege of the surrounding dark elf battle airships, let the castle dragon of Delan attack the spaceship of the dark elves with all its strength, and thoroughly implemented the strategy of "killing you while you are sick". The combat airships in the surrounding area, this spaceship is too threatening, if you don't take this opportunity to destroy it, it will be troublesome after a while after the restart is completed.

Thor erupted with a wave of lightning, which was a period of weakness, but he still held on, holding up his storm ax to attack the dark elf battle airships besieging the dragons of Castle Delan. The shell of the airship was hacked to pieces, then killed the pilot inside, jumped to another combat airship, and repeated the previous action.

'boom!boom!boom! '

A series of laser beams bombarded the shell of the spaceship one after another, and the exploded spaceship slid down obliquely. Each explosion could tear a large piece from the spaceship. When the spaceship smashed into a building, it fell When it was on the ground, it had been bombed to tatters and was on fire everywhere, looking extremely miserable.

"The energy is going to run out." Greer thought silently in his heart. The castle dragon of Delan has been fighting with the lava stone man for a long time, and the energy has been exhausted. However, there are a lot of people here. The flame giant and the dark elf spaceship forced Greer to rush to support.

As soon as I flew out of the space gate, I saw a spaceship that was a circle larger than the S.H.I.E.L.D. spaceship chasing Thor. Greer let the Castle Delan dragon hit it, but the energy was too little , and then took advantage of Thor to destroy the spaceship system, and used the last energy to destroy this extremely powerful spaceship.

For the last attack of Delan Castle Dragon, ten laser beams hit the flaming damage of the spaceship, and exploded. The rising beam of fire was almost [-] meters high, and the spaceship was blown to pieces at once. Turned into a large pile of scrap iron, there is no possibility of vacating.

And the huge body of Delan Castle Dragon glowed, like a deflated balloon, shrinking rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it became a small card, floating in front of Greer, with a painting on the front The dragon pattern of Castle Derain seems to have lost its color, becoming extremely dark.

"Phew!" Greer gasped a little tiredly. This time, the Castle Deland dragon not only exhausted the energy of the card itself, but also squeezed out the power of the Demon Emperor on Greer. If it wasn't for the Demon Emperor The support of the power has long since lost its energy source and turned back into a card.

But the enemy will not retreat just because you lost your biggest hole card. The battle airships in the sky and the flame giants on the ground are still raging, and it is not known whether these are all the enemy's troops. If there are still...,... that would be too bad up.

Thinking in his heart, Greer's hands were not slow, but flew quickly, and rushed towards the nearest combat airship, dodged one after another attacking laser beams, and landed on top of the combat airship, the diend gun in his hand was almost It fired against the cockpit, penetrated the shell, and shot the dark elves inside into a sieve. The out-of-control combat airship fell crookedly towards the ground.

The same is true for Thor, who gave up the gorgeous thunder that fell from the sky, and turned to use the storm axe, smashing the battle airship of the dark elves one by one, in order to save his own divine power as much as possible.

So far, only dark elves and flame giants have appeared, and the frost giant who has fought against Asgard for the longest time has not yet appeared. It must not be exhausted, otherwise who will deal with the frost giant.There will be no thousands of troops from Asgard behind him, and there will be no Odin riding an eight-legged horse from the sky to save him from the fire and water. Everything depends on himself.

Near the huge goat on the ground, Surtur had been pulled off the back of the goat by the force from the other end of the chain. He held the Twilight Sword tightly with both hands and exhausted all his strength, but the chain was still a little bit tight. Moving towards the half-collapsed wall on the side of the street, Surtur was about to hit the wall.

"Who the hell are you?" The furious Surtur roared, spouting a stream of flames from his mouth, and burned the wall completely. The raging flames moved forward along the iron chain, bombarding On a man next to a motorcycle parked on the street, completely engulfing him.

Seeing the man holding the iron chain being engulfed by his flames, Surtur said triumphantly, "Hmph, no one can escape my flames yet."

"What did you escape?" A hoarse voice came from the sea of ​​flames, and at the same time Surtur was horrified to find that the strength on the iron chain hadn't weakened in the slightest, and the flames he spewed were decreasing, or they were absorbed by people , every time the flame disappears, the power from the other end of the chain will increase.

At this moment, Surtur heard the roar of the motorcycle, and then a motorcycle bursting out of the sea of ​​flames at an extremely fast speed, and crashed towards Surtur. There was no rider on it, and it unexpectedly It's driverless.

Surtur's goat smashed a house with its limbs and rushed over, raised its huge hoof and stepped on the motorcycle, but unexpectedly the motorcycle turned extremely nimbly, and the goat's hoof stepped on the air.At the same time, the prison wrapped around the Twilight Sword suddenly loosened, making Surtur unable to hold back his strength, and he stumbled back, watching helplessly as the flaming chain turned a corner and grew out of thin air. More than ten meters, entangled his goat.

The iron chain suddenly tightened, and the huge force actually dragged the goat, which was five or six meters high, to the ground. ' With a muffled sound, the masonry and rubble were crushed into powder, and the motorcycle returned automatically, and the chain also retracted.

After Surtur stabilized his figure, the sea of ​​flames in front of him also shrank into a few clusters of flames, revealing a man with a skull and a skull on a motorcycle holding an iron chain no longer than two meters long. Including iron chains and motorcycles, they are all on fire, even more flame giants than flame giants.

Even Surtur, who lives in an environment full of volcanoes and magma, was stunned when he saw this situation. This guy is too much like a flame giant. He is also full of fire and has a head without flesh and blood, but the flame giant is not Skeleton-like, the body's flesh and blood are replaced by lava-like substances. If the lava is stripped off, it will really be exactly the same as this guy.

Seeing the two rows of teeth opening and closing on the skull, Surtur actually heard the words "You are guilty!", which was still in the language of the flame giant, or these words appeared directly in his mind.

"I'm guilty? Do you want to judge me?" Surtur waved the Twilight Sword and said disdainfully. Even Odin, after sacrificing his two brothers and taking away the eternal flame, couldn't kill him. He, he is immortal and will live on until the end of the universe.

"I have seen countless sins on your body, your soul must be delicious." Ghost Rider said as he raised the iron chain in his right hand. The flaming iron chain floated out of thin air and slowly turned. The goat on the side wanted to climb Standing up, Ghost Rider didn't even look at it, picked up an equally flaming shotgun from the motorcycle with his left hand, and pulled the trigger, 'Bang! ' With a sound, countless flaming projectiles flew out, knocking the huge goat into the air.

In the distance, more than a dozen drones equipped with high-definition cameras were floating in the air. A group of agents in black suits ventured to stay on the roof, controlling these drones, and working hard to take pictures of the battlefield. The pictures were sent via satellite The space carrier transmitted to S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared on the wide holographic projection screen in front of Nick Fury.

Agent Hill looked at the Ghost Rider on one of the screens in amazement, and said uncertainly, "Sir, this is"

"Avengers' reinforcements," Nick Fury looked up and glanced at the seemingly surprised Hill with one eye, and said intentionally or unintentionally: "I never said that there is only a superhuman team of the Avengers. "


"Never put all your eggs in one basket."

(End of this chapter)

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