The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 529 S.H.I.E.L.D. Joins the Battle

Chapter 529 S.H.I.E.L.D. Joins the Battle
On the top floor of the Trident Headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., the augmented reality system was fully turned on, and the members of the World Security Council went online one by one, and five 'people' formed by holographic projections gathered together. Five or six seconds later, Nick Foo, the initiator, Ray's holographic projection appeared.

'Shuh! '

The door opened, and Alexander Pierce, the minister of the World Security Council, hurried in. He looked at Nick Fury, who had just "online" suspiciously, and frowned and said, "Director Nick, is there any emergency?"

As soon as he opened his lunch box, before he even started to eat, he received an urgent communication from Nick Fury, requesting a World Security Council, hurriedly put down the lunch box and rushed over, asking the members of the Security Council before they could speak, lest these old men The old ladies say something and fight Nick.

"Take off three Helicarriers immediately." Nick Fury had just finished speaking when the silver-haired old lady in Downing Street said with an unhappy expression, "Director Nick, do you need to check the date? Ten months after the Vision Plan, will officially begin.”

"If all human beings are extinct, is there still a need for the Insight Plan?" Nick Fury said with a gloomy face, and uploaded a video to the big screen to start playing. The picture was not very clear, and it was still shaking , it looks like it is on the top of a three-story building.

I saw a blue sky, white clouds and continuous mountains. Two seconds later, a blade-shaped spaceship appeared in the camera, a light flashed, and the picture stopped abruptly. Obviously, the photographer and equipment were blown to pieces by the laser.

Just after this episode was broadcast, Nick Fury uploaded several more videos, the longest of which was only ten seconds or so, but the protagonists of the pictures were different, except for the blade-shaped spaceship, the flaming lava giant, and the ice giant. 'Avatar' with blue skin. These images were taken from different terrains and from different angles, apparently from multiple locations.

Without waiting for these old men and women to ask questions, Nick Fury said with an extremely serious expression: "Half a minute ago, the agents who monitored the four space passages leading to other planets lost contact collectively, and the images you see are deployment Agents on the second line of defense, they also lost contact after sending out these videos, and the satellites showed that everything was normal there."

"Director Nick, you mean." As soon as the representative of the Gallic chicken opened his mouth, he was roughly interrupted by Nick Fury. He leaned forward and said in a particularly heavy tone: "The enemy didn't give us enough time to discuss dispatching Regarding the proportion of the army and the amount of military expenditure, the war has already come, and mankind will face a more serious crisis than the war of twisting the contract."

The people present immediately understood what the crisis that Nick Fury was talking about was that the three alien races were about to launch an invasion of the earth. The news had already spread all over the world, and the top leaders of various countries have been meeting to discuss this matter in recent months Is it real.

After all, all the signs are just that some aliens are active on the earth. As for the army. If twenty or thirty aliens can be considered an army, then the army is really too low, but the superiors still start to think about what to do if they are in danger. What should we do if an alien army really invades?

Therefore, in the past week, these politicians have begun to discuss the fight against the alien army, how many troops to send, the route of troop deployment and how much supplies the country provides, whether to set up a joint force, and which country will bear how much military expenditure, etc. sex issue.

Before they discussed the reason, the 'alarmist' alien invasion came, which made the representatives of the Security Council dumbfounded. Neither they nor the countries behind them were ready to meet the aliens. , not only has not yet assembled the troops, but it is also a hundred and eight thousand miles away from those space passages.

For the five gangsters, the only good news is that there are no space passages in the territory, so in a short period of time, there is no need to worry that the alien army will enter the country, and there is still time to confirm whether the alien army is real Appeared and wanted to invade the earth, is it true that there is no room for peace talks
While these standard politicians were circling standard politician thoughts, Nick Fury had already turned his attention to Alexander Pierce, who was equally shocked, and repeated again: "Minister Alexander, I think all the space carriers will be launched immediately to stop these An army of aliens."

Alexander Pierce frowned unobtrusively, and said in a thoughtful manner, "Director Nick, the space carrier has not been fully completed and is not capable of combat."

"I'd rather it be blown up in the air than sleep in the base." Nick Fury said in a rather blunt tone, "The weapon system and power system have been completed, and that's enough."

Alexander Pierce frowned perceptibly, with a look of 'pity', and said: "The closest space passage to the headquarters is also two hours away, and that's not counting the pre-flight checks, and Summon the pilots."

"Then check while flying. The pilots are nearby. I have already assembled them. There is no need to fly over. I will let the Avengers send the space carrier over. Now we are the only ones on the earth who have the power to fight. Time to assemble the troops."

Nick Fury's powerful and awe-inspiring words made the representatives of the five gangsters of the Security Council very 'moved'. If it weren't for the holographic projection, they would all want to kiss Nick Fury's bald head. There are really not many good people who are so self-sacrificing, so express your opinion quickly :
"S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers were established to deal with such a crisis. Su Xiong needs you to buy time to assemble our tank torrent."

"Don't worry about the follow-up work. All the expenses will be borne by us. The pension for sacrifices will be doubled. If the Helicarrier crashes, Downing Street will allocate funds to rebuild it."


The representatives of the Security Council all agreed that the space carrier took off ahead of schedule and attacked to fight against the unconfirmed alien army, which made Alexander Pierce's cheeks twitch a few times, forced a smile, and said: "Current crisis, Aegis The bureau will naturally take responsibility, and since everyone agrees, the space carrier is ready to take off immediately."

"Well," Nick Fury nodded, and said: "I will contact the Avengers and let them rush over as soon as possible to prevent the spread of the alien army. Please also send the air force as soon as possible. The number of the alien army is unknown. , but be prepared for the worst, the earth... no longer has Asgard as a barrier."

After finishing speaking, Nick Fury hung up the communication, and the representatives of the Security Council quickly went offline to report the earth-shattering news. When only Alexander Pierce was left in the room, his face turned red instantly, and his anger was beyond words. The shortness of breath was like a draft fan, which made people worry whether he would go through it.

For the smooth progress of the "Insight Project" and the faithful completion of its mission, he worked hard, spent a lot of time and resources, and finally made the three resident personnel of the Insight Project's three space carriers all ninety-nine The agent of the head snake, everything is going smoothly, just waiting for the satellite equipped with the 'Zola Algorithm' to go to the sky to complete the global network.

But seeing that the "Zola Algorithm" satellite is about to start launching, how come three alien races appear to invade the earth, and Nick Fury is so "selfless" sending the space carrier of S.H.I.E.L.D. to fight Are these alien armies not afraid of being destroyed?
Is it possible that this alien invasion is really serious?

Alexander Pierce couldn't help but ponder. Nick Fury spent as much thought on the "Insight Plan" as he did. He tried his best to promote this plan and always regarded these three hard-won space carriers as treasures.

All kinds of high-tech are added up without money. After the weakness of the space carrier engine was exposed in the last contract war, he did not hesitate to ask Tony Stark for help and let him design a new power engine. Now To be willing to take it out to fight against the alien army, it is obvious that the matter is so serious that it has to be abandoned.

Alexander Pierce walked out with a sad face. Even though he had a rough chest, he was helpless at this moment. The representatives of the Security Council had agreed to the space carrier attack, and there was no time for him to call out the Hydra agents. He could only reluctantly give up. Send three Hydra spacecarriers and tens of thousands of agents to the battlefield.

My own people are working so hard, but the honor belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D. This aggrieved, made Alexander Pierce feel like he had eaten fly droppings, choked, and he had to pretend to be happy, otherwise, what else could he do?Playing the banner of Hydra?
This is simply looking for death. Hydra can survive until now, thanks to the shadow of SHIELD. Before the implementation of the "Insight Plan", it must not stand in the sun.And judging from the current situation, the time to stand up has to be pushed back, in case the entire army of the three space carriers is wiped out
Alexander Pierce couldn't help shivering, and stopped himself from thinking about it. This is really terrible. The construction period of an aerospace carrier is very long, and it can't be done in ten or eight years. It is damaged It also takes a long time to fix.

But to deal with the alien army, it is not easy to retreat completely. As for being unscathed, this requirement is too harsh. Alexander Pierce himself did not dare to imagine such a beauty. He only hoped that the injury would not be too serious. He is already a white-haired man. The gray old man really doesn't have much time to wait.

Alexander Pierce was frowning, while Nick Fury, who was far away in the sky, had a happy face after he 'offline', standing alone in a room surrounded by thick metal walls, and said to himself: " Fight me, you still have 27 years of experience."

After talking for a while, Nick Fury calmed down and lowered the surrounding shielding walls. Agent Hill, who was busy seeing Nick Fury coming out of the secret room, hurried over and started Report the latest information.

Nick Fury raised his hand to signal Agent Hill to stop his work and report, and said, "Contact Rusov immediately, I need him to help me send the space carrier to the frontal battlefield."

"Sir, are we going to fight?" Agent Hill frowned suddenly. The aircraft carrier was built using the Air Command as a template, not for combat. Letting the staff of the command go to war is simply Violence.

"No, it's the space carrier of the headquarters. The Security Council has passed a resolution to let the space carrier attack."

"What about the insight plan?" Agent Hill knows how much energy Nick Fury has put into this plan, and now he is going to send it to the battlefield. The matter should not be so serious.

"What we have to consider now is to stop the alien army. If all human beings become slaves of aliens, any plan is meaningless," Nick Fury said very seriously: "If necessary, our space carrier Join in too, I will never live to see alien hordes take over Earth."

"I see, sir!" Nick Fury's awe-inspiring words made Agent Hill stand in awe. After saluting, he quickly walked aside and contacted Greer, asking him to help remove the three empty ships from the Trident headquarters. The Celestial Mothership was transported to the frontal battlefield.

When Greer first received the call, he was in a daze. He even forgot to say "goodbye" to Agent Hill, hung up the phone, and stood there for several seconds without recovering. This plot is a bit violent Exaggeration.The space carrier that Hydra relies on to display the "Insight Plan" is about to go to the sky, not to clean up people who threaten Hydra, but to fight against the alien army.

This. Is it possible that Hydra also has such a vision of the overall situation and the spirit of sacrifice. It understands that to rule mankind, the first thing is to ensure that mankind does not perish. It is willing to dedicate the three space carriers of the "Insight Project" to fight against the alien army. .

Greer hasn't figured out how to improve the existence of Nick Fury Hydra, and the problem that the three space carriers are controlled by Hydra. These three ships are going to fight the alien army Whether you can come back or not is another question.Because Agent Hill told Greer that the three combat-type helicarriers were going to fight against the dark elf army, they basically had no return.

If you want to fight the Frost Giants and Flame Giants mainly based on the army, the space carrier only needs to fly high, throw bombs, and fire cold guns. The frost giants and flame giants of the ground race can hardly threaten the space carrier, but the dark The elves are all spaceships, and they are also blade-shaped spaceships. Even if they hit them with a collision, they can shoot down three space carriers, not to mention that the dark elves' spaceships also have high-energy weapons.

And what about SHIELD's space carrier?Except for its large size, it can't be compared with others at all. Is this going to the battlefield?It's just sending it to death, but it's a good one, Greer wants to see, without the space carrier, without the insight plan, would Hydra dare to jump out?

Thinking of this, Greer's mood became much happier, and he agreed without hesitation to this task that required a lot of mana to build a space gate. He liked sending the enemy to death or something.

(End of this chapter)

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