The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 525 Two Nebulae

Chapter 525 Two Nebulas
After learning about the 'future', Thanos has been in this crazy state of fanaticism or calmness. The tragic life in the past made Thanos obviously 'grow crooked', or the kind that crooked out of the sky, He actually created a set of theories of "infinite growth of creatures and limited resources without regeneration", and successfully fooled a large number of "like-minded" people, and began to massacre civilizations that he believed to be overpopulated throughout the universe.

Both Gamora's hometown and Xingyun's hometown received Thanos' kind help, killing half of the people and helping the rest live a happier life, but this theory Some things just couldn't go on.

Most of the weak planets were helped by Thanos. They don’t need help in a short period of time, and the rest are powerful civilizations. Before helping many civilizations with high comprehensive strength, the Dark Order lost more than one-third One's troops, if this goes on, I am afraid that the entire Dark Church will lose it.

If it is replaced by top-level civilizations such as Kerry Star, Shi'ar Empire, and Xandar Star, don't even think about taking any of them without losing most of their troops.It's like the U.S. emperor. It's easy to bully second- and third-rate countries. You can try it with a bear and a rabbit. Together, you will definitely kill a thousand enemies and damage yourself by eight hundred.

As an aspiring Thanos who wants to spread his ideals to the whole universe, Thanos really does not want the dark order to be wasted in the small galaxy, so even if the enlightenment of the galaxy is completed, what about other galaxies?He is not immortal, and he has no time to rebuild the Dark Order again and again.

There is a good saying that if you are not strong enough, you can use cheats to make up for it. Thanos set his sights on the Infinity Gem that is widely spread in the universe. By chance, he found a Soul Gem. Thanos looked sideways at him.

After seeing the power of the Infinity Stones, Thanos did not hesitate to devote all his energy to searching for other Infinity Stones, but the six Infinity Stones are widely spread in the universe, but few people have seen them, and some even Several Infinity Stones have not appeared for tens of thousands of years.

So the Infinity Gems Project, not to mention other people, is that Thanos, who is eager to 'help' the whole universe, has no confidence, and just looks for it with a glimmer of hope.He never expected that with the gift package from the sky, the future him would actually collect all six infinite gems, and with a snap of his fingers, he would wipe out half of the life in the universe, fulfilling his lifelong long-cherished wish.

He slaughtered the dwarves of Nidaville not because he was afraid of the weapons forged by the dwarves, but because he didn't want to be killed before he snapped his fingers.After completing his destiny and snapping his fingers, he will also disarm and return to the field. Even if the avengers cut off his head to vent his anger, it's okay, because he has no worries and pursuits anymore. What difference does life or death make?

Thanos thought about it, a smile appeared on his face unconsciously, and he snapped his fingers habitually. Ever since he knew the future, he liked this action, and every snap of his fingers was so crisp Pleasant, no matter how bad the mood is, listening to this voice will make you happy.

The only thing that worried and annoyed him was the betrayal of Nebula in the future. After being caught, instead of honestly handing over all her memories, he seized a chance and activated the self-destruct procedure, causing most of the future information to be destroyed. Lost, so that he could not follow the future trajectory to collect six gems.

Yes, Thanos didn't mean to change the future, but wanted to go down the road of "future" and use the fastest and safest method to get six gems and fulfill his destiny. After all, it has been confirmed This road can be cleared, only a fool will change.

It's like a second-year middle school student who has no face, no money, no height, and is in love with the classmate all day long. Suddenly he knows that in the future, he will not only become the richest man in the world, but also build a big Crystal Palace. I can't help it, I will never accept such a well-arranged fate, I want to change it,' words.

99 out of [-] people will immediately want to know how they did it, and then they will happily follow the 'script'. Don't you want to be such a winner in life?The remaining one is to know whether you can accelerate to become a winner in life. Everyone wants to climb to the peak of life as soon as possible, and no one wants to stay in the trough.

Although Thanos has already passed the second stage of middle school, he also wants to follow this "script" to reach the pinnacle of life all the way, fulfill his destiny, and then return to the field to go to see the snow, stars, moon, and poetry , Talk about the philosophy of life.

In the laser prison of Sanctuary No. [-], Nebula with dull eyes was suspended motionless in the air one meter above the ground. The half-modified body was dismantled to pieces, and the exoskeleton armor on the body had already been dismantled, revealing various energy pipelines inside. And core components, and mutilated biological limbs.

Thanos stroked Xingyun's face with eyes full of love and compassion, and said to himself, "Why did you and Gamora betray me? I always thought you two were the ones who could understand me best, and I still think about you." It's a pity that the two can inherit my will and continue to go on."

Xing Yun's mouth opened and closed, and a voice containing extreme anger came out from his throat: "You are just a murderous monster."

"I just understood the true meaning of the universe. Living things are infinite but resources are limited. If the number of life is not controlled, everything will eventually be destroyed."

"This is just an excuse for you to kill."

Thanos stopped circling Nebula, stopped right in front of her, lifted Nebula's chin with his hand, so that her eyes could see Thanos' face, and said, "But you did this for me. The murderer is crying, you have always wanted to kill me and avenge your people, why do you feel sad when I really die?"


Nebula's silence didn't make Thanos shut up. He stared at Nebula's transformed electronic eyes, and said, "My daughter, you know that what I did was right. You have seen those planets that were on the verge of destruction with your own eyes, and reborn them." Become full of vitality, children don't have to suffer from hunger, and can grow up happily under the blue sky, instead of sleeping in garbage dumps, drinking heavily polluted water, and breathing pungent air.

I know how difficult this kind of life is, but the adults lack the courage to watch the planet go to perish step by step. Now I help them do it, and I will bear the responsibility. The bright future is left to you. "

"I only see boundless pain in the future." Nebula gritted her teeth and stared at Thanos. If eyes could kill, then Thanos would already be riddled with holes, but even if her body hadn't been dismantled, she couldn't beat Thanos. North, he couldn't even beat the Black Day Five generals under him.

"Nothing is perfect, you have to give something to get something, I have understood this truth since a long time ago, in fact, I am not the only one who knows this, but only I will put it into action, and I will succeed " Thanos put down the hand supporting Nebula's chin, causing Nebula's head to hang down again, leaving only Thanos' feet in sight.

I only heard Thanos say unhurriedly: "My daughter, I am very glad that you can come to the past. I am even more sure that this path is correct. The future you know will help me move towards the future faster. future."

After Thanos finished speaking, he turned around and left the prison, leaving only the dismantled and fragmented nebula in the laser prison. She, who had been disassembled and was weaker than a baby, had no possibility of breaking free at all. sex.

Thanos left the laser prison and walked towards a nearby prison. The heavy iron door slowly opened, revealing a steel house of no more than twenty square meters. In the corner there is a nebula curled up in a ball.

Hearing the sound of the door, Nebula raised his head, saw Thanos, quickly got up, and bowed down respectfully, Thanos looked at Nebula lying at his feet expressionlessly, compared to "Future" Nebula, his resentment towards this nebula is even stronger.

Compared with the enemy, people are more ruthless traitors. Since Nebula followed Thanos, he has performed very well. I don’t know how much he is more submissive than Gamora. He even does not hesitate to transform his body, turning himself into a half-human, half-mechanical ghost, Just to make myself stronger and be able to do more things for Thanos.

Hearing Gamora's betrayal, Thanos just let out an 'oh', which was completely expected, but when he learned that Xingyun also betrayed her, he was shocked for several seconds and didn't recover from it. The guy who is not big-eyed is also a traitor.

Thanos bent down, grabbed Xingyun's head with one hand, and pulled her up from the ground abruptly. The rough action made Xingyun look painful, but he didn't say a word, just looked at Xingyun in puzzlement. North, I still don't know why he was locked up. Is it a punishment for failing to catch Gamora?

"Look what I brought you?" Thanos forcibly turned Nebula's face to the left, only to see that the wall on the left fell down at some point, revealing the fragmented, Suspended in the control of the 'Future Nebula'.

"Huh?!" Xingyun's eyes widened suddenly, extremely astonished, the first reaction was the image, but the scanning result of the electronic eye told her that this was the entity, the real other her.

"Surprised, I found another you, you from the future, and she told me something, do you want to see it?" Thanos seemed to be asking, but he played "Nebula Cut off Thanos' head with the Avengers' sequence, the short film clearly confirms Nebula's betrayal.

Xing Yun was even more confused, completely unable to understand what this clip was, and who were those people?Why is there a video of Thanos' head being chopped off alive and kicking, is there a composite movie?He couldn't help asking: "Father, what is this?"

"I just want to know what this is?" Thanos let go of his hand, let Nebula sit back on the ground, pulled out Nebula's dagger from the dark gold armor and threw it on the ground, and said in an extremely indifferent tone: "My Daughter, kill her before you can leave here."

After finishing speaking, Thanos turned around and left, the heavy iron door was closed again, leaving only two nebulas intact and one damaged in this two-in-one cell, 'Future Nebula' listened to Sano all the way The conversation between Si and her in the past has been trying to look there, but her eyeballs can't move at all, and she can't see the situation on the other side, let alone do other things.

Although Xing Yun didn't know exactly what happened, she heard Thanos' conditions clearly. After Thanos left, she picked up the short blade on the ground without hesitation, stood up, and walked towards A nebula 'protected' by a laser net.

Thanos, who left the prison, sat on the throne again. In front of him was a huge full-system projection screen, which showed the situation in the prison. When he saw Nebula pick up the short blade and walk towards the future Nebula step by step , Thanos had an inexplicable smile on his face, and said in a low voice as if talking to himself: "What will you do? My daughter, don't let me down."

Under his 'affectionate' gaze, Nebula approached the future Nebula who was hanging in the air step by step with a dagger, and the laser net surrounding her made it impossible for Nebula to stab the dagger in, killing this person who appeared out of nowhere Nebula was very puzzled. Since Thanos wanted her to kill the fake in front of her, why didn't she remove the laser net?
Is it to test her abilities?In the case of laser nets, killing the target, this kind of test, Xingyun has experienced countless times, and her body has also been slowly transformed into what it is now in the tests again and again.

When Xingyun was thinking of a solution, Future Xingyun was extremely anxious. She knew what she was like back then, and she would absolutely faithfully carry out Thanos' orders. The reason, but now it has become her death talisman, the past self may kill herself at any time.

And she can't die yet, she has to find a way to escape, get the shuttle device, and then go back and tell the Avengers what happened here, otherwise the Avengers who know nothing about it may be attacked by Thanos, after all they There is a wide range of time points to collect gems.This is the only chance, and it must not be shattered because of her.

When Nebula is trying to find a way in the future, Nebula has already found a good way, which is to break the boat and sacrifice his own hand. When the laser melts one of his arms, the other hand kills the people in the laser net, and then walks out of here .

After thinking of a way, Xingyun immediately started to act. His left hand plunged into the high-temperature, high-energy laser net without hesitation. The metal arm, which was strong enough to withstand knives, guns and bombs, instantly melted, causing excruciating pain, but Xingyun remained silent. A hand followed immediately, and the short knife in his hand stabbed at the nebula suspended in the air.

At the moment when the laser net was opened with a small gap, Future Nebula's eyes suddenly lit up, and two beams of light were emitted, shining on Nebula's bare arm. A large amount of information was transmitted from these two laser beams to Nebula's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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