The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 523 Storm Ax

Chapter 523 Storm Ax

Waves of purple light spread along Greer's arm and moved towards Greer's body at an extremely fast speed, reaching his waist in the blink of an eye. Orange Rocket.

The extremely strong rocket immediately cracked countless fine gaps, and the flames that were originally highly condensed and sprayed backwards leaked out of these gaps, making the gaps even bigger, and finally completely collapsed. Most of the falling debris You can see the purple luster penetrating into the metal.
The rocket has been shattered, but Greer is still suspended in mid-air. The magenta decade armor has been covered with a net that exudes purple light, especially the right hand holding the photon broken sword, which is as bright as a round of purple. little sun.

Yermungandr, whose eyes were severely injured, finally managed to retract his huge body under the ice layer. He quickly squirmed his body and ran towards the distance along the smooth ice hole. He didn't notice that the photon in Greer's hand was broken. The sword has changed from an illusion to a reality.

"Die." Greer roared, and with his glowing right hand, he pushed down the photon shatter sword over a hundred meters in his hand, and the mountain-like huge purple lightsaber fell from the sky, directly submerged in the thick ice layer. It disappeared, leaving only a huge and bottomless hole in the ice.

Greer, who was suspended in the air, clenched his right hand tightly, and the purple light all over his body quickly converged into his palm, leaving nothing out.Thor didn't even bother to catch up with Yemengard. Seeing that Greer seemed to be back to normal, he wanted to go forward. He was more worried about Greer's problems than Storm Axe.

But he only flew forward about ten meters, and clusters of purple lights suddenly appeared in the depths of the endless glacier, and they approached the ground at an extremely fast speed. When Thor found these purple lights, they were only vaguely visible , but in the blink of an eye, the purple light reached only a few meters away from the ice surface.

'Boom!Tom!Tom! '

Like the groundwater rushing out of the ground under extremely high pressure, purple beams of light exploded under the glacier, blowing up the icebergs to pieces, and the two or three hundred nearby icebergs of different heights evaporated in an instant Gone, replaced by fountains of purple light rushing into the sky.

It lasted for three seconds before the purple light fountain disappeared at the same time, leaving only bottomless giant pits on the endless ice, and so many icebergs disappeared in an instant, making the horizontal force unbalanced , the ice wall on the edge of the big pit began to collapse, and large chunks of ice rock fell into the pit that was huge enough to be used as an airport, and it took a long time to hear the echo.

From this moment, the sound of the glacier collapsing replaced the avalanche and became the main theme of this piece of heaven and earth. In fact, there was no condition for an avalanche to occur. Not here, the avalanche naturally subsided.

Thor stared in shock at the endless purple beams of light that quickly appeared and then disappeared. The lightning all over his body gradually disappeared, and his glowing eyes returned to normal, but his gaze towards Greer did not change. approached Greer, who was suspended in the air and remained motionless.

At a distance of several hundred meters, it took Thor three or four minutes to close the distance between him and Greer to 4 meters, and then refused to move forward, so he shouted from the air: "Greer? Greer? "

Greer turned his head suddenly when he heard the sound, causing Thor to retreat more than ten meters subconsciously, only to hear Greer say: "What's wrong?"

The voice sounded quite normal, which made Thor feel relieved, and slowly approached the past again, for fear of being accidentally injured by Greer. It was too bad to fight at this time and place, so Thor was very cautious. 'Avoid war'.

"Are you ok?"

"Not bad." Greer said, loosening his clenched right hand, and Thor's eyes swept over without a trace, nothing, nothing, but it was obviously emitting an incomparably bright purple light before, He even dyed the armor on Greer's body purple, and launched an offensive that instantly destroyed countless icebergs.

This kind of power shocked Thor very much. It's not impossible for him to do it, but it takes a long time to accumulate energy, and the more energy accumulated, the higher the control accuracy. Affected, causing the accumulated energy to run out of control.

This kind of 'big move' can only be used for target shooting, and the actual combat type is extremely poor. No one will give you such a long time to store up energy. Blowing yourself up with a big move is like a human nuclear bomb. No one can carry the fighter jets and missiles made by nuclear bombs to the extent that they can't move, because the nuclear bombs that still don't go out will only blow themselves up at home.

But it took Greer just three or four seconds to come up with such a large-scale attack, which was extremely powerful, far exceeding the strength Greer had shown before, and really shocked Thor, so he went out for a while The strength increased too fast.

Thor finally flew to Greer's side, and looked up and down carefully. There was no gap in the armor on his body, but I don't know if it was Thor's illusion. The originally bright magenta armor is now The color seems to be a little darker.

As they got closer, Thor could clearly hear Greer in the armor panting heavily. Obviously, the big move just now was not so easy to use, but Thor was sure that Yemengard could not escape the blow. Definitely did some damage.

Therefore, after confirming that Greer Ma Posi was fine, he immediately said that he was going to chase Yemengard, but Greer waved his hand and panted unsteadily: "He is dead." Because Greer The point pool, which was almost dry, rose to 59501 after countless beams of light emerged from the ground. One Yemengard allowed Greer to obtain [-] points, [-] more than Ronan.

"Dead?" Thor's voice immediately rose by five degrees, and his score on the move Greer just made was raised by another notch. He struck Yermunga with lightning no less than a hundred times, but it caused The damage was only a little higher than no pain or itching—it was painful and itchy, but Greer killed Yemengard in seconds with one move. This attack is too powerful.

While Thor was envious of Greer's instant big move, he also secretly decided in his heart that he would also practice a "big move" that could explode a large amount of energy in a short period of time, which would definitely increase his destructive power by a third. Three or four times.This is like a sniper bullet with a charge of no more than ten rifle bullets, but the destructive power it can cause far exceeds twenty rifle bullets.

"Well," Greer nodded lightly, and repeated: "Dead."

Thor opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while. He thought he was a strong enemy and wanted a bloody battle. Unexpectedly, just after warming up, Greer forcibly intervened, and with a blast, the game that was supposed to be ended was ended. Earth-shattering battle.

"Didn't you find the storm axe? Where is it?" Greer seemed to have really returned to normal, and for the first time since waking up, he actively talked about their purpose of coming here, without any confusion before.

"Uh Yemengard's head." As soon as Thor's words fell, Greer waved his right hand, and a collapsed glacier lit up with purple light, and then instantly collapsed into powder, even the size of a bucket. There were no ice cubes to be found.

Half of Yemengard's head was exposed under the shattered glacier, but there was a huge hole in the middle of the skull. Apparently, another purple light beam came out of the hole in Yemengarde's head just now, blowing up the iceberg. To pieces.

Yemengadd's huge body is still there, but it is riddled with holes. How many purple beams of light came out just now? There are as many holes in Yemengadd's body. It can be said that one third of Yemengadd's flesh and blood Disappeared, the broken body will sleep forever under the boundless glaciers, and the extreme cold can keep it from decaying, waiting for the next visitor to witness this earth-shattering battle.

Thor flew over and looked down at the huge head of Jormungandr under his feet-the wooden ax handle in the middle that almost blended with Jormungandr's skin color. Thor bent down and held it with both hands. Lifting the handle of the axe, 'Chila!Stab it! ', bolts of lightning unconsciously emerged from Thor's palm and pierced into the wooden ax handle.

The inconspicuous black wooden handle, after receiving the lightning, the fine wood grains lit up, extending along the wooden handle to the other end submerged in Yemengard's head, making the dark interior also glow faintly Come on, Thor realized that the weapon in Yemengard's head would automatically float out before he started pulling it out.

The fine grained silvery wooden handle has a square-like hammer on the upper end, and an extremely sharp ax blade on the lower end, and the whole body is golden, as if it was made of gold, and the surface is covered with countless thin and weak hairs. textures and symbols.

The silver electric light flowing from Thor's palm flows along the wood grain to the grain on the axe, making this golden ax also shine brightly, forming a sharp contrast with the silver and black wooden handles, and Thor feels Seeing a powerful force surge up, he couldn't help but let out a scream, and waved the giant ax in his hand vigorously at the glacier in front of him.

'Shuh! '

The moment the sound of breaking through the air sounded, the glacier in front of Thor was split open, and the huge gap stretched to a thousand meters away before stopping. After Thor raised the storm axe, the golden ax flashed a strong electric light, clearly It was cloudless just now, but a large number of dark clouds appeared, covering the sky, and the wind blew up. In two or three seconds, it became a seven or eight-level gale, and the sky began to flicker like lightning.

"Drink!" Thor yelled, and swung his storm ax downward. Thousands of lightning bolts fell from the sky, and slammed on the glacier below. The crater, the crater where Thor dyed the face of the glacier in just a moment.

"It's amazing!" Thor was also shocked by the damage he caused. He really didn't use much force, so he summoned storms and lightning, and destroyed the surrounding area in a mess. Thor was very pleasantly surprised, once he used all his strength to attack, what kind of damage would he cause.

Overjoyed in his heart, Thor held the storm ax in front of his eyes and examined it carefully. In addition, the handle of the ax was 1.5 meters long, which was much longer than Mjolnir, but it was also three times heavier than Mjolnir. The wooden ax handle is black and ugly, but Thor has seen how beautiful it is to turn into brilliant silver after inputting lightning and activating the magic circle engraved on the wooden handle.

But the most attractive thing is the golden axe. Even if the magic circle on the surface is not activated, the axe is all shiny golden and looks very expensive.The handle of the ax is still on the street, and no one looks at it all day, but the ax is thrown on the street and disappears in a second, which is really eye-catching.

Thor tried to swing the storm ax a few times with one hand, it was a bit heavy, and he couldn't use as much force as Mjolnir, but it felt pretty good, especially after learning that Mjolnir would not enhance his strength at all. After his strength, Thor no longer missed Mjolnir held by Hela, and directly converted his favorite into the new weapon he just got-the Storm Axe.

"This is the Storm Axe?" Thor was appreciating it when Greer's voice sounded in his ears. He turned his head and saw that Greer, who was still "holding his corpse" in the air just now, fell down, and his tone became more serious than before. Normally, Thor was completely relieved, and finally ended this adventure safely.

Thor flipped his wrist, flaunting the storm ax in his hand, and said to Greer with a smile on his face, "I got it, the storm ax."

"Hmm!" Greer nodded, looked at the golden ax in Thor's hand, and once again said to himself in his heart: "Everything is different." The storm battle ax with the handle on Lute's arm will no longer appear, replaced by the golden storm ax on Jormungandr's head, everything is different.

Greer breathed a sigh of relief, pressed these things to the bottom of his heart, pulled himself together, endured the discomfort in his body, and said: "I have already got the storm axe, it is time to find a way to return to the earth, maybe we can find a space nearby Door"

"No, I don't need a space door, I can summon the Rainbow Bridge." Thor said confidently: "You should have seen it too, Hela once used Mjolnir to summon the Rainbow Bridge, and Mjolnir has always It has this function, but I can't use it, but now I have my own weapon, and I can summon the Rainbow Bridge."

"The Rainbow Bridge, but Hella summoned the Rainbow Bridge in Asgard, it's already destroyed."

"The place guarded by Heimdall is just a device for summoning the Rainbow Bridge, and the Storm Ax can do it." Thor said as he raised the Storm Ax in his hand, his eyes flashed with lightning again, and countless fine waves gushed out from his body. The lightning instantly engulfed Thor.

PS: I listened to some of Gong Linna’s Divine Comedies like a nervous wreck at night, and I was shocked. I really didn’t know anything about power before, but now I just want to offer my knees; it’s too high, and the singing voice changes wildly, so I don’t want to cover it There is no way to live, her songs are too difficult to stand.

(End of this chapter)

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