The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 514 The Disappearing Storm Battleaxe

Chapter 514 The Disappearing Storm Battleaxe

The spacecraft passing through the gap between the huge star rings is as small as a grain of sand. The star rings that were supposed to revolve around the neutron star are all still at this moment. There is a little light in this dark place.

The situation in front of him caused Thor to sit back on the flying chair in a slumped manner. His head, which was still high just now, was lowered all of a sudden, and he repeated in a low voice what he said just 2 minutes ago: "Why did it become like this?"

A voice full of confusion and sadness echoed in the silent cabin, but there was no answer. Greer silently held the control lever, and carefully controlled the spaceship to pass through the huge star ring gap.Under the illumination of the searchlight, one can vaguely see lines and symbols of different thicknesses engraved on the surface of the star ring under the ice and snow.

Obviously, these star rings are blessed with extremely complex magic circles, and of course they may be circuit boards. Anyway, none of the symbols above Greer knows, and the many ancient languages ​​learned in Karma Taj are not enough to recognize them. These ancient symbols.

Facing the dead Nidaville, the two people in the cabin sat silently in their seats, thinking about their own things in their minds. Greer's mind was full of Thanos' actions to start collecting Infinity Gems in advance. , what should I do.

Just as Asgard was destroyed, something happened to Nidaville. One of the two thighs has been removed, and the only remaining thigh, the Supreme Mage, cannot be easily shot, otherwise the gap between the earth and the dark dimension will be widened, Supreme. The mage became a paper tiger.

But the paper tiger also looks very bluffing, and it should be able to hold on for a while, until the traitors of Karma Taj pierced through this layer of paper and stabbed the supreme mage who wanted to die with a knife, then the next step is to keep this layer of window paper The longer the time, the other is to strengthen the strength of the Avengers.

Greer finally pulled out a line from his complicated thoughts, took a deep breath, pulled himself together, and said, "Thor, where is the settlement or work place of the dwarves? Let's go in and have a look, and say There may be no survivors."

The method for Thor to increase his strength is very simple. If he gets the Storm Axe, he will be able to chop Thanos' chest. Maybe Nidaville still has a dwarf king who can make Thor a Storm Axe, just like in the original book. Hmm. First find the handle of the axe. No one will donate an arm to use it as an ax handle now.

Thor raised his head when he heard the words, he was eager to find out what happened here, who made Nidaville become what it is now, stood up, pointed to a gap in the star ring in front of the left, and said: "I I remember that the dwarves live on this star ring. The last time I came here, I still took the Armor of God of War, my adult gift. When I returned to Asgard, Mjolnir flew towards me.

I was so happy at the time, I thought I was qualified to lift it, but now that I think about it, I was so stupid, my father arranged for me to lift Mjolnir in full view, no wonder Loki felt it was unfair. "

"Perhaps you are really qualified to lift Mjolnir?"

"But it's in Hela's hands now. I tried to summon it, but there was no response at all."

Thor looked quite dejected, obviously losing Mjolnir was a great blow to him, the owner of Thor's Hammer is not Thor, it is too ironic, especially at the point where the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, any Thor's emotional ups and downs will be difficult to restrain. For example, when he saw Nidaville turn off the lights just now, Thor was so excited that he almost exploded on the spot.

Under the guidance of Thor, the spaceship passed through several layers of star rings and entered the interior of Nidaville, only to see a black lacquered metal ball suspended in the center of the ball surrounded by hundreds of star rings. But seven or eight kilometers are heavier than 1 earths combined.

The strong gravitational force, high temperature, and rays are all isolated by a thick layer of metal covering the surface, making this neutron star seem to have no deterrent effect at all, but once the metal on the surface is broken, everything including the star ring will be destroyed. It is absorbed to the surface of the neutron star, squeezed into neutrons one by one, and becomes a part of the neutron star.

Greer pushed the control lever and began to slow down the spaceship, slowly approaching the frost-covered airport. Thor stood up, clenched his fists, and activated the power-enhancing belt and thunder arm that Stark had customized for him. Armor, ready for battle.

The spaceship had just stopped, and Thor couldn't wait to walk towards the hatch. Greer hurriedly put the Neo decade drive on his waist, pulled out the decade card, and inserted it into the drive:
"Kamen Ride decade!"

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical synthesis, seven clear figures and two gray-white silhouettes appeared around Greer, and the next breath they appeared, they rushed towards Greer in unison, turning into a set of black and white two-color armor , covering Greer's body.

Immediately afterwards, seven luminous cards formed by condensing energy appeared out of thin air, and they were inserted into the armor of the head in unison, causing the crystal on the head to light up with purple light, and then magenta light flowed out from the seven cards, taking advantage of the trend. Dye the armor on both sides magenta down.

The hatch was opened by Thor, and a gust of cold wind poured in, blowing the cloak on Thor's back 'Wow!Wow! With a sound, the bulkhead of the spaceship was covered with a layer of frost at a speed visible to the naked eye, which shows how low the temperature here is, but Thor seemed not to notice it, strode out of the spaceship, and entered the messy star ring superior.

The forging level of the dwarves is unmatched, and the speed of making garbage is also top-notch. There are scraps of different materials discarded everywhere on the ground, and there are large and small equipment everywhere, which are completely different from the processing equipment on the earth. The aisle left was quite narrow, and with the size of the dwarves, it was a luxury for two people to walk side by side.

Greer raised his arms, and two magic circles appeared on his wrists. The magic power surged, and quickly condensed into two light balls through the magic circle. He threw them upwards, and the light balls flew up 20 meters vertically. High, the brightness instantly increased tenfold, turning the area of ​​two to three hundred square meters into daylight.

"Tracy." Thor exclaimed, and ran forward in a hurry, Greer hurriedly followed, Thor quickly passed through seven or eight forging platforms, and stopped in front of a steel beam. A man with an unshaven beard and flowing hair leaned motionless on the steel beams. He was so big that Thor could only be as tall as him standing up.

"Tracy. Tracy" Thor yelled and shook the shoulders of this 'giant', making Greer worried that he would shake people to pieces. When he walked up to him, he realized that the giant was the dwarf king Tracy. , but the condition was extremely bad, there was a spear-like thing on his chest, which penetrated deeply into his body, and it was likely that he was stuck on the steel beam.

Just as Greer wanted Thor to stop shaking, he saw the head of the dwarf King Trish move, slowly raised his head, and vaguely saw his eyes open through the gaps in his long hair, making him drooping all the time. Thor, who pulled his face, showed a surprised smile, and asked repeatedly: "Tricy, how are you? What about the others?"

"Thor." The dwarf king Tracy seemed to recognize that the person in front of him was Thor.

"Yeah, it's me, you once forged the armor of God of War for me." Thor said happily, completely unaware that the extremely weak Dwarf King Trish showed anger on his face, and roared in a weak voice: "Asgard should protect us, Asgard should protect us, why no one came? Why?"

Facing the angry questioning of the dwarf king Tracy, Thor showed sadness on his face, and said: "Asgard was destroyed, my father and mother returned to the embrace of the stars, and only I... and Rocky."

"Asgard is destroyed?!" Dwarf King Tracy seemed surprised, but also as expected, Nidaville is an extremely important source of weapons and equipment for Asgard, and it is an important protection for Asgard. No one came to prove that Asgard was in greater trouble, but it turned out to be destruction.

Thor was silent for a moment, unwilling to talk about it, and instead asked Nidaville, "Tracy, what happened here?"

Dwarf King Tracy said weakly: "It was Thanos, he killed all the dwarves and destroyed Nidaville."

The words of the dwarf king Tracy made Greer's heart sink instantly, and the worst thing happened. The destruction of Asgard made Thanos no longer have any scruples, and directly shot and destroyed Nidaville, who could make infinite gloves , to prevent others from getting the Infinity Gauntlet.

"Then he asked you to build the Infinity Gauntlet?" Greer hurriedly asked.

The dwarf king Tracy seemed to have noticed that there was someone beside Thor. Before he could ask, Thor quickly explained: "He is my friend, Trish, and Thanos asked you to make the Infinity Gauntlet." ?"

It is not a secret in the universe that Thanos collects infinite gems, because there are many people and forces besides him who are doing such things, but how did Thanos know that Nidaville can create infinite gloves.
Thinking of this, Thor suddenly widened his eyes, and blurted out: "Loki!" Loki once used the space gem to borrow a Chitauri army from Thanos to attack the earth. If anyone would leak the secret, then Just Loki.

But Dwarf King Tracy shook his head, gasped for a few weak breaths, and then had the strength to continue: "No, he didn't let him build anything. After the Dark Order came here, they started killing people and killed all the dwarves. Killed and wreaked havoc on Nidaville, while he himself cut off both my arms and nailed me to a post with his spear."

"Thanos" Thor's eyes were red with anger, and his fists were clenched tightly, wishing to kill Thanos to avenge the dwarves of Nidaville.

But Greer felt that he had been hit by a bolt from the blue sky, and quickly condensed a ball of light to illuminate the surroundings. Only then did he find that the sleeves of the dwarf King Tracy were empty, and the steel plate under his body was covered with already Coagulates frozen blood.The arms of the dwarf King Tracy were severed from the shoulders, not just the hands, the blacksmith without arms, could he use his feet to forge weapons?

When Greer and Thor were angry and shocked, the dwarf king Tracy still said intermittently: "Before he left, he told me that you can create a weapon that can cut off my head. ?'."

"What?" Thor looked confused, and tried to think about it, but he didn't understand what Thanos meant. Could it be that someone took the weapon made by the dwarf king Trish to kill Thanos?So Thanos came for revenge?But you should go to the murderer for revenge, what's the matter with embarrassing a blacksmith?

As for Greer, what he cares about is that Thanos didn't let the dwarf king Tracy make him an infinite gauntlet, so why did he come to Nidaville?Just to kill all the dwarves and destroy the neutron star furnace?Destroying the family like this is an absolute blood feud. Could it be that the Dwarf King's previous weapon hurt Thanos?

But Thanos doesn't let the dwarf king Tracy create the infinite gauntlet, so how can he snap his fingers to collect infinite gems?Could it be that he gave up on this idea?Or did you find a new vehicle?

Countless thoughts popped up in Greer's head, and he stepped forward, taking advantage of the dwarf King Tracy's consciousness, and quickly asked: "Then how many infinity gloves have you made before?"

"One." Dwarf King Tracy replied weakly: "Asgard once got many infinite gems, so he ordered me to build a weapon that can carry and use multiple gems, and I made it into a glove shape. "

Thor said: "I've seen it, and it's been kept in Odin's treasury. By the way, Trish, can the eternal fire burn the Infinity Gauntlet?"

Thor also thought that Thanos destroyed Nidaville, but did not create the Infinity Gauntlet. Could it be that he has already got it, and the most likely one is the one in Odin's treasure house.

"One?" Greer heaved a sigh of relief. This glove has been taken by Thor from another universe, so it is safe. It seems that Thanos may have found something that can also carry the Infinity Gauntlet. So destroyed Nidaville.

It's just that the phrase "a weapon that can cut off my head" is confusing. Is it sure that the dwarf King Tracy's weapon is strong enough to cut off his head?Or did Greer think of Fattor who came to get the Infinity Gauntlet and the Space Gem, and he once said that he cut off the head of Thanos who destroyed all the gems 'with a storm axe'.

"I don't know if the eternal flame can be burned, but Loki has been here before and asked about the Infinity Gauntlet." Dwarf King Tracy's eyes were almost closed, and his tone was so weak that it was almost inaudible. What: "Thor, go to Niflheim Stormaxe in Jormungandr"

Dwarf King Tracy's voice became lower and lower, and his head slowly lowered until there was no more sound. Thor's hand trembled forward, slowly placed on Dwarf King Tracy's chest, and felt again. Less than a heartbeat.With his arms cut off and his chest pierced by a spear, he endured pain, cold and hunger, and stayed for an unknown amount of time just to tell Thor the whereabouts of his last weapon, the Storm Axe.

"The Storm Ax is in Niflheim?" Greer was completely confused. Shouldn't the neutron star furnace be used to build the Storm Ax on the spot?How did it become Niflheim again?It also turned into a storm axe, what is this 'Yemungard', and where is it?

(End of this chapter)

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