The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 509 The Second Coming of Karma Taj

Chapter 509 The Second Coming of Karma Taj
Nick Fury raised his head, looked at Greer and asked: "Have they... existed for a long time?" It seemed that he didn't know anything about the news, but Greer was more willing to believe that Nick Fury wanted to confirm , Stark said that Thor has been following S.H.I.E.L.D. during this time, if he didn't get a lot of words out of his mouth, it would be a ghost.

Thor, who is full of fighting thoughts, knows nothing about earth wizards, but he has lived for more than 1000 years. He has seen many more things than humans. In the beginning, magic was learned from Asgard, and Thor knew it more or less, which meant that Nick Fury knew it.

Greer stood up straight, folded his arms in front of him, pondered for a few seconds, nodded, and said, "It must have been a long time, I've been there once before, and I saw many houses where the previous supreme mages lived , maybe... Humans were protecting the Earth when they were still playing glove dueling games."

Greer doesn't know when Kama Taj was established and when it began to protect the earth, but in the tenth century, Odin led the army of Asgard and Laufey's army of frost giants A battle of life and death is launched on the earth.

In that battle, the Frost Giants lost miserably. Even the treasure Frost Box was taken back to the Odin Treasury by Asgard as a trophy. Look at the full medieval decoration of the three temples, probably built after the earth was frozen.

Nick Fury nodded, and asked tentatively: "Can I meet with them? The earth is indeed facing a huge crisis now, and we need to gather all our strengths to face it together."

When Nick Fury was speaking, the 3D earth model on the holographic projection screen in front of him was slowly being selected, with black, blue and red dots and lines marked on it, and there were pictures of dark elves, frost giants and flame giants beside them. Traces of activity on Earth.

"It depends on whether they are willing to contact S.H.I.E.L.D." Greer spread his hands, with a helpless look, and said, "I've only contacted one of them, and I haven't met a few times, and I can't guarantee whether they will The reason to meet with you can only help you ask."

"Trouble you." After Nick Fury finished speaking, he didn't mention it again. Instead, he talked about the attack on the dark elf spaceship that happened 2 minutes ago. The fighter team lost contact with the secret base for storing and researching the dark elf spacecraft in an instant, and has not been able to reconnect until now. The S.H.I.E.L.D. also sent people there as soon as possible. I believe there will be good or bad news soon. .

"Thor knows Asgard's old enemies, the dark elves, frost giants, and flame giants better than I do. I have only fought them twice. The dark elves are more technologically inclined, and their physical fitness is weaker. Of course, they are stronger than humans. They are still much stronger. Frost giants and flame giants have no technology, but rely on their strong bodies and natural abilities to have strong strength.

If they really cooperate to invade the earth, there are dark elves in terms of technology, and fire giants and frost giants in hand-to-hand combat, even if it is replaced by Asgard that has not been destroyed, it will be a fierce battle."

Greer couldn't continue talking. The strength of the earth is really not very good. A Chitauri army has turned the world upside down. Now it has to face three enemies that are difficult for Asgard. Racial assault, to be honest, Greer felt that the odds of winning were not very high.

By the way, there is also Hela, her death army should be completely burned by the eternal fire, but it is hard to say whether Hela is dead or not. It's scary to think about her being a fisherman.

"Ah!" Greer couldn't help but sighed in his heart, feeling his presence again, making this earth infinitely more dangerous than in the movie. At least in the movie, there is only one dark elf Spaceships, unlike now, there are at least hundreds of dark elf spaceships, and an unknown number of flame giants and frost giants.

It's just that no matter how difficult it is, you must cheer up and do your best to resist the huge crisis that his arrival has brought to this world. No matter what, you must withstand it, and don't even think about fleeing without fighting.

Greer took a deep breath, suppressed the worst outcome in his mind, cheered up, and said: "Mr. Stark is here, there should be no problem with the space carrier, I will go to the earth wizards in a while , and ask them if they would like to show up.

Even if they don't want to, they will help find the space gate where the dark elves, flame giants and frost giants came to the earth. If they can be destroyed, they will be destroyed immediately. If they can't be destroyed, then let them help to arrange the defense The magic circle, and SHIELD has set up a line of defense there. "

"Thank you for your hard work. When this matter is over, I will give you a grand welcome ceremony." Nick Fury said, not knowing whether he was serious or joking.

"I'm just doing what I should do." Greer said, waving his hand at Nick Fury, pulling up Daisy next to him and walking towards the door. Stark received Greer's eye signal, They followed, opened the door leading to the deck, and the cold wind from outside poured in, blowing the clothes on Greer and Daisy 'squeak! 'Ring.

Greer swung his empty right hand forward, and a blue wind magic circle appeared on his wrist. The biting cold wind instantly softened, and the raised clothes fell down. Greer and Daisy walked lightly. Walking to the edge of the space carrier, Daisy had a close look at the huge engine of the space carrier.

Greer let go of Daisy's left hand, a silver electric magic circle appeared on the wrist, and then Greer's whole body emerged with lightning, "Crackling! ’ sounded, startling Daisy next to him, but Stark raised his eyebrows, and was even more curious about what Greer was trying to say with such caution.

After putting away the electric magic circle, Greer raised his left hand and grabbed the air in front of him. A palm-sized storage disk appeared in Greer's hand, and then handed it to Stark who was two steps away. Said: "This is some scientific and technological information I got during the trip. You know, I don't know much about it. I copied it all in one go. I hope it will be useful to you."

"Alien technology information?" Stark's eyes lit up, and he quickly took it, held it in front of his eyes, and carefully looked up, down, left, and right. At the same time, Jarvis also began to scan and analyze the hard drive, whether it is a data interface or The materials and shapes are not from the earth.

In addition, Jarvis was unable to analyze the hard drive, because the programming language and decoding of the data in the hard drive had never been seen before, so the first thing Stark faced was to learn alien language and alien programming first.

While Jarvis was still analyzing, Greer reached out to the void again, and this time he took out a metal object not much bigger than a ballpoint pen, and pulled his hands outward, forming a weak hand the size of two palms on one side. The cicada-winged screen, and the 'ballpoint pen' divided into two halves lighted up, and a large number of pictures appeared on the thin screen.

Greer then closed the 'ballpoint pen', handed it to Stark, and said: "When I was in prison, a fellow inmate lent it to me passively. There are a lot of information on it. Read a little, and help me read the rest."

Stark took it as if he had found a treasure. He could see it clearly just now. Such a small instrument actually has an enhanced holographic projection instrument, which is much higher than the holographic technology on his steel suit. Immediately return to the laboratory to study these two things.

Daisy looked at Greer in surprise, and said with some distress: "Ah, you are still in prison on an alien planet, is it because you don't have a passport?"

"Almost, after all, it's the first time I went to an alien planet, and the earth has not established diplomatic relations with them, so I can't get a visa on arrival." Greer said with a smile, never mentioning the worse life of being a slave, but talking about I have lived a life of dominating the world in prison, and I have seen the magnificent scene of celestial bodies in the universe: what collapsed neutron stars, heads hundreds of kilometers in size.
"Thank you!" Stark thanked from the bottom of his heart. Greer gave these things to him secretly. This is definitely a great trust. These things are absolutely priceless and cannot be bought with money. Countries can be exchanged for countless wealth and power.

But the bigger surprise was yet to come. Stark, who was in ecstasy, heard Greer say again: "I also got a spaceship capable of interstellar voyages. You should find a good place first, and wait until I arrive from Kamate When Ji comes back, drive back."

"Spaceship." Stark's eyes were as bright as a light bulb. The spaceship of the dark elves had already made him envious, but the S.H.I.E.L.D. They can't participate in the research in depth, but now Greer actually has a spaceship capable of interstellar travel, this gift package is a bit too big.

Greer shrugged and pretended to be relaxed and said: "The warden is too enthusiastic. When I got out of prison, he insisted on sending me a boat to let me go home. But I couldn't shirk it, so I had to drive it back. The data in the hard disk is also the same. In the prison, after I left, fireworks were set off to celebrate."

Stark laughed out loud and was amused by Greer. He fully imagined what a big thing Greer had done, maybe it didn't blow up the prison.

"Let's go." Greer waved at Stark, put his left hand on the knight card box, pulled out a knight card, and inserted it into the Neo decade driver at his waist:

"Kamen Ride wizard!"

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical synthesis, the surrounding wind gathered and turned into a huge cyan disc-shaped luminous magic circle, which rotated above Greer's head and fell rapidly, putting Greer in the inlaid Kamen Rider Wizard Hurricane Armor with a large piece of cyan wind gem.

After the transformation was completed, Greer stretched out his hand, hugged Daisy, controlled the wind and lifted the two into the sky, and flew towards the distant night sky. He summoned a steel battle suit, stuffed these two priceless things into the steel suit, and let Jarvis control the steel suit and return to the base.

After flying away from the Helicarrier, Greer began to dive downwards. After flying away for a certain distance, he opened the space door and brought Daisy into the space door leading to the Temple of Twist, and landed in this simple building. On the top of the five-story building, he came to the door that only the mage guarding the temple could open. He stretched out his right hand wearing a hanging ring to hold the doorknob. Magic power poured out from his palm, making the doorknob light up, and then he went down. A twist.

The seemingly ordinary wooden door was easily opened, revealing a room with a size of more than a hundred square meters built of stone bricks behind. In the center is a stone platform, on which is enshrined an eye-shaped thing. On the side are two wooden doors that are exactly the same as those behind Greer, which are obviously the doors to the other two temples, but the top of the head is not a ceiling, but a vast starry sky.

Daisy was stunned by this bizarre scene. Even though the soles of her feet and surrounding areas were covered with rough stone bricks, the ceiling turned into a vast starry sky, and without any transition, the stone wall directly turned into a starry sky. Looking at the most careless PS.

"What is this place?" Daisy looked around and asked strangely. In her opinion, the place leading to the space door should be very important, but this room is very ordinary except for the starry sky.

"The center of Midgard." A plain voice sounded from the left side. Daisy and Greer turned their heads to see that the ancient mage appeared in the room at some point, and looked at Greer calmly. and daisy.

"Supreme Mage."

The Ancient One mage nodded, walked to the stone platform with his hands behind his back, put his right hand on the Eye of Agamotto, and said: "This is not on the earth, but the center of Midgard, on which is Midgard Each star represents a planet."

Daisy was confused when she heard it. It seemed that the Supreme Mage meant that they came to the center of Midgard through the space gate of the temple. So is the earth the center of Midgard?

The Ancient One mage had no intention of explaining, magic power flooded into the palm of his hand, the stone platform suddenly lit up, flowing down the stone platform, quickly lighting up the floor and the surrounding walls, after releasing the starry sky above his head, The stars all over the sky quickly gathered together and turned into a glowing model of the earth.

Compared with the Earth model of S.H.I.E.L.D., there are many distorted light clusters of different colors and strange shapes around this Earth model. Among these crowded light clusters, there is a large dark void, occupying one-third of the earth-facing area. Space looks like a huge mouth of an abyss, trying to swallow the earth in one gulp, but a huge light net surrounds the earth, isolating all distorted light clusters, and cannot touch the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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