Chapter 506 Attack
The coming overlap of the Nine Realms, the death army and Hela that destroyed Asgard, the dark elves who frequently appeared in Midgard, the fire giants and the frost giants, the earth has become more and more uneasy in the past few years. , big and small aliens appeared one after another.

In other words, the earth has never been peaceful. Nick Fury once mentioned that the alien fleet attacked the earth 30 or [-] years ago and was stopped by a train flying in the sky in outer space. Then there will be no aliens in other periods Are you haunted?

Just like the flame giants and frost giants that appeared frequently during this period of time were discovered, it was because Thor noticed the traces of the enemies of Asgard in these different periods, so that SHIELD hurriedly dispatched personnel and The equipment went to detect and found a large number of abnormal frost and burning marks.

The blade-shaped spaceship of the dark elves was discovered by Heimdall. Although the Rainbow Bridge was lost and the Nine Realms could not be viewed, the Omniscient Eye was still there, and the blade-shaped spaceship wandering around New Asgard was discovered. Er worked together to destroy one, and only then did S.H.I.E.L.D. understand that there was a third enemy.

For the frost giant and flame giant on the mysterious side, it is enough to have Thor, but there is no way to fly high in the sky and the invisible spaceship, so Stark is brought in, and Stark studies It took a few days of hard work to urgently come up with a system that can detect dark elf spaceships at close range, and also provided Thor with a fool-operated flying device, a power-enhancing belt, and a lightning control gauntlet.

S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately joined forces with various countries to deploy drones and fighter jets equipped with this system in some important cities, cruising around the clock, and found five dark elf spaceships in just one month. Stark and Thor followed God The SHIELD ran around the world, destroying the discovered dark elf spaceships one by one, and dragged them all to the evil base of S.H.I.E.L.D. for deeper research in order to find out the method of discovering the dark elf spaceships and the dark elf spaceships. weakness.

More than a dozen dark elves were also captured, and they were all dragged into the interrogation room of S.H.I.E.L.D. Stark didn't care what kind of creatures these aliens were. After all, it is possible to fly in the universe. Not only is the level of technology much higher than that of human beings, but it also has a lot of valuable information, such as the route map for flying in the universe, the situation of various galaxies and celestial bodies, and so on.

These data are definitely more valuable than spaceships, just like in the great voyages of human beings, being able to build seagoing ships is the first step towards the ocean, and the next step is to use human life to explore the hydrological conditions of various oceans, so This is S.H.I.E.L.D. It can be said that it is full of ambitions, but all countries that have ideas about the starry sky want a copy of these materials, which makes Nick Fury proud. Many things that have not been discussed before can be discussed at once. .

Of course, these have nothing to do with Stark. What he sees is that aliens are like visiting the back garden on the earth. They want to come and go, and do whatever they want, but human beings have nothing to do about it. Word.The situation is worse than the battle of the contract. After all, the wormholes from the Chitauri are fixed and there is no invisibility in the battle of the contract. It is easy to deal with.

But the spaceship of the dark elves, according to Thor, even Heimdall cannot find their traces at a long distance, so it is basically impossible for human beings to detect the spaceships of the dark elves with artificial satellites hundreds of kilometers or even thousands of kilometers away from the ground. It is necessary to build a near-Earth detection system.

The first thing Stark thought of was his steel battle suit. Not only is it more flexible and faster than fixed-wing and movable-wing aircraft, but it can also carry all kinds of weapons and equipment. The firepower is extremely fierce. What is the Global Hawk? In front of him, he was a scumbag at all, and he could definitely shoot down the dark elf spaceship the second he found it.

This idea first came about after the battle of the contract. Stark had the idea of ​​building a global defense system that can detect abnormalities and put them into battle in the shortest possible time. The SHIELD has long been engaged in such a global defense system.

Therefore, this idea was temporarily shelved, and helped SHIELD to improve and upgrade the engine and weapon system of the Helicopter Carrier. After that, there were many incidents of the Hulk out of control, and Stark and Banner cooperated to create a set that could suppress The Mad Hulk's system, and has recently started testing.

But now facing the dark elf spaceships, flame giants and frost giants that appeared on the earth one after another, and the fall of Asgard, who has always been the protector of the earth, Stark realized that the earth may not lack this kind of power in the future. The 'Visitor', therefore, picked up the original idea again, building a set of protection and attack systems composed of steel legions around the earth.

I have an idea, but it is not so difficult to implement it. It is the easiest to manufacture enough steel suits. The difficulty is that countries will never agree to Stark's steel suits flying around their heads unless It is the transfer of control to them, and they will even manufacture and control the steel suit, but Stark will never agree to this. He has been holding on to the steel suit so far, because he is afraid that the steel suit will flood, and he will not sell it. Join the Earth Civil War.

The biggest difficulty is control. If so many steel suits are really deployed, they must be drones. Jarvis's current computing power is not enough, and Jarvis's computing power needs to be enhanced.And Jarvis does not mean that it is absolutely safe. S.H.I.E.L.D. has broken through and shielded Jarvis many times, forcibly breaking through and entering Stark's villa and company.

In case Jarvis, who is in charge of the control, is breached after the deployment of the steel suit, even a second or two will cause a big accident. Therefore, this global defense system must be controlled by a smarter and safer artificial intelligence. Weiss is not enough
But it's not that Stark is waiting to develop a stronger artificial intelligence. As early as a year ago, he transformed the previous steel suit into a drone that can be controlled by Jarvis, and formed a team of steel fighters. Legion, carry out preliminary exploration work.

In Stark's thinking, Mark 39, which is mainly painted in white and gray, dotted with a little dark gold, has begun to lower its flying altitude, and can clearly see the dots and lines of bright lights on the dark ground. Earth, while Stark's target is the twist with the highest brightness and the widest bright area
Jarvis precisely controlled the steel suit to land on the top of an old house on Bleecker Street in Manhattan, accompanied by a slight 'click!Click! With a sound, the armor on the front of the steel suit opened, allowing Stark to step out of the steel suit.

"Jarvis, sentry mode." Stark walked towards the only building on the roof, a door opening that was only one or two meters long and wide. He held the doorknob and turned it down. A luxurious living room of about two or three hundred square meters.

Sofas, tables, etc. were all piled up in the corner, replaced by rows of servers and computers, all the screens were running the face matching system, which made Stark sigh silently , squeezed a smile on his face, and said to Daisy who was sitting in front of a computer: "Daisy, how about this system?"

"Much better than what I did myself, thank you, Mr. Stark." Daisy, who was sitting in front of the computer, turned her head, stood up as she spoke, poured a cup of tea for Stark, and then sat back in front of the computer , and continued to stare at the screen, for fear of missing even a single frame.

Stark walked over, folded his arms in front of him, and said: "Don't worry too much, according to Nick Fury, he has defeated an entire alien fleet before, and when the Nine Realms overlap, he will be able to return to Earth."

"I know, he must still be looking for the way back, just like when he was in Helm's Underworld, he tried his best to find the way, as long as he finds it, he will come back." Daisy squeezed out a look of extreme embarrassment on her haggard face. With a forced smile, he said in a hoarse voice.

Stark pursed his lips, but decided not to talk about this topic anymore. Daisy had already told Stark about her and Greer's experience in Heim's Underworld, which was one of the reasons why Stark was worried. Undead or something is simply beyond the scope of human science.

"Can you contact the wizards on Earth?" Stark talked about his purpose of coming here. This is the Temple of Twist that Greer said, and the other two temples, Stark also tried to make Jia Weiss searched for it, but found nothing. Only here can be 'seen' by Jarvis, which means that if you don't pay attention, you can't find it even if you are around.

Daisy bit her lip and shook her head, and said: "It was Greer who took me there before, and they only looked for Greer. I only know that the place where magicians live is called Karma Taj, which should be located in the Himalayas. I don’t know exactly where the mountains are.”

Stark couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, thought for a while, and said: "It's been so long, haven't they sent anyone?" Greer has disappeared for half a year, and breaking the contract with the temple is equivalent to losing the guardian. The group of wizards didn't send anyone, didn't they notice it?It shouldn't be, such an important place must be paid attention to all the time.

Daisy shook her head again, and said: "No, because Greer moved the castle dragon here, unless the castle dragon is destroyed, the Temple of New York cannot be destroyed. Greer also said that the contract temple It's just a hub of the protective net, even if it is destroyed, it will only reduce the power of the protective net.

The magicians all gathered in the London Temple to deal with the overlap of the Nine Realms this time, and they couldn't spare too many manpower to guard the temples in other places. If you want to find them, you have a higher chance of encountering a magician in London. "

"Well," Stark nodded and said with a smile: "This just means that Greer is safe and sound, because the castle dragon is still there."

"Yes." The smile on Daisy's face finally became a little more sincere, and after hesitating for two seconds, she said, "Let me go to London, Master Ancient One taught me how to enhance my spiritual power, yes Magicians should be more sensitive, Mr. Stark, your detector may not be able to detect them."

"This is the best," Stark said as he took out his mobile phone and shouted to the screen: "Jarvis, plan a flight to London immediately."

"Okay, sir."

Daisy looked away from the screen again, and asked in surprise: "Is it in such a hurry? Did something serious happen?" Daisy, who had been in the castle dragon, didn't know that the dark elves, frost Regarding the matter of giants and flame giants, I thought that the overlap of the Nine Realms was serious and required the assistance of the magicians of Kama Taj.

Stark nodded heavily, and said: "It's very serious, we should set off, get on the plane, and Jarvis will tell you in detail what happened during this time."

"Oh!" Daisy got up in a hurry, first picked up a laptop, and then grabbed the third-generation shockwave gauntlets on the table beside her, buckled them on both wrists, and then followed Stark out. Go, and said while walking: "In fact, the three major temples are interconnected, and you can reach any temple, but I can't open that door."

Stark, who was walking in front, just listened quietly, but he was thinking in his heart whether it is possible to use technology to realize this kind of space door that instantly reaches another place. If possible, he does not need to build a global defense system That's right, if something goes wrong in a place, use the space door to send the steel suits there immediately, and the number of steel suits can be greatly reduced, and if you put the steel suits in one place, you don't have to worry about being hacked and used.

In just a few seconds, Stark had already thought of several benefits and uses of this kind of space door deployment. As soon as the two of them walked outside the door, they heard a dull engine sound from the air. The Kun-type transport plane with the optical stealth function turned on is slowly landing until the open hatch is aimed at the roof.

Mark39 walked into the Quin-type transport plane by itself, entered Ghana Curry, replenished energy and weapons, and performed routine inspections. After Stark and Daisy entered inside, the Quin-type transport plane immediately closed the hatch, quickly raised and accelerated, and headed towards Fly in the direction of the Atlantic Ocean.

After Daisy sat down, she turned on her laptop. Jarvis had already sent over the information about the dark elves, flame giants, and frost giants appearing on the earth during this period of time. Only then did Daisy know that the earth was about to welcome aliens again. The human army is gone, and three different aliens are attacking the earth together.

No wonder Stark rushed here overnight to inquire about the magician. He was eager to find out the space gate for these dark elves, flame giants and frost giants to come to Earth. It is better to fight with heavy troops and block the door than to let others come in and set up a formation to fight again. There are fewer enemies to face and it is easier to win.

"Don't worry, Mr. Stark, the ancient masters will definitely help." Before Daisy finished speaking, a harsh siren sounded in the cabin, and at the same time Jarvis shouted eagerly: "Sir, I found High-energy response, right after"

Jarvis had just issued a warning, and two bright lights suddenly appeared in the void behind the Quin-type transport plane, which turned into two beams of light, and instantly hit the Quin-type transport plane that was also in stealth.

(End of this chapter)

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