The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 504 The Drastically Changing Earth

Chapter 504 The Drastically Changing Earth

The sky is full of stars, the silver moon is like a hook, and the cold wind passes through the brightly lit city streets, bringing chills to the people on the street. People can't help but wrap their clothes tightly and walk on the way home in a hurry, unwilling to be in the cold. Stay outside for a second.

The huge screen facing the street is broadcasting strange stories from all over the world. "I once posted on Facebook that the printed Hercules easily lifted two trucks. Yesterday, it was confirmed that the video was a composite. I also admitted that I was practicing Learn PS techniques.
Yesterday, near Chang'an in eastern Asia, an upside-down black forest mirage appeared in the sky. Experts confirmed that it was because Chang'an had only rained once, and the air refracted the distant scene. .
The Yomiuri Shimbun reported: Mr. Fu Jian, who went out to collect wind, found a giant burning with flames on the top of Mount Fuji three days ago. It was later confirmed that it was a phantom refracted by the ice and snow on the top of the mountain. People claim that this may be the hype of Mr. Togakin's new comics, which is definitely not true."

At this moment, a black figure suddenly passed in front of the big screen, and the light from the big screen shone on him, revealing the shiny armor and the wind-blown 'Hoo!call! 'The red cloak made a noise, and instantly jumped to the roof of a building more than 30 meters high. With a wave of his right hand, he shot a bright bolt of lightning into the air in front of him on the left.

The crackling lightning exploded after flying more than 20 meters away, blasting out a turbulent flame ball. With this as the center, the air twisted, instantly revealing a blade-shaped black-gray spaceship.Immediately afterwards, several bolts of lightning struck out, precisely hitting the supersonic spaceship, and one after another burst of flames on the outer shell of the spaceship.

Seven or eight lightning strikes in succession finally made the spaceship unable to maintain a stable flight, and it crashed towards a building below, but it just started to fall, and in the darkness on the left, one after another appeared. The 'star' crossed a distance of a thousand meters in an instant, crashed into the spaceship of the dark elves, stuck tightly to it, and the jet engine at the rear started at full power, pushing the ship's power system destroyed by lightning. The spaceship flew towards the outside of the city.

"Jarvis, block the signal."

"Okay, sir."

A short conversation ended. The spaceship was driven by hundreds of small engines to fly out of the city. All electronic devices with video and photo functions will automatically shut down or malfunction. After the spaceship flies away, will return to normal.

The acceleration of the hundreds of engines is very fast, and in just half a minute, the spaceship was taken away from the city, and the last energy was used to push the spaceship up to a kilometer, and then it began to slow down and slowly landed to the open position. On the flight deck of the space carrier that has already been cleared out of the optical stealth function.

The spaceship whose engine was destroyed had just landed when a set of gold and red armor fell from the sky and landed firmly next to the spaceship. Immediately afterwards, there was an extra set of armor and steel armor on its feet. The jet engine is somewhat similar to the flying device of Thor.

Footsteps sounded all around, and hundreds of soldiers wearing S.H.I.E.L.D. uniforms rushed out in the cold wind. Pulling the wires and fixing them, they quickly fixed the spaceship firmly on the deck, followed by several The large machine drove over and began to cut the hatch of the spaceship with a laser knife. An elite commando team had assembled beside it. Once the door was opened, they would immediately rush in to arrest people.

All the movements are flowing like clouds and flowing water, and the cooperation between various types of work is quite tacit and orderly. No one is surprised by this spaceship. It is obviously not the first time they have seen it, let alone the first time they have done this. The two bosses, Thor and Iron Man, didn't intend to help at all. Instead, they walked to the interior of the space carrier, and they were extremely relieved of the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. to deal with the dark elves in the spaceship.

During the Battle of the Covenant, Stark and Thor entered the central control room and had to take off their armor and put away their weapons, but this time the two walked in fully armed, and Nick Fury standing on the console Turning around, nodding to the two of them, he said, "Thanks for your hard work."

Stark ignored Nick Fury, but Thor spoke: "This is already the fifth dark elf's spaceship, they must be scouting, and the next attack target must be Earth."

Stark said from the side: "Maybe it's you, after all, aren't you a feud? Now that they are developed, they definitely want to get revenge."

Thor stared at Stark with an ugly expression, and said after a while: "Asgard has been protecting the earth"

Before Thor could finish speaking, Stark quickly interrupted his words: "But now the Asgardians have attracted an alien army to the earth again, oh, I forgot, the last one was Jotun Sea Mu people, I'm sorry."

It’s just that his apology made the corners of Thor’s eyes twitch non-stop, and his breathing became a lot more rapid. If replaced by the previous Prince of Asgard, Thor would definitely pick up the hammer and fight this guy who dared to insult a warrior to the death , available now.
Not only did he lose his hammer, but he also lost his hometown. The only remaining Asgardians lived in a remote place in Norway with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Asgardians of Vanaheim, without the Rainbow Bridge, Thor couldn't bring them to Midgard at all.

Even a lot of equipment on Thor was made by Stark, such as the 'boots' that allowed him to fly again, the armguards and belt that enhanced his lightning power, etc. It was these that made Thor very confident , some less annoying words, Thor pretended not to hear them.

Stark didn't catch Thor to taunt to death, but habitually wanted to taunt this Asgardian prince who had attracted an alien army to the earth, oh, he is now the king.Seeing that Thor was silent, Stark turned his head and said to Nick Fury, "Did you find Greer?"

Nick Fury said expressionlessly: "232 times to answer you, the satellites deployed by S.H.I.E.L.D. are searching every minute and every second. Any camera on the earth is performing facial matching, but it has not been found yet."

Stark couldn't help curling his lips, and said: "It seems that your intelligence system is not very good, I will build a stronger one when I have time, and let you buy mine."

Nick Fury glanced at Stark with one eye, then turned his head away again, and continued his work. The spaceship has been opened, and the dark elf has also been captured. The next step is routine interrogation, physical examination, etc. A series of tasks that the participants are familiar with.

Thor walked to Stark and said in a serious tone: "I will go to him when the matter in Midgard is over."

(End of this chapter)

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