The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 501 The Crashed Dark Star

Chapter 501 The Crashed Dark Star
The central control room of the Dark Star has long been completely destroyed, and the original appearance cannot be seen at all. The ceiling, four walls, and the floor are covered by flames, and the sea of ​​​​hell is nothing more than this, but the thick smoke can’t cover it. Brilliant purple radiance.

Greer, holding a magic hammer, stood in the waist-deep sea of ​​flames, completely ignoring the surrounding flames and high temperature. The magic hammer in his hand was like a purple sun, emitting an unbelievable brilliance, a large amount of energy Swelling up along the magic hammer, Greer's right arm holding the magic hammer trembled slightly.

The decade armor on his body was also dyed with streaks of purple light patterns, as if covering Greer with a light net composed of LED light strips, and these purple light bands expanded little by little, squeezing the original color of the decade armor .

The divergent eyes exude a faint purple light. If you look through decade's mask, you can clearly see that the pupils of Greer's eyes have turned dark red again, and a dark red liquid similar to blood appears inexplicably in his body. Blood vessels flow throughout the body.

Grayton felt the pain caused by the erosion of the power gem on his body, and it was relieved a lot. Instead, endless power gushed out from his whole body, just like a very hungry person who has eaten eight bowls of rice and is not only full but also full. Stomach pain.

Ronan, who was blown away by the energy shock wave emitted by the power gem, got up from the corner with a disheveled face. The anger in his eyes did not disappear, but became more vigorous. He looked at the magic hammer inlaid with the power gem very fieryly. Greer.

Seeing that Greer seemed to be trying to resist and control the energy of the Power Gem, Ronan thought of the information on the Power Gem recorded in the Cree star database. The earliest record of the Infinity Gem came from the remains of a civilization that had been extinct for a long time. An image of the Celestial Group destroying planets with a sledgehammer emitting purple light.

Later, many relics related to the use of Infinity Gems were discovered one after another. The time cannot be checked. A civilization with extremely advanced technology accidentally found the Power Gem, and carried out research, and finally selected the most powerful of this civilization. A group of people wanted to jointly bear the erosion of the power gem, but in the end they were destroyed together, and the out-of-control energy aftermath completely destroyed this civilization mother planet.

It is difficult for so many people to control the power gem. Ronan felt that this guy must be struggling to resist the erosion of the power gem. He was definitely the weakest. Therefore, Ronan got up without hesitation and rushed towards Greer. I want to take the opportunity to defeat this guy who dared to snatch his infinite gems.

Just when Ronan was about to approach, Greer suddenly raised his head, his blue eyes made Ronan's heart skip a beat, and he saw Greer swing the magic hammer at Ronan from the air , A purple energy shock wave was emitted from the magic hammer, instantly bombarding Ronan who had just stood up, sending Ronan flying, smashing through three metal walls in a row, and hitting the fourth wall heavily, The whole person is embedded in it.

The armor on the chest melted into a big crater, which almost penetrated Ronan's armor. The pain in his chest almost made Ronan faint, but from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a giant hammer lying quietly on the floor of this room. , so Ronan was overjoyed that he endured the pain and dragged himself off the wall, trying to get his weapon back.

"It's so powerful." Greer himself was startled by this blow. He just swung the magic hammer subconsciously, and the power gem automatically launched such a strong attack. What about power?

Turning his head and looking at the right arm, the armor of the entire arm is almost covered by purple light. The magic hammer alone is not enough to restrain the erosion of the power gem, even if it is the Kree giant hammer made by the highest technology of Kerry star. It can't be done. Didn't you see that in the movie, the Kree Hammer inlaid with the power gem was easily destroyed by Rocket Raccoon's homemade laser cannon, which shows how brittle it looks.

Not knowing how long the magic hammer can last, Greer hurriedly took advantage of the inexplicable opportunity to control the power gem, and strode forward. With a wave of the magic hammer in his hand, the metal wall in front of him was easily crushed like paper. smashed.Ronan was running towards his Kerry Hammer, but from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the opposite wall suddenly showing a trace of purple light, and then it shattered, revealing a door opening with a length and width of two meters, revealing the back holding a magic hammer, Greer with LED light effects all over his body.

Ronan rushed to his Kree hammer in a hurry, trying to get back the weapon, but before his hand could touch the Kree hammer, Greer touched the knight card box on his waist with his left hand, and pulled out a card Here, plug into the Neo decade drive:

"Final Attack Ride KKK-Kiva!"

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical synthesis, the magic hammer in Greer's hand slowly opened his five fingers, and the light emitted by the power gem doubled in an instant, and even Ronan felt unable to open his eyes. He couldn't help raising his hand to cover his eyes, and from the gap between his fingers, he vaguely saw that the energy of the magic hammer was too saturated, and he began to shoot streamer bullets around.

"Remember, the person who defeated you is Kamen Rider Decade!" Ronan heard a voice from behind the light, and then the purple light ball hit him, making Ronan let out a desperate cry Shouting, before picking up the Kerry giant hammer more than ten meters away, he swung his fist at the magic hammer like a desperate fight, and the two fists, one big and one small, collided instantly.

'boom! '

The magic hammer erupted a terrifying energy shock wave. Ronan, who bore the brunt, was instantly destroyed like a sand wall in a flood. He shattered all the metal walls into dust and resisted countless laser cannons and missile attacks. , under the energy shock wave of the power gem, it is not much better than the clay sculpture.

Witnessed by the three forces in the melee, several purple light beams suddenly appeared from the middle part of the Dark Asterisk that was falling towards the planet, and then more light beams pierced the Dark Asterisk and emerged. Many predators, Nova Corps or The spaceship of the Accuser Legion was hit and wiped out in an instant.

These light beams came and went even faster. They lasted only half a second before disappearing, but the damage they caused was extremely serious. Countless holes appeared on the Dark Asterisk, and the metal around the edges of the holes was lingering in lavender. of light.

Under the action of the planet's gravity, these metal surfaces, which were eroded by the power gems and became extremely fragile, collapsed rapidly, forming a chain reaction. As each hole expanded, the dark star trembled more and more.

A spaceship rushed out of the chaff-like corner of the Dark Star. The right wing was wiped by the purple light beam and most of it was broken, making the spaceship unbalanced. However, Rocket Raccoon adjusted the twin engines power, abruptly continued to fly forward.

In the cabin of the spaceship, Gamora was pulling Xingjue to ask about the whereabouts of the cosmic spirit ball. Even though Xingjue was everywhere, he really couldn't find the inmate. Gamora still had a trace of suspicion. Swearing, lying, and swearing is as easy as opening your mouth to eat and drink.

At this moment, Nebula, who had remained silent since boarding the ship, suddenly said, "Get ready to avoid the fragments of the Dark Star."

"Huh?" Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and then turned their heads to look in the direction of the dark star, only to see that the dark star, which was shaking so much that anyone on the ground could see it with the naked eye, completely split apart and turned into countless pieces. Under the gravitational force of the planet, fragments, large and small, collided towards the planet like a group of meteorites and turned into meteors, showing its final glory to the universe.

"***" Rocket Raccoon opened his mouth with a series of words that must be silenced. He controlled the spaceship with most of its wings broken, and tried his best to avoid the fragments of the Dark Star. The speed rushes towards the ground.

It’s just that they were too close to the Dark Star, and the side of the spaceship was damaged, so they couldn’t avoid the dense debris at all. They hit several times in an instant, and they rolled and fell towards the ground with flames and black smoke. go.

Seeing the Dark Star disintegrate in the air, pieces of fragments fell to the ground, the three forces in the melee were all in a hurry, and they fought desperately to move closer to the planet.Just now they saw the lavender light beams emerging from the Dark Asterisk, instantly destroying the Dark Asterisk that was not destroyed by tens of thousands of laser cannons. This is definitely the power of the Infinity Gem.

The Accuser Legion is the hardest, followed by the Nova Legion, and the Marauders are mostly afraid of death. They didn't rush up too much, but they also let the battlefield keep moving with the fragments of the Dark Star. More debris, making this space war even more chaotic.

No one noticed at all that a predator's spaceship quietly moved to the edge of the battlefield, and then entered the atmosphere like a crash, but flew towards the back of the planet, then accelerated away from the planet's gravitational circle, and disappeared into the dark void of the universe .

At this moment, people on this planet who have not yet fallen asleep saw countless meteor showers across the sky. Ninety-nine percent of the fragments were consumed in the atmosphere, and the remaining large fragments fell to the ground, smashing the earth. A huge sunken pit came out.

Buildings, forests, and rivers were smashed to pieces by the "meteorite" falling from the sky, countless creatures died on the spot, and the wounded who survived were crying, but the people in the sky didn't have time to pay attention to the tragic situation on the ground. You are fighting to the death, preventing the opponent from searching the ground for infinite gems, creating more fragments, and falling towards the ground.

During the meteor shower, a dilapidated spaceship stumbled and landed on the edge of a city, or hit the ground, rolled and traveled hundreds of meters under the inertia, throwing various debris out while rolling, waiting until When it stopped, only the solid dragon skeleton was rotten, and the dense branches inside could be clearly seen.
This tragic cosmic war lasted until the main fleet of the Nova Corps arrived, and it was completely over. The predators left the battlefield immediately, and the Nova Corps ignored the group of cosmic thieves, allowing the predators to leave safely.

The Accuser Legion was not so lucky. They were flanked by the Nova Legion and suffered heavy losses. They finally left the battlefield and fled.The Nova Corps also lost troops. It was discovered that the Dark Star’s squadron was almost wiped out. The Xandar civilization’s colonial planet next to it had more than ten cities destroyed in ruins. The civilian casualties were extremely heavy, but the Nova Corps did not carry out rescue work. , but to recover the dark star fragments first, but the real task is to find the infinite gems.

In the ruined city, Rocket Raccoon and Star Lord are dressed beyond recognition, mixing with the local crowd, queuing up to receive daily necessities, this planet has been blocked by the Nova Corps, and no spaceship is allowed to leave at all, trapping them in the After arriving here, I can't leave for the time being, so I have to disguise myself, hide my name, and pretend to be a local.

Gamora and Nebula, whose features were too obvious, were left in their temporary shelter—in a half-collapsed house. After all, the two of them were too famous as the accomplices of the genocide Thanos. It is easy to be recognized.

Xing Yun stood by the window and said in a hoarse voice: "I have already contacted the Dark Cult. Tonight they will launch a strong attack, lure away the nearby Nova Legion, and take me out. Are you really not leaving together?"

Gamora shook her head and said, "I can't pretend anymore, if I continue to help Thanos slaughter innocent people, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist giving him a knife."

"Heh," Xing Yun seemed to smile, but his face was expressionless, it was hard to see the smile, and said: "So mechanical transformation is still very useful, at least I can delete the memory I want to forget, and I want to remember it Just insert the memory chip back in."

Gamora hesitated for a while before saying, "I found clues to the soul gem in a ruin some time ago, and I want to confirm it."

Nebula seemed to be taken aback, straightened up, and said in a worried tone: "In this case, the last two gemstones are left without a certain location." They saw the crash of the Dark Star with their own eyes, and thought that the cosmic spirit ball fell here together. on a planet.

"Aren't there three?" Gamora remembered that Asgard, which owned the Rubik's Cube, had been destroyed, and the Rubik's Cube had disappeared.

"Before I was sent to Ronan, Loki of Asgard contacted Thanos, wanting to use the Rubik's Cube in exchange for an army to help him rebuild Asgard."

"Damn it, it's him again," Gamora expressed a little anger. Last time, this guy almost let Thanos get the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and now it seems to be sure.

The two were silent for a few seconds before Gamora comforted himself and said like Nebula, "It's not that easy. The Time Stone hasn't appeared in millions of years, and the ether particles are nowhere to be found."

As soon as I said this, there was a quarrel outside, which made the two of them shut up immediately. The room suddenly became silent, and the sound of the quarrel between Star-Lord and Rocket Raccoon could be heard more clearly. Since the landing, the two of them have not stopped. After coming down, there was a small quarrel in one day, a big quarrel in two days, 40 billion flying, Groot was seriously injured, trapped here and so on.

But the strange thing is that no matter how noisy they are, the two of them have no intention of moving out of here. They still get together and have nothing to quarrel with. Drax the Destroyer is their most loyal audience and background board.The Nova Corps found Ronan's Kree Hammer and confirmed that Ronan was indeed in the crashed Dark Star, but he has not found Ronan so far, probably dead, otherwise it would not be so peaceful.

Gamora looked at the noisy duo, the silent burly man, and the rough trees that were deeply rooted in the soil of the yard and happily drenched with water, and said to himself, "Such a team is not bad."

"This is the worst team I have ever seen." This is Xing Yun's evaluation.

(End of this chapter)

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