The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 499 The Mystery of Ronan's Strength

Chapter 499 The Mystery of Ronan's Strength
"Huh?" Nebula couldn't help being taken aback when she heard the words, she didn't understand what Gamora said at all, but it didn't matter, anyway, she only needed to catch Gamora and hand it over to Thanos, nothing else was important.

With this in mind, Nebula didn't even say much, and directly launched an attack on Gamora. Nebula, who has an electronic left eye, is not affected by the image of the dark environment at all, and can accurately lock Gamora's position. Holding the short blade in a tricky position, he stabbed Gamora's abdomen, preparing to injure Gamora in one fell swoop, making him lose the ability to resist.

Gamora dodged sideways with great flexibility, and molded her left hand on her body. There was already a sword hilt in her palm, and she pressed it, 'Shua! With a soft sound, it turned into a long sword in an instant, and when it reached up, it precisely blocked the short knife that Xing Yun stabbed at, making it unable to stab forward.

Nebula flipped over extremely nimbly, dodging Gamora's long sword, and the short blade of the other hand stabbed Gamora's neck mercilessly, but was blocked by Gamora's long sword thrown back up.

The two are in the narrow and dark corridor, staged the PK of the assassin and the swordsman, one is constantly wandering, the other is as motionless as a mountain, you stab each other, hurt each other, the sound of gold and iron clashing with each other is crisp and clear. The sparks that burst out during the collision were clearly audible, and the fight was very lively.

I don't know how long it took, but the dark corridor suddenly became quiet. Gamora's sword lifted the metal shell on the left side of Xingyun's forehead, put his right hand on it, and inserted the chip in his palm into it.But both hands were occupied, so Xingyun's short blade took this opportunity to pierce Gamora's shoulder armor, but as soon as it touched the flesh, Xingyun stood there motionless as if he had pressed the pause button.

"I have to hit it once every time." Gamora murmured to herself, carefully pulling her shoulder off Nebula's short blade, with a bit of pain on her face, covering her shoulder. Looking at the nebula standing there, the chip on the left side of the forehead is gradually lighting up, obviously reading the data stored in it.

Advanced biological and mechanical technology, transforming Nebula into a half-machine, half-biological, is at least two generations more advanced than the technology for transforming Rocket Raccoon. It can be said that Nebula is more like a robot than a human, and basically the parts that can be transformed have been transformed. They were all replaced by mechanical products.

The implanted chip in the brain can assist the brain to make extremely complex calculations, and can also perform specific amnestics, as well as quickly read and store a large amount of data, which gives Nebula the ability of "photographic memory"; mechanical transformation in the body , The use of covering armor that strengthens key parts outside the body allows Xingyun to obtain strength, speed, and defense far beyond ordinary people. With the addition of multi-functional electronic eyes, Xingyun can survive no matter how harsh the environment is.

Four seconds later, the static Nebula started to move, and the eyes that looked at Gamora were no longer ferocious, and the short blades in both hands spun twice, "Precisely inserted into the sheath around the waist, and said in a hoarse voice: "You shouldn't Put me a memory chip, this is Ronan."

"Don't worry," Gamora also sheathed her sword, and said, "This is a land of nothingness, and the central control room of the Dark Star has been destroyed, and the connection with the outside world has been disconnected. Your memory files and records It's not synced to the web, so it's safe here."

"The central control room of the Dark Star was destroyed? Who did it?" Xing Yun was a little surprised when he heard that, the accuser Ronan was basically domineering in the universe, and someone could destroy the heavily guarded and heavily defended central control room , the strength is too strong.

"A person I met in Chill Prison seems to have a grudge against Ronan," Gamora briefly introduced, and then talked about the reason why she put the memory chip back in: "The cosmic spirit ball is filled with power gems. There has to be a new place to hide it."

In just half a second, Nebula found a suitable candidate and said, "Collector, he likes to collect various items and has been active in the Milky Way since before the rise of Thanos."

Before Xingyun finished his introduction, Gamora shook his head and denied: "The land of nothingness has been destroyed. When I arrived, Ronan was chasing that earth star out. Obviously collectors cannot guarantee the safety of power gems. .”

Xingyun was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and seemed to be searching for suitable candidates and forces to keep the Infinity Gems. Gamora continued on the sidelines: "Some time ago, there was new news from the Nine Realms that God's Domain was destroyed by the Death Army. The Asgardians scattered to Vanaheim, Yalfheim, and Midgard, and the space gems are nowhere to be found.”

"Then there are only the Shi'ar Empire and the Xandar civilization. No matter how far away the civilization is, we can't send it there." Nebula selected two forces that are not inferior to Kerry.

"The Nova Legion should be able to keep the power gem, but the premise is to get the cosmic spirit ball back from the earth star. I will install a memory chip for you, just to ask you to help find out where he is."

"I'll give it a try." Xingyun walked to the wall, scanned it with electronic eyes, pulled out a short blade with his right hand, and stabbed the metal wall forcefully, 'Chila! With a sound, it was easily inserted into the metal wall, and then Xingyun's electronic left eye lit a 'red light', and the chip in the brain began to process huge amounts of data, seizing control over the access control system and monitoring system in the Dark Star.

When the central control room of the Dark Star was destroyed, Nebula quickly controlled one system after another as if entering no man’s land. When she got control of the communication module, the Dark Star suddenly sent out a long The communication waves disappeared in the distant deep space of the universe, but Nebula seemed to be unable to feel it, and continued to seize control of other systems.

At this time, Greer and Ronan, who were carrying hammers in the central control room of the ruined Dark Asterisk, had circled the huge pit in the middle twice, staring at each other, but neither of them made a move first.Finally, Ronan couldn't bear this stalemate, and took the lead in attacking, smashing it with a hammer.

Greer swung the magic hammer without fear, and smashed it against Ronan's Kree hammer. The two huge metal hammers collided in mid-air, 'Kang Dang! There was a loud noise, and the reaction force from the handle made the two men's arms numb, and they retreated involuntarily.

Ronan took two steps back to stabilize his figure, while Greer took four steps back before stopping. With a lift of his left hand, he had already pulled out a card from the knight card box and inserted it into the driver at his waist:

"Attack Ride Launcher!"

With the sound of mechanical synthesis, the power of the No. 2 astronomical switch was released, and it became a missile reflector on Greer's right leg armor. The multi-touch floating screen radar locked on Ronan, and then the missile roared out, dragging Flying towards Ronan with a long tail of white smoke.

Ronan hurriedly swung the hammer, sending out an energy shock wave to block the incoming missiles. Even though the distance between the two sides was only ten meters, Ronan still intercepted two missiles, while the remaining three hit Luo Nan mercilessly. Nan's body, and then exploded.

In such a small room, five missiles exploded one after another. The power of the explosion was stronger than the energy shock wave collision between Greer and Ronan before. The sealed door was blown away immediately, and flames gushed out from the wide-open door opening. The corridor of the central control room also filled most of it.

Under the impact of the first wave, the thick metal walls of the central control room bulged outwards, and even gaps appeared. The battered ceiling and floor were instantly pierced, extending the flames of the explosion to the cabin below, and the scorching heat melted More instruments and pipelines were installed, and more places were ignited, causing the fire to spread around the central control room.

Ronan, who was blown to pieces, shook his head vigorously, the paint on his body had been dried by the high temperature, and Ronan's slightest movement made him go 'Qiu!Qiu! The surface temperature of the thick armor on the body is at least [-] to [-] degrees, and it can be kept close to the body without being affected by the high temperature outside.

Ronan propped his left hand on the ground, and moved his right hand forward, trying to grab the Kerry Hammer half a meter away, but just as his hand stretched out, a pair of feet covered in black metal shoes appeared in his field of vision. He looked up. , I saw Greer standing in front of him unscathed, without any sign of being affected by the explosion.

"How is it possible?" Ronan's eyes widened in shock. Even he was blown away by the shock waves from five missile explosions. How could this guy not be affected?In the explosion caused by Mingming's first fight, he was even worse?

Greer seemed to see the doubt in Ronan's heart, and asked, "Are you wondering why I'm fine? Sorry, I didn't avoid it on purpose before."

This time, after launching the missile, Greer immediately entered the mirror space and then jumped back to the real world, avoiding the first wave of impact, while Ronan 'eat' such a small room firmly The shock wave generated by the explosion inside was directly blown away.

It was not free for Greer to open his mouth to clarify doubts. Taking advantage of the advantage gained by hiding in the mirror space, he raised his leg suddenly and kicked Ronan who was half lying on the ground in the chest. The kicking force of more than ten tons directly sent Ronan Nan was kicked flying, slammed into a metal wall 30 meters away, and then fell back to the floor.

Kick Ronan here, swing the magic hammer, and knock the Kerry Hammer away on the ground, try to stay away from Ronan, but you can do so much, Ronan has quickly turned over and sat up, let Greer He could only rush towards Ronan with the magic hammer in his hand.

At this moment, the anger in Ronan's heart was like the raging flames around him. He was actually kicked away by an unknown pawn. This was for Ronan, who had always thought highly of himself and didn't even look down on Thanos, the strongest man in the universe. To put it bluntly, it was like pressing his face to the ground and stepping on it, which was definitely a great humiliation.

It was only when he got up that he saw Greer stepping on the flames on the ground, passing through the raging sea of ​​flames, and rushing towards him wielding the magic hammer, but his Kree hammer was missing, so Ronan had to deal with it empty-handed.

In the flames all over the ground, two people wearing armors of different colors and styles collided again, and the smashed magic hammer was blocked by Ronan's crossed arms, and the fierce sparks burst out Just now flying away, Ronan, who was almost squatting under the pressure of the magic hammer, suddenly had an ice-blue luster on the black-gray armor of his arms.

The surrounding area was filled with raging flames, and the temperature of the central control room, which had long been a heap of ruins, was as high as hundreds of degrees, but Ronan's arms were filled with cold air, and along the magic iron that was in contact with his arm armor, The hammer spread upwards, and the magic hammer was covered with a thick layer of ice in an instant, and there was a tendency to continue to spread upwards.

Greer yanked the magic hammer hard, but he couldn't pull the magic hammer off the frozen Ronan's arms. Seeing that the ice was about to spread to his hands, he had to abandon the magic hammer and free his hands. , lowering his arms slightly, rubbing the long handle of the magic hammer, punching forward, hitting Ronan Kong's wide-open chest with all his strength.

Ronan was repulsed again, but this time he was very close to the wall and hit the wall directly, knocking a dent in the hot metal wall, and the cold air from his arms was also forced to stop. The layer of ice broke, causing the magic hammer to fall into the flames on the ground. Under the blazing flames, the ice layer on the surface quickly melted.

Both of them lost their weapons. Greer was fine, but it had a great impact on Ronan. Without the Kree Hammer, he couldn't manipulate the energy of the universe, so he could only attack with fists and feet. It can be said that his strength dropped at least instantly. one third.

Ronan has rich experience in fighting, but Greer has high sensitivity. You punch and kick each other, and the punches are back and forth. Affect this fierce fight.

After a while, there were forty or fifty fist marks and footprints on the metal wall, all caused by the confiscation of the two sides' attacks after their attacks failed, which shows how strong the two are.

The fight was fierce, when the room shook suddenly, causing the two people who didn't know what happened to jump back almost at the same time in fear, widening the distance. It started, and his keen hearing allowed him to faintly hear an explosion.

Ronan didn't understand what was going on, why was the Dark Asterisk shaking?Greer is a little clear, it is very likely that the predators called by Star Lord have launched an attack, or it is the Nova Legion.The dark star that was destroyed in the central control room is like a lump of iron coffin, it is impossible to resist, and can only be beaten passively.

Greer raised his right hand to one side, and said to the puzzled Ronan, "Why do you think I would risk coming to the central control room? It's just to destroy this place. You are very cooperative with me." Let's completely destroy this place together, in order to express my gratitude, let you enjoy the most dignified death."

While speaking, the magic hammer on the ground suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in Greer's right hand in an instant. Greer held it firmly in his palm, and his left hand grabbed it upwards towards the air, grabbing it out from the void. When the cosmic spirit ball came, Ronan suddenly widened his eyes, staring at the cosmic spirit ball in Greer's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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