The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 492 Power Gem

Chapter 492 Power Gem
In a spaceship that is so huge that it can fly an airplane, Thanos, who has the title of genocide madman, is sitting on a suspended throne, talking to his subordinates about the next attack target. Suddenly, a holographic projection screen appears next to the throne. The maid appeared in the picture, her face was full of tension, and she said in a hopeful tone: "Does what you said before still count?"

"Of course, I never lie." Thanos straightened up, looked at the red maid on the holographic projection screen who kept turning her head to pay attention to the door behind her, and said: "As long as you can provide accurate information, I will let you and your clansmen Restore your freedom and give you enough wealth."

The red maid's breath suddenly became rapid, and she suppressed the excitement and joy in her heart and said: "The universe spirit ball, someone sent the universe spirit ball just now."

"Oh," Thanos regained his spirits, nodded, and said, "Very well, I'll send someone there right away, and you and your people will be free soon."

"Thank you very much." The red maid's eyes were red. The word "freedom" is too precious to her and her people, but the goal that was once out of reach is now about to be realized. Very excited.

The holographic projection screen went out, and Thanos looked down at the 'officials' below, and asked, "Who is the closest to the nothingness?"

Ebony Maw raised his hand and clicked a few times on the holographic projection screen in front of him, and replied respectfully: "It's Ronan, he has always wanted to attack Xandar, and most of the Accuser Legion's fleet is near there."

Thanos nodded and said, "Tell him that the Cosmic Spirit Orb is in the hands of the collector in the Void."

Ebony Throat hesitated when he heard the words, and asked: "Master, why did you give it to Ronan? He has always been very ambitious. If he gets the Infinity Stone, he will definitely betray you."

Thanos said slowly and methodically: "I need someone to verify the authenticity, and if Ronan gets the Infinity Stone, he will first go to Xandar to destroy the star, just to let the Nova Corps weaken the Accuser Corps."

"I understand, Master." Ebony Maw bowed and immediately told Ronan to go to the void to get the Cosmic Spirit Orb.

After the red maid sent the message, she hurried back and carefully wiped the glass cabinet with a rag, but she moved towards the collector's position little by little, but no one noticed him. At this time, Greer and the collector All your attention is on what you want.

Collector and Greer grabbed the Cosmic Spirit Orb and PSP almost at the same time, looked at each other unconsciously from the corner of their eyes, their eyes met in the air, and they both understood each other's meaning: one didn't want to give it, but both wanted it.

The two people across the table quickly withdrew their hands, grabbed back what they wanted, and quickly took two steps back, their eyes glanced at each other unconsciously again, their visions met in the air again, and they were embarrassed by each other. Laughing twice, he quickly looked down at the things in his hand.

With an unconcealable excitement on his face, the collector placed the Cosmic Spirit Ball on an unknown machine on the table, moved his hands on the console, and stretched out two small mechanical arms from the machine. Hold the two ends of the cosmic spiritual ball, and then spin it rapidly.

Like opening a safe, turn clockwise for a while, turn counterclockwise for a while, the continuous rotation time is indefinite, and the speed is also indefinite. During the rotation again and again, a gap is split in the middle of the cosmic spirit ball, and radiates from it. A faint purple light came out.

The mechanical arm is rotating rapidly, and the gap of the universe spirit ball is also gradually expanding. It can be clearly seen that the structure of the universe spirit ball is actually formed by nesting layers of thin metal.As the layers of metal were opened, the purple light oozing from the center became stronger, making the smile on the collector's face even bigger.

And after Greer got the PSP, the oval-shaped 'emerald' indicator light on the right suddenly lit up, and then the dim large screen in the middle shimmered, showing the very familiar "loading" two seconds later, The big screen lights up, and red signs appear on the big screen:
Agito, Dragon Knight, Faiz, Kiva, Fourze, Wizard, Kaiwu, Decade, all KR cards owned by Greer are displayed, and at the bottom of the screen is a line of words: K-Touch.

"It's true." Greer said ecstatically, but when he heard the duet, the collector actually said the same thing as him: "It's true!"

Greer woke up from the surprise, looked up and looked forward, the two small mechanical arms had stopped turning, retracted, and divided the universe spirit ball into two halves, separated by more than ten centimeters, a thumb Large and small luminous objects are suspended in the air, emitting a brilliant purple light towards the surroundings.

The collector danced excitedly, fixed his eyes on the power gem suspended in the air, and murmured in a low voice: "Incomparable beauty."

Greer quietly groped into the clothes with his left hand, grabbed the side of the knight card box on the left, and pulled out a card from it. Before he could retract his left hand holding the card, the collector raised his head with joy on his face. Kuang was gone, and he returned to his usual innocence, and said softly, "What do you want to do? Guest."

"Let me verify whether it can be used. After all, it has been placed for decades." Greer said casually, and quickly retracted his left hand, trying to insert the knight card into the driver at his waist, but the collector's movements were even more serious. Quickly, without hesitation, he raised his hand and pointed his palm at Greer.

Greer quickly fell to the side, and before his body touched the ground, he heard a loud bang above his head, and the invisible and soundless shock wave from the collector's palm shattered a body behind Greer. In the glass cabinet, in the rain of glass all over the sky, a deep mechanical voice sounded:
"Kamen Ride decade!"

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical synthesis, the ruby ​​in the center of the Neo decade driver at the waist lights up, revealing the decade logo composed of stripes inside. At the same time, Greer holds the K-Touch in his right hand, and the decade logo on the screen It quickly expanded and moved to the middle of the screen, while the other knights' logos spread out, surrounding the decade logo that was four times larger.

Grey-white human-shaped phantoms appeared around Greer, and seven of them showed specific outlines. They were the seven FR knight cards owned by Greer, and then all of them rushed towards Greer in unison. It turned into a set of black and white armor, covering Greer's body. A line of words appeared on the decade logo on the K-Touch screen: level up!

Seven 'cards' emitting magenta light flew out from the K-Touch, and were inserted into the decade's head armor in unison. The crystal on the head glowed with purple light, flowing down from the shoulders to the ankles It disappeared, and the armor on both sides was dyed magenta.

Greer, who completed the transformation in an instant, quickly turned over and stood up, and pressed the K-Touch on the belt on the right side, and saw the collector attacking Greer again, and Greer He waved his hand, summoned Ride Booker in sword mode, took a step forward, slashed down with the sword, and the invisible shock wave was actually split.

Before Greer had time to rush forward, he caught a glimpse of the workbench behind Collector, the two mechanical devices that had just opened the Cosmic Spirit Ball, closed towards the middle, and fell down, while Collector stood in front of Greer , buy time for the transfer of the cosmic spirit ball.

The Collector did temporarily block Greer, but the Red Maid appeared next to the workbench at some point and grabbed the Power Gem, trying to prevent the Collector from removing the Power Gem.The movement behind him caused the collector to turn his head slightly, and he saw the scene that made his eyes tear from the corner of his eye, and shouted: "No, Karina!" Ignoring Greer any more, she turned around quickly, wanting to kill Get rid of this humble servant who dared to betray him.

But the collector was half a step late, the red maid, Karina, had already grabbed the power gem before the shock wave hit her. Her waist was always straight, and her heart was full of anger towards the collector. With determination on his face, he said, "We are no longer your slaves."

Before she could finish her words, the power gem tightly held in Karina's heart felt her heart, and immediately burst out infinite energy, but she couldn't control this incomparably powerful force at all, causing the energy to spread around. Karina, who bore the brunt, was instantly reduced to ashes, followed by the collector's workbench, and the glass covers that kept the collections, all of which were blown to pieces.

The purple energy shock wave spread, and the collector's house was immediately lifted into the sky, and the nearby 'blast furnaces' were blown to pieces and collapsed; working spaceships were like branches and leaves in the wind, Rolling and flying around, hitting each other, hitting the blast furnace, and falling on the street; pedestrians walking on the street were unlucky, and they were blown up while walking, and if they were lucky, they fell back on the street and fell. Those who are not good enough will fall directly, and those who are close to the collector's house will be reincarnated directly.

In less than a second, the energy shock wave emitted by the power gem disappeared due to the death of the holder Karina, but the damage it could cause was unparalleled.The mine that was bustling and bustling before was now in a mess. The orderly steel buildings became crooked and even turned into a pile of scrap iron, with blasted steel fragments and spaceship wreckage everywhere.

Day and night, the blast furnace collapsed and tilted countless times. The high-temperature liquid inside flowed out, forming streams and waterfalls. Many wounded were crushed by heavy steel fragments, and could only watch in despair as the high-temperature liquid moved toward the city. As he approached, there was nothing he could do except howl in despair.

All the lights were extinguished, but this place did not fall into darkness, because fires were ignited in many places, and the liquid flowing from the blast furnace became the best combustion accelerant, where it flowed, it burned, making this place a flame In hell, the light emitted by the raging flames made the mines and industrial parks brighter, reflecting the piles of ruins everywhere.

In such a hurry, Ronan brought only a hundred or so of his men in the fastest spaceship. What he saw was a skull that was about to disintegrate and a raging flame shining from the inside. Such a scene, Ronan is no stranger. After every war, countless cities full of ruins will be born.

But why did the void become like this, the skull was almost burned into a ball of flames, could it be that someone came first?
Thinking about it this way, Ronan's heart was covered with a layer of haze. The most precious thing in the void is the head of this god group, but now the head is on fire, and no one has seen the fire. Obviously, the other party's purpose is not for the head , then only the cosmic spirit ball he just learned about, and now it is probably taken away.

"Are you late?" Ronan clenched the Kerry Hammer angrily, gritted his teeth and growled, "Search for me." You've come here, how can you leave in despair without doing anything? Maybe it's still there, I have to try it.

Small one-person spaceships flew out of this spaceship, rushed into the skulls covered with flames, and began to extinguish the fire. If you don't extinguish the flames, how can you find something as big as a fist.However, instead of using water to extinguish the fire, they sprayed a reagent to neutralize the combustion-supporting gas, and the flame went out naturally.

Hundreds of spaceships shuttled through the flames, and the blazing flames gradually became smaller. In some places where there was nothing combustible, the flames had disappeared, leaving only crimson steel fragments piled up randomly, waiting to cool down.

Seeing that the flames in this area were extinguished, the fire-fighting spaceship immediately flew to other areas. After the last spaceship disappeared, a pile of ruins suddenly moved, and a piece of steel fragments weighing seven or eight tons rose upward until it was exposed enough to make people In the gap left, Greer struggled to move out of it, and slowly put down the steel fragments, and then he let out a long sigh of relief.

The Ride Booker in the long sword mode supported the ground, allowing Greer to stand up, looking blankly at the pile of ruins around him, and 'replaying' the scene of the red maid being blown into flying ash in his mind, and then he was blown away by the shock wave , lost consciousness, woke up and found himself being crushed by a large number of steel fragments.

"How could this happen?" This was the first question that Greer thought of when he woke up. In the movie, even the collector's house was not blown up. How could such a large industrial park and mine be blown into ruins?The destructive power is too bad.

And the gem of power is the gem of power. Even a weak maid can release such terrifying power. It shouldn't be too easy to replace it with a group of powerful and boundless gods. Starburst or something.

"By the way, where is the power gem?" Greer hurriedly looked around, trying to find a familiar building, so as to determine the location of the collector's house, so that he could get the power gem. The pillars can't be seen, so it's too difficult for Greer, the puller, to distinguish what it looked like before it was broken.

But Greer still chose a direction to search. I don't know where these fire-extinguishing spaceships came from. The power gem must be taken away as soon as possible, without delay.

At this time, another spaceship appeared in outer space, but it did not approach, or did not dare to approach. All the occupants gathered near the cockpit, staring in surprise, fear or anger at a ship belonging to the Tianshen Group. A spaceship of the Krystan Accuser Legion.

(End of this chapter)

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