Chapter 486
The ears automatically filtered the chattering words of the jailer, and Greer focused on the corridor along the way. Through the small window of the ship, he could clearly see meteorites, large and small, scattered in the void of the universe, surrounding the Looking at this space prison, it rotates at different angular speeds.

The meteorite belt, which is millions or even tens of millions of kilometers wide, is enough to block most of the 'peeping', not to mention that the Xandars have installed many detectors and various weapons on many meteorites. The leak was impenetrable, which created a record that no one had successfully escaped from the prison since the establishment of Chill Prison.

In addition to the meteorite belt defenses on the outside, the interior of Chill Prison is also full of various defense systems. Along the way, Greer passed more than a dozen security gates, and the corridor was so narrow that two people could not walk side by side. , Absolutely one man is in charge of the gate and ten thousand men are not allowed to open a jailer at random to take a gun. Before the bullets are exhausted, even if a thousand criminals rush forward, they will not even try to break through.

It's a pity that this heavy defense is useless to Greer. Whether it is the space door or the mirror space, he can easily leave this so-called highest defense prison, so Greer doesn't even look at the iron gates along the way. Instead, look for something like a control center.

He came here to see if Star-Lord has ever been imprisoned. The easiest way is to find the Chill Prison Control Center and check the list of prisoners. The personal computer opened the door along the way, and several wires of the personal computer protruded into the flesh and blood.

"Is this DNA binding?" Greer guessed, thinking about the high-level vaults on the earth, they all started to use blood-verified DNA locks, mobile phones use fingerprints and even face verification, so the technologically advanced planet Xandar, personally It seems quite normal to say that computers are bound with DNA.

Greer was thinking about it when he was suddenly pushed hard, interrupting his thoughts, and found that he had been taken to a vast world, almost the size of a football field, with more than a hundred objects and the ground. Metal tables and chairs connected as one, 'aliens' in prison uniforms are sitting and chatting idly.

Surrounded by cells, there are large bunks and small single rooms. Basin-sized armed drones hang on the edge of the eight-meter-high ceiling like bats. In the middle is a lighthouse-like building, in which two The Xandar Stars manually monitored the movement of this prison area.

Greer didn't express his intentions throughout the whole process, which made the jailer who brought him feel unhappy. He released Greer's handcuffs with a personal computer, and pushed the prisoner roughly. He didn't even arrange the cell, and closed it directly. the iron gate.

'Bang! With a sound, as if the start button was pressed, the prisoners who were sitting on the table and chatting honestly just now turned their heads, looked at the thin and thin Greer with malicious eyes, and said they didn't know Which corner of the dialect.

Greer looked around, saw a single room with a better location, raised his legs and walked towards that room, completely ignoring the gazes looking at him, passing by a foreigner who looked like a shaved Shar Pei. When the star was sitting by the table and chair, the other party suddenly stretched out his legs.

Greer didn't notice it, but his right foot fell back a few centimeters, and he stepped on it with all his strength, and successfully heard 'Aw! ' screamed, 'Shar Pei' hugged his feet and wailed endlessly, and the two companions sitting beside him said 'Teng! 'Stand up at once, and punched me.

"It's good to exercise your muscles and bones." Greer took a step back with his right foot, leaned back, and easily avoided the two punches. He raised his right hand and grabbed a person's wrist, and pulled it towards him forcefully. Let the alien on the right lean towards here involuntarily.

What greeted him was Greer's iron fist, which slammed into his face mercilessly, accompanied by 'Bang! With a muffled sound, the alien flew up and hit the table next to him, while his other companion was kicked in the chest by Greer's flying kick, leaped over three or four tables, and then hit the table. steel floor.

The Shar-Pei screamed while covering his feet. As soon as he yelled for the third time, his two companions took off. The fourth yell was still in his throat. Greer hit him in the face with an elbow, knocking him unconscious. In the past, Yuanyuan slid to the ground, lying on the ground and not moving.

In less than three seconds, three big men who were much stronger than Greer were lying on the ground, still buzzing just now!hum! 'The noisy rest area instantly became silent, and almost all the aliens looked in Greer's direction.

Even the two Xandars who were monitoring on the 'Lighthouse' looked here with their heads poking around, but they looked like they were 'watching the fun', and they didn't care about it at all. As long as they don't kill people, it's fine to fight casually. Add some fun to boring Kil.

Greer picked up the bedding that was thrown on the ground, whistled, and walked toward the single room he had chosen, walking among the burly, ugly aliens with ferocious faces, while whistling. , It is said to be a single room, but it is actually a box of four square meters, but on the lid that can be opened and closed, the glass window is pressed.

But even so, such a single-person box is a scarce resource, and naturally it has already been inhabited by people, but Greer threw out all the contents inside without reason, and spread his bedding on the only metal 'bed' , closed the hatch, turned over and lay down on it, ready to take a nap.

He hadn't rested for a long time. First he fought a fierce championship battle, followed by a thrilling spaceship chase, and then staged an escape from Saka, and fought with the Collector and the Nova Corps, physically and mentally. Were all exhausted and needed a good rest.

The eyes of the prisoners in the rest area moved with Greer's walking, watched the newcomer walk into the single room, then threw things, closed the door to sleep, and then looked back, you look at me, I look at you, and finally Focus on a few people who are obviously bosses.

In the void where machines roar all the year round, there are as many collections as the sea, and the collectors are wearing eye-shaped magnifying glasses to concentrate on looking at the things in their hands. The red maid walked over tremblingly, bowed her head and said respectfully : "Master, news came from Xandar that the man was arrested by the Nova Corps and imprisoned in Qier Prison."

"Huh? Captured by the Nova Corps?" Collector raised his head and looked at the red maid. The red maid nodded hurriedly, and Collector's face said 'shua! ' Pulling it down, I suddenly realized that I might have been tricked.As far as the super speed displayed by the opponent is beyond the grasp of the Nova Corps, it is obvious that this speed should not be maintained for a long time.

In this case, what the other party said about exchanging infinite gems for unknown collections is probably just to escape. Otherwise, collectors have always made a warning to those who want to steal their collections, and will never let the spaceship explode after landing.

It was impossible to get the Infinity Stones, and they had been washed. How could the collector not be annoyed, his anger made the red maid almost drop her head to the ground, for fear of being noticed by the master, and then find an excuse to punish her.

The Chill Prison made of steel is impervious to light, and the day and night inside are all simulated by the flickering of lights. After 'night', most of the lights are turned off, leaving only the lights for lighting, barely illuminating the area. A huge prison area.

All the prisoners returned to their respective cells to rest, and the surroundings were silent. Even the Xandars on the central "lighthouse" skipped work to find a place to sleep, and handed over the task of monitoring the cells to the intelligent program. Qier Prison is far away from the hinterland of Xandar Star, and the absolute mountain is far away from the Yellow Emperor. Only fools will stick to their jobs for thousands of years without wavering.

Greer, who had slept for most of the day, suddenly opened his eyes, turned over inadvertently, squinted his eyes and looked outside. There was no one there, and the silence was terrifying, in stark contrast to the bustle of the day.The right hand was raised, the magic power surged, and the fingertips glowed, and then the magenta Neo decade driver appeared in Greer's hand.

"Let me see how hard it is for Chill to escape." Greer whispered, and buckled the decade driver around his waist. The silver-white metal belt stretched out, firmly restraining the decade driver, and the knight card box came out of thin air. Appears on the left belt.

Greer reached out and took out a card from the knight card box, and inserted it into the driver on his waist. The ruby ​​in the center lit up, and the stripes formed the dragon knight's symbol:
"Form Ride Ryuki Survive!"

The sound of mechanical synthesis was extremely loud in the small single box, and Greer instantly transformed into Kamen Rider Dragoon. When he waved his hand, the air rippled, and Greer also stood up, stretched out his hand to open the lid of the box, and walked out of the box. Walking out of the single-person box, Qier in the mirror space became even more silent, except for 'da!clatter! 'Footsteps, no more sound could be heard.

Holding the dragon blade in his right hand, Greer found an iron door at random, swiped the knife, and slashed open the iron door in two or three strokes. Smashing windows, it's like the invincible wrecking king of cosplay, wreaking havoc crazily.

Walking all the way, smashing all the way, finally found a house that should be the jailer's residence, because there are a lot of electrical appliances in the house, no matter how it looks, it doesn't look like the treatment that prisoners should be treated, Greer looked outside with the help of reflective objects , the Xandar lying on the bed was thinking about it.

Before walking out of the mirror space, he raised his left arm, and immediately unfolded a water magic circle on his wrist, and then cast the invisibility magic he learned from Loki, which is also one of the only magics Gray has learned. Walking out of the mirrored space, I began to rummage through the things in this room, looking for something useful to me.

A few minutes later, Greer hid some gadgets he found that he didn't know were useful or not, and then re-entered the mirror space to continue his treasure hunting journey, walking hundreds of meters in a row, turning over After a dozen or so rooms, he returned to his single box.

Then I took out the found gadgets and played with them one by one. I kept the ones that were useful, and threw the useless ones into the mirror space and destroyed them without leaving any evidence. It took Greer a few days to figure it out. their function and usage.

Some are able to trace back the scene based on the things left behind on the scene, probably used to judge who the participants were during the chaos of the prisoners; Look for searchlights and flash bombs; some of them can make a very strong noise in a directed direction, like a stun bomb.
All of them subdued the other party without harming anyone. No lethal weapons were found. It must have been controlled to avoid indiscriminate use. It may be necessary for the alarm to be sounded before the jailer will use it. This also made Greer turn off Continuing to rummage through the heart of the jailer's room, start exploring what looks like a data center, or a control center room.

Greer just stays out at night like this. He doesn't participate in the prisoners' hilarity during the day, but just flips through the tablet "borrowed" from a prisoner in the single box. There is a lot of common sense on it, which introduces Xandar and its surroundings The power situation of Xandar, as well as the knowledge of Xandar's technology and military strength.

This tablet for listening to music is really important to Greer. He is like the Republic of China who traveled to modern times. He sees everything novelty and doesn’t know how to use anything. The things on it can just make up for Greer’s Common sense is not enough to say that even if you get a high-tech mobile phone, you don’t know that you need to pull out the thin, paper-like screen inside to look up information.

Greer, who is obsessed with learning, has forgotten why he came here. He hungrily flipped through the knowledge on this tablet that is not known how many generations behind, and went out every night to go shopping and saw those strange decorations. , I finally know what it is for, so that my eyes will not be smeared, and everything will be novel.

According to the historical data on the tablet, the Xandar civilization also started with wars. It began to colonize nearby galaxies when it stepped out of its home planet. After expanding to a certain extent, it encountered the same aggressive Kerry planet. A protracted war broke out in the competition for resources and territory. I don't know how many years the war lasted, how many people died, and how many planets were destroyed.

It stands to reason that this is definitely a mortal enemy until one must fall, but suddenly one day, the two major civilizations gave up together, and then signed a peace agreement based on the existing border, so until today, Xandar Star No large-scale war broke out with Kerry, as if the two tigers suddenly became vegetarians.

Just at this moment, an extremely arrogant voice came from outside: "Let's talk ugly first, this guy is our trophy, anyone who wants to get his attention must get rid of us, or we get rid of you!"

Greer, who was half lying on the bed, couldn't help but turned his head, looked out of the sound, through the glass, saw the Shar Pei who had provoked Greer before, was picked up by a tree man, and was screaming in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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