The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 48 Big Daddy's Road to Revenge

Chapter 48 Big Daddy's Road to Revenge

There was nothing wrong with the night, no frost giants or destroyers came to disturb the tranquility of the night. Early the next morning, Greer said goodbye to the four of Thor and the others, and drove his motorcycle along the NO. Drive in about direction.

Greer didn't ask Thor where he was going, what he planned to do on Earth in the future, and disappeared in Thor's eyes without delay while driving a motorcycle.Had it not been for the unexpected appearance of the Frost Giant last night, he would have left long ago. The throne of Asgard is a fight for family property between brothers, and he is an outsider.

Standing by the RV, watching Greer driving a motorcycle on the NO.40 highway at super fast speed, and disappearing after a while, Thor said in admiration: "Midgard also has Such a brave and skilled fighter, when I go back, I must report to my father and agree to let him join the God's Domain Legion."

Jane, who came out of the RV, heard Thor's words, sighed helplessly, and said, "Thor, this is not Asgard's domain, but the earth. Don't say these words in the future, I don't know When will you go back, but until you do, learn to live here as a human. And your name is Donald Blake, not Thor Odinson."

"Yeah, of course I know." Thor said without distraction, and Jane sighed helplessly. She gave up the idea of ​​continuing to chat with Thor, and began to pack her things and prepare to go on the road.

This astronomical observation in New Mexico was ended just after it started. The equipment and research materials were all taken away by a group of agents. The only thing they got was this incomprehensible Thor from Asgard, who still lost his power. .

It is precisely because they found out that this person is likely to be Thor that Jane and Eric hurriedly set off to leave the place where the hammer fell, lest Thor be discovered and taken away by the group of agents, so that their only harvest would be the same. disappear.

But I didn't expect to meet a young man who drove until he ran out of gas, as if by magic, he conjured up a set of strange armor out of thin air, and then frantically beat those monsters whom Thor called 'Frost Giants'.

In just a few days, the three of Jane and the others really opened their eyes and increased their knowledge. It can only be said that the world is so big and full of wonders. Although the expected observations and experiments have not been achieved, and even equipment and materials have been lost, the "capture" Thor, the god of the north, saw the Kamen Rider fight against the Frost Giant, and it was a worthwhile trip.

While Jane and the others were busy packing the caravan and preparing to leave for school, Greer had already increased the speed of the motorcycle to the maximum, and the super-high speed allowed the wind to blow!call! ' was blowing past my ears, and even wearing a helmet, I could still clearly hear the sound of the wind blowing rapidly.

In this non-stop high-speed racing until dusk, Greer arrived in New Jersey, and once again came to the island of Manhattan, the most prosperous economic center in New York and even the entire United States, after a four-day absence via the Washington Bridge.

The last time I came here was to save Big Daddy. I came and went in a hurry. I didn’t have any mood to appreciate the exotic wind. Now Greer also doesn’t have this leisurely mood. I came from Washington Heights along Highway 9A. Harlem, located in Upper Manhattan, is also a well-known black community.

The proportion of black people here is higher than that of Brooklyn. Although it belongs to Manhattan, whether it is greening, infrastructure or security, it is completely different from Manhattan's central business district.

After Greer turned off Highway 9A, he felt deeply. The two sides of the non-main highway were full of vehicles, abruptly occupying half of the width of the highway. Perhaps it was because of late autumn that the road and sidewalk There are many withered and yellow leaves on the ground, and the people who come and go are in a hurry, and most of them are non-white.

Greer is no stranger here. The game "Prototype" 1.2 he played in his previous life was set in Manhattan. He once manipulated the protagonist to fly over the eaves and walls of Manhattan Island. After playing so many times, many buildings are familiar, such as the one in front of him. The [-] cross-shaped [-]-story buildings in the park have manipulated Alex to kill, climb walls, and glide over here many times.

But Greer is not here for a pilgrimage. There is a safe house arranged by Big Daddy before his death. There are four such safe houses in total. The one in Brooklyn has been evacuated, and the one in Queens has probably been exposed, leaving only Manhattan. Before leaving, Mindy gave all the address and keys to Greer.

Parked the motorcycle downstairs, took the elevator to the fourteenth floor, opened the wooden door with the key, and walked into the house.From the outside, the door looked the same as the others, but there was a second layer of iron doors inside, so it was impossible to break through unless a bomb was used.

This is a three-bedroom and two-living room, but the door of the third bedroom is in the closet of the bedroom on the left. guns, and below them are boxes of bullets of various calibers.

Pistols, shotguns, micro-chargers, sniper rifles, grenades, C4 and other explosives are all available. It is a small arsenal. Finally, I know where Big Daddy's money is spent, and I bought them all as weapons.

There are two computers on a table near the window, and a wooden board is hung on the window, which is full of photos or names, connected with red lines, and marked with their relationship, which looks like a pyramid.

Many names at the bottom of the pyramid are marked with red ×, and the red × is less as you go up. None of the names of more than ten people in the three rows at the top are marked with red ×. It is obvious that the little people below are easy to find and kill. Death, the higher you go, the harder it is to find your whereabouts.

Greer sat down, and began to browse the computer and the paper files on the Big Daddy's revenge goals and plans. After spending three hours, he finally sorted out some clues.These things were collected by Big Daddy after he was released from prison. Little by little, he quietly collected information on the big drug lord Frank Amick who framed him.

For six years, while collecting information, he trained Mindy. One by one photos and pages of paper materials, he outlined the composition of Frank Amick's drug trafficking network and the politicians who sheltered this network. What Dad wanted was to get rid of everyone up here, and let Frank Amick know the pain of losing his fortune, his men, and so on, before he went back and killed him.

This revenge plan only started five months ago. The Brooklyn gangster Parker Robbins who was looking for some time ago was the executor who framed Big Daddy. When he rescued Big Daddy, he was shot by Greer The man with the broken arm was Parker Robbins' underling Carl Burbank.

 There is a brief information about the knight in the related work. Whenever the protagonist exchanges for a new knight, Xingsha will add the information about the new knight in the related work.

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(End of this chapter)

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