Chapter 477

As night fell, in the humble room, Loki looked at Greer, who was lying motionless on the table, and the Valkyrie, who was drinking as if nothing had happened, in the simple room, and asked, "Are you two sure to go?" Learn to fly a spaceship instead of fighting?"

Greer, who was lying on the table, raised a hand and waved it wildly, indicating that he was still alive, and said, "I hope that Gao Tianzun's spaceship will not engage in multi-axis spinning engines, it will really kill people."

Today's spaceship teaching allowed Greer to see what a real spaceship looks like. It is extremely flexible, and the engine is not a fixed backward jet, or a function of turning downwards, but a flexible 360° degree, Thomas three-dimensional rotating jet.

Let Greer get back the feeling when he played CS for the first time. With a slight movement of the mouse, he would turn wildly up and down, left and right, and couldn't find North at all.

The Valkyrie Valkyrie waved her hand indifferently, and said: "I've almost practiced, and I can barely open it."

"Can you drive? Are you sure?" Greer's voice raised an octave. How big is Valkyrie's heart? It is such an extremely unintelligent universe to let a novice who has practiced for a day to drive a spaceship so confidently. spaceship.

The Valkyrie, who was busy drinking, gave Greer a sure look, and Greer helplessly lay back on the table again, sighed, pulled himself together, and said, "I found you last night. Gao Tianzun's spaceship hangar, there are twenty or thirty of them, the most gorgeous one is a golden spaceship, and the largest one can accommodate 800 people without any problem."

"That's the Commander, Gao Tianzun's exclusive car, it shouldn't be a problem to break through the space door." Valkyrie finally put down the bottle.

Greer straightened his waist and said, "But there is a security system there, and I was discovered just by showing a hand. Five seconds later, a large group of fully armed soldiers rushed out. It was too late to start the spaceship. , We must find a way to disarm the security system first."

"Now there are only two questions left, one is the method of disabling the security system, and the other is the method of disabling the controller on the neck." Loki said, tapping the 'coin' on his neck, and said: "I found a News, no matter where Gao Tianzun goes, there will always be a woman by his side."

The Valkyrie Valkyrie added: "Her name is Topas, and she followed Gao Tianzun before I came here."

"Then she must be Gao Tianzun's most trusted person, and she must know how to disable the security system and the controller." Loki said with certainty.

"No," the Valkyrie Valkyrie shook his head, and said, "Gao Tianzun doesn't trust anyone. Topaz is only doing things that are more in line with Gao Tianzun's wishes, so he will be kept by Gao Tianzun's side. I have seen it with my own eyes. He executed his cousin."

Greer said to Loki: "This is quite similar to you, you may have something in common."

Loki glanced at Greer, ignored the topic, and said bluntly: "We can split into two groups, and I will find a way to get in, win the trust of Gao Tianzun, and wait for the opportunity to obtain the password of the security system. There are other ways to start.”

"Good idea, undercover or something, it's very suitable for you."


Valkyrie, who watched Loki leave the room, turned her head and said to Greer, "Do you think he can get the password?"

"Don't underestimate his ability to deceive people, but it doesn't matter whether you tell us or not. It's better to let him out to harm people than to stay by your side and blow yourself up." Greer stood up, pointed to the coin around his neck, Said: "How to take this thing off?"

What Loki said about using money to redeem his body is completely nonsense. Saka has no such business at all, so he can only ask the Valkyrie. After all, he has lived here for thousands of years, and what he knows is definitely better than Loki. Kido has countless times, and in the movie, she has a small remote control in her hand.

The Valkyrie Valkyrie said: "Gao Tianzun has a remote control in his hand, and only he can release the control. As I said, he doesn't trust anyone. Those who capture slaves for him can only get the controller. After being a slave, sell him to become a gladiator, and only by winning the battle of champions can he regain his freedom."

"You won too? Then why didn't you hang your... um, avatar on it?" Greer remembered that there were only four avatars on the tower of the arena, each uglier than the other, and there was absolutely no Valkyrie Valkyrie.

Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, gave Greer a blank look, picked up the bottle and took a sip, and said, "I'm lucky, I wasn't discovered by the slave capture team, Saka has never lacked such lucky people, of course there are also unlucky ones, They were crushed to death by falling garbage or buried and suffocated before they woke up."

"Okay," Greer sat back on the chair and said sullenly, "That means I have to go to the championship battle?!"

"You are not qualified to fight the championship battle. This is the most important festival in Saka, and it is rarely held."

"No, I think it should be soon." Greer folded his hands, leaned on the table, and said, "This room and the car from yesterday were all given by the arena. Live comfortably, and then go to fight to the death."

"Oh!" The Valkyrie Valkyrie immediately gave Greer a high look. She never expected Gao Tianzun to value this Midgardian so much. The championship battle on Saka is rarely held, otherwise the arena would not be held. It's not just the portraits of four people. Being shortlisted for the championship battle already shows its strength.

"By the way, what's the process of the championship battle?" Greer sounded, he wanted to understand first, so that he would be on stage when the time came, his eyes were darkened, and he didn't know anything.

"If the last champion is willing to fight, it will be the two of you. Otherwise, it will be the person selected by Gao Tianzun who is qualified to participate in the championship battle. After rounds of fights, the last one will be the champion. You are lucky, come on The one-time champion is still under Gao Tianzun, so there is no need to fight round after round."

"...I don't think it's good news."

Sure enough, the arena soon released the news that the championship battle would be held, and the entire Saka star suddenly boiled. Many teams who went out to pick up trash canceled their trips and hurried back to the city.The tickets for the Battle of Champions were sold out in an instant, and the price doubled more than ten times in one day, and it was still growing. The information about the people who participated in the Battle of Champions was also sold at a high price. The national carnival of Saka star.

During this period of time, Greer did not go to explore the Saka planet anymore, but was busy practicing driving the spaceship. He was no longer a rookie who "turned around at the touch of the mouse", and he was already able to drive in a decent manner, at a slower speed. If the height is high, you can also do difficult movements.

And he also has a detailed understanding of the championship battle. Although the protagonist of this life-and-death fight is the previous champion and the champion challenger Gao Tianzun fancyed, other gladiators can also participate. Enough, you can challenge the champion challenger, and the winner can replace him to participate in the championship battle.

The arena on Saka is as cruel as the Colosseum in ancient Rome. There is no kindness at all. Only the winner can go out alive, and everyone else will die in the arena. Perhaps this is why the battle of champions is so rare. Bar.

After all, the strong, or the strong who were exiled to Saka, must be very few, and every time there will be a lot less fighting, it is indeed impossible to hold the Olympics for a long time and in a fixed manner.

Night gradually fell, but the area around the arena turned into a sea of ​​light. Searchlights were placed on the surrounding buildings, and together with the lights of the arena itself, all the darkness within a kilometer range was dispelled, making it as bright as day.

The arena is big enough to accommodate more than [-] people, and there are no absentees. Even the aisles are full of all kinds of cosmic beings. Everyone is staring at the empty arena with fanaticism, waiting for today's championship battle to start. All the gladiators of Gao Tianzun were driven into large cells under the arena, from where they could clearly see everything in the arena.

In the exclusive room of Gao Tianzun at the highest point of the arena, it can be described as very lively. It is full of Saka star people who are qualified to come to this room. Gao Tianzun's private band is playing fast-paced music, and beautiful women of all ethnic groups in cool clothes shuttle back and forth. During the banquet, a variety of food and drinks are offered to the guests.

Gao Tianzun received visitors with a smile on his face, most of them were the leaders of the slave hunting team who captured slaves for him. Gao Tianzun's gladiatorial competition can go on, it all depends on the hard work of these people (by whatever means) to catch as many as possible But it is never limited to the strong who fell from the wormhole.

And Rocky was wearing a decent black tuxedo, like a courtesan, walking around in the banquet hall, talking to this one, talking to that one, has become a member of the "high society" of Saka, and looks Very popular.

Amidst the feasting, the large hanging screen outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows finally lit up, and began to announce the various information and achievements of the two sides in this championship battle. Another simple three or two sentences will be enough.

There is a huge difference in the momentum alone, and there is a huge difference in the odds. The audience on the field is also very realistic. 100% hold the sign of the previous champion, shouting loudly, and cheering for Greer. Just some guys who like to beat upsets.

Greer stood at the gate of the big iron gate with his arms folded. A wave of noise from the arena came to his ears. All the shouts had a name: Ares, obviously this is Greer. Riel's opponent today, the previous champion.

Greer was thinking in his mind: "According to the movie, Hulk came to Saka a few years later and became the new champion, which means that he defeated the previous champion. In my case, I can barely fight Hulk." In other words, in my words, I can still win this championship, at least I won’t lose.”

The Valkyrie Valkyrie said that only the winner of the battle of champions can gain freedom, so Gao Tianzun should be able to keep his word, otherwise, other gladiators would not work hard for the slim hope of freedom, and now the most worrying thing is Whether Gao Tianzun will cheat secretly.

This is the case in the movie, Thor is about to beat Hulk, but Gao Tianzun quickly knocked Thor down with a remote control, otherwise, once Thor wins, he must let Thor be free.Greer felt that if Gao Tianzun didn't want to let him go, he would definitely use tricks to make him lose. In this case, if you didn't win, how could you set yourself free?
"Can his remote control penetrate the Kamen Rider armor?" Greer touched his chin, thinking in his heart, but unfortunately there is no second remote control for him to try, otherwise, there is no need to worry about Gao Tianzun's tricks Recruited.

Just thinking about it, the big iron gate in front of you is booming! ’ opened, Greer took a deep breath, turned his head to look at the dark night sky in the distance, and said in his heart: “I gave you the diend gun and the card, you must make some big ones. Come on."

Amidst the shouts of the audience, Greer walked step by step into the arena that is wide enough to fly an airplane, and the iron gate on the opposite side slowly opened. , The shouts in the auditorium suddenly increased a lot.

Amid the deafening shouts, after the big iron gate was completely opened, a strong man over two meters tall walked out, wearing a heavy armor, holding a three-meter-long metal spear in his right hand, and a handbag in his left hand. A metal shield that can cover most of his body, a cockscomb-like helmet on his head, and a silver-gray mask cover his face, making it impossible to see his appearance clearly.

But Greer felt extremely familiar the first time he saw him, and a name popped up in his mind: "This guy. Is it Pantheon?"

This attire and weaponry are so much like Pantheon. Even the helmet only has a narrow Y shape in front, but a silver-gray mask is added.What's more, this guy didn't reveal all his tendons, his arms, thighs, abdomen, etc. were all covered by thick armor, and the shield was quadrangular, not round.

The audience on the field shouted loudly: "Ares!" The big screen announced the "God of War Ares", and began to make a long speech about the victory of Ares, the God of War in the last championship. The heroic performance of the battle, the odds were finally revealed, and as expected, one was terrifyingly high, and the other was terrifyingly low.

Next to the terrible low odds, the prize pool representing the amount of bets soared all the way, and the shouts of the audience on the field were so low that they could hardly be heard, and almost everyone lowered their heads and pressed the buttons on the wrist watches. , I am afraid that if you are too slow, you will not be able to place a bet.As for the terrifyingly high side prize pool, the growth rate is not as slow as that of a tortoise crawling, not even one ten-thousandth of the opponent's.

Greer looked up at the big screen and said in a low voice: "Soon, many of you here will go bankrupt, I hope the rooftop will be enough for you."

(End of this chapter)

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