The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 471 The Arena

Chapter 471 The Arena

Along the way, the city of Saka gave Greer the feeling of two words: messy, not only the building materials are different, there are stone, wood, and metal, the style is also very different, here is a dome, there is a It could be the minaret.

The aliens walking on the street also have different shapes, tall and short, with different faces, some wearing civilian clothes, some with metal armor, some with power armor and even some with scales and cuticles, which opened Greer's eyes. It's like walking into the Cosmic Race Exhibition Hall. It's really hard to see so many races in another place.

At its root, it is probably because of the countless space passages around the planet Saka, these large and small space passages are dropping all kinds of garbage all the time, and occasionally there are exiled criminals, almost all Saka stars On their own planet, they all committed serious crimes and were thrown here together with the garbage, so it was really difficult to find a kind person on Saka.

This planet is very barren, and there is no pillar industry. Most of the Saka star people make a living by picking up garbage, risking falling objects on their heads, rummaging for useful materials in the garbage dumps all over the planet, and then transporting them back here. In the only city on the planet Saka, sell them, and then go to buy the supplies you need.

This is why the technology of this city is so different, because many means of transportation and even building materials are rummaged from garbage dumps. The garbage thrown away by different planets is naturally different, causing the Saka star to be full of flowers. What a wonderful scene.

While walking, Loki talked to Greer about the Saka planet he knew, in order to prove that his ability to collect information is very strong, and the cooperation between the two can shorten the time required for them to leave Saka planet very many.

Before reaching the arena, I heard bursts of cheers coming from the arena from a distance. It can be said that the sound of gongs and drums and firecrackers are ringing. The density of surrounding buildings and the number of people on the street are much higher than other places. It is also relatively more gorgeous, and there are no such rotten houses that are so rotten that it rains lightly outside and heavy rain inside. Obviously this area is a 'rich area'.

At the entrance of the arena, Greer and Loki were stopped. A guy who looked like an orc with a mace in his hand muttered a lot. Greer didn't understand a word , I have no idea what this guy is talking about.

Loki stepped forward, raised his left arm, and at some point there was something like a digital watch on his wrist. He tapped a few times on the small display screen, and then the orc stepped aside, motioning for the two to go in. The same is true for the aliens waiting in line behind to enter.

"What was that for?"

"Let's buy a ticket and enter."

"Can you understand what he said?"

"Oh, I borrowed a translator from someone on the way."

"You actually have money?"

"I also borrowed some money from another person."

"The Sakar people are very enthusiastic."

"It's just a trivial matter. Most of the rich people take spaceships, and they are very powerful. It's not easy to borrow from them. Otherwise, I don't need to come to the arena at all, and I can get enough money."

"Since you are so good at borrowing things, why don't you lend me a translator as well."

"Many people are willing to lend me things inside. Do you have any requirements for the appearance?"

"Try to be as small as possible, I am relatively low-key."

"It's the exact opposite of me."

Greer and Loki walked into the arena chatting happily, and a deafening sound came to their faces. Spectators of different shapes in the arena shouted loudly, betting or optimistic about themselves. Gladiators, use various languages ​​to cheer and encourage, well, they may also be swearing.

There were almost half of the auditoriums on five floors. On the vast arena, two burly guys were fighting madly with weapons, like fighting to the death.

Greer looked at it for a while, then turned his head and said to Loki next to him: "You can't even beat such a weak guy, right? That's really a pity for Odin's Eternal Spear."

Loki turned his head, frowned and said, "Didn't your things be taken away? Don't you think that those guys who captured outsiders and sold them to Gao Tianzun would kindly leave you any valuable things? "

"You mean the gun of eternity is lost?"

"It should be taken away by someone, but it doesn't matter, once we get out of control, we will have time to look for it." Loki turned his eyes to the two fighting in the middle again, not knowing what to think in his heart.

Greer didn't say anything more, and continued to watch the two aliens fighting. Both he and Loki knew that the so-called cooperation was as fragile as paper and would fall apart at any time. You need the other person to achieve your goals.

Soon, the two aliens on the field decided the winner. One alien was cut off with one arm, but he managed to cut off his opponent's head and won the victory. He turned a blind eye to the broken arm and instead Raising the ax in his hand with his remaining arm, he shouted something towards the audience, while some people in the audience cheered and some cursed loudly.

Both the winner and the loser were carried down, the blood on the field was not cleaned up, and the next game started directly, and two gladiators came up to continue fighting, and the audience's attention was on them again, continuing to represent themselves 'Qiantu' gladiators come on.

After a few minutes of silence next to Loki, suddenly a thumb-sized headset appeared on his left hand, and he threw it towards Greer and said, "A kind person borrowed it from you. Its function is relatively simple, and it can only translate Several main languages, just click on it.”

Greer pressed the only button on it according to what Loki said, and then stuffed it into his ear. The noisy 'birds and beasts' around him suddenly became intelligible words in his right ear, just like what Loki said. As Ji said, there are still a lot of roars that still can't understand what they are, obviously not the mainstream language of Saka.

The fighting in the arena is still going on. The rules here are very simple. The one who survives is the winner and gets a lot of money. On the big screens in the four corners of the arena, in addition to showing the fighting in the arena, there are also those who will play next. Gladiator odds, and the gladiator's past record.

In the deserted arena registration office, Greer stood with his chin in front of a robot-looking guy, thought for a while, then wrote the four characters 'Kamen Rider' on the screen on his chest, and then said After the robot reads it once, the registration is completed, and then it is waiting to enter the venue.

"Come on, let me see how strong the gladiators of Saka are?" Greer thought in his heart, turned and walked towards the big iron gate that separated the arena from the arena, raised his right hand, the air in his palm twisted, red With a flash of light, the Neo decade driver instantly appeared in his hand, and Greer took advantage of the opportunity to buckle it around his waist.

'Shuh! '

A silver-white metal belt immediately extended from one side of the magenta Neo decade driver, wrapped around Greer's waist, and firmly tied the Neo decade driver to Greer's waist.

In the arena, the loudspeaker had already begun to announce the curtain, calling out the names of the contestants for the next match. The iron gate slowly opened amidst the shouts. Greer took a deep breath and walked in.

At the same time, in the Gao Tianzun building next to the arena, a guy dressed like an octopus in gorgeous clothes ran in the corridor in a panic, turned into a lively banquet hall, and shouted loudly at Gao Tianzun: "One of your collectibles has been stolen."

"What?" Gao Tianzun, who was enjoying the music, had a look of 'shua! ’ pulled it down, glared at the guy who was in charge of guarding his precious collection, and said, “Say it again?”

The warehouse keeper, who was trusted by Gao Tianzun, was shaking like a sieve at the moment, and stammered: "You, one of your new collections is missing."

The iron gate of the arena opened, and the "Entrance Ceremony" was playing on the screen as big as a truck. From the south side, a guy with a height of two or three meters, wrapped in heavy armor, and holding a giant sword as big as a door panel walked in. , but what came out of the north side door was a thin and weak chicken, not half the size of the opponent.

As soon as these two gladiators appeared on the stage, the audience on the field immediately booed and shouted 'substitution'. They came to watch a wonderful gladiator match, torture and kill weak chickens, and they played enough outside. Too much, really can't arouse any interest.

It's just that both the organizer and the contestants turned a blind eye to the audience's protests, and they were completely indifferent to the audience's protest.Greer's opponents, in particular, were filled with happiness. Only by winning the game could he take away the prize money. He wished he could meet such a weakling every time.

Rocky was on the top auditorium, looking at the arena below with a smile on his face, and the odds of the two sides on the big screen, one was almost negligible, the other was almost high in the sky, Rocky said to himself Said: "It's still very interesting." It's just that he didn't know whether he was talking about a gladiatorial match or what.

Amid the boos of the audience, Greer walked to the center of the arena step by step, and looked at the giant in front of him at a distance of ten meters.The gladiator belonging to Gao Tianzun opened his mouth and said in a low voice, "Do you want me to smash you into mud, or hack you to death little by little?"

"I choose you to die and transform." Greer lowered his head and pulled out a card from the knight card box on the left, inserting it into the driver at his waist:

"Form Ride agito Burning!"

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical synthesis, the ruby ​​in the center of the Neo decade driver at the waist lit up, and the stripes combined to form the symbol of agito, and then raging flames ignited all over the body, instantly condensing into black and red armor, covering Greer's body body.

The metal rings on both feet turned black, while the metal rings on both arms turned silver-white, and there were three more arm blades of different sizes on them, and the horns on the top of the head directly became six. Like a bulging muscle.

The gladiator on the opposite side turned a blind eye to Greer's transformation. Obviously, Greer's whole body was on fire and his armor changed out of thin air. Stranger things, they have all seen.

Just after completing the transformation, Greer heard the sound of piercing through the air. Looking up, a door panel was smashing towards him. The blade almost caught up with Greer's entire body, and the gladiator on the opposite side swung it with ease. Great sword, victory is within reach.

And the audience on the field didn't yell like before, they all looked bored, and they couldn't arouse any interest in the life-and-death fight off the field. Such a battle without any suspense is really too boring. What I want to see is that the two sides are evenly matched, at least the fight can make people feel excited, rather than being so one-sided.

'Boom! ' With a sound, Greer's raised arm fell [-] to [-] centimeters, and his five fingers pinched the edge of the door-sized giant sword. No matter how hard the gladiator opposite him was, he couldn't swing his giant sword half point.

'Wow! '

A whirlwind of astonishment blew up in the audience that was still extremely silent just now. Almost everyone stood up and looked at the bright scene of catching the sword with bare hands in shock. Their mouths hadn't closed yet. Gray on the field Er raised his right hand and swung the blade on the armguard at the giant sword.

Accompanied by 'Chila! There was an unpleasant sound of metal rubbing, and the silver-white arm blade easily cut through the blade of the giant sword made of unknown metal, cutting off the giant sword that looked like a door panel, and then Greer turned around on the spot , raised his legs high, and kicked on the gladiator's chest.

'boom! ' With a loud bang, the gladiator's chest shield was immediately dented, and the whole person flew backwards like a flying ball for 40 meters, hitting the arena heavily, splashing a burst of dust.

'oh! The auditorium suddenly boiled, shouts sounded again, many people shouted loudly, what they like to watch most is such a passionate battle, but Greer is destined to disappoint them, this battle is still one-sided .

Greer casually threw out the broken copper and iron in his hand, and walked towards the fallen gladiator with unhurried steps. The opponent was also an experienced guy, propping up the ground with a broken giant sword, and quickly got up. Come, and then threw the broken sword in his hand towards Greer as a hidden weapon, reached out and took out a meteor hammer from behind, trying to use a long-distance attack to prevent Greer, who was stronger than him, from getting close.

"It's over." Greer whispered, and touched the knight card box at his waist with his left hand, pulled out a weapon card from it, and inserted it into the driver at his waist:
"Attack Ride Shining Calibur!"

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical synthesis, Greer's right hand ignited raging flames, and quickly condensed into the single-edged shape of the Shining King Sword. The sword body was burning with raging flames, causing the temperature of the surrounding air to rise sharply. After taking a step, the body leans forward and the center of gravity is downward. The next second, the right foot kicks the ground, and the whole person rushes forward like a spring.

Seeing a flash of fire, Greer appeared behind the gladiator. The flame on the Shining King Sword had already been extinguished, and he stood up straight. Behind him, a gap of flame appeared in the middle of the tall gladiator's body, and then It exploded on the spot, and the burst of flames burned him up in an instant, leaving not even a trace of ashes.

(End of this chapter)

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