The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 463 Asgard Secret Record

Chapter 463 Asgard Secret Record

A series of brightly colored pictures record the majestic appearance of Odin fighting against the Nine Realms and the pictures of Odin and Laufey and other enemies signing a peace agreement. There are also pictures of the Asgard gods' joyful banquet and garden. Hundreds of pictures, It shows the quiet and peaceful scene of God's Domain, where the gods are invincible, making the eight wilderness surrender, God's Domain is peaceful, and the people live and work in peace and contentment.

All the murals feature Odin as the main character, occasionally interspersed with some supporting characters who set off Odin's powerful enemies, and some pictures add Thor, Loki, Frigga and other famous warriors of Asgard.

Hela looked at these murals and sneered: "The warriors of Asgard used their heroic bodies to create the glory of the Asgard Empire, but in the end Odin exiled and imprisoned them, weaving his achievements with lies , let the people forget their existence, and then sit proudly on the high throne, accepting the offerings of the Nine Realms."

"Father, he...he." Thor struggled to speak, but being stepped on by Hela's feet, it was difficult to breathe, let alone speak fluently.

"He's a liar," Hela lowered her head and said in a voice full of hatred, "I charged into battle for Asgard, fought on the battlefield, and captured one world after another, but in return I was exiled by Odin and imprisoned in the darkness." , the cold Heim Underworld for thousands of years."

Thor tried his best to turn his head around, and said unyieldingly: "It was your fault first, turning the heroic spirits in the Hall of Valor into undead, this."

Before Thor finished speaking, Hela bent down, squeezed his mouth, stared at Thor coldly, and said, "How can such a sinister person as Odin raise such an innocent son like you? Why do you think Asgard is invincible? And after sealing me in Helm’s Underworld, it will no longer have the glory it once had.”

Before Thor could answer, Hela waved her hand up abruptly, and Mjolnir in her hand hit the ceiling straight, 'Bang! ' With a loud noise, a big hole was smashed out of the ceiling, and gaps spread towards the surroundings. The seamless ceiling split into hundreds of pieces in an instant, and fell towards the ground.

Boulders smashed onto the floor, making a 'Boom! ' sound, while Thor ignored the splashed dust, his eyes widened, and he looked at the 'new' mural on the 'new' ceiling above in disbelief.

If the murals on the first floor are idyllic, then the murals on the second floor are bloody battlefields, each picture is full of war scenes, Hela waving Mjolnir and Odin riding a horse holding the spear of eternity Charge into the enemy crowd, and countless Asgardian warriors follow behind them.

And these airtight Asgardian warriors wrapped in thick armor, the only exposed eyes are glowing green like the undead outside, and the armor and weapons on their bodies are exactly the same as the soldiers of the death army.

At the feet of the victorious Asgard army, there are enemy corpses all over the ground, and the collapsed houses and black smoke columns in the background. cruel.

In the end, Thor's eyes focused on the largest mural in the middle. Odin and Hela, who were fighting side by side, occupied most of the range. They were surrounded by Asgardian soldiers, including the army of death and women. Valkyrie.
These murals record the fact that Hela once fought for Asgard, and at the same time, it also proves that the army of death appeared very early and helped Asgard conquer the Nine Realms. Odin's words were evasive, even lies. What Ding called Hela as a 'bad guy' turned out to be true.

This reversal of the plot caught Thor off guard, and he was stunned. He looked at these murals with a dull gaze, and didn't react for a long time.

Outside the palace, the army of death is still attacking frantically, while the Asgardian soldiers are desperately resisting. Behind this line of defense made of flesh and blood, the solar ship troops are ordered to start transporting civilians to the starting point of the Rainbow Bridge. Tap Simin Yog, ready to go to other worlds for refuge.

The battle between the giant wolf Fenrir and Greer has become intense. The two fought all the way from the palace to the Rainbow Bridge. Along the way, the stone houses and tower bridges were all knocked upside down, and even collapsed into piles of rubble. , It can be seen how fierce the battle between the two sides is.

Both the Death Legion and the Asgardian soldiers stayed away from these two guys, so as not to be involved. As for those who did not believe in evil, they had been scattered into mud and dust, and even a complete fragment could not be found.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, a huge boulder that was larger than a car was lifted up by the giant wolf Fenrir and smashed towards Greer who was lying in the ruins. Already picked up the matchlock big orange DJ gun, and blasted the boulder into pieces in the air with one shot.

Looking at the flying stones in the sky, Greer suddenly had an idea in his mind. He immediately turned over and stood up, leaping towards the sky with all his strength, and fixed his eyes on the giant wolf rushing out of a collapsed house. Fenrir said silently in his heart: "I am the most vulnerable to attack now, come quickly, baby."

In Greer's expectant eyes, the giant wolf Fenrir who rushed out of the ruins saw Greer leaping towards the sky at a glance, kicked his hind legs without hesitation, and shot straight into the sky like a rocket , rushed towards Greer.

The faint green undead flames radiated from the slightly opened mouth again, apparently wanting to engage in long-range flame-breathing and melee claw attacks. Just now, Greer avoided the claws and tail, but was caught by Fenri. The light sprayed out of Er's mouth was rubbed, and half of the shoulder armor of Katsuyoshi Armor was melted away.

"Sure enough." Seeing the giant wolf Fenrir jumping up, Greer was really happy, and without hesitation, he kicked off the falling rock next to him, and used the reaction force to deflect himself from the original jumping trajectory, making him The pounce of the giant wolf Fenrir has absolutely no possibility of meritorious service.

Seeing this situation, the giant wolf Fenrir hurriedly opened his mouth and sprayed out a beam of light, but Greer, who was still far away from it, had already raised his matchlock big orange DJ gun in his hand, and the fire gear had already been activated. It has been dialed to the maximum, and it is a shot to the mouth of the giant wolf Fenrir.

The time it took for the flame bomb to cover a distance of about twenty meters made the giant wolf Fenrir close his mouth in time, and exploded around his mouth. The rising flames swallowed his head in, and the emitted light covered his vision , Close your ears to the sound of the explosion.

"The opportunity has come." Greer immediately spent [-] points in exchange for Kamen Rider Gaimu's knight kick, took out the knight kick card from the knight card box with his left hand, and inserted it into the decade driver on his waist:

“Attack Ride Burai Kick!!”

With the sound of mechanical synthesis, two translucent cards with a length of two meters and a width of one meter suddenly appeared in the 30-meter void between Greer and the giant wolf Fenrir. Pattern with dripping lemons and cherries.

Greer bent his left leg and straightened his right leg. As if a thruster was installed on his back, he rushed diagonally downward. Every time he passed through a locked seed card, the locked seed card would immediately turn into juice-like energy, entangled On Greer's right leg.

It was too late, but it was too fast, from Greer jumping up, to Greer passing through the two locked seed cards, it was only two seconds in total, and the flame bomb explosion flames fired by the matchlock big orange DJ gun have not dissipated yet , the knight kicked with the energy of two locked seed cards, and kicked the giant wolf Fenrir fiercely.

Terrifying energy poured out and bombarded the body of the giant wolf Fenrir. The fur that could easily withstand the attacks of Asgard's enchanted sword and magic cannon was as thin as a piece of paper in front of the knight kick, and was instantly hit Wearing it is as easy as a bullet penetrating target paper.

Greer, who kept the knight kicking posture, landed steadily on the ground. The giant wolf Fenrir above his head was still about [-] meters away from the ground. Through the big hole in his body, he could clearly see the stars.

'call! Greer stretched out a dollar, and slowly stood up straight. The victory armor on his body flickered twice, and then disappeared, returning to the black and white decade armor, and there was an earth-shattering explosion above his head. Fenrir, which was comparable in size to a large truck, was blown to pieces from the inside, and a large amount of debris was thrown around and fell to the ground.

Greer bent down to pick up a broken arm-length bone, and could touch and see the lines and symbols of small gnats engraved on it, but there was no energy supply, which made the magic circle map lose its light. If you look at it, it's really hard to find.

"Is this the secret to the resurrection of the undead?" Greer stared at the broken bone in his hand, which was less than one ten-thousandth of Fenrir's whole body. The magic array and runes were nested layer by layer on it, which was extremely complicated.If this magic circle is calculus, then the magic circle that Greer can construct is a system of linear equations in two variables.

One is college advanced mathematics, and the other is junior high school knowledge points. There is no comparison at all, but it also made Greer realize that such a complicated magic map could be completed by one person?

This is like a computer chip. On a half-palm-sized wafer, tens of millions of resistors, capacitors and other components are printed, as well as micro-architecture such as instruction sets. Is it possible for a human to complete it?

It’s like Karma Taj’s library, so many magic books were written by one person?Was the magic system of Emperor Weishandi established by a magician?

Thinking of this, an incredible idea came to Greer's mind: "Wouldn't the undead be one of Asgard's research results?"

Undead troops don't need any logistical supplies, field hospitals, rest, or even salaries, let alone pensions. They can fight until they die.

Will Odin not be tempted?You must know that thousands of years ago, Asgard was still fighting everywhere. Dark elves, frost giants, and more enemies could not be more. The undead army that never dies and needs various supplies, salaries, and even morale decline. The army, which Odin chooses, the answer is self-evident.

Thousands of thoughts raced through Greer's mind, and he threw the broken bone to the left. The sharp broken bone carried several tons of throwing power, directly inserted into the chest of an undead, and nailed it to the stone wall. Looking up, the Army of Death has advanced to the Rainbow Bridge, trying to cut off the passage for the Asgardians to escape to other worlds.

"Hela, she is the core. If you don't defeat her, the army of death will continue to kill." Greer said, using the mana he recovered with difficulty, he opened the space door leading to the palace, jumped in, and appeared In a corridor full of human-shaped potholes on the wall and floor.

The hallway ahead echoed 'Bang!boom! The sound of stones hitting the ground made Greer run forward in a hurry, passing through a stone door that was mostly smashed to pieces, Greer saw Hela in the rubble on the ground and the girl trampled by her. Thor, and Loki, who was watching strongly by the side.

Greer was about to rush over, but Frigga's voice suddenly sounded in her ears, making Greer stop and listen carefully to her plan, but after hearing it, she felt that such a plan seemed like Loki style, but finally chose to believe in Frigg.

In the main hall, the conversation about the collapse of beliefs and human settings was still going on, Hela saw that Thor was speechless, the corners of his mouth turned up, showing a smug smile, his voice suddenly softened, and said: "Did you see it? My dear brother, our father was ruthless, cruel, cruel, full of lies, and only thinking of his power and glory."

"No, he's not like that"

"That's because you haven't been imprisoned by him in the dark, cold Heim Underworld for more than 2000 years."

"He was banished to Midgard by Odin, and his divine power was deprived of him." Loki interjected at the right time.

Hela asked knowingly: "Then who among his children has not been deported or imprisoned?"

"No more." Loki immediately answered Hela's question like singing a double reed.

"So think about it, my dear brother, come with me to conquer this universe. Odin lives comfortably in the small area of ​​the Nine Realms, and rules behind closed doors. He doesn't see any changes in the universe. We join hands to make Aspen Gard has become even stronger." Hela actually started to recruit Thor, obviously because he liked Thor's powerful strength, and it was perfect to charge into battle.

But Thor couldn't see any emotion in his eyes, only anger, and said bitterly: "Is your strength killing Asgard's soldiers?"

"I don't need disobedient ones. Those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me." Before Hela could say the word 'death', she suddenly turned her head and saw a hall several times larger than a football field out of thin air. Puffs of dust rose up, as if some high-speed object was passing by.

Then red light spots suddenly lit up in the air, and quickly expanded into rapidly rotating red cones, pointing directly at Hela. A rough count showed that there were hundreds of them, densely packed all around Hela. , not even room for arms.It took less than a second from the first red cone appearing to hundreds of cones heading towards Hela.

(End of this chapter)

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