The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 457 The Strongest Weapon - Space Gate

Chapter 457 The Strongest Weapon - Space Gate
In just two or three seconds, the randomly piled up broken bones turned into the hell three-headed dog that Greer had seen before, but instead of the thick volcanic scales and flesh and blood, countless white ones The armor made of layers of bones is as shiny as white paint.

The moment the two skeleton three-headed dogs took shape, they strode towards Greer and Thor with big strides. They were clearly made of bones, but their speed was not slower than the previous hell three-headed dog. The speed was astonishingly fast. Like a whirlwind blowing from the ground, they ran in front of the two in the blink of an eye, and bumped into them head-on.

Thor was not afraid, and with a roar, he went straight up and wanted to use both hands. Well, he wanted to grab the hell three-headed dog, and then threw the big guy behind him with an over-the-shoulder throw. The skeleton between Hela and Hela has been emptied, and he can directly rush to Hela who seems unable to use his divine power.

Then Thor was knocked into the air, followed by Greer who took off, and the two took off lightly together, and then fell back to the ground heavily.

Loki, who was in handcuffs, stepped down from the solar ship with a deep smile on his face. He glanced at the ordinary-looking glazed lamp in Hela's hand intentionally or unintentionally. It was obvious that Hela controlled the Death Army. The key prop is this glazed lamp.

Hela slightly turned her head to glance at Loki, and asked, "Who are you?"

Loki raised his arms, showed the shackles on his hands, and said, "A prisoner."

"Bring the prisoner to Haim's Underworld, huh!"

Loki smiled slightly, and said braggingly, "Because I can find the secret passage that exists in the Nine Realms."

Hela finally turned around, stared at Loki, and said, "I'll give you a chance to find a secret passage out of here."

"It took you two to three thousand years to find it, and it's even more impossible for me to find it in a short time."

"That means it's useless to me."

"No, the overlap of the Nine Realms is coming soon, and there will be many, many more"

"I don't want to wait until then. I have a better way." Hela turned her head and stared at Thor who was tortured by the skeleton hell three-headed dog.

Loki followed Hela's sight and looked at Thor, who was once again thrown away by the tail of the three-headed dog, and said, "Do you want to use him to force Odin to open the Rainbow Bridge? I don't think Odin will do that." of."

"You seem to know Odin very well?"

"Of course, I have been father and son with him for more than 1000 years. I didn't know that I was adopted until recently. He wanted me to be the king of Jotunheim." Loki's face became very ugly, and his tone changed. It was very low, fully expressing his disappointment and sadness.

"Well, this is quite in line with Odin's approach."

Loki and Hella were chatting there, while Greer and Thor were in dire straits. The three-headed hellhound with skeletons had no flesh and blood, so naturally it couldn't hurt people with poison like before, but it got corresponding rewards. A BUFF that is not afraid of injury and pain.

The bones all over the body are not painful or itchy to hit casually, unless it is directly knocked off, or even if its three legs are broken, people will not feel it, and they can continue to fight with you with a hundred times of energy. This is the biggest advantage of the undead army. The real ones fought until they were smashed to pieces.

Now what Greer is facing is such a undead hell dog that was born for war and never dies. Its strength, defense, and speed are impeccably powerful. It can knock Greer into the air with just a wave of its hand. However, Greer's matchlock big orange DJ gun or Shenghao flag hit the bone of the three-headed dog, except for some sparks, there was no harm.

The victory flag in the left hand resisted the bite from the left head of the three-headed dog, and the victory flag in the right hand resisted the impact of the middle head of the three-headed dog, and then was bitten by the last head on the shoulder, and the bone's neck went down With a lift, Greer was easily lifted off the ground, and Greer was thrown flying with a shake of his head.

Greer flipped several times in the air, and before he landed, the three-headed hellhound had already strode over, leaped forward, and hit Greer's chest with his head, accompanied by the sound of collisions and splashing sparks , Gray was knocked into the air again, this time directly hitting the cliff.

The skeletal three-headed dog ran forward silently. It became a dead soul, and its intelligence was greatly reduced. Even its self-awareness disappeared, but it would not be affected by foreign objects, and there was nothing to distract its mind. Only focus on attacking the target.

The hell three-headed dog once again rushed towards Greer who was lying on the ground. The three skulls opened at the same time, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth. Shining brightly, apparently just a few bites had been defended by Shengyong's armed forces, making it want to make its teeth sharper.

Just when it ran ten meters away from Greer, Greer, who was lying on the ground, seemingly unable to stand up, suddenly exploded, stretched his left hand forward, and drew a circle with his right hand, instantly constructing a space door, Let the hell three-headed dog crash into it, and as soon as it touched the space door, Greer immediately dispersed the space door.

The time to disperse the space gate allows the running hell three-headed dog to rush in with half of its body. After the space gate disperses, the upper half of the body disappears immediately. Riel bumped into each other and rolled backwards together.

Hela, who had a pleasant chat with Loki, gave a "huh" and turned to look at Greer, only to see a pile of broken bones slapped on the mountain wall, but her undead hell three-headed dog and Greer's figure.

Accompanied by '哗啦啦! With a sound, the pile of bones squirmed, the bones at the top rolled down, and an arm wrapped in orange and blue armor stretched out from it, and grabbed the gap between the rocks next to it. With a strong pull, Greer pulled himself out of this place. He pulled it out of the pile of skeletons, and with the other hand he pulled randomly, pushing aside the bones that buried him.

After the undead three-headed dog hit, the second half of its body fell apart and turned into a pile of bones, burying Greer, who had no time to defend or escape.

(End of this chapter)

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