The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 448: Hide and Seek

Chapter 448: Hide and Seek

'call!call! The sound of the wind rang in my ears, leaving the warm solar ship, the cold air of Helm's Underworld suddenly surrounded me from all directions. Even though Daisy was wearing a down jacket, she was still shivering from the cold, which showed how low the temperature of Heim's Underworld was.

Even so, Daisy still looked up hard, paying attention to the movements of those undead Valkyries, and kept reporting: "I saw five on the left, no, it seems to be seven, and there are a few on the right. We recently."

Greer looked at the situation below, looking for terrain to avoid or divide the undead army, but the fog in Heim's underworld was very thick, and contained some unknown energy, even though Greer was wearing Kamen Rider faiz armor , and the visible range is only a hundred meters. When I first jumped off the solar ship, I couldn't see the ground at all, only the vast fog.

But seven or eight seconds after falling, a vast and boundless forest came into Greer's eyes. The luxuriant branches and leaves criss-crossed and woven into a giant net to cover the ground below. Here, can these undead flying horses of the undead Valkyrie still fly at the speed of a fighter jet?
"It's okay, I'm afraid they won't follow, as long as I enter the forest, I can wipe them out one by one." Greer turned his head and glanced at the undead army that was chasing after him, and changed the jetpack's spray direction so as not to hit the ground.

Greer's deceleration allowed the undead troops behind to close the distance, but at this moment they were very close to the forest, and the undead Pegasus also had to slow down and change the flight trajectory, otherwise, it would be necessary to test how strong his head was. Iron.

While decelerating, the spears in the hands of the undead Valkyrie once again emitted the light of pale soul fire, but before they fired the laser beam, Greer had already crashed into a lush bush, breaking off a series of branches and leaves. Disappeared in the deep forest.

The undead Valkyrie, who had lost her attack target, had no choice but to rein in the Pegasus, hovering above the lush forest, not daring to rush into it, after all, it was full of vines, vines and leaves, and the wings spread about three to four meters. In the forest, it is estimated that you can't run fast with two legs.

In contrast, Greer, who is small and exquisite, really flew freely in the forest without any pressure, landed lightly on a tree branch thicker than his waist, and looked up at the undead army hovering in the air , obviously did not dare to enter the forest, so they could only use their spears to continuously fire laser beams.

Laser beams exploded one after another in the lush forest, blasting trees tens of meters high into branches and leaves, and those who were unlucky were even blown off in the middle, dumped to one side, and the side trees collided together.

It's a pity that their attack was doomed to be useless. Greer immediately flew away from the spot as soon as he entered the forest, and stopped after a distance of 50 meters.

"It's time for my performance now." Greer said and spent [-] points to exchange for an attack card, which was inserted into the driver at his waist.

"Attack Ride Photon Buster!"

Accompanied by the sound of mechanical synthesis, the photon blood vessel on the surface of Greer's body lit up, and a large amount of photon blood was transmitted along the photon blood vessel to the photon burst cannon in his hand, making the whole body of the photon burst cannon light up with a bright pale golden light. .

In the end, all the light gathered at the muzzle, and after three seconds of charging, a beam of light with a diameter of ten centimeters was emitted. The gorgeous pale golden beam was particularly conspicuous in this dark world, instantly penetrating through layers of The branches, leaves and tree trunks hit the undead Valkyrie closest to Greer.

The undead valkyrie had just fired a laser and was accumulating energy to launch a second one, when she was hit by the beam that came in a short time, piercing the man and the horse together, and then exploded loudly, emitting light In an instant, it illuminates the nearby [-] meters, as dazzling as a small sun.

With one blow, Greer picked up Daisy without hesitation, activated the jetpack, and fled from the spot in the woods full of branches and vines at a speed of more than ten meters per second. The little sun above the forest has not yet set , The laser beams condensed by the soul fire covered the position where Greer was just now, and blasted seven or eight nearby trees into sawdust.

Greer looked back at the spectacular bombing scene, and said with a smile: "Come and play hide and seek, and see if you find me first, or I will destroy you one by one first."

"It seems that their intelligence is still very limited." Daisy couldn't help but said, at first she thought it was a high level of intelligence, but now it seems that they are really mentally handicapped, so they are led by the nose by Greer. He is a normal person, and he understands that if there is less to many, it must be a shot to change the place, but these undeads are crazy about bombing the previous position, without any intention of extending.

The undead army's covering bombing operation, except for dust and deforestation, continued until Greer, who had changed his position, fired another cannonball to blow up an undead Valkyrie, and then continued to bombard this position Indiscriminate bombing, and Greer ran away after firing the cannon, continued to attack in the third position, then ran and attacked again
Repeatedly, the forest was blown to ashes one by one, and the number of undead Valkyrie was also decreasing one by one, but they still maintained the previous bombing strategy, and they did not change or leave at all.This gave Greer a new guess. They were so persistent in chasing and killing themselves, could they be under someone's order?
(End of this chapter)

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