The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 437 Goodbye Loki

Chapter 437 Goodbye Loki
On both sides of the corridor built by boulders, there are burning braziers one after another, and the flames shoot up [-] to [-] centimeters high, illuminating the long corridor. The way of lighting back home is no less than seeing white-collar workers in suits and ties digging wood for fire and cooking on earth.

Two Asgardian soldiers in golden armor held a shield in one hand and a sword in the other, walking in the long corridor expressionlessly. Greer followed them, looking at Asgard curiously prison.Seriously, Asgard doesn't pay much attention to human rights, and the life of prisoners can be said to be worse.

However, four or five tall and burly prisoners were crammed into a cell of eleven or twelve square meters. What's more, they didn't even have a bed, and they were even put on quilts. Free human rights activists are sprayed to death, cursing why criminals are not given good housing and living conditions. They are also human beings and enjoy human rights. We must let them live well and happily without suffering.

It's a pity that Asgard is too far away from these extremely compassionate and righteous people, and their thoughts are naturally unknown to Asgardians. In Asgard's dictionary, they never know what it means to treat prisoners preferentially , It is kindness to let them live, the superior conditions must be given to the soldiers who have worked hard first, how can they be given to the prisoners in the prison.
Hmm. There are exceptions to everything. For example, the prisoners in the cell on the left hand side of Greer are doing quite well, not to mention the single room, there are soft beds, tables and chairs, bookcases and bright chandeliers, and other things. The cell is almost like a presidential suite.

The two soldiers brought Greer to this cell before turning around and leaving without saying a word. After closing the door to this area, only Greer was left standing in the long corridor , and the others stayed in rows of cells obediently.

Greer looked around, and had to say that there was a big gap between reality and the movie. Just like the prison in Asgard, it was not like in the movie at all. The two-way transparent laser network prison could not be seen or heard inside. Not outside, and the scale is also huge.

He is only in one area of ​​the prison now, and he walked for seven or eight minutes. It is scary to think about the scale of this prison. How many people have been imprisoned here in Asgard, and for how long? Like in the novel, no one knows about the powerhouses at the bottom when they die, and in the end they left behind all kinds of magic weapons and cheats, all of which are cheap for the protagonist of Destiny.
Greer quickly shook his head, thinking about why he stepped on the banana peel and slipped away again. He came here to try to find out from Loki the passage back to Midgard. Although he didn't have much hope, But there is nothing to lose if you try it, and by the way, you can see how miserable Loki is now.

The day before yesterday, the dark elves attacked the Asgard prison, and they were suppressed before they could release the prisoners in the prison area where Loki was located. Moreover, without the dark elves attacking the palace, and without Jane carrying ether particles, Loki naturally would not Opportunity to get out of prison, I am afraid that it will not be locked up for a lifetime.

Greer stepped forward and clicked on the outer wall. The one-way visible laser net suddenly became two-way. Loki, who was sitting on a chair, drinking tea, and tasting books, suddenly saw the laser net. Greer, who was outside, immediately showed a smile on his face, very comfortable, as if Greer was in the prison and he was outside.

Loki put down the book in his hand, walked over with the teacup in his hand, put his left hand behind his back, and said quite relaxed, "You're here again, aren't you afraid that Odin will discover your secret?"

"What secret? Can you tell me the secret that I can't tell?"

"You don't know? No wonder you dared to run under Odin's nose. It's so interesting." Loki moved his head forward so that Greer could see the thicker smile on his face more clearly. It is like a child discovering a fun toy.

Greer's mind was full of question marks, he didn't understand what Loki meant, and was about to ask again, but immediately thought of Loki's nickname "God of Tricks".Hurry to kill the little curiosity and exploration of the unknown that had just arisen, and said to myself that this guy is definitely playing tricks, and he can't even believe the punctuation marks, otherwise he will definitely fall into his pit.

Just like just now, there is obviously no useful content in Loki's three or two sentences, but it successfully arouses your curiosity and makes you unconsciously want to ask what the secret is.Just like the so-called masters and half-immortals, what they say is specious, and it all depends on your own brain to make up a lot of metaphysical content.

Greer sighed in his heart, feeling that it was a mistake for him to come to Loki, this guy has lived quite well in prison, it is impossible to see him miserable, and it feels even worse to ask about the passage to Midgard Possibly, does Loki dare to say that Greer dares to go in?

really dare not
never mind,

Greer turned around and left in a very depressed mood, but he was stopped by Loki after only two steps, and he still had that smile on his face that made people angry, "You just came to see Me? Guess what you want from me? The secret passage back to Midgard?"

After finishing speaking, Loki smiled at Greer again, and said to himself: "Even now, she still treats me like her own son, and won't let outsiders see my jokes; she wants to improve my strength , Odin and Thor can teach you a lot; Heimdall knows more than anyone else in the Nine Realms; the only thing I know is those secret passages, is the Rainbow Bridge destroyed again?"


Greer felt that the experience of visiting the prison for the first time was extremely poor. Facing this cunning guy who had lived for more than 1000 years, he was really led away. He felt like being completely crushed in terms of intelligence and experience. There is more salt than your whole family eats rice.

Loki's smile became brighter, and he threw the cup back casually, and the teacup, which was as delicate as a work of art, landed firmly on the table without even shaking it, and said: "It seems that I guessed it right, Asgard Germany's strongest weapon is the Rainbow Bridge, but its weakest point is also the Rainbow Bridge.

Because of the convenient Rainbow Bridge, there is no development of spaceships at all. Destroying the Rainbow Bridge will cut off Asgard's external connection, but since the Rainbow Bridge was built, it has never been destroyed, ha ha! "

Loki's last two laughs were full of sarcasm, causing Greer to curl his lips and said, "Why did you get destroyed the first time, don't you have any idea?"

"I'm for Asgard," Loki said with a straight face: "In Midgard, you said I was a white-eyed wolf. I did betray Odin, but I didn't betray Asgard. The Frost Giant It is the biggest threat to Asgard. Laufey was killed by me. What Odin failed to do, I did. The frost giant is no longer Asgard's opponent.

I was worried about the hidden dangers of the Rainbow Bridge, and spent a long time and a lot of energy to find many secret passages leading to various parts of the Nine Realms. Besides me, who else has done anything to prepare for a rainy day?Odin is clinging to the glory of the past, he can't see Asgard getting weaker day by day, Thor is full of muscles, what else does he know besides fighting? "

As he was talking, Loki no longer had the polite and smiling gentleman demeanor before. His eyes were red, his breathing was short, and his blue veins burst out of excitement. His tone was also full of anger and injustice, and he said like a roar: "I'm the only one who saw the crisis in Asgard. I want Asgard to rule the Nine Realms again. Is this wrong? What did Odin's peace and kingship come in exchange for? Endless rebellion, look at this Prisons, already filled with rebels, look at the Hall of Valor, filled with the souls of dead warriors.

Only blood can scare the rebels, only sharp knives and guns can bring eternal peace, compromise will only make the enemies of Asgard press harder and harder, and the final solution is war."

Loki continued to promote his war king theory, which made Greer feel like he was listening to the speech of the head of state. When he paused, Greer said: "I feel like I saw Thor in the past, No, the previous enhanced version of Thor, why did you live in the most annoying way?"

"I hate the current Thor, who is full of peace and kindness. Such a person is the king of Asgard? Hehe, Asgard will be destroyed by him. I am a born king, and Thor is suitable for it. I am a general who charges into battle, but I am a frost giant, and I will never be the king of Asgard, no matter how good I am."

Loki became very depressed as he spoke, his face was full of sadness and loss, like an abandoned kitten or puppy, hiding in the corner, tremblingly looking at this cruel world, not knowing what fate will bring Where is he going.

But Greer always felt that it was against harmony. Is this still the cold and evil triad?People are broken.The deep-rooted impression of Loki made it really difficult for Greer to sympathize with Loki. Even though Loki was so sad, Greer still felt that he was acting.

It’s just that this guy is talking to himself, he’s not his father, Odin, and he won’t pass it on to Odin and Thor. It’s completely useless to tell himself. Could it be that he has been closed for a long time, and now he finally meets someone, I want to talk about it.

Wait a minute, it seems that I came to ask Asgard about the secret passage leading to Midgard, how he somehow became a confidant brother, here I heard Loki crying about the injustice encountered by his adopted son, Odin's eccentricity, etc. , but still the same sentence, it is a great kindness for people to raise you, so what else do you want?

Greer really didn't want to stay with this guy full of heart and soul for another second, and quickly reached out to touch the wall, trying to change the two-way laser net into one-way, but heard Loki say: "You want to go back to Midgar?" Germany, you must first go to Walt Alheim, which was the center point of the last Nine Realms overlap, where you can find the secret passage to Midgard."

Greer's hand stopped in mid-air. I remember that in the movie, Thor and Jane went back along the route from Asgard to Walt Alheim, and then to Midgard, but Loki was so kind. ?Greer couldn't do it himself to help a guy who had a grudge against him, let alone the insidious and cunning Loki.

I always feel that this guy is planning something, but he is locked in the prison, the first thing he thinks about is how to escape, Greer doesn't think that Loki will naively think that he helped Greer, Greer will Help him escape?This is not a TV series of the Virgin Mary, repaying grievances with kindness, forgiving and helping the villain regardless of past suspicions, so as to unlock the perfect ending.

"Do you suspect that I have ulterior motives?"

"Everyone thinks so, you and kindness are never side by side."

"You are the only person in Asgard who has nothing to do with me. You can let me talk about the distress in my heart. I feel much better now, and I am willing to let you go back to guard Midgard. I don't want to be king , Only the Eight Realms celebrate." Loki's look of 'high and high' makes people feel that he is giving alms, just like when a person is happy, he will throw a coin or two when passing a beggar's stall.

"Hehe, I think you should think about how to get out first? The king who is locked in prison!"

After Greer finished speaking, he slapped the wall and heard Loki's last words: "My mother taught me the witchcraft of finding paths. I improved it and used it to find secret passages. If you can ask her to teach you , come to me again, I will tell you how to use it, and bring me some new books, I have read several of these."

Before Loki finished speaking, Greer slapped his hand on the wall, Loki's voice and figure were instantly covered, and Greer breathed a sigh of relief. He and Loki were still talking Loki is too uncomfortable to get along with. He will change in a while, and he is more professional than a face-changing actor. I really admire Thor for being able to endure him for more than 1000 years.

But is the pathfinding witchcraft that Loki said at the end true?If you ask Frigga, you will know whether it is true or not. If it doesn't work, wait for the Rainbow Bridge to be repaired before leaving.He also wanted Odin to trigger the Rainbow Bridge to send them back, but that would cause damage to Odin's body, and Daisy couldn't use this method to go back.

Both Odin and Heimdall can summon the Rainbow Bridge anytime and anywhere, but they still use the whole country to build Bifrost. If the Bifrost is a fully enclosed plane, then their Rainbow Bridge is an open plane. The phosgene and low temperature can kill people suddenly, which is unbearable for ordinary Asgardians, let alone Daisy who is a human being.

PS: Don’t do anything this weekend, adjust the outline, and release the parallel universe later, I feel that it is not suitable to open, especially the branch line of the movie Avengers [-], it is too difficult; re-planned and designed the overlapping of nine realms For a moment, it could be regarded as a major surgery for the outline.

 My God, on the night of the 17th, I was still thinking that it would be fun for G2 to enter the finals, but it turned out that it really went in. Now, are Europe and the United States starting to talk about the Asian competition? —. — Now very interested in the art review finals.

  This time msi is really a .ning breakup, IG is cold, Enjing is in love, SKT is also cold, poisonous milk or metaphysics?

(End of this chapter)

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