The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 435 A Superimposed Sheet

Chapter 435 A Superimposed Sheet

Thor nodded, stood there with a shy stomach, and said in a low voice: "Actually...we don't know if we can use the Infinity Gauntlet to bring them back, but this is the only hope. Apart from this, we really don't know What should I do, me."

Thor couldn't continue talking, this big man as strong as a cow, once again shed tears, his words were full of confusion.When no one knew whether the time travel would be successful, whether he could bring back the six gems and the infinite gloves after success, and whether he could save everyone after getting everything, he resolutely did it.

Just like a drowning person who is about to sink to the bottom of the water, even if he sees a straw, he will immediately stretch out his hand, and tightly grasp the spark of hope in the shadow of despair.

Frigga looked at Thor distressedly, gently wiped away the tears on his face with a handkerchief, and comforted him: "You have done a good job, you have successfully come here and got the Infinity Gauntlet and the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. "

Only then did Thor remember the purpose of his trip, and hurriedly said: "Where is Jane? I still need to extract the ether particles in her body, it is the gem of reality."

Frigg shook her head and said, "She's in Midgard. In your timeline, is Jane in Asgard?"

"Well, she strayed into the place where the ether particles were sealed, causing the ether particles to enter her body, and I brought them to Asgard, so she should be there."

"I'm sorry, but now I'm the one who strayed into the sealed place of ether particles, because Jane was investigating Stonehenge, and there was an abnormal phenomenon there, so SHIELD invited Dr. Eric to assist in the investigation, and Jane followed. Greer said from the side, spread his hands, and said: "So, it is obvious that what you have returned to is not your past time point."

"How could this be?" Thor was also confused, pointed at Greer, and said, "So the ether particles are in your body."

"No, there is nothing there. Your father, God King Odin, said that the ether particles have been taken away long ago."

"How is it possible?!" Thor was completely stunned, his mouth was so long that he could swallow his fist, which was completely different from his memory. At this moment, he really believed that this was not the past time, but It's another universe.

"Don't believe it?" Greer pointed to the cursed warrior whose body was separated in the corner of the hall, and said, "In your past, was he killed by you here?"

"No, he was killed by Loki using a black hole grenade in Walter Alheim."

Togril spread his hands and said: "It seems that everything is very clear. This is not the timeline you have experienced, but a similar universe, so you don't know me, the ether particles are not on Jane, and the cursed warrior has not continued to live. Go do something else."

"Maybe." Thor hesitated, and he couldn't figure out what was going on, but now the focus is not on parallel universes and time travel, but on where to find ether particles.It was very, very difficult for him to come here. After discussing for a long time, he decided to come at this time to obtain two gems and the Infinity Gloves. He did not expect that such a big problem would occur with the ether particles that are guaranteed.

Seeing that Thor was frowning and impatient and about to explode on the spot, Frigga quickly comforted him and said, "Tor, don't worry, the more anxious you are when encountering difficulties, the more you will ignore some details. There are more ether particles It has appeared once, think about it carefully, and at what point in time, it is easiest to get ether particles."

"The Nine Realms overlap." Thor said without hesitation: "The dark elves attacking Asgard just want to get ether particles, and then use them when the Nine Realms overlap, so that the Nine Realms will fall into eternal darkness. That's right, right here."

Thor' Teng! ' stood up and said to Frigga: "Mother, I want to go back and discuss with them. I really want to stay with you for a while."

Before Thor could finish speaking, Frigga said softly: "This is enough, child, you have more important things to do." Then, she picked up the suitcase on the ground and handed it to Thor, saying : "Take it and do what you should do."

"I love you, mother!"

"I love you too, boy!"

Thor hugged Frigga tightly, and integrated all the longing in his heart into it. After a long time, he reluctantly left his mother's warm embrace, took the suitcase, and looked over Frigga to Greer. Greer waved his hand and said: "Nice to meet you, friend. Thor must be very happy to have a partner like you. Tell him that dealing with the enemy requires a fatal blow, and he should not be given any chance."

"I'll pass it on."

Thor turned his eyes back to Frigga, backed away slowly, wanting to look at his mother a few more times, Frigga kept smiling, and looked at the devastated Thor with extremely soft eyes.

"Goodbye!" Thor said goodbye cruelly, took out a device that looked like a watch from his pocket, and pressed it on the back of his hand. In an instant, his whole body was covered with a layer of black and white armor, and his body shrank rapidly. The kung fu disappeared from the vision of Frigga and Greer.

"Leaving?" Greer didn't react for a moment, so he went back without a sound?It's too sloppy, not to mention the lightning, there should be a tunnel of light flowing or something, this way of traveling through the universe is too ordinary.

Frigga nodded and said, "He has returned to his own world." Then, as if remembering something, he turned around and said to Greer, "Don't tell anyone what happened just now, only the two of us know That's it."

"Oh? Why?" Greer couldn't understand, Thor left too quickly, and he still has a lot of questions.

"Because his arrival will bring great changes to each other's world. The more people who know about it, the greater the changes. It's like two rafts side by side. If you push the other raft, both rafts will shift. Even leaning in an unknown direction, no one knows whether it is good or bad."

Greer thought of himself, the world has changed more and more because of his arrival, the Chitauri invasion is still a step-by-step process, but after the war of breaking the contract, more and more people know, know and pay attention to him After more, the deviation of the plot will become larger and larger.

The Inhumans from the earth and the moon merged, the Mandarin who ran out of nowhere, the three-in-one Spiderman, and the 616 universe he knew, the difference is getting bigger and bigger, and in all these changes, there are almost all of them. Or his shadow appears.

But is this change good or bad?Greer himself is not sure. It seems that what should happen does not fall, and what should not happen one after another. Many people were killed or injured because of him. If this is the case, it seems to be developing in a bad direction. His appearance makes this Has the world gotten worse?

All this is because more and more people who knew him joined the team of 'pushing the raft', causing the raft to deviate at an increasing angle and began to slide in an unknown direction.

Frigg saw the confusion on Greer's face, smiled slightly, and continued: "The people of Asgard used to rely on Pegasus to travel, and they had a pair of wings more than the horses of Midgard, but Asgard The army brought back the source of the disease from outside and spread it, causing many species including Pegasus to become extinct. The universe is also like this, it is very sensitive to foreign things, the more people know about it, the faster the 'disease' will spread .”

The first thing Greer thought of was the endless rabbits in Australia. The taste of braised rabbits and roasted rabbits was so delicious, which left a deep impression on him. They thrived and ate up most of the grass in Australia. I don't know how many herbivores became extinct.The destructive power of alien species to a closed ecological circle can be seen.

Obviously, Frigga is worried that the news brought by the other Thor, once spread, will bring great changes to the universe, what if it goes in a very bad direction?
(End of this chapter)

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