The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 423 Precursor of Nine Worlds Overlapping

Chapter 423 Precursor of Nine Worlds Overlapping

It’s not very cold in winter, even though Christmas is approaching, but it’s rare to see pedestrians wearing thick winter clothes on the street, eager to wrap themselves into rice dumplings, which is rare in Twilight.

Greer, whose system is much stronger than the average person, wears a thin sweater and a thin coat, not even a down jacket, let alone gloves or a hat.

Holding a stack of books nearly ten centimeters thick, walking on Columbia’s campus, surrounded by Renaissance-style Florentine-style buildings, makes people feel like walking into the Middle Ages instead of Manhattan, which is famous for its prosperity and modernization.

Thanks to Stark's blessing, Greer was able to enter this top ten university in the world, heeded Stark's suggestion, and majored in mathematics.In his words, mathematics is the precursor of science. Physics, chemistry, and biology all depend on breakthroughs in mathematics to make progress.

During the four months in this famous university, Greer's feeling is only one word 'busy', the kind of busyness, which is completely different from his college time.Back then, I was just dawdling, and studying was at the bottom of the list. If I wanted to learn something, I would have to put in a lot of effort no matter where I was. But this time, Greer wanted to learn something, so he was naturally very busy.

In addition to attending lectures and doing homework, you also need to participate in many activities to earn credits. Otherwise, if your GPA is too low, you will not even be qualified to write a graduation thesis.Also find time to practice magic, daily check-ups at the Temple of Twisters, dating
The Avengers Building used to run several times a week, but now he can't go there once in a few weeks, but Stark feels very relieved, thinking that this is what a child should be like, fighting and killing all day long, what is it? .But compared to Peter Parker, Greer's time is still relatively rich. Parker has never stopped working as a vigilante. Coupled with the heavy university courses, his busy research has reached the point where his feet don't touch the ground. .

The only good news is that since the burial of Manchuria, the world has suddenly become calm. So far, there have been no super criminals, or super criminals that are known to the world. The war in the Middle East ended last month, and countries began to divide Withdrawing troops in batches and preparing to send soldiers back to China for Christmas, this "Christmas offensive" is finally not a joke, but a serious one.

Naturally, the Avengers are also 'unemployed', and they each start their own business. Those who should go to school go to school, and those who should run the company continue to run the company. Even Bruce Banner recently accepted an invitation to a scientific seminar to give speeches and demonstrations his discovery.

Daisy chose Barnard College, one of Columbia University's undergraduate colleges, a private elite girls' school. That's why Greer stood in the cold wind with his book in his arms. Daisy's courses often conflicted with him. Yes, either he attends class or she attends class.

Standing on the side of the street, there is very little traffic. Morningside Heights, where Columbia is located, is located in the northwest of Manhattan. If the Midtown Circle is the CBD, then Morningside Heights is the junction of urban and rural areas. There are almost no high-rise buildings. The low-rise buildings, coupled with Columbia University's imitation Renaissance Florentine-style buildings, are really not like the twisted center of Manhattan.

After waiting for a long time, Daisy came out with a group of classmates, saw Greer leaning against the wall with a stack of books, waved goodbye to the classmates, walked over quickly, and walked side by side on the street.

"My mother might come over for Christmas," Daisy said with anticipation, "If Dad has time, we can have a reunion dinner."

Since the last time we met, Jiaying went back to Earth in October and spent most of the day with Daisy before leaving reluctantly until evening. In her words: "She must find a chance Only then can we come to Earth.” And Daisy’s father, Hyde, only made two phone calls, and each time he only talked about everyday things, never mentioning the experiment, Jiaying and other issues, obviously not only the father and daughter could hear dialogue.

Greer held Daisy's shoulders with one free hand, and said with a smile, "If your mother can come to Earth, I'll go to Director Fury and ask him to give your father a holiday. How about it?"

"Oh, can it work?"

"Unless S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't need my help anymore, otherwise." Greer hadn't finished speaking when he saw the door of a black car open three meters away, and Coulson in a suit and leather shoes got out of the car. Walking down, with a standard smile on his face, he looked at Greer and Daisy.

"Hmm!" Daisy turned her head to look at Greer, and said, "Looks like I can start looking for a restaurant for Christmas dinner."

Greer stepped forward, and without waiting for Coulson to say hello, he asked first, "What's the matter?"

Coulson looked around with a smile, and saw people coming and going and traffic on the street, and the subtext was: "This is not a place to talk."

"Okay, let's find a quiet place."

Greer's words made Coulson's smile even bigger, and he said softly, "I heard that there is a good Chinese restaurant here, why don't we go there."

"You have made your choice, then go, let's have hot pot."

"Of course!"

In the antique private room, there are Chinese knots and light bulbs decorated as lanterns hanging on the wooden wall, together with chopstick cages, it really matches the atmosphere of hot pot. Greer unceremoniously ate and drank, which made Coulson It is definitely not a trivial matter to go out, and you will have the strength to fight when you are full.

Coulson didn't say anything, but talked about some light topics, which did not affect his appetite. It was not until the sumptuous hot pot feast was over, and the dishes and chopsticks were removed, and after-dinner refreshments were replaced, Coulson said seriously The purpose of this time: "...the abnormal phenomenon of the overlapping of the nine worlds may have appeared."

"Huh?!" Greer put down the chopsticks in his hand and listened seriously. A week ago, an abnormal phenomenon occurred in Stonehenge. A giant stone slab weighing more than 50 tons lying on top of two boulders turned up and tilted. The angle reached fifteen degrees, like taking a selfie.

The manager of Stonehenge thought it was padded at first, but when he went up to check, he found that this boulder weighing more than 50 tons was "floating", but the strange thing was that an hour later, the boulder suddenly lifted up again. It fell and hit the boulder pillar below, making a loud noise, which was heard by many tourists.

After this phenomenon was reported, S.H.I.E.L.D. quickly learned of it, and immediately sent a small team to investigate, but the strange thing was that everything was normal, neither the boulder nor the surrounding environment found any abnormalities, just like It is a lie fabricated by the managers of Stonehenge and some tourists.

(End of this chapter)

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