Chapter 413 Heroes
In the Oriental Pearl Tower, which is less than 351 meters away from Shanghai International Convention Center, in the "space capsule" [-] meters above the ground, Greer stood in front of the glass window with his arms folded in front of him, gazing at the tall buildings and buildings by the Huangpu River. Ships sailing on the river.

It has been two full years since I came to this world, but I have never set foot on this land that should be familiar but is now extremely strange, or I have been avoiding this problem: maybe, I should never go back, so Greer I haven't set foot here for two years.

The decade Neo driver lay quietly on the window sill in front of Greer. The sunlight penetrated through the thick glass window and shone on the ruby ​​in the center, giving off a strange luster, and the decade symbol in the center of the gem could be vaguely seen.

I don't know how long I stood there, Greer turned his head as if sensing something, and looked to the left, only to see Nick Fury striding over, standing only two meters away from Greer, also looking at Huangpu The scenery across the river.

Greer looked around. The 'space capsule' was overcrowded when he came. At this time, there was no third person except him and Nick Fury, and it was actually cleared.Greer looked at Nick Fury with a half-smile, and sarcastically said in a complimenting tone: "SHIELD has a big card."

"SHIELD has signed agreements with nearly [-] countries. Agents of SHIELD can operate in these countries and monitor all suspicious targets, including but not limited to aliens." Nick Fury actually explained seriously.

"It is indeed a solid shield," Greer nodded in agreement: "Aliens will not only operate in a certain country, there must be a strong international organization to deal with it, but..."

Greer changed the subject, staring at Nick Fury's one eye without showing any weakness, and said: "This is also a double-edged sword. It is sharp on the outside, but it can also hurt people on the inside."

If the powerful S.H.I.E.L.D. really wants to subvert the rule of some small countries, it is too easy, and it seems that the movie also said that Hydra has been using the S.H.I.E.L.D. The war continued.

There is also the insight plan. As Hydra envisioned, the three space carriers began to eliminate threatening targets on the ground. Dominating the world is definitely not just talking. It seems that in the TV series "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. In the world, Hydra's insight plan was successful, making Hydra rule the world.

From this, we can see how terrifying SHIELD or Hydra is, and its intelligence tentacles penetrate into every corner. If it is desperate, it will definitely cause great damage to the world.

Nick Fury didn't respond to Greer's questioning, his face was still expressionless, half lying on the window sill, and said: "So I formed the Avengers Alliance that can break this sword."


Greer thought about it, and it seems that the Avengers are really against S.H.I.E.L.D., or that the two sides restrain each other. The strength of S.H.I.E.L.D. is based on agents all over the world and accurate intelligence, just like a spider web , covering the whole world; and the strength of the Avengers Alliance is based on the strength of individuals.

Spider webs can stick to countless mosquitoes, small bugs, etc., but when encountering larger and stronger insects, no amount of spider webs is enough to tear them; but in turn, the countless agents and intelligence forces of the SHIELD It can also make the Avengers breathless, just like the flour is broken, but it can still 'drown' people to death if there is too much flour.

But Greer thought of another point. It seems that in Ant-Man 2, that ghost was once controlled by S.H.I.E.L.D. to perform some special tasks. Then the question arises, is there only such a superpower in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s hands?

"Are the Avengers the only ones preparing to break the sword?" Thinking this way, Greer also asked directly. Nick Fury smiled and didn't mean to pick up the topic, as if he had acquiesced.

Greer reached for the decade Neo drive, turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Nick Fury, saying: "Ten minutes ago, the Security Council authorized the Avengers to attack the Ten Rings."

"This is not what Mr. Stark wants." Before Greer finished speaking, he was interrupted by Nick Fury: "So what do you think should be? The Security Council does not give the Avengers global action rights, Just ignore the Ten Commandments, let them continue to wage wars in the Middle East, let the price of oil continue to rise all the way, let the people bear high prices, and let more people go bankrupt and jump off buildings?"

"Am I to blame for this? I didn't start the war, nor did I raise the price of oil."

Nick Fury nodded and said: "Indeed, none of this has anything to do with you, but what do you think is a hero? When a crisis strikes and everyone is retreating, he is a hero if he bravely steps forward."

Before Greer could speak, Nick Fury immediately continued: "If there are no other factors, especially the involvement of government departments, you will definitely take the initiative to go to the Middle East to eliminate the Ten Rings Gang."

"Do you think you know me well?"

"You don't want to be used by others, and you prefer to take the initiative to do something, so you are indifferent to the war launched by the Ten Rings. You always feel that if you do it, you will continue to be used like this in the future as certain people wish."

Greer held the decade NEO driver in his right hand, patted his left elbow, turned around, looked at Nick Fury, and said, "What else have the psychologists from S.H.I.E.L.D. analyzed?"

"You don't want to pay for other people's mistakes, but have you ever thought that civilians will always suffer."

Greer naturally knows, just like the phrase "Justice may be late, but it will never be absent", how much suffering will be endured during the absence.

Nick Fury came over and said very seriously: "Stark wants to destroy the Ten Rings, but he also doesn't like being used by others, so he chooses to exchange terms. Now the Avengers stand up to destroy the Ten Rings, and also from various countries. Got a lot of stuff. That's the game, you can use me, but be prepared to bleed and take a step back to reach a consensus."

As he said that, Nick Fury casually threw a USB flash drive to Greer, and walked towards the elevator without looking back: "This is the information about the Mandarin that S.H.I.E.L.D. has. I hope it can give you some help."

Greer took the USB flash drive and shouted to Nick Fury who had already entered the elevator: "Are you here to give me psychological counseling?"

"My child, I don't have so much time. Follow Stark. You will figure this out sooner or later. I'm just passing by." Nick Fury's last syllable fell, and the elevator door happened to close, separating the two , can no longer see each other.

(End of this chapter)

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