The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 38 The Frost Giant

Chapter 38 The Frost Giant
In a house more than [-] meters away from the gas station where Greer and the others were located, a group of black-clothed agents were lying on the roof or standing by the window, holding long-distance sound capture amplifiers in their hands and facing Greer and them.

The windows in the room were all covered with black cloth to prevent the light from leaking out. Several tables in the room were filled with various advanced monitoring and monitoring instruments, one of which was Cole, whom Greer had seen before. Mori.

After hearing the word 'Frost Giant', Coulson immediately dropped the headset, picked up the walkie-talkie, and shouted: "Position [-], use the thermal imager to search for low-temperature areas."

On a hillside opposite the No. 40 highway facing the gas station, three agents in camouflage turned on the thermal imaging cameras and began to scan around the gas station, and the results were transmitted to the room where Coulson was. On several computers, images of the stratosphere were formed under the processing of technicians.

I saw six blue areas representing low temperatures near the gas station, as if someone had placed six high-power condensing devices there, and what was even more surprising was that these condensing devices were humanoid.

After contacting the Frost Giant mentioned by Thor, Coulson suddenly understood how these low-temperature areas were caused. Before he could give the next command, the Frost Giant in front of Thor rushed out, and Thor Fight.

With a loud roar, all the low-temperature areas near the gas station moved and rushed towards the gas station in unison, which made the agents at multiple nearby observation positions rush to request the next step through the walkie-talkie.

A man in a short-sleeved and tight-fitting leather jacket who had been sitting on a chair in the room stood up, opened a suitcase on the left table, revealed a short stick-like weapon, and turned his head Come on, with eagle-eyed eyes, he said to Coulson, "Sir, do you want me to go?"

"No, Clint, you continue to stand by," Coulson shook his head, glanced at the motorcycle in the gas station on the computer screen, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Evacuate the [-]st and [-]th positions, the rest People are on standby, using thermal imaging cameras to observe whether there are still low-temperature areas around."

After putting down the walkie-talkie, Coulson picked up his mobile phone and walked aside, dialed the number, and said quickly, "Sir, a Level [-] incident has occurred here. Frost giants from foreign lands have invaded the earth, requesting support."

While Coulson was speaking, the cloud of low temperature behind the gas station had rushed into the gas station, and killed a person with an ice skate while waving his hand, making Daisy scream in fear when watching this scene, and Ariel subconsciously moved The flashlight was thrown at the Frost Giant rushing out of the store, trying to block it, and shouted at Dai Qian: "Go!"

The flashlight spun and flew forward, and when it passed Greer, it encountered a gray-white phantom. The next moment, all these phantoms disappeared. Under the gaze of Daisy and Eric, the phantom A set of black and white armor suddenly appeared on the surrounding Greer.

The ice skates with rough spikes on the surface hit the god-given armor, sending out a 'ping! The crisp sound of ', the next second, the skates shattered into several pieces, and the impact caused Greer couldn't help but take a few steps back.

While backing away, he lifted his left arm slightly, and the knight card box opened again, and a card popped out, which was caught by Greer and stuffed into the driver of the imperial knight.

"Ride Booker Firearm!"

As the sound of mechanical synthesis sounded in Greer's ear, Greer's right hand added a black and white gun out of thin air. Before the frost giant in the shop could throw the ice blade again, he pulled the trigger, and a beam of light shot out. , instantly bombarded the left chest of the Frost Giant, and exploded.

'boom! ' With a loud bang, the Frost Giant's left shoulder and half of his chest were blown to pieces, and the shattered ice scattered in all directions, and the cold air that radiated caused the temperature of the entire room to drop rapidly.Most of the arm was blown up by the impact of the explosion and fell on a pile of drinks. The cold air instantly turned the cola into frozen cola.

With one hit, Greer immediately turned around, aimed at the Frost Giant opposite Thor, and immediately pulled the trigger, but with the lessons learned from his companion, the Frost Giant jumped quickly after Greer turned around. up, dodging the ensuing beam

It was too late and then too fast, from the time the frost giant jumped out to when Greer's shot missed, only five seconds had passed.But what happened in just five seconds was more shocking than what Eric and Daisy had experienced in the past combined.

"I must be dreaming!" Daisy stared at Greer who was wearing the imperial armor, her words were full of inconceivable, it was no different from seeing a ghost.

Eric's expression is not much better, but the world view he has lived for most of his life has collapsed in the past few days. First, Thor, the god of thunder in Nordic mythology, appeared, and then the large Smurf, who is now walking together for two hours The child suddenly became a 'Superman', making Eric wonder if there are no normal people in this world?No matter how you meet, you are inhuman.

Greer saw Eric and Daisy still standing there, looking like he had seen a ghost, and shouted at them: "Go!"

Hearing Greer's shout, Eric reacted from the shock, pulled Daisy over, ran towards the off-road vehicle, and called Jane while running: "Jane, here, hurry up. "

A large amount of cold air gushed out from the wound of the Frost Giant whose half chest was blown off in the store, causing the temperature in the store to drop rapidly, causing a layer of frost to instantly condense on the ground, shelves, and various goods around the Frost Giant.

If it were a human being, such injuries would definitely kill him in a short time, but the Frost Giant didn't seem to feel anything. He retreated a little and continued to rush forward. The only remaining right arm was raised, and a cone appeared at the end. The ice edges are full of sharp protrusions, which look a lot like maces.

When Greer turned his head to attack the Frost Giant opposite Thor, the Frost Giant continued to run forward, smashing the glass door to pieces, and smashed the mace in his hand to the one not too far away from the door. Greer.

Greer's enhanced sense of hearing keenly caught the sound of the frozen mace piercing the air, and he withdrew his right leg and turned his body half a circle accordingly.The frozen mace almost brushed Greer's shoulder and hit the concrete floor with a 'bang! ' With a loud bang, the concrete floor was immediately smashed into a sunken pit full of cracks, making the front end of the mace sink into it.

PS: I recommend a Diamond Ace novel about baseball written by a friend:

"Bright Ace"

Introduction: Fighting for Faith.

Desire for victory in all battles.

Immediately fly, fly to the ever-changing stadium.

The glory on the clay court, the pride of the diamond ace.

As bright as a diamond.

Standing proudly in the center of the court, it is the most dazzling dazzling color.

It is the king's most sincere oath! !
who are we! ?
King Qingdao! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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