The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 367 The Awakened Dark Elf

Chapter 367 The Awakened Dark Elf

The extremely hot fist hit the flowing magic water shield fiercely, making a 'bang! ' A loud noise, the huge impact caused the magic shield to sag inward, and a crack appeared in the original integrated magic shield.

With the place where the fist hit as the center, a series of fine gaps were opened, which expanded to every part of the magic shield in an instant, and then shattered suddenly, and was smashed by the most direct violence by the 'Flame Fist'.

Greer knew the powerful attack power of the desperate soldiers. A steel suit that could withstand the explosive power of rifles and shells was like chopping melons and vegetables. Greer didn't think his magic shield could block the opponent's attack.

For the same force, the smaller the area of ​​action, the greater the destructive power it will cause. The force of several tons is equivalent to that of an SUV pressing on such a small area as the face of a fist. One can imagine how strong the pressure will be.

He can easily deal with the three desperate soldiers at a distance, which does not mean that he can play hand-to-hand combat with them, so Greer never thought of relying on the magic shield to resist the attacks of the desperate soldiers.When the water-type magic shield was propped up, the magic circle on the right arm had quickly converted into a wind-type magic shield.

Almost the moment the magic shield shattered, Greer slid backwards with the help of the force of the hammer and the force of the wind, and retreated seven or eight meters in a row before finally releasing the force of the impact. The arm was numb from the shock, but the rest was not hurt.

Just when he stood still, he raised his eyes and saw Drew, the desperate soldier rushing towards him like the wind, raising his lingering flaming fist, ready to attack again.But just as Drew raised his fist, the flat ground and walls burst into gaps and bulged up, and the flames of the explosion inside could be clearly seen.

In a few seconds, the bulge was completely shattered, and the terrifying destructive force generated by the explosion shattered the nearby server cabinets, and billowing flames swept across the surroundings.

'boom!boom!boom! '

The deafening explosions were superimposed together, and the light and sound waves were enough to shatter everything in the basement, not to mention the terrifying flames and strong shock waves. In an instant, all the servers, walls, floors, and ceilings were all turned into powder .

The desperate soldier Drew didn't even have time to shout out a desperate cry before he was blown up and blew himself up in the air, adding three points of power to the explosion in the basement.The spreading flames occupied Greer's field of vision, before he even had time to activate the magic shield, he was hit by the shock wave, caught in the flames, and lost consciousness.

Then the power of the explosion was transmitted to the top, and the dilapidated building was torn apart without being able to support it for a tenth of a second. The flames formed an extremely spectacular earth-colored 'fountain'.

The sound of the explosion reverberated in the forest and lasted for a long time, awakening countless animals to run out of their dens and run away in panic.Bricks, rocks, and clods falling from the air smashed branches, leaves, and grass, making chaotic noises, making the forest unable to restore peace for a long time.

But no matter how loud the sound is, it will gradually weaken as the distance increases, until it can no longer be heard; no matter how high the blasted earth, rocks, and dust fly, it will eventually fall back to the ground; until it can no longer be heard. The noise, the dust that can't be seen, the night is still so quiet, but there are fewer dilapidated buildings and a huge sinkhole.

And in the northeast corner of this sunken pit, Greer was half-buried in the soft dust, his clothes were burnt by the flames and tattered, not much better than strips of cloth, and his naked body looked even worse, his body was scorched like carbon , the bones were exposed in many places, the arms were bent to an unbelievable angle, and even the ten fingers and even the palm were incomplete. Such a serious injury is definitely the kind of death on the spot, and it is impossible for alien technology to pull it back.

The sound waves and shock waves enough to shatter steel shattered all the organs into froth, but Greer's heart remained unscathed and continued to beat, with a large amount of dark red blood-like liquid flowing out from it.

These dark red liquids flow along the arteries and veins, and disperse into the capillaries. Wherever they pass, the damaged cells heal quickly, and the ruptured organs return to their original state in only three to four seconds. Then there are bones, muscles, and skin.
In less than half a minute, the dark red liquid gushing out from the heart flowed all over Greer's body and penetrated into every cell, making Greer's whole body glow red, setting off against the pitch-black ground nearby. Under the ground, it is extraordinarily dazzling, even if it is separated by an extremely long distance, the light on the ground can be clearly seen.

Light is both a kind of wave and a kind of particle. What emanates from Greer’s body is not only visible light waves, but also invisible particles. These particles have not undergone any decay when they travel a very long distance, and have always maintained their original state. status.

As time goes by, these particles are also constantly spreading, and only one such particle can be found in a distance of hundreds of light years, and one of them floats to the open space between the two galaxy clusters.

Two combinations of tens of thousands of galaxies, the distance between them reaches tens of millions of light years, and it is difficult to find even a speck of dust. It is a real forbidden zone for life.But in this restricted area of ​​life, there are several rough-styled spaceships floating around. Each spaceship has a length of more than ten kilometers, which can be said to be a real giant.

The four spaceships could not see any light at all, and even the engine nozzles were covered with dust. Obviously, they had not been started for a long, long time. Like drifting bottles, they drifted away from the river system and drifted to the nearest Every river system in the world has empty spaces millions of light-years across.

A particle emanating from Greer's body touched the spaceship, as if dropping a pebble into a calm lake, causing the power furnace in the spaceship to start up at full power suddenly, outputting a huge amount of energy, following the energy The pipeline was conducted to each of the frozen dormancy chambers, allowing the dark elves in the frozen state to open their eyes one by one.

One after another, the power furnaces of the spaceships were activated at full power, allowing the dark elves who had been frozen for an unknown period of time to come out of the freezer-like compartment one by one. The long-term freezing made them stagger as if they were not used to walking. Yes, like a baby learning to walk.

Malekith, the leader of the dark elves, walked into the central control room that was bigger than a football field, moved his stiff body, and said in a hoarse voice: "Ether particles have awakened us, the nine kingdoms will once again gather, we should return to gone."

Malekith's order was conveyed, and after the four spaceships determined their positions, they started their engines and headed towards the extremely distant Nine Kingdoms.

It's just that what happened in the depths of the universe far away is unknown to anyone. Even Heimdall, who is known as the all-seeing eye, can only see what happened in the Nine Realms, and this place is far away from the Nine Realms. How many star fields larger than the Nine Realms, no matter what happens, are unknown.

(End of this chapter)

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