The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 361 Overlapping Responsibilities

Chapter 361 Overlapping Responsibilities

Was the vulture the only one Greer was thinking of selling weapons made of alien materials?I'm afraid not, after the contract war ended, some people discovered this way to get rich. There are many people on Amazon, Facebook and Youtube who sell the alien weapons and materials they 'picked up' to make up for their own loss.

But soon the government stepped in and forced the recycling of these things. For this reason, Manhattan was blocked for several months to prevent the spread of alien items and viruses.In the movie, the vultures who were laid off and started businesses can hide a lot of alien materials. Presumably, there are more people who use various methods to hide a large amount of alien materials and then smuggle them out.

Leaving aside the hazards of alien weapons produced, in the TV series "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.", it seems that the Chitauri helmets are stained with infectious viruses, which are deadly. It seems that Stark is also aware of this Only when there is no problem, the coalition government established the Disaster Control Bureau.

But S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Disaster Control Bureau are obviously not enough, otherwise small vendors like Vulture would not have been active until six or eight years later. Well, you can check the archives of the contracting police station, maybe you can find some clues.

Wait, why do you want to take care of it?
Greer was extremely confused by his thoughts just now. He should be extremely angry now after receiving more than N court summons, and vowed not to take care of these stupid things.Why subconsciously want to take care of it, and it is impossible to get too many points, it is simply a loss and a profit.

As for Greer's daze and distraction, it's not surprising that Banner has seen a lot. He continued to compete with the fabric in his hand, holding dots and lines on the fabric with a marker pen, stopping from time to time, thinking about the microelectronic components. installation location.

The train of thought slid all the way for a while before Greer came back to his senses. The topic seemed to have gone off track again, or Dr. Banner didn't want to talk about this topic, because he didn't want to become the Hulk?But it didn't say to let Hulk appear on the stage. The "appearance fee" of this product is not usually expensive, so he can't be released in general.

Greer suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly said: "Doctor, didn't Mr. Stark say that the White House signed the power-of-action document? We also have the power and qualifications to manage it."

"Oh, why don't you understand?" Dr. Banner sighed deeply, straightened up, took off his glasses and threw them on the fabric, turned around, and said, "What S.H.I.E.L.D., FBI, The CIA and a large number of national departments are not decorations. The dangerous human experiment you mentioned has its own jurisdiction whether it is right or wrong.

If the Avengers were in charge, what if there were casualties and damage in the conflict?The hero defeated the villains and saved the world, and there are cheers and applause, but how many people who have lost their loved ones and property in the battle will be happy and cheer, and they will blame why you are fighting there? "

"." Greer was speechless after being told, pushing himself and others, and the house he bought at the expense of his family was just renovated and not yet moved in. It was affected by the battle between the hero and the villain and turned into a pile of ruins. How can he still be happy? Yes, that heart is really big.

No matter how good your temper is, there will be resentment in your heart, "Can't you fight in another place?" If you lack a little bit of conscience, I'm afraid you will go to court. Greer's so many subpoenas probably came from this way. After all, unreasonable people too much.

"Then we just turn a blind eye and listen but don't hear?"

"Of course not," Dr. Banner shook his head, pointed at Greer, and said, "Didn't I say that? Tell S.H.I.E.L.D. and let them take care of it. Police, judges, lawyers, soldiers, all divisions Only by doing so can the world be in order."

"I heard that from Commissioner Fury."

Banner smiled, and said: "Isn't SHIELD just for this purpose? Since it's within their scope of responsibility, leave it to them. This is not to shirk responsibility. When the world really needs Avengers, we are naturally bound to do so, Stark." The Disaster Control Division was formed, one of the purposes of which was to repair the damage caused by the Avengers battle.

When Nick Fury summoned the Avengers, didn't he say that the Avengers can fight for mankind when mankind faces an invincible enemy. After speaking, Dr. Banner picked up his glasses and said goodbye with a smile, and walked out of the laboratory.

Greer stood on the top of the building, looking up at the stars hanging in the sky, he understood Dr. Banner's meaning, with the god of SHIELD standing here, why bother and ask for trouble, you have done a lot It will make S.H.I.E.L.D. and the government unhappy, and let you finish everything, doesn't it seem that we are useless.

Just like the Grievance Police Department, they don’t like Spider-Man very much. Because of the existence of Spider-Man, some media use this as an excuse to criticize the uselessness of the Grievance Police Department. People scolded ', how could it be possible to make people happy.

Besides, Banner is not as good as Spider-Man, at least Parker can control his own abilities. As for Banner, the Hulk will not be finished until the Hulk appears. How could he like "nosy".

This gave Greer some insight. Stark chose to blow up his steel suit because he felt that SHIELD, especially the three space carriers of SHIELD, was enough to maintain world peace.The existence of Iron Man is no longer important, and in order to save Pepper, all the old steel suits were blown up.

It's a pity that if there is no Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D., then Stark can really return to the life of ordinary people, but Hydra forced him to put on the steel suit again, so Banner had to go Become he is unwilling to become Hulk to fight.

Neither Banner nor Stark are indifferent and irresponsible people, but with S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. will do many things on its own, and it's not easy for the Avengers to intervene.It's fine if Greer doesn't know, but if he knows that AIM is likely to launch a terrorist attack in the future, if he just sits idly by and doesn't care, his conscience will really hurt.

Dr. Banner said that the topic started on Youtube is 'Superheroes and villains fight, who should pay for the losses caused? '.When he went upstairs, he searched on his mobile phone, and there were three options: A is to admit that he is unlucky, B is to buy an insurance, and C is to seek compensation from them.

Options A and B accounted for 70.00%, and C only had [-]. Instead, most of the posts said to seek compensation from the villain, and the posts where both parties were compensated accounted for only one in a thousand. There are very few of them.

Greer caused damage to more than 100 people in Chinatown, Flushing, Manhattan, and Queens, and it would not be too much to multiply it by a hundred times. There are only [-] summonses, which shows that most people are sensible, no matter what There are scoundrels everywhere, but there are definitely not many such people.

(End of this chapter)

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