The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 36 Loki in action

Chapter 36 Loki in action

Heimdall swore: "I know, Father of the Gods, I will always watch Thor."

"Yeah!" Odin nodded, with a trace of exhaustion on his old face, turned around, jumped onto the eight-legged horse, turned his head and said to Heimdall: "Pay attention to the Frost Giant's attack!" There is movement, Thor was interrupted by the Frost Giants because of the throne succession ceremony, and went to Jotunheim to make a big fuss, killing so many Frost Giants, Laufey will not let it go."

"I will, Father of the Gods!"

"I hope everything can be done in time." Odin whispered, pulled the reins, and let the eight-legged horse gallop on the transparent bridge, heading towards the palace, and soon disappeared.

Heimdall continued to stand there as if a stone sculpture, staring at the star field that would not change for a long time.

And on a rooftop of the sheng-shaped palace, the pale and slender second prince of Asgard, Rocky Odinson, stared at Bifrost far away. In front of him was a mirror of water. , reflecting the scene inside Bifrost, and the sound inside is also transmitted from this water mirror.

Suddenly, as if a stone was thrown into a calm water mirror, strong ripples appeared, which dissipated in the next second. This change made Loki startled, and then turned around, a man in luxurious clothes The woman standing at the door is the queen of Asgard, Frigg.


Frigga dispersed the magic power in her palm, and said to Loki, "Loki, I teach you magic, not to eavesdrop on your father."

Loki hurriedly explained: "Mother, I want to know when my father will let my brother come back. He made a big fuss in Jotunheim last time. The Frost Giants will definitely not stop there. Asgard needs him."

Frigga walked up to Loki, raised her hand to caress Loki's face, and said pleadingly: "Loki, you and Thor are brothers, we must work together to protect Asgard, okay?"

Looking at his mother's pleading expression, Loki held Frigga's palm with his backhand, letting the warm palm stick to his face more forcefully, nodded, and said very seriously: "I will, mother, and Together, brothers, protect Asgard."

Hearing Loki's words, Frigga smiled, which made Loki laugh too.But after Frigga left, the smile on Loki's face disappeared immediately, and he returned to the expression of "everyone owes me 500 million" that has not changed for thousands of years, and said in a low voice: "I can protect it all by myself. Asgard, I will prove it to you."

Night soon fell on Asgard. During this night, a figure left the palace, drove a spaceship to the continuous mountain area, and disappeared into the night.After a long time, the airship returned quietly. From the beginning to the end, neither Heimdall nor anyone else found the airship, as if it didn't exist.

In Jotunheim, which is covered by ice and snow all the year round and full of continuous icebergs and ice sheets, Laufey, the king of the frost giants, met an information dealer who has cooperated many times. The last time he got the information from him , successfully allowed several ice giants to cross the Asgard defense line and quietly reach Odin's treasure house. Although they were blasted to pieces by the Destroyer guarding Odin's treasure house in the end, at least they touched it.

And this time, the mysterious intelligence dealer sold the news that Thor, who came to Jotunheim to make a fuss last time, offended Odin, and was deprived of Thor's power and exiled to Midgard.This made Laufey overjoyed. If he was in the heavily guarded Asgard, he could only bear with it, but if he was really in the weak Midgard and was deprived of his power, that would be a godsend spree.

After paying a large amount of cold iron that can only be produced in the extremely cold Jotunheim, he got Thor's approximate location and how to avoid Heimdall's eyes and reach Midgard.

After the man in black left, Lau Fei showed a mocking smile on his face, and said to himself: "Odin, your Asgard is not monolithic, someone wants yours so soon The son is dead."

Lau Fei's eyes were full of hatred, his face was ferocious, and the surface of his clenched fists was frosty!Click! ’, and shouted towards the empty ice and snow palace: “Immediately send a team to Midgard to see if Thor has really been deprived of his power. Can it really be hidden from Heimdall's eyes? If it is effective, many people will be interested in it, and we can sell it and return it in exchange for something."

Lau Fei didn't fully believe in this so-called intelligence dealer, and he didn't send elite troops there. If he was cheated, he would only lose an ordinary team.But he is also ready. Once the news is confirmed, he will send elite troops to Midgard to capture Thor, and use him to exchange for the artifact of the Frost Giants that was blocked by Odin in Odin's treasure house - Frost box.

Except for the participants, no one knows what happened here. Thor, who lost his divine power, rode in the dark night on an extended off-road vehicle as a mortal. This section of NO.40 road is desolate and terrifying. The off-road vehicle dragging the RV has been driving for nearly [-] kilometers before finding a small town with a gas station.

It is said to be a small town, but it is actually a gathering area composed of merchants engaged in businesses such as car tires, car repairs, car washes, and bars.There is only one expensive gas station in the whole town, which is obviously run by a powerful person, otherwise it is impossible for others to give up the lucrative business of refueling. After all, it is close to No. 40 highway, and the cars passing by in a day do not know How many.

After arriving in the small town, the sky was completely dark, and the sky was full of stars and a bright moon hanging in the sky, bringing some light to the earth.Looking in other directions from the window, it was pitch black, and there was no other light except the headlights.

Parked the RV that was left behind in an open space, and the off-road vehicle brought the motorcycle to the gas station on the north side of the town, and filled up both cars. Gryan paid for the gas, as if they were carrying themselves The reward for being here.

While taking out the money, Eric Shavig, a doctor of astronomy who had been resting in the RV, saw the money in Greer's wallet, frowned slightly, walked quickly to Jane's side, and said in a low voice : "Jane, don't get too far away from Thor, let Daisy keep her stun gun."

"What's wrong?" Jane was a little puzzled. Could it be that there is something wrong with this town.

Ariel glanced at Greer, who was picking out Type Zero, and said in a low voice, "The hundred-yuan bills used by this child and in the wallet are all old bills that cannot be easily traced, and none of them are new."

Jane turned her head, looked carefully at Greer who came out with two bags of food and handed one to Daisy, and said, "He's just a child, his parents should have given him the money."

"In such a desolate place, you'd better be careful." Before Eric finished speaking, Thor suddenly turned around and looked outside the dark town, his eyes were extremely fierce, as if looking for Like the hunter of the prey.

(End of this chapter)

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