The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 350 The Legacy of the Green Goblin

Chapter 350 The Legacy of the Green Goblin

Harry' Teng! ' jumped up from the bed, and looked in shock at the projected half-length image of Norman Osborn, who was not as big as a palm, projected by the toolbox in his hand. Projecting the image of the father, this.
Harry was about to start checking the toolbox, when Harry Osborn's calm voice came from the small and exquisite toolbox in his hand:

"Harry, my son, I left this video to play after I actually died. Yes, I didn't die in the hospital, it was just a cover, fake death so I could make something clear Things that can’t be done on the surface.”

Norman Osborn's opening remarks shocked Harry, what is fake death, what is real death, what is going on, and who is in the coffin that was buried?Harry had a question in his head, but this false image would not answer his question at all, it just continued to play the words that Norman Osborn did not know when to leave in a step-by-step manner.

"The Osborne Group is the brainchild of my life's struggle. From scratch, I developed it little by little, but now it is about to fall, and a group of wolves and tigers are watching, trying to tear a piece of flesh from it. .I have exhausted all methods and can't restore the decline.

I have nowhere to go, and I have to use unconventional methods to save the Osborn Group whose building is about to collapse, so I arranged this death so that there will be no more Norman Osborn in the world.

Only in this way can I find those behind-the-scenes men who want to destroy the Osborne Group, let them pay the price, and get enough money to save the Osborne Group.But when this video is played, it means that my plan has failed, and I will really die, so as not to cause more trouble to the Osborne Group.I don't know how far I have achieved, but everything after that will be handed over to you, my son, and the Osborne Group will really be handed over to you.I'll launder that money and keep it in a secret account, which should help you a bit. "

Harry Osborn was stunned, and suddenly thought of the death cases of rich people that happened in different places recently. Could it be that
Harry forced himself to stop thinking about it, it was unbelievable, impossible, impossible.After all, which rich man doesn't hire a bunch of bodyguards, his father is just an ordinary person, how could he commit so many crimes?
While Harry was comforting himself, the video continued to play, and Norman Osborn continued to speak: ".The shopping mall is like a battlefield. There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. Anyone, no matter how close cooperation Partners, as long as they have enough interests, they can be mercilessly abandoned, just like so many people abandoned the Osborne Group this time.

A successful businessman must be ruthless. For a penny of profit, he can disregard the health and even life of 1 people. There is no morality at all, as long as everything is in line with the law or make it in line with the law, but you have to wear a mask of kindness and kindness "

Norman Osborn rambled on for more than ten minutes, all of which were his business words. Harry Osborn was in tears when he heard it. His ruthless father would leave him these things before he died. .

At the end of the video, Norman Osborn hesitated for nearly half a minute before speaking: "Harry, if nothing can be done, then don't force yourself, take this money and leave, I would rather You lived happily and happily."

The video finally finished playing, and the projection of Norman Osborn disappeared, but there was an encrypted file in the storage called toolbox, which recorded several bank accounts and the entrance to the secret room in the study and unlock password.

Harry, who was not sleepy at first, couldn't fall asleep at all. He held the toolbox tightly in his hand, jumped off the luxurious big bed, and walked towards the study with his slippers. The huge villa was quiet, except for a few Apart from a dim wall lamp, there is no other light source.

'clatter!clatter! ''s footsteps echoed in the dimly lit villa, followed by 'Crack! 'The sound of the door opening, Harry fumbled to turn on the light in the study, and followed the instructions recorded on the toolbox.

The mirror in the study room opened silently, revealing a small and exquisite elevator embedded in the wall. Harry stepped into the elevator, and the elevator quickly descended.Harry stood in the elevator with a sad face, waiting for the elevator door to open, wondering what his father's solemn legacy was.

Not long after, the elevator came to a steady stop, the elevator door opened, and the lights on the ceiling turned on one after another, dispelling the darkness and bringing light, and a vast basement appeared in front of Harry.

Precision instruments, rows of steel shelves, and several rooms made of high-strength glass filled the basement. Judging from the size, I am afraid that the villa and the lower part of the yard that can be used as a playground have been hollowed out. .

Strolling in the basement, stroking the things beside him with his right hand, the high-tech instruments were nothing. What really surprised Harry was the various weapons and equipment placed on the rows of steel shelves: portable hidden throwing knives, New high-energy bombs, miniature multi-purpose missiles, triggered cluster bombs
There are twenty types, covering long-range, melee, individual, and multi-body. It is simply a small ammunition depot, and all of them are high-tech weapons manufactured by first-class arms companies. The total value of so many weapons is definitely over [-] million.

Several of them are still products of the Osborn Group's laboratory, and they have not yet been mass-produced, but they were secretly manufactured by Norman Osborn, transported to the basement, and became one of the weapons of the Green Goblin.

There were ten mechanical arms erected in the open space next to the ammunition depot. The program controlling the computer showed that these were used to wear high-tech biological armor. Harry suddenly understood how his father committed the crime. Also put on the biological armor that is under experimentation.

It took a long time for Harry to take an inventory of the things in the basement. Norman Osborn left him a large number of biological armor matching weapons, as well as equipment for repairing, assembling and wearing biological armor, As well as a complete set of equipment and instruments for the biological laboratory of the Osborne Group.

Norman Osborn originally planned to use this place as a hiding place to store so many supplies, but he didn't expect that he died within two weeks of feigning death, and he didn't even use up one percent of the stored supplies. .

Harry also thought of this, his eyes dimmed, now he was really the only one, this basement was useless to him, the only biological armor was worn away by Norman Osborn, the human augmentation The potion was also used by Norman Osborn, so what's the use of leaving supporting equipment and weapons.

"Oh!" Harry sighed deeply, put the portable ball throwing knife in his hand back on the shelf, and began to check the money in those accounts. The total amount was 13 billion US dollars, which made Harry very surprised. the shock.

No wonder my father wanted to feign death to do business without capital. It was indeed a shortcut to getting rich. It took so long, and the money he made almost caught up with the one-month profit of the Osborne Group at its peak.Now that the Osborne Group is going from bad to worse, this money is not an exaggeration for the Osborne Group.

Harry clenched the toolbox tightly in his hand, and said firmly: "Father, just watch, I will not let you down, the Osborne Group will never fall, I will make it stronger. "

The study mirror, as large as a small library, slid silently to the side, and then the elevator door opened, and Harry walked out of it with bloodshot eyes. The window shone with faint sunlight, bringing some light to the huge study room. bright.

It was already morning when the sun was about to rise outside the window. He touched this and looked at that in the basement, and he stayed there for several hours without knowing it.Even though he hadn't slept all night, Harry wasn't tired at all, and his heart was full of grief for his father's real death and determination to revive Osborn.

But compared to last night, Harry still has a little more confidence in his heart at this moment. For ordinary people, 13 billion US dollars is a huge sum of money that cannot be earned even from apes.But for the precarious Osborne Group, it is a valuable fund. Although it is impossible to fill every hole, it is enough to support the initial investment of a project.

Harry has already started to think about which project to invest the money in. Now, the biggest problem with the Osborne Group is that people lose confidence. They feel that the Osborne Group will collapse like Hammer Industries. There are also many who want the Osborne Group to fall.

So for the current plan, the first thing is to restore the outside world's confidence in the Osborne Group. The best choice is to make a big move, just like Stark announced to the world that he is Iron Man, and then the Stark Group announced With the introduction of clean energy, the stock price of Stark Group has changed from the previous decline, and it can be described as rapid progress.

With such a good reference example, Harry was naturally regarded as the first choice. Stark did have many shortcomings, but the halo of genius covered everything.The current Osborne Group needs such an aura, a halo that is dazzling enough to make others ignore the many problems of the Osborne Group.

Harry walked along the curved staircase towards the large living room on the first floor, still thinking about which items in the toolbox Norman Osborn left him, which one he could use to fool around, not afraid of its whims, I'm afraid it's not big enough to scare people.

Harry knew very well that the items in the toolbox must have been seen by his father N many times, but his father chose to buy and sell them without money, which meant that these items could not save the Osborne Group.But Harry doesn't care if it can be realized, as long as it can be used to pull the tiger's skin. To put it bluntly, it is cheating funds, which can be regarded as a sideways move.

As Norman Osborn said, there is no way out, and unconventional means cannot save the Osborn Group.Norman Osborn chose to "grab" a business without capital, while Harry chose to "cheat" a business that required a little investment.

Harry, who was waiting for breakfast, threw himself on the soft sofa, and turned on the TV casually. The morning news was playing on the screen. At this time, it was broadcasting the fire that happened in Queens. The picture was very unclear, but it could be seen Saw a burning building.

Just when Harry thought it was fire news, two fighting figures suddenly appeared on the screen, one in dark green armor and the other in red and blue suit. Spider-Man is well known, but the other one is not. Everyone knows, except Harry in front of the TV.

Harry's eyeballs were almost popping out. The armor on the person fighting Spider-Man was exactly the same as the picture of the Green Goblin armor stored in the computer in the basement, and the flying wings were simply the experimental products of the Osborne Group—— Vertical take-off and landing single-person aircraft.

"Father?" This thought came to Harry's mind. Could it be that the Green Goblin is his father? Looking at the time when Spider-Man and the Green Goblin were fighting mentioned in the news, it was very close to the time when the toolbox played his father's message. Taken together, this guess is probably true.

Under Harry's dull eyes, the news continued to be broadcast. After Spiderman was hit by the Green Goblin, he threw a bomb, and a raging flame exploded in the air. But after the flame disappeared, what appeared on the screen was metal. The dragon and the Kamen Rider standing on top of the metal dragon.

Harry finally came to his senses, and hurriedly began to search for what happened last night. The Internet has already turned upside down, Youtube, Facebook... everywhere are videos taken by those who witnessed it with mobile phones and cameras.

Some are the battle between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin, some are videos of Spider-Man and the metal dragon cooperating with the fire brigade to rescue people, some are videos of Kamen Rider and the Green Goblin fighting, and there are some great gods who have gathered videos with different resolutions, angles, and durations. The video was edited into a complete version of the video, from the Green Goblin vs. Spiderman to the battle with Kamen Rider until death. It is very comprehensive, allowing people to understand the cause and effect of this battle at once.

The comments on the video are all praising Spider-Man and Kamen Rider, some envious of Spider-Man and Kamen Rider's powerful strength, and saying that the Avengers deserve the Green Goblin.

The Green Goblin, who threw bombs, ignited the building, and caused casualties in the building, became a glorious villain, and became a stepping stone for Spider-Man and Kamen Rider to become the highly anticipated hero. Even if he knew that what his father did was wrong, But Harry was still full of anger and hatred.

He hated the Kamen Rider who killed his father, Spider-Man who prevented his father from leaving, Stark who robbed the Osborn Group's business, hated the meddling Avengers, and hated the Osborn Group who pushed the Osborn Group into the abyss. behind the scenes.
The hatred in his heart made Harry almost out of breath. His eyes, which were already bloodshot from staying up all night, were even redder like a rabbit at this moment, and his nostrils were 'wheeze!Whoosh! ' Panting, if the toolbox was not strong enough, it would have been crushed by him.

Even though he was extremely angry, Harry didn't yell or smash madly, but just sat on the sofa with extremely high self-control.It took a while to suppress the anger in his heart. He had to stay awake, because he didn't have the power to take revenge, so he had to endure it. The first thing was to let the Osborne Group gain a firm foothold, and gradually plan for it step by step.

The wavering heart is completely firm at this moment, just like his father said, to be successful, you must be ruthless, and you can forget about everything. Originally, he wanted to find a reliable project to bluff people, with at least a higher success rate, so he said Maybe it can return the investor's capital, but now Harry just wants to find the biggest tiger skin, regardless of whether it will succeed or not.

Harry's distorted face due to anger suddenly showed a gloomy smile, and he said to himself, "Only the strong deserve to live, and the weak will be eaten."

Harry stood up, put the toolbox into his secret pocket, straightened his clothes, and strode out. After walking out of the door and into the sunlight, the gloom on his face disappeared, replaced by a He Xi's smile looks very comfortable, this is the standard mask of successful people.

(End of this chapter)

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