The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 347 Contrast Always Hurts

Chapter 347 Contrast Always Hurts

The shock wave rolled up countless fragments of different sizes and spread to the surroundings. Some of the fragments rushing toward the Green Goblin hit the opposite building, pierced deeply into the concrete wall and even broke the glass curtain wall. The power is no less than the shrapnel from the explosion of a heavy artillery.

This room was originally an office area. Most of the desks were made of plastic or wood products, and the documents were paper. It can be said that there were flammable materials everywhere. In addition, the explosion destroyed the firefighting facilities, and the fire hose leaked, which could no longer stop the spread of the fire.

The brighter flames lit up a large area, causing the citizens who saw the fire on the opposite side to start calling the fire alarm in a panic. The building where Spiderman was located also rang the fire alarm bell, waking up countless residents.
The Green Goblin looked at the increasingly raging flames, feeling extraordinarily happy. The flames shone on him, and the resulting projection was reflected on the upstairs opposite, forming a huge shadow several stories high.The citizens in the opposite building who were startled by the explosion and flames opened the windows to see what happened, but found the green goblin floating in the air and the flames soaring into the sky.

Everyone's first reaction was to pull out their mobile phones, some to call 911, some to take pictures and record videos. The Green Goblin was floating there unscrupulously, staring at the flames through the lens of the helmet, looking for Spider-Man's identity. trace.

Sparks burst out from the jet holes of the flying wings under the feet from time to time, and the flying posture was not as graceful as before, obviously something went wrong.Think about it, too. In order to pursue speed and stability, the flying wing has a take-off weight of less than [-] kilograms. Spiderman has connected a ten-ton weight to the flying wing.

Replaced by other human aircraft, bearing a weight more than [-] times its own maximum take-off weight, I am afraid that it would have fallen apart long ago. How can it continue to work like a flying wing? Just a few sparks can already reflect the technological strength of the Osborne Group. It's tough.

"Did you just die like that? I thought it was so powerful." The Green Goblin smirked, controlled the flying wings and approached the sea of ​​flames, ignoring the scorching flames, and wanted to go in to see if Spider-Man was really dead.

The closer the Green Goblin got, the smaller the range of vision. Two floors above the room where the Green Goblin and Spider-Man were fighting, the tattered Spider-Man crawled forward cautiously, clinging to the floor.

The floor was scorching hot from the flames, and the choking smoke filled Spiderman's mouth and nose, but he didn't dare to run, so he could only crawl forward bit by bit enduring the pain in his body, and finally climbed to the edge, pleasantly surprised It was discovered that the Green Goblin was approaching the building.

Spider-Man jumped up without hesitation, and rushed towards the Green Goblin like a hungry tiger. The whole body hit the Green Goblin's body. The huge impact made the Green Goblin lose his balance, but his feet were still stuck in the flying wings. , falling backwards with Spider-Man.

The jetting device of the flying wing is still running, and the change of angle makes the flying wing move randomly, which makes the residents of the nearby buildings see an extremely funny scene. Hammering the Green Goblin.

The Green Goblin, not to be outdone, fought back with his fists, and had no energy to control the flying wing to restore stability. The two of you punched each other, and the flying wing led the two people to turn up and down and move left and right, which was worse than a pirate ship. roller coaster.

Each of Spider-Man's punches landed on the Goblin armor, going 'Bang!boom! ', most of the force was blocked by the steel; but every punch of the Green Goblin hit Spider-Man's body, comparing the two, even though the Green Goblin's strength was inferior to Spider-Man's, Spider-Man's defense was low , 'Blood loss' is more.

The fight didn't last long, and Spider-Man was thrown off, causing Spider-Man to throw away his hands in a hurry, launching a spider web to try to stick to the Green Goblin, and to start a melee fight again, but as soon as he released the web, he saw the Green Goblin in horror. Once again took out the 'light ball' and threw it over.

"Oops!" Spider-Man felt that he saw the grinning face of the person inside through the Green Goblin helmet, and immediately understood that the Green Goblin approached the building to use himself as bait to see if Spider-Man was still alive.

Sure enough, Spider-Man seized the improbable attack 'opportunity', and rushed out from the narrow room that was not conducive to the use of flying wings, trying to knock the Green Goblin off the flying wings, but the Green Goblins were already prepared, holding a A pumpkin bomb.

The spinning pumpkin bomb exuding bright radiance was getting closer and closer, and Spider-Man's heart sank. At this moment, he had nowhere to rely on force in the air, from the sticking point of the launched spider web to the pulling force. It takes time for him to escape from the explosion range, but the Green Goblin's pumpkin bomb didn't give him so much time at all.

At this critical moment, Spider-Man saw a large number of bright sparks suddenly appearing in the air in front of him, quickly gathering together to form a ring-shaped light gate, and then the disheveled Greer jumped out of the light gate .

He received a distress call from Parker in the middle of the night, and before he finished speaking, he lost the signal. It was obviously a very critical situation, so Greer got up in a hurry, and opened the space door before he even had time to put on his clothes.

The location that first appeared was the tallest building in Queens. This is the coordinate point that Greer had found before. To open a space door leading to a certain place, you must have precise space coordinates. The real difference is thousands of miles away.

Therefore, after Greer learned how to open the space door, he spent a week searching for dozens of points in Twilight, more than half of which were the highest points in each area, and others were the coordinates of secret rooms, and some were sewers, a certain point of the subway. There are dozens of holes for real cunning rabbits.

Standing on the top of the tall building and looking around, the lights of thousands of houses came into view, and the tall buildings became natural barriers, blocking Greer's sight. When he looked around and found nothing, he immediately changed his position and went to the building next to him.

After changing five places in a row, I saw the building spewing flames from the gap between the buildings, as well as the wrestling Spider-Man and the man in the dark green armor. The two people were turning crazily under the light of the fire, vividly The interpretation of what is "not to be handed over" made Greer rush over.

The time-delayed pumpkin bomb timer had just reset to zero, and the space door happened to open. The luminous pumpkin bomb exploded in the air, and flames, energy shock waves, and steel fragments spread. Greer's half body hadn't come out of the space door yet. Already raised his left arm.

The power of the Demon Emperor in the body surged, forming a three-dimensional magic circle on Greer's left arm. In the next breath, the three-layer magic circle slid forward along Greer's arm. , the three layers of magic circles are nested together to become one.

When the shock wave of the explosion spread in front of Greer, the three-in-one magic circle instantly expanded into a magic circle with a diameter of two meters, covering Greer and Spider-Man behind him, and then he was given a blow by the flames of the explosion. devour.

The flames produced by the explosion radiated its own light without hesitation, and everything else was eclipsed in front of it. The reflected green goblin figure was more clear in this night. The green goblin laughed loudly and cheered for his victory. cheers.

After laughing three times, the Green Goblin found that the flames were collapsing at an extremely fast speed. Yes, they were indeed collapsing, as if there was a giant mouth inside, frantically devouring the thousand-degree flames.

Before the Green Goblin could react, the flame ball disappeared, revealing the fiery red dragon inside, and the last ray of flame also disappeared in the mouth of the fire dragon.The Green Goblin stared blankly at the Fire Dragon in front of him, the Kamen Rider in fiery red armor standing on top of the giant metal dragon, and Spider-Man riding on the Fire Dragon's waist.

Looking at other people's mounts, and then looking at his own flying wings, the Green Goblin suddenly felt a sense of frustration. He was showing off in his three-legged car, but when he turned around, he found a Maserati parked beside him. Comparison does no harm.

The Green Goblin armor on him, made with Osborne's high-tech, is simply a beggar's suit when compared with the Dragonrider Blazing Armor. It is far inferior in both appearance and connotation.For the first time, the Green Goblin felt that he was far inferior to the opponent. In the past, even Stark Industries, he felt that he would catch up sooner or later.

The Green Goblin was dumbfounded, but the citizens watching the bustle in the nearby building went 'crazy', one by one stretched their necks to look out, before watching the fire, then watching Spider-Man, and now watching Kamen Rider, this is definitely an unforgettable night, Ghosts and monsters from all walks of life appeared on stage one after another, and it was hard to get enough of the excitement.

"Are you very powerful?" Greer raised his head at the green goblin opposite, and the fire dragon under his feet rushed forward immediately, shaking his head and tail. The flames from the burning building not far away shone on the fire dragon, and even more so The armor on the body of the fire dragon is bright and beautiful.

Spider-Man clearly saw many people sticking out of the upper windows of the burning building, shouting for help, obviously trapped and unable to leave, and the firefighters hadn't arrived yet, even if they arrived, it was impossible to rescue the people on such a high floor in a short time people.So Spiderman gave up resting on the fire dragon, endured the pain of the wound, jumped up, and said: "I will save people!"

A spider web cut through the night sky and stuck to the outer wall of the building. Spider-Man held the spider web tightly with both hands, and swung towards the building like a swing. When he flew to the highest point, he let go of the web and launched a second Dao the spider silk, pull it hard, and use it to jump to the position of a caller.

And the fire dragon has rushed to the front of the green goblin at this moment. The green goblin who has been very rigid finally gave up, and manipulated the flying wings to avoid it in a hurry. It fell apart, how dare you face it head-on.

It's just that compared with the fire dragon, the flying wing is much worse in terms of flying speed and flexibility.The flying wing avoided the frontal impact of the fire dragon, and the fire dragon raised its front paws and rushed over, forcing the green goblin to fall backwards, changing the vertical injector to an inclined angle, so that the flying wings tilted upwards, But it just started to fly upwards, and the tail of the fire dragon came in front of it.

"No!" Under the terrified eyes of the Green Goblin, the end of the fire dragon's tail hit the left side of the flying wing, and the two sides passed by each other in an instant. The contact time was less than one-tenth of a second, but left The next gap is twenty centimeters long and two centimeters wide.

'Bah!Bark! '

An electric spark representing a short circuit burst out from the gap, instantly igniting the leaked solid fuel, and igniting the flying wings, not to mention flying, even gliding.The Green Goblin was like a kite with a broken string, wobbling, twisting, turning and falling towards the ground.

Seeing Greer shaking his head, it is too vulnerable, the materials used are too bad, sure enough, not everyone is a Stark, the composite material of the steel suit will never be so fragile, after adding Apollo Metal, the strength It doubled even more, unlike this guy's aircraft, it was cut with a big gap just like that.

When Greer was feeling emotional in his mind, he jumped off the fire dragon, and the fire dragon obeyed his order and flew towards Spider-Man to help Spider-Man transfer the trapped citizens.

The green goblin who was thrown by the flying wing almost vomited, and had to loosen the link between the green goblin armor and the flying wing, so that the two sides separated, and the flying wing plunged into the outer wall of the building, only showing A quarter is out.The Green Goblin rolled and smashed on the square, smashing three or four pieces of the marble floor, lying in the hollow, without recovering for a while.

At this moment, 'Boom! There was a muffled sound, and at the same time the ground trembled a few times, Greer also landed on the square at a distance of more than 20 meters, with a very imposing posture of landing on one knee, and slowly raised his head, Green Goblin looking ahead.

Many citizens who ran out of the building were about to cross the square and go to a safer place, but two heavy objects fell from the sky one after another, making them stop quickly and run to the side, trying to bypass the square .

Although the vast majority of people are running, there are still people who are not afraid of death and hide in a place they think is safe. They use their mobile phones to take pictures of two 'people' who are also wearing armor but differently painted in the square, and want to record this. big news.

The Green Goblin was scratching the ground with both hands, and struggled to get up from the ground, only to find that the man in the fiery red armor was walking towards him step by step from 20 meters away. The Green Goblin is a menace.

Greer held a card in his left hand, but did not insert it into the driver at his waist. Instead, he walked forward slowly, looking at the guy who injured Spider-Man with his eyes. The dark green armor made Greer first Think of the Green Goblin.

The Green Goblin is the most famous among the villains who dyed themselves into the color of the green grassland. With the addition of armor and the previous flying wings, the Green Goblin was really beaten, but isn't Osborn dead?They have issued obituaries and held a funeral, why is there a green goblin now?

It can't be a suspended animation, but what's the point of his suspended animation?Could it be that he came out to do things in order to become a green goblin?What's the matter?
Greer really can't figure it out. The villain's thinking is always very strange. If he wants to understand, he probably won't be far away from the villain. Tun Tun walked forward, just to test the power of the Green Goblin's armor, otherwise when he jumped down, he would simply use the knight to kick, without giving the Green Goblin a chance to get up or even land.

(End of this chapter)

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