The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 341 Parker's Special Gift

Chapter 341 Parker's Special Gift

After hanging up the phone, Daisy sighed, fell back, and half-lyed on Greer's body, with a little sadness, said: "Parker is going to see Gwen's parents, when will our family Can we have dinner together?"

Greer put his arms around Daisy, three or four days have passed, Jiaying has not appeared again, and Calvin, who said on the phone that he will come immediately, has no further words. He always calls and says he will come soon , but did not mention when.

Thinking about it, he is an important person in SHIELD's Infinity Potion. If he leaves, the development work will basically stop. How could he let him go? I guess Calvin is in such a hurry to finish it that he even listened to it. There is no time to call, and I always hang up in a hurry after saying two or three sentences in a hurry.

"Don't worry," Greer softly comforted: "Since your mother can come out to see you, it means that Attilan is not heavily guarded. Well, it should be said that no matter how strict the defense is, it will not work against Gordon. As long as you find an opportunity, you will see him." Will definitely come to see you."

Another thing, Greer didn't finish saying "For the sake of your and my combat power, I will definitely find a chance to reappear", this is just his guess, there is no evidence to prove it, even the future in memory does not have this paragraph The plot is really all guesswork.

"Yeah!" Daisy snorted and didn't say anything else, she just hugged Greer tightly. Since the two had a close relationship, she became more attached to Greer.Greer also enjoys tenderness. During this time, the two of them have forgotten about the supervision of AIM.

Time passed quickly, and night fell in the blink of an eye, and Parker also set off for Gwen's house with a face full of nervousness. He followed Daisy's advice honestly and called Gwen to ask what gift to go.

Even though Gwen said no, and just treated him to a meal, but after much deliberation, Pax finally bought a bouquet of flowers to bring to Gwen's mother, and he really couldn't think of anything to give.

In order to avoid being late, Parker deliberately went out an hour earlier to take the subway. After all, it is notoriously difficult to make appointments with public transportation on time, so he arrived at the community where Gwen's house is located early.Then Parker realized one thing, he couldn't get in the door.

Gwen's home is located in a high-end community, and the people living in it are all high-income people. They don't need money but a sense of security. There are strict access control and security. It is a fantasy to come and go casually. Outsiders must have residents living in the community. You can only go in with it, but Gwen's cell phone was turned off at this time, which made Parker extremely helpless.

Parker was ordered to back away by the guard with a depressed face, and looked at the guard with a vigilant face in displeasure. He, who was not a problem with tall buildings, would be blocked by a wall less than two meters high at this moment.

Thinking of this, Parker suddenly had an idea in his mind. He stuffed the flowers into his backpack, walked quickly to the left, turned into a small alley, looked left and right, and saw no one around. His legs were slightly bent, and he jumped up. With one leap, it rises five or six meters high.

When jumping to the highest point, Parker pushed his hands forward, his palms firmly 'sticking' to the wall, and climbed up faster than ordinary people. The monkey looked down and said admiration.

At this time, it was already dark, and Parker didn't need to worry about being seen by people in the distance. He crawled on the outer wall of the building to his heart's content, jumped up from time to time, and jumped to another building.

In just two or three minutes, he moved from outside the community to the twentieth floor of the building where Gwen's house was located.Lie on the outer wall like a gecko, cautiously looking at the brightly lit window.

I saw Gwen wearing loose casual clothes, sitting at the computer desk, holding a book, the picture was so quiet and beautiful, it made Parker's heart flutter, but he knew that this was not the time to appreciate it, but he was still hanging on the wall on it.

Turned over and fell, stepped on the fire escape of the outer wall, then reached out and tapped on the window, 'Boom!Boom! ' The sound startled Gwen, who was immersed in the sea of ​​books. She thought it was the wind blowing, but saw an unexpected person smirking at her through the window.

"What?" Gwen's jaw almost dropped in shock. This is the twentieth floor. She immediately threw away the book, ran to the window, opened the window, and grabbed Parker's hand regardless of the cool breeze coming in. , for fear that he would accidentally fall down.

After the window was opened, Parker jumped in very sensitively, and closed the window again with his hands back, blocking the cold wind outside, making the room warm again, but Gwen's face was covered with frost, looked at Parker, and asked in surprise : "How did you get here?"

"Climb the fire escape!"

"Are you crazy? This is the twentieth floor." Gwen was really angry, it was a joke with her own life, but if there was an event, it would definitely be the cold one.

Seeing that Gwen was angry, Parker quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm just a doorman, it's too scary, I will take the elevator next time." Gwen is so angry, he is happy, which shows that Gwen cares about him.

It was only then that Gwen remembered the situation in this community. Just as she was about to say, 'Why don't you call', she realized something and turned her head to look at the computer desk. The phone was lying there charging. This time it was her turn to apologize: " Sorry, the battery is dead, I thought you would be late"

"That's right, this is the characteristic of the twisting subway."

Parker's joking words made Gwen laugh, and Parker also laughed, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became harmonious. Parker pulled over the schoolbag he was carrying, unzipped it, and said as he took it out, "I'm here!" I happened to pass by a flower shop at that time and brought this... one for your mother."

When Parker said this, he took out the flowers, and he was stunned after a glance. The flowers were still fresh, but only half of the petals were still connected to the flower buds, and several flowers were broken, silently telling how much they had suffered. Tragic devastation.

Parker was really dumbfounded now, and finally realized how much he ran and jumped on the outer wall of the building, and how unbearable the flowers were. Gwen was also intimidated by Parker's flowers. This gift is It is special enough, it is estimated that it can be listed on the list of heartless gifts.

Just when the two looked at the remaining flowers and looked at each other, the door of Gwen's room was suddenly opened, accompanied by the angry voice of Superintendent George: "Hey, dear, you should pick it up."

In the middle of speaking, he saw the situation in the room. A boy who absolutely should not appear in his daughter's room was holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and he seemed to be presenting it to his daughter, and the bouquet seemed to have experienced a violent storm Same, definitely the worst flower my daughter has ever received.

(End of this chapter)

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