The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 339 Norman Osborn dies

Chapter 339 Norman Osborn dies

"What bad things can you do?" Dr. Banner thought about it hard. During this time, Greer rarely stayed at the base or the castle, and always drove Daisy around. Could it be that the speed was too fast and the car was hit? broken?
Banner shook his head, throwing random guesses out of his mind, everyone has their own secrets, and he is not a reporter who lives on gossip, so he is not interested in getting to the bottom of it.Just a random question, he is more concerned about the progress of his experiment.

Although he joined the Avengers, Banner positioned himself not as the main C, but as an assistant.Yes, it's support, doing experiments, manufacturing or repairing equipment, anyway, I don't want to go out to fight.

In the past few months, he has lived a very leisurely life. He doesn't need to hide or hide. He stays in the Stark base openly to study and do experiments, which is better than being a worker in a soda factory, a doctor in a tropical rainforest, and a slum. , I don’t know how many times better.

Banner just mentioned one sentence and didn't ask any more questions. Greer, who was a little shy and uneasy, heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. He closed the magazine in his hand, quickly changed the subject, and said, "I saw Parker's car in the garage. , did he come yesterday?"

"Yeah!" Banner leaned on the bar and said, "I returned the car, and after a few words, I received a call, saying that a friend's father had passed away, so he hurried back. "

"Oh!" Greer nodded knowingly, but his friend's father passed away, what did Parker do in the past?comfort?
After talking about this topic, Greer was afraid that Banner would ask again, so he quickly reached out and clicked on the desktop in front of him a few times, and turned on the big TV in the living room. what come.

The TV screen was on, and the news was being broadcast. The host's voice instantly woke Greer from the sweet memories, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and he couldn't believe the news he saw and heard.

Even Dr. Banner was frightened. He took out his glasses from his coat pocket and put them on. He looked at the news screen in surprise. What was playing at the moment was an obituary: "...Founder and helm Norman Osborn Where will the precarious Osborne Group go? So far, the Osborne Group has not announced who will take over as the new CEO of the Osborne Group. This station will continue to pay attention.”

Greer was no longer in the mood to listen to the following news, his mind was full of 'Did Osborne die yesterday? 'The idea, this, this. The plot gentleman is really cool, the green goblin hasn't appeared yet, why did he hang up.

Wait a minute, this seems to be the plot of "The Amazing Spider-Man 2". The girlfriend is Gwen Stacy, it should be "The Amazing Spider-Man 2".

But it doesn't make sense, Dr. Lizard hasn't shown up yet, and Gwen Stacy's father is still alive and well, continuing to be the head of the promising police department.This is completely messed up, Greer feels that the plot line he is familiar with is messed up like a ball of yarn, entangled together, and it is impossible to find the end.

However, this should be regarded as a good thing. What should have happened did not happen, which means that the future is not necessarily what Greer is familiar with in TV series or movies. In this case, maybe Daisy’s mother will not be as crazy as in the TV series. .

Greer couldn't help but think for the best, he really didn't want to confront Jiaying, after all, he just ate up her daughter last night, so she couldn't just ruthlessly criticize her mother in a blink of an eye.Thinking about it, I feel quite sad, the road of 'prophet' is almost blocked, and the future is completely chaotic, I can't figure it out.

Fortunately, when I told Stark the new element design, I first went to the office to find out, and the picture was still in the office.Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to say, 'You have a design drawing of new elements in your office' in a swearing and unpredictable manner, but people went to see if they didn't.

Greer secretly warned himself in his heart that in the future, he must plan and decide. The plot of the movie can be left aside. I believe this will really be cheated to death. Fortunately, I forgot to tell Parker, "Be careful, Dr. Han, you will kill your father-in-law." , otherwise it will be embarrassing.

The news that Norman Osborn passed away in the hospital at [-]:[-] p.m. yesterday has spread all over the continent of America, and various TV stations and newspapers are scrambling to report, except that the death of Norman Osborn has a great impact on the soon-to-be-closed Osborn In addition to the impact of the group, it is to discuss who is the next CEO of the Osborne Group?

Many people speculate that it is the only son of Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn, and after guessing, he will talk about Anthony Stark.Back then, Howard Stark died suddenly in a car accident, leaving the huge Stark Industry to Tony Stark.

The same father died suddenly, and he also had to take over assets that others would not be able to earn in a hundred lifetimes. He was also questioned that he could not control such a large industrial group. The difference is that Stark has spent more than ten years proving his strength. , quickly stepped out of the halo of his parents and created a new myth.

With Stark's jewels in front, some people still expect Harry Osborn to create his own mythology, but such people are too rare. Stark was already 21 years old when he took over the Stark Group, And with the assistance of Obaday, who worked with Howard, the Stark Group is also thriving.

But Harry Osborne has just come of age, a half-grown child may not even manage his pocket money well, how can he manage a group with tens of thousands of people and a market value of hundreds of billions, let alone this group is still in a precarious state .

Therefore, on this issue, a group of brick-makers who are full and have no food to cook are divided into two factions, and they are crazy. quagmire; some people retort that Norman Osborn holds more than half of the shares, and Harry Osborn is the largest shareholder of course, and it is impossible to hand over his company.

Some people say that we must obey the overall situation, and if we are unable to do so, we must let the talents. After all, it is related to the jobs of tens of thousands or even more people. Harry Osborne should wait a few years before taking over; Hand over your money and your company to someone else?
A group of people are arguing about this issue that they don't have a dime, and they are almost throwing bricks. By the way, they can earn a wave of notification fees and satisfy the gossip of the poor American people about the rich.But the person involved, Harry Osborn, didn't have the slightest thought to think about issues such as the company and assets. At this moment, he was sitting in the ward, staring blankly at the white sheet in front of him, his eyes bloodshot.

Obviously, when he saw his father at noon yesterday, he still talked to him in a soft voice, corrected his notion of making friends, and taught him the skills of managing the company, but only two hours after returning home, he received the sad news of his father's death.

How could Harry accept the fact that his last relative had left him? He had been sitting there since yesterday, guarding his father's body like this, but he didn't dare to reach out to uncover the two-three-thousand-thick hole that was less than half a meter away. mm white sheets, do not want to face this cruel reality.

The outside was full of hustle and bustle. Countless reporters tried their best to interview Harry Osborn and get the first-hand news. However, at this moment, the hospital was surrounded by many black-clothed bodyguards. Yes, no reporter is allowed in.

The door of the ward, which had been closed for nearly twenty hours, was gently opened, and an old man in a neat tuxedo came in, bowed to Harry Osborn, and said softly, "My condolences, young master."

As if Harry Osborn didn't hear the butler's voice, he still maintained his sitting posture. The butler sighed imperceptibly, took out a small square box from his pocket, held it in his hands and handed it to him. Harry Osborne, wrote: "The master gave it to me before he died, and I asked me to pass it on to you. It contains all the confidential information and data files of the Osborne Group, and only you can open and use them. "

Harry Osborn didn't answer, and continued to stare at his father's body, while the butler dutifully conveyed Norman Osborn's words, saying: "My lord, let me tell you, I'm sorry that at the end of the Osborne Group The hard times are yours. If you're out of control, sell your shares and start over with this one.

The master also said that he has paid too much for the Osborne Group, and is always busy, ignoring you and your mother, so if you don’t want to, you can also take this money and live a rich life, everything is still You, as long as you are happy. "

"Happy." Harry Osborn's complexion finally changed, he laughed like he was crying, and said hoarsely: "Happy, hahaha, does he think I will be happy? He still wants to control me until he dies." Life? Let me tell you, it’s impossible, I will never do what you think.”

Harry Osborn yelled at the end, reached out and took the small box with the highest encryption level named 'Toolbox' from the butler, and stared at the white sheet covered in front of him with a somewhat ferocious expression. Norman Osborn, shouted: "The Osborne Group is mine now, I can do whatever I want, just wait, I will develop it better than you."

The butler stood quietly aside, as if he couldn't hear or see. Harry Osborne vented or swore like a roar. Sure enough, as the master said before leaving, Harry would not sell the shares, even if No matter how difficult it is, he will support the Osborne Group and prevent it from falling like Hammer Industries.

Harry Osborn's roar echoed in the ward, until the roar became hoarse and out of shape, Harry Osborn seemed to lose his strength, collapsed on the ground, lying on the side of the hospital bed, 'Woo! !' cried, and the heart-piercing cry made the housekeeper cry too.

No matter how unwilling to accept it, the reality is already like this. Amidst Harry Osborn's grief, Norman Osborn's funeral was proceeding in an orderly manner. On the day of the burial, many people with heads and faces came. , to send this influential figure who founded the Osborne Group one last ride.

Harry Osborn looked so haggard, with long bangs that almost hid his dark eyes, how many of those present were truly sad?I'm afraid most of them are gloating. It was they and the people behind them who kept pushing their hands that caused the Osborne Group to collapse so quickly, causing his father to die with grief.

But he hid his angry eyes very well. The Osborne Group is different today. A dying giant is mostly wolves who want to pounce on it, especially after he announced that he will take over as the CEO of the Osborne Group. A lot of ridicule came, some people wanted to see his jokes, and even a talk show host said that the Osborne Group was completely hopeless and would be buried in the hands of a child.

Well, the last time he also said that Stark Group's disbandment of the weapons department would be a dead end, and he smashed a cup with a baseball to show that Stark Group is like this cup.

All the ridicule and disbelief were seen and heard by Harry Osborn, and became the driving force in his heart. He just wanted to make a breakthrough, let those who looked down on him see, He, Norman Osborn's son, Harry Osborn, is capable of running the Osborne Group.

In the low and sad music, Norman Osborn's coffin was buried, and shovelfuls of soil were raised and sprinkled on the coffin, slowly covering it, and Harry Osborn's joy I was buried together in my youth, and never saw the light of day again.

The people who saw off gradually dispersed, and luxury cars drove away from the cemetery. In the end, only a few people remained. Gwen Stacy did not leave with her father, but stayed with Parker.

Parker didn't go up until there was no one around Harry, and wanted to comfort Harry, but he swallowed it back when he got to him, bent down and put the flowers in his hand in front of the newly erected tombstone, standing quietly. Beside Harry.

However, Harry turned around first, showed a forced smile to Parker, and said, "I have heard enough words these days, and after they comfort me, they will persuade me to sell the group's shares. Or give up the CEO job."

Parker didn't speak. He knew that what Harry needed at this time was just a qualified listener to tell his depressed words, so he stood there quietly, being the best listener.

With a sneer on Harry's face, he said: "My father founded the Osborne Group, and it has grown to where it is today. I will never sell it. Even if it is really irreparable, it must be Osborne Group. From our family."

"I'm going to quit school. The Osborne Group is a mess now. Someone needs to clean it up. Seriously, I don't have confidence, I don't have any confidence at all," Harry Osborne showed timidity and lack of confidence on his face , and the tough guy in front of the camera are totally different, saying: "I don't know what I can do, but I will still try my best to do it. If the building is really about to fall, I will be the first to crush it to death." I'm ready."

Parker really sympathizes with his friend's experience. There is no one in the world who trusts him. How can a child of him save the Osborne Group? He hesitated and said, "That... I know Mr. Stark, how about me?"

(End of this chapter)

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