The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 330 Starting AIM

Chapter 330 Starting AIM
"What?" Greer almost felt that he had heard it wrong. It's no wonder that Stark was tempted by this condition, and even sent the steel suit to the wolves. It was too loose, and Greer felt that this Is the steel suit a quid pro quo?

You must know that the Avengers are not other civil groups, but a collection of superheroes. Admitting that the future actions of the Avengers will save a lot of trouble.Just like Spider-Man fights criminals, when he encounters a conscientious policeman, he should be invisible; when he encounters a policeman with ulterior motives or bad conscience, he can draw his gun at Spider-Man and ask him to kneel down with his head in his arms and bring him back for investigation.

This is the power given to them by the federal law. They can take the suspect back to assist in the investigation. Once the other party resists, it will be obstructing official duties.It will be different in the future. Even if Spider-Man stays at the scene and the police want to take him back, they must first send a letter to the Avengers and cannot take him away directly.

For another example, Ross attacked Greer in Chinatown, using the excuse of "strike unknown dangerous people". rational.

This is the rule of the game. Without the authorization document issued by the White House, the Avengers can only be a non-governmental organization. Even if this document can become waste paper at any time, without it, there is no way to enter.Kind of like a diploma, pretty much useless, but without that, you're not even eligible for a door interview.

Greer didn't really care about this. With castle dragons, space gates, and mirror worlds, he wouldn't be afraid even if nuclear bombs wiped out the ground, but in the end it would be less troublesome.He's too busy dealing with AIM, a venomous snake disguised as a leaf, to go to court.

Stark was very satisfied with Greer's surprise, and said: "This is the first time I have seen such a loose power of attorney, so loose that I think they want to hire me as the Minister of Defense."

"It seems pretty good that you are the Minister of Defense." Just thinking about it, Greer felt that it must be wonderful.

"I don't have time," Stark clicked on the holographic projection in front of him again and again, as if teaching Greer, and said: "The other party has made a concession, so I have to make a concession. This is politics, full of Fight and compromise. Toughness is necessary, only in this way can people face it, but sometimes taking a step back will gain more benefits."

"Uh..." Greer scratched his head in distress. He chose science because he was afraid of reciting long sections of politics and other subjects. It is really difficult to understand these.The ghost knows when to take a step back. He only knows that if he dares to provoke him, he will decide how hard to go back according to the situation and mood at the time.

Hanging up the phone, Greer sighed softly. It seems that Rhodes did give back a big gift package in the past. The best proof is to replace Mark9 with Mark2, so that even if they "look", they can only see that they are a few behind. Modern things, even if they are manufactured, are inherently more than N times behind.

What Greer is really worried about is AIM. Killian, who was teased by Stark more than ten years ago, is a good template for the protagonist, and he interprets what is meant by '30 Years of Hedong and 30 Years of Hexi'.

If it weren't for Stark's protagonist level being higher than him, and the name of the movie is "Iron Man 3" instead of "Killian's Revenge" or "Extremis Corps", I am afraid that when Thanos comes, Stark's grave will The grass is ten feet high.

Rhodes wore a Mark2-modified war machine and became the bodyguard of the president with a corn whisker hairstyle. The plot turned a corner and returned to the original track. Will AIM also do it in advance?Has Killian formed the Extremis Corps yet?Are you going to launch a terrorist attack in the name of Mandarin who doesn't know whether it exists or not?
As for whether the president will be kidnapped by the brainless, and then the president will be set on fire, I don't know.Greer still can't figure out what is the significance of Killian burning the president. Apart from setting off Stark as a great hero to rescue the president, it is probably arranged by the screenwriter.

In any case, a large part of the reason why Killian created the Extremis Corps was to avenge Stark, and maybe he also had the great ideal of ruling the world. mix.

The anti-social Killian and his Extremis Corps must be eliminated. Judging from the fact that Killian did not hesitate to attack N military bases and civilian theaters in revenge, this guy is simply a lunatic, the kind who will use any means to achieve his goals.

Whether there is a bottom line in doing things is the biggest difference between a hero and a villain. Just like Dr. Octopus, his artificial sun can bring unlimited energy, but after the first failure, in order to prepare funds for the second experiment, he did not hesitate to rob the bank. And nearly crashed a train.

The opposite of Dr. Octopus is the Punisher. The people he kills can fill a train, but they are all criminal gangsters. Even if Dr. Octopus robs the money of the bad guys, he cannot be called a villain.

By the way, it seems that it has been a long time since I went to trouble the gangsters. The points for killing are too few and the trouble is too much, which makes Greer, who has always been lazy, lose interest in fighting gangsters. Good, become the gangster's new nightmare.

"Well, after killing Killian, continue to trouble those gangsters, which can be regarded as inheriting the last wish of the big daddy." Greer had a lot of thoughts in his mind, and he had already stepped into the space gate and came to the castle.

In the huge house of three to four hundred square meters, there are a large number of servers borrowed from Stark. Cables criss-cross each other, connecting each server together to form a computer room worth [-] million US dollars.

And this computer room is controlled by the computer in front of Daisy. At this time, she put both hands on the keyboard, and tapped with her ten fingers quickly. Rows of data quickly flashed across the screen, making people dazzled.

Greer walked behind Daisy who was concentrating on typing on the keyboard, bent down, hugged her from behind naturally, and whispered in her ear: "How long will it take to complete the intrusion procedure?"

Daisy gave up after struggling for a while, and continued typing on the keyboard, staring at the screen, without turning her head, and said, "Testing is underway. If everything goes well, it will be ready to use in three hours."

"Yeah!" Greer nodded lightly. The last time Gordon's raid caused Greer and Daisy's hard-working servers and computers to become scum, they had to start all over again, for safety reasons, to prevent further attacks. In Gordon's surprise attack, Greer directly placed the computer room in the castle.

He planned to use the ultra-small space door to connect the castle and AIM's headquarters, and then pulled a wire through the space door to connect the castle's computer room and AIM's computer room, and secretly monitored the data flow to find the information he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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