The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 31 Meeting Stark

Chapter 31 Meeting Stark

The Gulfstream G650 luxury jet soars in the sky, and the interior of the cabin is extremely luxurious. It can only be said that it is Stark's private jet, and it is not the only one.It was the first time for Greer to fly into the blue sky, but he was not in the mood to appreciate the high-altitude night view. Sitting on the leather seat, he stared blankly out of the circular window. The sky and the ground were pitch black. There are stars all over the sky, and there are thousands of lights below.

Even though it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, he didn't feel sleepy at all, and his mind was full of miscellaneous thoughts.He is not the protagonist, but an ordinary person who came to the Marvel world inexplicably and survived here. He has no ability to remember the memory, no sudden increase in IQ, but he has changed from a salted fish to a salted fish with an emperor's drive. .

Looking at the night scene outside the window, Greer suddenly remembered a sentence that he didn't know where he heard: "The warrior is always lonely. He must fight continuously to maintain the victory, so he becomes very lonely."

The big daddy's sacrifice made Greer deeply realize that it is best for a hero to fight alone. As an ordinary person, your relatives and friends will become the enemy's biggest weakness against you.Just like this time, the arrested Big Daddy became the bait. If Greer hadn't arrived in time, Super Killer would have stepped into the trap and caught them all.

Batman has a saying that 'the mask is not to protect you, but to protect the one you love', but if you are alone and unencumbered, it doesn't matter even if you don't have a mask.Those gangster forces and super villains with great power and money can only deal with you and can't involve other people.

Even if it is as strong as Hulk, even if Banner's girlfriend Betty is the daughter of General Ross, wouldn't she be broken up in the end?Because continuing to maintain the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend will only make Betty the target of those who want to. Even General Ross can't stop some people from using Betty to contain or even control the idea of ​​Hulk.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, this private plane landed at the airport in Los Angeles. As soon as it got off the plane, a car took it to the presidential suite of a five-star hotel. Not bad for money'.

After breakfast the next day, a luxury car came to pick up Greer to meet Tony Stark. As for Mindy and Marcus, they stayed in the hotel because the driver who came to pick them up said 'Stark Mr. Ke only said that he wanted to see you', his tone was very calm but he could feel that he was rather questioning and superior, which seemed like a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister.

Think about it, Stark’s wealth is tens of billions of dollars, otherwise, how can he manufacture steel suits piece by piece, and will include anti-Hulk armor, high-strength isolation chambers, communication modules, Veronica launched into space with functions such as a spare parts storage bin.

It cost more than 3 million U.S. dollars to launch those high-tech satellites in the previous life. Veronica beats it by several blocks in terms of size, weight, and function. The cost of intelligence and design, just counting the cost of materials, manufacturing, launch, etc., would cost one billion US dollars.

The protagonists in some novels I’ve read before time travel can always meet Tony Stark with an ordinary attitude, as if they are casually visiting the village, but Greer can’t suppress the excitement and anxiety in his heart no matter how he adjusts his mood , as if I was notified in my previous life that Arima was going to meet me.

The car stopped at the square in front of the seaside villa that I had seen many times in the movie, and then got out of the car. Stark's bodyguard and driver, Happy Hogan, left with a few bodyguards in black and sunglasses. Coming over, one of the bodyguards was holding an instrument aimed at Greer.

The tablet in Happy Hogan's hand immediately showed an X-ray perspective view, revealing all the metal on his body, but there was no metal reaction at all on Greer's waistband.Happy Hogan raised his head and said with a blank expression: "Please leave your mobile phone, keys and other metal objects to us for safekeeping, and we will return them to you when you leave."

Another bodyguard stepped forward immediately, holding a box the size of a shoebox in his hand. After Greer put the phone, keys, and darts into the box, he closed the lid and raised his hand sideways to signal Greer to enter.

Along the luxuriously decorated corridors, after turning several turns, he finally entered the hall of this villa. Along the way, Greer deeply felt that people should be damned more than others, and houses should be smashed than houses.

Bars, gyms, swimming pools, etc. are all available, not to mention garages, wine cellars, warehouses for storing steel suits, etc. in places that cannot be seen. Any room is larger than the house where Greer lived together in his past and present lives. .Poverty limited Greer's imagination, and he couldn't imagine what it would be like not to know a person living in such a large place.

Followed Happy in the villa for 1 minute before arriving outside the hall. Greer heard the melodious sound of the piano when he opened the door. Hearing the reputation, he saw a row of huge floor-to-ceiling windows directly opposite him. You can see the endless sea, a real sea view room.

A piano was placed next to the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the bright sunlight came in, shining on Stark, who was sitting on the piano chair and wearing pajamas, and the beautiful sound of the piano echoed in the spacious and bright living room.

This situation is like a pianist immersed in the world of music, which is quite different from the image of Iron Man, a tough guy whose name just sounds like him.Think about a kid from a wealthy family like Stark, who is smarter and harder than you, and whose starting point is N times higher than you, it is simply beyond the reach of people.

Happy stood at the door, waiting quietly, and Greer could only stand there. About three or four minutes later, Stark stood up from the piano, with his hands behind his back facing Greer. Walking over, he said, "You are younger than I thought, have you got your driver's license?"

"Of course," Greer tried to calm down his heart, and said calmly: "Let's talk about the business, help me let the two of them live in Los Angeles safely, I can give you a disc beast, you will definitely appreciate it interested."

"Disc beast?" Stark sat on the sofa, poured himself a glass of wine, and asked, shaking the glass: Your pet?A cat, a puppy, or a talking parrot. "

Greer didn't say much, and unzipped the jacket, revealing the silver-white emperor riding belt tightly tied to the autumn clothes. Stark turned his head and looked at Greer with burning eyes. Pi was also a little nervous, and slowly moved towards the middle of Stark and Greer.

(End of this chapter)

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