The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 307 Battle Crystal

Chapter 307 Battle Crystal
The fist-sized fireball exudes infinite heat, and the dense heat that rises distorts what people see when looking at it. It can be seen that the temperature of the fireball is high.The fireball that appeared out of nowhere flew at an extremely fast speed. In the blink of an eye, it covered a distance of twenty meters and came to Greer's side.

It's just that Greer's speed is faster, and the mental power strengthened by the agito knight card made Greer aware of the fireball the moment it appeared, and took half a step to the left to block Daisy behind him. At the same time raised his left arm.

The power of the Demon Emperor surged, and under Greer's control, it converged on Greer's left arm, forming a water-blue double-layer magic circle, which revolved around Greer's arm.There are six blue rays of light inside each layer of the magic circle, criss-crossing and interweaving into a pattern of hexagrams inside Greer's arm, rearranging the power of the Demon Emperor.

And this appears in reality, that is, Greer's left hand propped up a water-blue light shield with a diameter of one meter. It looks as if the clear water in the lake has been intercepted by Greer in a way that defies gravity. erected.

Through this layer of calm water, you can clearly see the six-pointed star array glowing with light blue light inside. There are more than a dozen glowing extremely ancient characters in the middle of the two outermost rings, and the interior is separated by the six-pointed star. In each area opened, there are three symbols with unknown meanings.

Compared with the three-layer magic array on Greer's right arm, the double-layer magic array on the left arm is much simpler, but the single-layer magic array on the water shield is even simpler, and the difference in complexity seems to be the difference between lines and The comparison between graffiti and Qingming Shanghe Tu is average.

The moment the water shield was formed, it collided with five fireballs head-on. The collision of water and fire should have been earth-shattering, but the five fireballs disappeared without a sound. The moment the light of the water shield collided, The brightness dropped by more than half in an instant, and there was nothing else.

From the fireball rushing over to Greer propping up the water shield, everything happened in a blink of an eye. Before Daisy could react, everything was over.The surprise attack of the fireball made Daisy realize that there were still enemies, so she hurriedly raised her left arm to activate the ark reactor inside the gauntlet, sending out endless energy to enhance the power of the shock wave.

If Daisy had activated the Ark reactor at full power just now, Gorgon would not have been knocked into the air, but had been shattered to death on the spot.

Just when Greer held up the water shield to resist the fireball, five wind blades hit the ground, passing through the gap between the cars parked on the road, precisely cutting on the light cord between Greer and Gorgon, and All five wind blades hit the same position.

In just half a second, the light cord that was hit four times broke, causing the fifth wind blade to fly into the air and hit the rear wheel of a car, easily stabbing the tire and the hub. Crossing the road, he cut a hole half a meter deep on the road without any hesitation.

After the light cord broke, the light cord wrapped around Gorgon's body suddenly writhed violently like out of control. At this moment, a girl in cool clothes and a big dog almost as tall as a car appeared beside Gorgon. Next to it, the gap between vehicles that was squeezed out by Daisy's shock wave was suddenly filled.

Crystal quickly put his hand on the light cord on Gorgon's body, and the light cord on the edge of out of control was stabilized immediately, and quickly dissipated. Obviously, he had used his own ability to control the power of the Demon Emperor to make it dissipate. rather than an explosion.

The breaking of the light cable made Greer immediately understand that the fireball was going east and west, and the other party's purpose was to rescue Gorgon who was caught by him. Thinking of this, Greer quickly said: "Daisy, attack!"

Hearing Greer's words, Daisy activated the ability without hesitation, the energy in the gauntlet gushed out continuously, and merged with Daisy's shock wave, turning into a shock wave with full attack power, destructive towards the enemy. rushed forward.

The two cars on the left and right were originally just broken glass, but now they were overturned directly. The road along the way was covered with a layer of asphalt and stones, flying in all directions, hitting the car body, and even piercing the iron sheet.

The destructive offensive was majestic, rushing towards Gorgon and Crystal like an overwhelming mountain, causing Crystal to raise his hand up quickly, and the flat road suddenly bulged upwards, forming a wall of earth in an instant, blocking Gorgon and the front of the crystal.

The towering earthen walls flipped the cars on both sides backwards and hit the cars behind them.In this situation, the crowd that was surrounding them screamed loudly and scattered in a panic, for fear of being involved.

But before they could turn around, the shock wave had already hit the dirt wall, smashing the dirt wall to pieces in an instant, and the dust mixed with stones exploded backwards, forming a dust column, heading straight for Gorgon.

Crystal took a step forward, pushed forward with both hands, and the hurricane and tornado whizzed up, scattered the dust column that hit, and collided with Daisy's shock wave, like a sound in the clear sky. The thunder made the earth tremble.

Seven or eight cars in the surrounding area were thrown up three or four meters above the ground, and fell down, smashing the cars below half flat, and crushing a few unfortunate people below.The aftermath of the shock wave with a large amount of dust hit, blowing a person down, or even blowing them away, knocking the sky into darkness, and falling into a mess.

At the same time as Daisy launched the shock wave, Greer bent his legs, jumped up, and easily jumped onto the roof of the car. When he jumped up, his arms were crossed in front of him, and the magic circles on his left and right wrists suddenly touched. together.

When Greer landed on the roof of the car, the magic circles around the left and right arms all turned fiery red, and they were all three-layered. The speed of rotation was completely synchronized, converting the power of the Demon King into flames.

The six magic flame bombs were all fired in less than two seconds, slanting downwards, heading straight for the crystal, Gorgon and Tetanus, at an extremely fast speed, and the distance of twenty meters was crossed in half a second .

Greer's attack came in an instant, so Crystal had to allocate part of his mind to manipulate the elements, launch an offensive, and intercept the incoming magic flame bombs.

"You're not the only one who knows how to make noise." Greer murmured in a low voice, the magic circles on both arms instantly turned into silver-white, and violent lightning appeared in Greer's palm, guided by Greer's spiritual power , turned into two bolts of lightning, instantly hitting the tetanus and the crystal.

The strong electric current paralyzed Crystal and Tetanus, their bodies twitched endlessly, and they fell towards the ground, losing control of their bodies.This scene made Gorgon's face change drastically, his eyes widened, and a terrified voice came out of his throat: "Oh, no!"

(End of this chapter)

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