The knight passing by Marvel

Chapter 198 The Destroyed Western Base

Chapter 198 The Destroyed Western Base

Since then, he has not been notified and continued with the previous mission. Why did he suddenly want to end the assessment in such a hurry, and it was not to continue the mission, but to submit a document with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo printed everywhere.

Anyone with a normal IQ will feel something is wrong at first glance, and they simply admit their identity without asking themselves, so Jimmy Wu feels that submitting information is only secondary, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has countless ways to make this This information appeared in Greer's hands, and the more important purpose was that he had to personally go into battle to complete it.

"It's level [-] combat readiness now." The words Nick Fury made Jimmy Wu's eyes widen in shock. You must know that the world war was only level [-] combat readiness, but now it's level [-] combat readiness.

"We are probably facing a war. The earth needs the power of Kamen Rider, and you have to convince him." Nick Fury said with a serious face: "Colson went to find Stark, Romanov Go find the big guy, I'm going to see the captain, and Hill is going to see the bug. Gather these people as soon as possible, the enemy will attack at any time, and I don't have much time left."

"I understand, I will." Jimmy Wu no longer smiled, and nodded with a serious face. Then Nick Fury hung up the phone, turned around and looked behind him, and was caught by Loki with the scepter The downed helicopter was burning with raging fire, which was extremely conspicuous in this wilderness.

Two off-road vehicles drove towards here at an extremely fast speed, one rushed towards the burning helicopter, jumped off several agents and began to put out the fire, while the other vehicle stopped beside Nick Fury.

Nick Fury got into the car without saying a word. The driver immediately started the car and drove on the uneven wilderness. The bumps seemed to be sieving beans, but Nick Fury didn't seem to feel it. On the seat, he kept giving orders to the walkie-talkie in his hand, mobilized agents from all walks of life, stopped the tasks in hand, and tried his best to find clues for Loki and Hawkeye, Eric and others who were taken away by Loki.

The car went all the way south, and soon stopped on a hillside with a higher altitude. From here, you can clearly see the bottomless giant pit 5 meters away, and [-] minutes ago, there were still thousands of people living there all year round. Thousands of scientists and security personnel, the Western Base, one of the four major bases of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now it is a huge sunken pit with a diameter of more than 1000 meters that is bottomless. The combined volume of the underground buildings is less than a quarter of this deep pit. To the annihilated earth and rock.

Just when the space channel is forcibly opened, the aftermath of the splashed energy has such terrifying power. If the power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is fully activated, the entire earth may not be able to hold it.

But now this Rubik's Cube, which is powerful enough to destroy the entire earth, has fallen into the hands of the alien who claims to be from Loki of Asgard. No one knows what he wants to do with the Rubik's Cube.

The Cosmic Rubik's Cube must be retrieved as soon as possible, and that Loki showed super strength in the basement. Guns are useless to him. Ordinary soldiers cannot deal with this alien. Only superhumans can deal with it. Loki, after all, the price of missiles, tanks and so on is really too high, and the effect of the strike is still unknown.

The politicians who received the urgent notice thought that this Loki did this on his own will, or Asgard?He has seen the strength of Asgard. If Asgard instructs Loki to do this, does it mean that Asgard wants to return to the earth and continue to rule the earth in the name of God?

No wonder they think like this, for them, everything will be thought of in the worst place, and then prepare for the worst, so that when things go to the worst, they will not be in a hurry and unprepared.

Even though he knew that the western base was difficult to protect, but seeing the western base become like this, a touch of anger still flashed in Nick Fury's eyes. The western base was completely finished, and there was no possibility of reconstruction at all. The loss was too great.

Even though they had evacuated ahead of time, less than half of the people escaped, and the rest were buried inside.These are all the elites of S.H.I.E.L.D. It may take ten or eight years to replenish so many people.

Nick Fury clenched the walkie-talkie in his hand, but a sneer unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth, but the sneer was fleeting, and he looked up at the sky, and the helicopter that came to pick him up was slowly descending.

In Brooklyn, Greer's crimson sports car was parked in a street parking space on Brooklyn's Eighth Avenue. It was already late at night, and no one could be seen on the street, or at this point it was still wandering on the street. Yes, [-]% of them are not ordinary people.

The left and right car doors opened, and the two walked out of the car, holding hands naturally, and walked side by side towards the side door of Uncle Jimmy's restaurant. Daisy was still talking about going on a trip and wanted to taste the delicious food there You also need to bring a camera to take pictures of all the beautiful scenery you see.
Daisy's slightly excited voice was very loud in this silent night, until she pushed open the side door and walked into the restaurant, Daisy's voice became softer, but she still couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart, and pulled Gray tightly. Will's hand, saying that he would go sailing, surfboard or something in Saipan.

Since she can remember, she has been living in the "compound" of SHIELD. From elementary school, middle school, and high school, she has been studying in the school run by SHIELD for the children of employees, and all she sees is that small piece of world.I have never traveled abroad before. After all, as a child of an important S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist, I am worried that someone will be disadvantaged in China, let alone abroad. Now I am very happy to be able to go outside and play freely.

When Greer pulled Daisy into the stairwell and went upstairs, he realized that the light in the hall on the first floor was still on. Could it be that he forgot to turn off the light?But Uncle Jimmy is not such a careless person.

Pulling Daisy and walking over, he wanted to turn off the lights, but when he entered the dining room, Greer was stunned and stood there blankly, staring blankly at a person who was only three meters away, who looked so familiar , but extremely strange.

Greer, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly, causing Daisy to almost bump into Greer's back. With a little complaint, he said, "What's wrong? I stopped suddenly, I almost..." The voice stopped abruptly. Stop, because Daisy also saw Uncle Jimmy standing in the hall, but he was not wearing the perpetually greasy chef uniform, but a tight black uniform with shiny leather shoes, and a clear mark on his right arm and chest. Wearing the emblem of the eagle with wings representing SHIELD.

Ever since I met Jimmy Wu, I have never felt sharp and refreshing, but why does it look so dazzling?

(End of this chapter)

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